P a s « 8 P o rtlan d O bserver T h u rs d a y. S a p ta m b a r 20.1979 American State Bank Behind the Wall David Crawford 039830 Assistant Correspondent by Larry Baker 03502! O.S.P. Correspondent by Danny Arnegard 038348 A SUCCESSFUL REHABILITATION PROGRAM Yes, there is a successful rehabili tation program going on at O.S.P., which was initiated some eight years ago by representatives o f the Watch tower Bible and Tract Society. To date this program is here for those who wish to take advantage o f it. Rick Johns, Don Johnson, Dick Reynolds, Ken Davis and a host o f others oversee the spiritual welfare of inmates who are endeavoring to reform their past criminal lives. The worship o f Jehovah has been the motivating force behind the ac- vitities o f Jehovah’ s Witnesses at O.S.P. This work is conducted basically ihe same as in the 42,255 congrega tions in over 205 countries around the world. Meetings and Requirements: On Wednesday evenings a Theo cratic School is held, a course o f Bible instruction designed to increase a students Bible knowledge, as well as to improve his speaking abilities. Also features how best to talk about the B ib le ’ s message w ith fe llo w prisoners in O.S.P. The second and fourth Fridays there’ s a book study in the main visiting room, conducted by brothers from the local congregation for two hours. Saturday and Sunday mornings on the yard is a one hour Bible Study based on a current article from the Watchtower magazine. We exercise control over who at tends the in-prison meetings. Not just anyone can come, and there are reasons. Commonly inmates will join some group in hopes that by so doing they w ill be helped to get out o f prison soon. So, how do Jehovah’s Witnesses determine if an inmate is sincere, and so qualifies him to at tend? In most cases a Bible Study is con ducted with the inmate. Only if he shows genuine interest is he put on a “ call out.” But if he misses more than tw o meetings in a m onth, without good reason, he is dropped from unit "ca ll o ut.” Then he can attend meetings again only by proving his genuine interest over a period o f time. In setting forth these requirements we are imitating the fine example o f our brothers in the Angola State Prison in Louisiana. There are four baptised witnesses at O.S.P. and two others currently considering water immersion. Now, mind you, to be baptised as one o f Jehovah’s Witnesses a person must meet high scriptural qualifica tions. And individuals are screened to make sure they qualify. A person must be able to answer at least 80 basic Bible questions including, for example, the following: “ What is the Kingdom o f God?” “ What is God’s purpose for the earth?” “ What is the only scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?” ‘ ‘ W hy must lying be avoided?” “ W hat is the C hristians view o f drunkenness?” “ W hat does the Bible say about fo rn ific a tio n , a du ltery, sexual relations w ith another person o f the same sex, and other loose conduct?” “ May a per son who is engaging in such practices t ’EHO'.AHo at his medical records—or, for that matter, at Tucker himself. Because o f the P ro lix in , the muscles around T ucker’ s jo in ts inexorably hardened until his arms and legs were permanently paralyzed. Yet, even after his true cond itio n was diagnosed at the hospital o f the Medical College o f Virginia, Tucker was returned to the penitentiary where he was le ft, EACH J’H’ HAltS While they last ; > “ »T CHtNC CHANCE! DANISH SQUASH EA ONTARIO us. R and y Larson. M ic h a e l W e b b . D avid R o m o and K u rt G u rrin g ready fo r Bible S tu d y. be baptised?” The answer is no. Just recently, with the coopera tion o f the A ctivitie s Personnel, especially, C harlie Keaton, D .A . Versteeg, and Bud Chapelle and other staff advisors we’ ve been able to have our very first baptism ever inside the walls in May, and our first small but S p iritu a l enlightening assemble on August 31st, which con sisted o f approximately 50 people. This privileged o p p o rtu n ity provided by our loving, m erciful, Heavenly Father Jehovah God has, and w ill, serve to motivate a change. I Corinthians 6:9-11; Ephsians 4:22- 24. James Q. W ilson, professor o f government at Harvard University, in his book ‘ ‘ T h in k in g about C rim e,” showed what is needed. “ Wicked people exist,” he noted in claims the A C L U ’s National Prison Project, "v irtu a lly unattended and untreated in his paralyzed state for six months.” Tucker developed enormous bed sores which became infected and in fested w ith maggots. Eventually, back at the Medical College, Tucker underwent skin graft operations for the bedsores, and his hips were surgically removed. Genfer 284 7997 SEPTEM BER According to John Stambaugh the historical cycle of society revolves in the following manner: Society's progress from bondage to spiritual faith — from spiritual faith to courage—from courage to freedom—from freedom to abundance—from abun dance to selfishness (when the abundance reaches selfishness consider it a warning)—from selfishness to apathy—from apathy to dependency—from de pendency right back into bondage. While this describes the rise and fall of sociological