EDITORIAL/ OPINION 11 - 0n the move" The chairman of the Portlatld Public ~ r.u. VII ~ y committee to6d hll members at ttw first me91if IQ thss IChoo year, Trtle V11 11 on the mow tf rr11e VII had been on the mow. much of the current turmo OYef' ~ would be un- necessary The T • e VII committee hH the respons,bility of wnting the proposal tor the District s federal desegregation grant, over- Nelng the use of the funds and adviling the rr11e VII staff and the Oiltnct An alert Tit e Vt comm " " wou d have dilcoYered the abus,ve busing pract,cel whch led to the threat of a schoo boycott. They wou d haw rea aed that Black chkiren are IMdey scat- tered throughout the Otstnc:t's wtwte schoos on 1 hrt end mea ballS not designed to enhance the educationa opportuMiel of Black ch dren Of of any children This nformation WIS brought to the public by the community Coalrtion fof Schoo lntagratJorl not by the rrt1e VII committee An invotved Trtle VII committee wou id have D strict s d1sc1p ine po c es ega nst buaed Black children long before HfW came in and found the Oestrict n non-compliance They would know that many of their 'Tltie VII • schools Stl I d scipl ne Back chidren in a much mote harsh manner than they do whi1-. that the rab0 of Black suspens.ons n some of the 1ehoo.:s they supen,-ise IS beyond justification An active rrt1-e VII committee whould have reelaed that Bladt children were stand ng n the known the ~ rain, not allowed to go nto some school buildings to wart for thei" bu- They would have known that the students teceN ng r.ue VI compensatory education are progress ng at a rate s ower than that of the average D str ct student A. cu nous Tit e VII committN wou d have reeognaed the p,ob~ Identified by the B .ack Unrted Front and the Coe ltion ong before they read about them n the press. The cha rman praesed the committee for meeting dun~ the summer to respond to the BUF demands - sup- porting the BUF goats and many of rts demands To 1ts cred t the commimttN atso approved many of the Coa it on recommendat ons The p,ob4m is that th s comm nee not the B UF Of the Coalition , ahou d have brought these ~ and othera to the perentl and the pubic The T tie VII committN i1 an appointed CftlZent committee compoeed of ~ • • 1 1tati.- of organizations, parents end tNchera. Se\,e,al members have W"9d fof many yeen. In fair. nw. the time avatlable to membets ii limited and judging from the frustration auffered by other committees, r1a accea to tnfonnation-, IS mrted We do not ~ the interNt 0t the . . K:ef1ty of the members of the comminN, but it 11 there by federa regulation to protect the rights of Black ch dren and other children and it is t,ne that Trtle V I IS on the move., Protecting our rights Wh le the courts the Justice Department Ind the nation s press contemp&ated the meaning of the Ftrst Amendment. the Presa Connection" took the bu by the homl and printed a letter i. ng how to build a hydlogen bomb. 'The Prog,.111.