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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1979)
Page 12 P o rtlan d O b s erver T h u rsd ay. S e p te m b e r 20. 1979 Cole quits Harlem Globetrotters by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. When the Harlem Globetrotters open the 1979-80 basketball season wit their theme song “ Sweet Georgia Brown," one player who will not be clow n in g, spinning balls on his fingers, and keeping the crowd in laughter is Portland's Ron Cole. Cole, a 1974 graduate o f Jefferson High School, and a member o f the Demos slate championship team in 1972 said from M att Dishman C om m unity Center in Northeast that, “ obtaining a Master’s degree is the most important goal in my life at this moment." The former All-American (1977- 78) at the University o f San Diego continued, “ I sustained a injury last season that really made me think about the future, I became aware o f how insecure I was as an athelete.” Degreeless at the tim e. Cole decided to return to San Diego where he completed the required courses in summer school and earned a B.S. in Business Administration. "G oing back to get my degree was the best move o f my life,” said the 24-year-old. "Pursuing a graduate degree will be even a better move.” “ Sugah,” as he is called by fellow Trotters also said, "M u rp h y ’s law says what can go will go wrong, so I want to have education as an ace in the hole, just in case the law tries to get into effect.” Cole plans to secure a Masters in IS m onths at the University o f San Diego. Last season Cole played in 283 out o f 306 games with the Trotters as a rookie while touring the U.S., Spain, France, Denm ark, H o lla n d , and Sweden. “ It's beautiful to receive so much international exposure at such a young age,” said Cole. “ I learned a lot about other cultures and myself.” How do you feel as a role model? “ I have to always be conscious because people are always looking at me, especially the youngsters.” Cole, like many Black athletes, Sports Talk Ji by Ron Sykes Sports Editor It isn’t a question anymore as to which center in the NBA is most valuable. W ith the commissioned decision on compensation to Port land fo r losing B ill W alton, the Commissioner has virtually declared no contest between Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Bill Walton. After many months and much frustration Com missioner L arry O ’ Brien awarded Portland the following: 30-year-old veteran guard Randy Smith, a back up center. Kevin Kunnert and stron gman 6 ’ 8 ” fo rw a rd Kerm it W ashington, plus a 1980 d ra ft choice. Also San Diego has an option to pull one player back and give the Blazers a 1981 first round choice. Must believe that San Diego is the winner here. When Jabbar decided to leave M ilw a u kie fo r the smog o f L A . . . L A gave the Bucks h a lf a franchise, and all quality players. Now the trades begin. Don’ t be surprised to see many new faces on the court wearing the fam iliar red and black. It ’s a known fact that the Blazer org an izatio n is peddling Lionel H ollins and Maurice Lucas, their two all-pro players. Jack Ramsay, fo r some strange reason, prefers Dave T w ardzik over the much superior Hollins. Ramsay buildeth and Ramsay destroyeth. I t ’ s been said in the past that given time Ram say would destroy a team. And it ap pears now that he’ s well on the way. There w ill be again this year a good player cut to make room for Larry Steele. Portland’ s highly-touted number one draft choice Jim Paxson is on a guaranteed contract and must stick with the team as is Steele. So now Greg Bunch, Stan Eck wood and Abdul Jeelani, all better than competent player—Steele isn’t— will have to scrap for a spot on the roster. Realistically only one w ill have any chance o f sticking. Is Spartacade over yet? Don’t give up on the Ducks who lost to a good Michigan State team ....R em em ber they’ re young and good but prone to a few mistakes. Trailing 20-17 in the third period they allowed MSU to break o ff a 101 yard kick-off return that broke their backs. Look for Oregon to rebound to beat the highly rated Huskies in Eugene this Saturday. Whatever happened to Shaler Halimon? Shaler is now working and residing in the Portland area. I fundamentals about the game. “ I ’d like to do great things for the Portland community once I finish my career, because there are so many people who helped me along the way as a youth. I love this city and it’ ll always be home for me.” J Cole says that he has no inten tion o f playing basketball in the NBA, or with the Trotters again af ter completing his education. “ I ’ ll probably go over to France for a few years since I have a good friend Carl Byrd (another former Demo stand out who starred at C a lifo rn ia - Berkeley) is over there.” I J RON COLE works out at Matt Dishman Center every day as well as teaching the kids Remember the Saturday night massacre? Well, look for the Blazers to have one shortly after Friday night’ s opener in Minneapolis. The best comeback in pro basket b a ll. . . Lionel H o llin s , a fte r su f fering a knee injury and a relatively poor season last year. Guard Stan Eckwood, fast and a