civilizations, and in general lets us know where we are in this cycle, as a society, it also can be used to check our attitude toward our personal relationships. T w o Q uestions: 1. Where do you think our society is at this point in time? 2. Where do you FEEL you are within our society at this point in time? * INEAPPLES 39< IDAHO PEACHES 1518 N E KILLINGSWORTH I "The PRODUCE CENTER of PORTLAND' SA V I 50* PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 EXODUS 282-2216 FRESH HAWAIIAN SWEET & RIPE EXODUS d lu c a /ts w a /a n f "The Bank that integration built ’ ' IVITNESSes its final paragraph. “ Nothing avails except to set them apart from in nocent people.” This is true. But who can judge who is wicked and who is innocent? And then set the wicked aside per- mantly, but not behind prison bars? His word promises: “ For the upright are the ones that w ill reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut o ff from the very earth.” Proverbs 2:21-22. After that, people w ill be governed by God’s laws. Such laws will be en forced by a loving but firm govern ment, the one for which Christians have been taught to pray— God’ s Kingdom under Christ. How fine it will then be to live without any need for prisons, when everyone on earth can be trusted as a friend! (Matthew 6:9, 10) Should the UN look into America's prisons? (Continued from Page 1 Column 6) to evaluate what the drug might be doing to hirn. For seven days, at one point, he was isolated in a cell at the back o f the prison hospital and there was given large doses o f Prolixin— five times the prescribed amount—by un trained and unlicensed inmates w orking in the hospital. No s ta ff physician or psychiatrist even looked ___ 2737 N .E . U nion Now pardoned, Tucker is bound to a wheelchair fo r life . He did, however, win an unprecedented damage award o f $518,000— ten times larger than any damage payment ever received by an American prison inmate. He has to use it, o f course, to pay fo r his round-the-clock care and if it runs out before he dies, Tucker will be a ward o f the state again. In this case too, no one has admitted any respon sibility for what happened to Henry Tucker. Nor is what happened to him unique. As his lawyer, Stephen Ney, says, “ Who knows how many thousands o f human vegetables are sitting, right now, in institutio ns around the country? U ntil there’s a lawsuit, only the prisoners are look ing. W hat happened to Henry Tucker could have happened anywhere in this country's prisons.” Looking hard at America’ s prisons during the month o f August was an unprecedented team o f seven investi gators— all o f them international jurists. They were asked to conduct an independent probe o f possible human rights abuses in American penal institutions by three organiza tions that had filed a petition with the U nited Nations in December, 1978, asking it to investigate violations o f the human rights o f American prison inmates. Divided into fo ur groups, the seven interna tion al investigators conducted copious interviews in prisons throughout the country while also examining trial transcripts, a ffi davits, and court documents. They concluded that a “ clear prima facie case” exists o f human rights violations in American prisons, in cluding forced drugging and manifold abuses o f "behavior m odification" programs. The team has recommended a United Nations investigation, and it is possible that its report, now ap pended to the original petition, may reach the General Assembly floor. “ There is no question,” says Richard Harvey, one o f the jurists, “ that United States policy on human rights has had a salutary effect around the w orld. A ll the more reason, then, for its own abuses to be examined. Furthermore, if we can expose America’ s violations at this high a level at the U .S.— the first tim e any nation's human rights policies w ill have been this thoroughly dissected—there can be a breakthrough toward really focusing on what other nations are doing in their prisons.” A fter all, Jimmy Carter has em phasized that he wants the United States to lead the way in matters o f human rights. NO 1 DRY ONIONS „ asst . 16 ox. Pkg TOMATOES -O R - ZUCCHINI SQUASH 00 Choit» Kw 5M PACIFIC »«AND 3 :.J1 WATER CHESTNUTS 70< 7 CANNINO JARS M o fk Moton Rog with Udì LEAN MEATY SMOKED DOZEN *2‘* VALCHRIS : PICNIC HAMS ■ 8 7 ‘ I PRICES GOOD $59«: DEUCIOUS RED RIPE 10« 10< ZINETTI PASTA 25?.. ’/a HEN TURKEYS 5 lb. Avg OUR OWN BULK COUNTRY STYLE Ç SAUSAGE THRU SAT , SEPT 22, 1979 I 29 SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. S .l. UNION A OAK Come Today and SAVE! = EHEEa h o m e f u r n is h in g s fa m o u s , t o p - q u a lit y Whirlpool Autom atic Range Buy! Stock No. 10*140 WINDOW OVEN Loaded w ith quality features that make cooking a ¡oy and clean-up easy. SPILLGUARD cooktop has raised edge all around to help contain spillovers. Removable surface units and one-piece chrome reflector bowls also make for easy cleaning. Shop now and save on this qualify Whirlpool range. SPECIAL SMITH PRICE: 298 W ith tr a d e Off-Street Parking, Air Conditioned Shopping w e g iv e y o u m o r e . . . 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