-.e magazine and a Univ~ of Ca fom a student newspaper were under court injuc:tion orderi,,g theim not to print 9imilar material Throughout this debate over whether the government has the right of pnor rNtraint' '. the • ght to prevent the pub ication of material, the ma,or press organa.ations rema ned silent. Many feared ~ t ;t 'The Progressive· gnored the court order and nsisted on its cors1titutional right to pub ish that would ead to further rwtra1nt1 on the press 'The Progressive editors mainta ned that a of the nfOffflltion conta ned n their al"bcle was public Ind had been ga ned through public sources Furthermore noth ng n the article cou d en.ab~ a natio to bu d the bomb Thia could be aceomp shed on y by the h ghty advan- ced nat>ons and if they want the techno ogy they have it The rea Quest on 1 government secrecy and whether the ~ have the ~ht to know not onty lbOut the bOmb but about the technok)gy and economy that support it and the dangers thereof Our congratuatti~ to 'The Presa Connec- tion and 'The Progress ve Only through the bod actK>n of a feow w the coostitu~ ~hta of _., Americana be protected For co,lored Girls • I went to s« the kxaJ prodlld>OD of For Colored Guu and I •&1 all pruned to an my dcfcrua up to ban my stomach tied up an llltlc k.oou. and to • alk. awa) Wllh In) mucal toa,ue lubtn1 .u autbor wn.bout mercy as so man) commen- won ba~ done aaou the na1lOfl I came a••> DOl dcfawH. but pmzled t,y all the -"-m romplamu about tbt lbo'II I • as DOt koottcd up ID the stomach. b- fdt calm aDd tt-- lued "- onts of prauc •ere fredy lned to dclc:nbe ti. cYCIWll·s enter• t Alftmc'Dl Frukt,, I caa't '1Ddcr1laad wtw all the QOfflpMIDU: .. bu bcaa about It II DOC I DCPll\'C play TbeR bu bee!! too madl fuss o,,cr toO btUI r« too loat Produced bf the ~II llcpcrtory Tbaur wider the tasldul direc:boD of loaaaary ADal. and ruomna at the fine Cat.bD Gaba Caua for the Pcrfora1n1 Ans, For Colorwl Gtrls II an m,oyabtc product>OD whJdl b&I IJVCII \IS the CDCrfClK ID- tapts or ~ k •omai who wt W1lb ll&rt rabty abo ~ aDd ta. fed- iap. rdAU<)Q_c .. and upuabOm la card coordmalcd mo,,cmmu of ~ and habWII dlaqa, short aup poems arc spokm • IC!Ul- t,, e ,., sdom The pll)en •ere cn11&1DI, althouJb at times tberc • • and depth to I JOU111 cut, instead of peopc ,ettJnC all • u,ht abll • bicb Malcolm X lAUpl bes( of 111: ~Cf ecccp( the &maps t.bal D& c bee!! acated for ,ou ~ someo~ cbc It II always bet- ter to form the habit or ieanuna bo9 to we thJAp fOJ yollndf lmco for ,ounetf and tJlmt for ,oundf. tbal 011 arc better posn.JOD to ,!Adtc for,oundf Carolyn Easter one of tbc players •hose pcrformaacc adds C')C The artistry of For Colorrd Girts u the expres»OD of Stowe Shan,c's pocuc woccpbOC1 Al the wturt or cnusm 1DOW1tcd arou.Dd ber. perhaps 1bc fo11nd 10lace 111 Lanaston H111bn umcln1 mani- festo pnmed ID 1926: ··we youopr S~ro artist • bo create DO• in- tend to aprea ow lnd&Vldual dark st111Dcd HIYcs •1tbout fear or shame If tbc •bllc folkl 1ecm P'eufd. we an l1ad If they are DOl, doesn't matter. We know wc arc bca1111fw t;a1Y too. Tbc Tom-Tom ma and the Tom-Tom laups. If c:okJred peopc AN' pleued, WC an alad If tbcy arc aot, tbc,r . ~u.tt docsD' t matter atbcr 9- C build our temples for tomorrow, stroa, as • c tao• tbcm, and we stand on top or the mownam, free Wlth.