Portland Observer Thq/sday, September 20.1979 Page 3 Cawthorne presents new 'Du Bois W illiam Edward Burghardt Du P>s was a writer, scholar, educator, and political activist. During his long life, spanning from 1868 to 1963, Du Bois marshalled all his tremendous talents to fight against the pervasive and s tiflin g effects o f racism , prejudice and second-class citizen­ ship. His life, ideas, and unusual con­ tribution are the subject o f an oral history program which w ill show at Portland State University’s Lincoln Hall Auditorium on September 28th, 29th and 30th. Oral History Programs, Inc., will present “ Du B ois,” a one-man show, featuring Herb Cawthorne as W.E.B. Du Bois. In addition to Cawthorne’ s perfor­ mance, the production will feature the combined talents o f Jeana W oolley, co-script w rite r and production manager; Richard Mof- fatt, writer o f the musical score and musical director o f the production; Chris Herrick, stage designer and stage manager; and Dave Morgan, production sound technician. The Love Congregation, a local choral ensemble directed by Jackie McHenry, w ill also provide choral support fo r the production under M o ffa tt’ s general direction. The idea o f oral history programs originated with Cawthorne, who first sought to recreate great Black in­ dividuals in his classrooms so that Black students could better ap­ preciate their heritage. Cawthorne’ s deep dedication to the value o f oral history comes from his experience as a teacher, both at the University o f Oregon and Portland State Univer­ sity, where he has proven that young people can be especially inspired to read and absorb someone's ideas if they first hear them presented orally. In its current form, the idea o f the oral history program is an attempt to make the ideas o f outstanding Black leaders accessible to both young people and adults who might not otherwise be motivated to discover them in books. "1 do this as an educator, not as an actor,” says Cawthorne. “ I ’ m An Open Letter of Invitation Dear Friends: « < 4 41 On September 28, 29 and 30, you are invited to enjoy an evening of dramatic history illuminating the life and struggles of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, the great Black thinker and political leader. “ Du Bois," an oral history program, will be an unforgetable experience. Last March, I first attempted to bring to Portlanders the greatness of Dr. Du Bois. Since that production, I have travelled to the Du Bois Archives at the University of Massachusetts, researching more thoroughly his life, reading his letters, and refining my understanding of his character. The program I hope you will come to see at PSU Lincoln Hall Auditorium is completely rewritten and rescored. The oral history program, which I have devoted the last seven years attem pt­ ing to perfect, is an outgrowth of age-old African customs. For centuries, African societies have transmitted the timeless wisdom of history through oral communication. The oral tradition has always been sacred. The idea of oral history programs is an extension of this ancient recognition of the power of the spoken word. For this reason, I hope you will mark your calendar and make it a point to be with us on September 28, 29 or 30. "D u Bois" will be an evening of entertainment, historical enlightenment, music and drama. You will k n o w Dr. Du Bois in a personal and truely unfor­ getable way when you leave Lincoln Hall Auditorium. Don't miss this oppor­ tunity to acknowledge the struggle of one of Afro-America’s finest sons. Be There. Learn. Carry On His Great Legacy. Peace, Herb Cawthorne "D u Bois" September 28, 29, and 30 PSU Lincoln Hall Auditorium, 8 PM Promptly Tickets Available Through Delta Sigma Theta Meier & Frank, Stevens & Sons, and PSU Box Office Delta Champaign Reception Opening Night, Free of Charge Paid Advertising Herb C aw thorne very concerned about the quality of the script, the organization o f the ideas, and the correctness o f the history we’ re presenting in these productions; that’ s why I decided to redo “ Du Bois.” in an earlier production this year, C aw thorne firs t attem pted to illuminate the greatness o f Du Bois fo r P ortland audiences. A fte r making a special trip last March to the Du Bois Archives at University o f Massachusetts to produce an educational film on Du Bois, he decided to completely rewrite and rescore the "D u Bois” production, using what he had learned there to im prove the program . He has redesigned the production using the writing talents o f Jeana Woolley and the musical talents o f Richard M of- fatt. The Morns Marks House 1501 SW Hornson Street Portland 97201 Telephone 2 2 7 -2 6 8 6 The newest effort w ill be unveiled at the end the month when “ Du Bois” plays at L in c o ln H all Auditorium. Tickets are being sold as a com­ munity service by the Delta Sigma Theater Sorority, Beta Psi Chapter, which has planned a champagne gala reception fo llo w in g the opening night performance. Tickets are also available for $5.CM) each at Meier and Frank, Stevens and Sons, and PSU Box Office. DES CONNALL Professional Corporation State of the Race set for