good shooter, looks like the sleeper o f this year’ s Blazer squad. I L iv in g lo o lo n g a n d 2 D y in g f g o in g b r o k e lo o t o o n a n d le a v i n g youi fa m ily b r o k e C lifford J. Campbell, Jr. | A G E N C Y M A N A G ER I tax CONCEPTS INTERNATIONAL shelters savings (^ 3 & retirement plans , insurance j 2 8 8 -3 4 4 6 STOP LOOKING BUY TOMORROW'S SECURITY FOR YOUR FAMILY TODAY Best inner-city prep running back appears to be Jerome Thompson o f Grant, with Jefferson’ s Pierre White a close second. My pro football ratings: 1. Pitts burgh; 2. D allas; 3. M ia m i; 4. Houston; 5. New England. New 3 and 4 bedroom homes with or without family rooms in Vancouver close to 1-5 and 8 minutes from Interstate bridge. Include 2 baths, double garage, brick fireplaces, range, dishwasher, garbage disposal, w /w car pets. All are energy efficient with 10 year Home Owner's Warranty. Cash price for 3 bedroom with 1036 sq. ft. would be $47,000, 10% Annual Per centage Rate with 360 monthly payments at $412.46 principal and interest plus estimated taxes and insurance. The Steelers are awesome, they have all the ingredients—defense, o f fense, speed, power—everything. Ladies, interested in eight ball? Cleo's offers a tournament every Tuesday evening with prizes and all. Anyone interested should contact Luther Strong, tourney director at 284-7150. Veterans move-in for $100.00, FHA purchaser's move in approx. $2,650.00. HERMITAGE REALTY, INC. g j 4715 St. Johns Rd. Vane.. W A 98661 Vane. 694-8577 Ptld. 223 8229 " ""4 Y "" ” OVER 200 SUPER SAVERS WEEKLY (Not Advertised) M y welterweight ratings: 1— tie between Roberto Duran and Sugar Ray Leonard; 3— Pipino Cuevas; 4— W ilfre d o Benitez; 5— Tom m y Hearns. Tom m y Hearns, out o f Detroit, just may be the best. A t 6’ 1 ” he poses a real problem to all. The N C AA All-Am erican base ball team was all white, confirming the belief o f many pro scouts that the best Black athletes are directing their attention to other sports. Battle o f the B a y s ...w o n by Tampa Bay over Green Bay. The Bucaneers, 3-1, on the season easily out distanced the Packers. John McKay is now receiving dividends on his investment in G ram bling’ s ex great Doug Williams. I f the set shot ever returns, Larry Steele would be all pro. Crum m y-prep-gam e of the week Adams vs. Jefferson. Adams a fte r losing 2-0 and J e ff being mauled by a much bigger Oregon City team 41-12, will square o ff at <»<> Coke or Tab d a y tim e 60s reshing! 16-oz. Bottle Ex-Absorb Convenience 8*1 ©Torino's Pizza © C ake Mixes j©Jell-Well Gelatins *■•14. R in a t 12 la 1 2 3 -a i. M rt. Wright'« A iterted, 1 ( ^ -e t. A ite rte d Flayer« J -a i. $!■• ©Rice-A-Roni © Potato Chips © J oilet Tissue 88* 59* 6,J1 A««td. Varilla« A-25 - S -ei. Rkg. P a rty P rid e 9-o z. Box Scettkiwy Anortad Celer» You g e t m o r e to e a t th a n ju s t c a r r o t s tic k s . W e ig h t W a tc h e rs a llo w s y o u a l l th is fo r lu n c h ! The Eating Plan is fa m o u s a n d it w o rk s 1 But it's o n ly o n e p a rt o f th e c o m p le te P rogram . For WBGHT d e ta i Is, ca 11: WATCHERS The A u th o rity Ovenjoy Bread W hile er Wheal 73 .5 ««. Leaf Chuck Roast Blade Cel (Chuck Sleek lb. *1.01) Save S0< lb. 98 Fancy Bananas Ne. 1 fruit Tour le it Fruit Buy Cherry 5 S1 ToitldtOeS LOCAL CLASS LISTING Thure. 7 00pm NORTHEAST PORTLAND M A R A N A T H A CHURCH 1222 NE Skidmore Set 9 X em HOLLADAY PARK HOSPITAL 1225 NE 2nd Ave 3ldg No. 1 5th Floor Solarium Thure. 4:00pm CARPENTERS HALL 2225 N Lombard St Mon 7 00pm Thure. 9 X em 12-01. Franks Ï K Æ 89* lieg of Pork »’I 5* (Beef Rib \ *1 P. l i l t She for Solad«. Snack« Pint Cap ™e 49 28 ©Tomato Juice 59* ©Tom ato Catsup ’JLTrr 3 „ J1 ©Croon Bean t r 3 -8 9 *• Wesson Oil ***£X#" $27’ © S affola Margarine 79 © 4 0 % Bran Flakes »fw © Chili with Beans 59 ©Steinfeld Dill Pickles P ric es E ffe c tiv e W e d .. S e p t. 19 th ru S e p t. 25. a t S a fa w a y In P o rtla n d . 99' Tuee.. ÍQ O S A H W A T COUPON (>□ E v e ry th in g you w a n t Croma store Redeemable thru Sept 25 1979 eoe anda r Inform ation call COLLECT Portland IBO3) 287 1021. W eekday« - I X S X wT*TTHVS»M 3\RA'AVeLa^0¿!.?AKOSWNeR UmH} 2,.88* 49* 4X59* Safeway Fresh Breads Save 17' la . (Nuntng Home) Ij-tfteeedw "1 S afeway Safeway AOs Good 7 Days JO IN W EIGHT WATCHERS’ NOW ! W H A T HAVE YOU G O T TO LOSE? EM ANUEL HO 8PITAL 280' N Lientenbeln Emanuel Ee»t Boom 8 1 * | J MONEY “ Sugah's” advice to youngsters is simple— " I f athletics is your thing, do it well but please have something to fall back on just in case that dream doesn’ t pan out. D on’ t let athletics use you, use it to travel and go to school free. And stay away from classes lik e basket weaving— i t ’ s to o com petitive out here in this w orld,” he added. Jeff Friday night. Pick the Demos by 35 points. Adams needs a whole new team, while J e ff could use a few more Pierre Whites, Marshall Haskins and Gerald Jessies. financial planning fok life s two greatest risks SAFEW AY Qaantitiei limited le Belali Qaantitiei Only little bit more. PANTY HOSE Safeway Control Top Aagulaf or Queen Sue Limit 3 Par per Coupon SAFEW AY C O U P O N V A LU E 30* Off Reg. Price 1