&D ourteh-el •• Agostinho Neto 1923-1979 • A fnmd 8Dd I were talbQI dm put Sunday abotn me dcatti 1ast week of Pla.ade8' ~..-;nbo '-iao of Aqala. I bad decned die raa that tJm dcatb WU IO wiad) and my pal rnpoDded lritll tile qaesuo■: 'Tl'hm IS a demit l'Wer tiaetJ'' That c:aualy wu a llW' saaanau dcalh IS ~ amdy bul m Nao's cue I fiDd .,.., thinJtia, it was morr u. ciaetytbu-1. 8onl ID r'\lnl ~ ID 1923 to I fatbcr ~ •11.1 I '4ftbocbst p.c-:her and a modm molded mto die peren- ■J&I role of IM>alC'Wlfc tlaat most AfncaD ID0lbcn Ill co1oaJaJ Afnc:a fiad tllmucha strapped aa, Neto ,t, m buit» -..J lap iau:lea frca an earl, a,c So aadl so Ulal, after ccm.,_.. Im fduc:aoon m An,ola. be won a 1c:boanllip to ,o and RadJ mecbaDc ID Portapl. Aqo&a was tbcD I POrtqNM coloay Wb&IC ll\lldJml ID Ponupl. be fine became I D ~ ID pobbc:s and was ,mled for tm poboc:■I aamnea. He MW"Ded to An,o&a wbcft be pr■c:beed medaanc for a wtuic before lie was apm arrmed for pobnc■I ac- uv11m bat. be maaa,cd to escape from ,ail and became the ladcr of tbc tbai flcdaliq Popalar Mon- mmt for the Liber■t>oa of AAao&a t MPLA) The Ponqucsc had u- pioucd ....... (aloncwuhMoiam- blquc and GUI.- Bmau) for aimc.i 500 yc&rs ud, c"cn tlilou,b colotualu.a •u baa, o¥Crtllrowa throqboet Africa, the Ponupac demonstrated DO ludl -,Umpas 1 0 11 c up Anaola, Mozambique or Gwna Bwau la 19'9 thcrnorc. the \CPLA launcbed 1U loQa and bitter • ., or bberabon w1ldl Nhn!Nled ID tbc defeat or the Portquac ID 19"'5 llm Afnc::u ",aory o,-er the Por- tu.,uae qpaled an lillportallt tv.rn- 1111 pomt m Afnca's loat and bm.cr b&nlc a,a.uist cokxuAlrsm 'The TIC· loty WU, ~ . IOOll douded bf an equally bmcr LDtcrncaDC ICn,gic parun, Scto's MPLA a,ainst Jonas Sa \'UD bi's UN JT A t S&uocal U IUOll for tbc Total IDdcpcndc».« of Anaol&) and Holdctl lobcno's FNLA (Nauonal Froat for tbc L1bffauon of An1ola) Wb&lc f11buo1 tbc Portu111nc, tbc tbrcc sroups !\ad oftai dashed wbcm ocr they met t'locn tboap FSLA •as based ID the DCJl"lh 00IC to the Z,au-c border. usrr A to the IOU1h OCI t11c Samibwl border •llur the MPLA was CODCCDU'alcd IDOltly ID central Aqot. and aroud tbc c:apnaJ or Luanda Tlw MPLA has YUY cloldy allied • nb Moscow and folk>w1 a 10aA1at path. liNJT A and FNLA natwally IOUlbt a1ba ID the Vi est. 0unaa the aYII •v, the CIA f llDDded IDODC'7 to the two p-oups lhroup Zau-c 'The li s Senate bad Jllst passed tbc Clark &mCDdmnt wh>Cb fort.de the 1AM or Amencu troop ID Ally -V w1ldl the U S WU DOC foraaally at •ar South Mnc:a, whd WU Y'CrJ llWOUS t o ~ ■JI MPLA 1 ~ 1 from a111UD1 to powtr ID A.