Oakland The third Annual State o f the Race Conference will be held in Oakland on October 12th, 13th and 14th. The State o f the Race Conference is one o f the many programs spon­ sored by the Pan A frik a n Secre­ tariat. Among the speakers are: Ambas­ sador Paul Bomani o f Tanzania; Queen Mother Moore, elder, former member o f Marcus Garvey's Univer­ sal Negro Im provem ent Associa­ tio n , founder o f the E thiopian Womens A ssociation; Brother Chancelor Williams, elder, historian, author o f Destruction o f Black Civi­ lization-, B rother Ben Jochanan, historian, and noted w rite r; Dr. Frqncis W elsing, a respected, creative and ingenius psychologist; Brother Yemi Toure, revolutionary organizer o f the Pan A frikan Secre- tarist; Minister Louis Farrakahn o f the N ation o f Islam, and many, many others. In the Second Annual State o f the Race Conference, there were 36 in-depth workshops which included: discussions o f the current trend to ignore the input o f elders, the Pan A frik a n is t movement in Britain, health and n utrition , and more. A ll workshops revolved around the conference theme “ Moving Toward Self Reliance; O r­ ganizing in Our Communities.” The main p o litic a l c o n trib u tio n came from the people in mass, through workshops feed back, by nearly a thousand enthusiastic Black people, interested in organizing fo r the ultimate purpose o f liberation! This year, the Third Annual State o f the Race Conference will follow the tradition of being an inspira­ tional, educational forum o f Black thought and action, which involves Afrikan people from different parts o f the world. To date we have con­ firm ed John H endrik C larke, a noted historian and w riter; Haki M ad hu bti (D on L. Lee), poet, political activist, founder o f Third W orld Press and the Institute o f Positive Education; Reverend Daughtry, Chairman o f The Black United Front in Brooklyn; represen­ tatives from both the Patriotic Front o f Zim babwe (Rhodesia) and S .W .A .P .O . (Southwest A fric a n People’s Organization) o f Namibia, [Personalized & Custom Made Jewelry Jewelry/Watches/Diamonds Diamond Setting which opposes the last racist strong­ holds in A frika. From Britain there will be a representative from the Pan A frik a n Congress M ovem ent, to discuss the Pan A frikan movement in Europe. From the West Indies, a representative from the recently formed revolutionary government of Grenada will discuss the Pan Afrikan movement in the West Indies and how the C .I.A . is trying to surpress the re v o lu tio n a ry m ovement. Le Grand Cleage, a noted historian, will discuss the use o f ancient A frikan H is to ry in the Black Movement today. C .L.R . James has been in­ vited to speak on the task o f the in­ ternational Pan A frikan movement. Finally, a representative from the Pan Afrikan Secretariat w ill discuss strategies for Black liberation. The main speaker is only a minor part of the program. Between the main addresses, several workshops will be held to bet­ ter pool ideas and share in the analysis o f the lessons gained from our historical experiences. There will be workshops on the role o f the Black church, elders, youth, and the Black family. There will be a discus­ sion and p o litic a l evaluation the struggles in the 1970’ s, to enable scientific projections into the 1980’s. There w ill be discussions o f the social, political and economic impact o f the current recession that's rapidly becoming a depression, on Black people, the Black Liberation Move­ ment. The land base question, o f whether to wage a struggle for the liberation and possession o f Afrika, a state in America, or both? Most importantly and throughout the con­ ference, there w ill be workshops on O rganizing O ur C om m unities: Methods o f Theory and Practice. LEGAL CLINIC CONCENTRATING IN THE FIELDS OF: CRIMINAL LAW INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICANTS DOMESTIC RELATIONS WORKERS' COMPENSATION BANKRUPTCY PERSONAL INJURY WILLS - PROBATE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS CONSUMER PROTECTION If you have a problem that is not covered in this list, please cah and ask whether we can help. Chances are, we can. If not, we can recommend someone else for you to call. One way or the other, we want to see you get the kind of professional legal counsel you're entitled to. The best time to call us, or any attorney, is before you are embroiled in a legal problem. This is called preventative law and it makes a lot of sense. Regardless, when you call us we will arrange for an initial consultation at your convenience. Cost: $20. We probably can't solve anything in this meeting, but it is a chance for you to explain your particular problem and for us to give you some idea of what it'll take to reach a solution. If you want us to proceed, we'll give you an estimate of the fees you should plan on. In writing. S ift Interested in current books about African Liberation? PATON JEWELERS 4616 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 281-8801 ! Visit: JOHN REED BOOK STORE In the Defcum Building 519 S.W . 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor Or call: 227 2902