■ bec:aUlc the MPLA bad ahra11 been worma YUY doelty WJlb SV•APO, tbc N■-1b1u libttation movcmnt, invaded An,ola to aid UNITA. Tlw MPLA bad, bf 11w time. called OC1 Cuba for bclp and tbc Cubau 1e11t ancral bl&Ddred IDCII to bdp Neto out. la the battle tbai followed, tbc So11tll Afncuaa wen routed &Dd forced to retrcal bad la'OA the border UllO Naaubla. nm was a .., ant.ru. 1111 and laaailiauq Mtbacll for South Afnc:a. To daac, bcr m ~ mcnt 1n the clatabiliAttOII of tbc MPL\ p a w i . t.11 nana..l to tru!liq, equipp1n1, f'uauciq, trauponiq ud occuaou.Uy at...)'I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mabrmdlmtoA.QIOla r'aalUII L'NITA terronaa RTLAND OBSERVER 19tPIM:'9 ComrnumySer\'ICe bem ~ ~•• -== 17!!0:. - - C--·· - "--• ~ ~ o .. •aow - • - S..O~CfW19■1 • 11 ,,_._,. ~ mm I ~ - - .. _ I , ~ - lil,c:,9'W.....,......,_, _ __ _,,,._ ~ • ........,.,,.,oc,-_._. .... --■ct--~--- .,. . 213-2 ... .... ,. .. ..,. ............ _..., _ _ A lip • - fL If o: N tbac lcu days! V.'hat Neto JDhcrued from tbc ~ WU not an ecoaomy at all it .-u a sbambla 'The MPLA's 00ffcn were ,ua about nba»sted t,y the 12 year war Jut about all iadutry bad VoUDd to a bait and most or the P«- t u,uac •bo bad been runaiq &imc.i all eaenual lffVlCa had fled die COUt.r) Forc:ip ID\'cstmclll all but dned up 11w Umted States led a "-'esurn bo7c,att of the De'9 ,ovcm- maat, t.bw cffec:livdy sb11tua, off uy uatcruuoDal usutancc. All thar pramra were 1-1.,.,.-d to force Nelo to abudoa Im Marxist poticia aDd pursue a pro-,,_. nt approacb. 11w demand• -all IO fa, u to ldl ham to indudc blS two ardl enarucs, Savunbt and Robc:rto ID the ,ovcrn- mau if be •-a.nu Wesurn &Id Neto, bo•CTcr. st ■bbonaly refused to c:omp-oamc the rnolution fo, wluch _, !DUI) of blS counuymca bad 11vm tbar lins. lulcad, be pralcd OD wttll wtw be bad. cutna, corners but prcsllDI nabt on 'The -'a,o&am 11.Ddcntood and put up With the mn,tabic s.borta,es la nmc, anYCSton bcpn to come back Ont of the most wlddy pubhcizcd .-as Gulf, I company t.bal had lch I re-- ye.an bcf ore bec:awc n cowc1 not deal wub an a"o•edly 50Cialist resimc Seto look I fc- ",abs" fOJ letUJII Gulf reum1. ~vm her Iona b11tory of usoc1a11on • 1th 1bc cokMU&J oppreaor but. be apwned tbat tb11 • as p11re praamatum An,oLa Deeded Gulf to pump uw oil wml AICb a umc a.s An,olans .:an do it U>allldvu In the meanumc. be would swano- tw pndc lD the ID- la'CSU of feedJ.a, a bu.Din' Bation. Al an Afncan pr'O'lo-crb ,oa. 'Only I fooi wouJd .ct blS fuul) ~ e Just lO protec:t bu pndc. Bc:sada. arped Nao, Gulf .-a.s C011UD1 back w,dcr the terms l&5d down by the ,ovcrn- mait of An,oi& To th.ls da> the l,; S lt1ll ref uses to reco1n1zc tbe 1ournmcnt of AJlliCU C"al thoup Aa,oia U DOW a mcmbff of tbc OAU, tbc United Nauons. ,s rcco1n1ted by all of Afnca. mOSt of Laun America, tbc c:aribbean, Europe, the MMidlt Ea. the Far East and Australia. 'The Car- ter adauniltration .ay1 it will DCM rtc01D1Z,C the An,o&a loYcrmDCDt • Iona a1 Cuban troops remaia ia An1ola and An1ola counters by 1■YlDI that as loll& u South Africa COllUDUft to po" a threat 011 its IOUt.herD border, Aa,ola will maiD ber Cuban alba to bdp defend be territor,. This claim is DO( witbola foundation: in recent years Soutli Afnc:a 1w made a number of raids IDlO Aqo&a and ID 1971, bombed tlM Casunp mu,- camp, killina owe 800 •omm and cbildrcn, Thil yw alone, Anao&a claims to bavc lbOI down ci1bt South African plua KIil IDlO Anlo&a OD bombioa raida. Under Neto's ladenhip, AQaola bad auumed a major role ID die 00D- tinuin1 talks aimed at endiq the n.alcmare m Namibia. An,oLa ii uo one of tbc fin Front Linc stata womn, lO find a dutiOD lO the ll» dcsia.n dilemma. In the three short years 110cc independence, Aqola bad become one or the most impor- wn COUDuia ID Afnca and, UOGI with Mozambique, often leads lbe 'radical' ••DI of intra-Africa.a or11Dira•iiM.s. Aqola 1w pro,iicled botb SW APO or Namibia and ZAPt: (Zimbabwe Afncan Peoplca Uoioo) of Zunbabwc and the ANC or South Africa wttb bua, trainilll facilities, financial suppon some- umcs and plenty of moral S\lpport. With Seto aone-bc d.Jed or eu>- cer an Mosco• last •eek, be a.llo bad cirrhosis of tbc liver and hepatitis-the maJor question ii: '"-llitbcr DO•, Aqola!' IDCbcatiom at the moment arc it is wilikety there will be t.bal much cbaa,c ID Aqola's fora,n or domestic policies. He bad built the MPLA into such a 1tro111 orprut.at&Oll, wittl spec:iflC objec:li¥a and, ll IS l&f c to J&Y thal, thoe will be carried throuab by bis suc- ceuor(s). Hi• toucb • ill, of couuc, be IDWUll; bis exuberance, mtbusium, eloquence, determination and bis uruquc leadership capabilitia - . the lepq be hu lift will cusbiolP' these loua somewhat. 'Son of Africa. wc salute ,ou!' & · w,.,,, .• ,, ... PIIOTICT YOUII Thia ,AY WIIICLY PREO - Fast 01 MONTHLY N FITTED - ' ~i••-e• lW. lr• 1 Y•mlailJ ... NO INFatSJ • ,o ■ TlAND 221-1200 .__o.....~ - POWTt.,,o I) .... ~'8-:ll M. lh.Y-OI IIGl ■ f l!IIAlfl lflt> - 01 • 1111~ Dill ,.....,. ....... c.... ,.__ still ••• $001 :,er,a,c,.-.----- Pi••· ■ ..... u .... ,.__ _ ~~ltM 01ec.n•,u._~ WnJ, the Soatb Afnca.C1A . . . aored cm1 war owr, Neto hlnled lO tbe more 1&r1nt tuk of tryiq to ,_ PIM:'9 rebulJd I ll■bOa oat of lbc 1111DS left a.tAdAaufta bf lbc two wan. He offend an olr\lC ONPA 1973 bruc:b to fonDlr UNIT A &Dd fNLA supporters ._, ..,_ to .,. don WI Place tbcir arms ud come JOi ■ i■ tbc a-t~ reconsct11CtJOG of Aqola. n.o.p ONPA 1973 boo bead terrorilu, SaY1alri ud Robtno, toed to make a tribal 1t11at HOf10tab11Mel111011 Hemdi ErcM,c,-_, Awsd of Aaloi'I polibc&I "cliffttDCa," llitfllA 1'73 Milo's nauor bwkfi■I prop-am bat bea luply AICICellfal &Dd today, l,1ffT Aud fNLA arc aD ltlul clt8d It • aaly 5oatlt Afnc:aa 80MJ tJtaa • • • UNITA alloet. Siac:etM ONPA 1'73 ... ~ oei.r.e, , Y'CrY loup cootie tbouab, but tbcll, ~ -•t c:apcncDCUll the piDc:b ID l ■ppOII MCWWWAaaoiaud l.ain.f'N'LAftDdslllelflPiebcMuy bua or llDblt awtna.1 or moral ......, 1'1le ...,_y ... ~ to be a ~-------------------- ' Subscr,i be Today $7.60 per year-Tri-county $8.00 per year-Other I I I I I NAME = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' tf ADDR!99 aTY - - - - - - - S TATE _ _ _ _ z,p - 1 213-2416 I I Melto: Por1land Obawr P.O. Box 3137 I ~-----------------~-~ Portland. ONeon f720I I