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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1979)
Portland Observer JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities Manual dexterity neces sary to handle and mani pulate equipment, sup plies and materials. Will train. $4 31 an hour. Food Service Attendant O n c u ll. te m p o ra ry ca fe te ria w o rk m a ila b le In ith day and s h i p H id P rio r experience in food p re p a ra tio n and m - i > in g help tu l These jo b s can lead to perm a n e nt p ositio n s Keypunch Operators W e have im m e d ia te perm anent o pe n ing s tor s w in g s h ift K e y p u n c h O p e ra to rs F o rm a l k e y p u n c h sch oo ling o r e q u iva le n t w o rk experience re q u ire d F a m ilia r ity w ith 129 IB M ca rd punch or In fo re x key to disc desira b le Part Time Assembler P a li tim e p o s it ions a va ila b le to r electronic a ssem b ly w o rk . G ood vis io n and th e a b ility to do d e ta ile d w o rk re q u ire d . T ra in in g w ill be provid e d W ill p e rfo rm d iv e rs ifie d cle rica l, s ta tis tic a l, s k ille d d u tie s A ve ra g e ty p in g a b ility re q u ire d Secretary W ill p e rfo rm advanced secretarial, ste n o g ra p h ic and cle rica l d u tie s T w o years s e c re ta ria l tr a in in g o r experience re q u ire d A b o ve avera g e ty p in g a b ilit y , and sh o rth a n d o r tra n s c r ip tio n s k ills necessary B e n e fits inclu d e lib e ra l insurance and re tire m e n t p ro g ra m s, e du ca tio na l s u p p o rt and p r o fit sh a rin g plan A p p ly a t T e k tro n ix In d u s tria l P a rk o r w rite to : T E K T R O N I X . IN C . P 0 B o x 500 1». B e a v e rto n . O R 97077 A n equal o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo ye r rn f. Tektronix TYPISTS LIKE TO TYPE FORMS? If you can type 50 wpm we will train you in a specialized field. Good salary and fringe benefits. Excellent working conditions. Call Mrs. Flaschner, 224 8580 about our Policy Typist positions. SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES Equal Opportunity Employer M-E A SECRETARIAL-CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES Positions open immediately for individuals pos sessing good typing, or typing and shorthand skills. Salary commensurate with experience, as well as an excellent benefit program and oppor tunity for advancement. Candidates should apply in person or call 243-4359. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT 920 SW 6th, Portland, OR. | M lli The People at Pacific Power Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEER DISCOVER FPS INNOVATORS « Make a personal impact in our young dynamic company engaged in sceintific computing-array processors. TEST STATISTICIAN To perform statistical analysis on data base from test reports. Publish reports that will enable us to evaluate procedures, methods and cost effective ness of Test Dept. Must have math (statistics) degree and/or work as stastitician for 2 years For immediate consideration contact Kathy Hubener 641-3151 ext 159 Or send confidential resume to PO Box 23489 OR 27, Attention Kathy Hubener, Portland, OR 97223. An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H CZD FLOATING POINT SYSTEMS. INC Apply between 9am 2pm Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center 2183 NW Northrup /I n Equal Opportunity __Employer_____ SPORT SHACKS INC. E xclusive Franchises now available in Oregon. Join the multi billion dol lar sporting goods indus tries with a Sport Shack Franchise. Start your business right at your home, part-time, full-time, and/or open a Sport Shacks Store. Clerk Typist .SAFECO MATERIAL SERVICE CENTER All Shifts Responsibilities include: decontamination, clean ing, assembling and ste- ■ rilizing all reprocessable supplies Distribute ste rile and non sterile sup plies throughout the hos pital $1500 m inimum Fran chise fee depending on the population of area. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY As a leading company in the kidney dialysis indus try, B D DRAKE WIL- LOCK employs approxi mateiy 300 people in the Portland m etro po lita n area. Employment opportuni ties at B D DRAKE WIL- LOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to demon strate their ability to ac cept increased respon sibility. An Equal O pportunity Employer, B O DRAKE WILLOCK encourages all interested job appli- I cants to inquire direct through the Industrial Relations Department. Also employment oppor tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser vice. MEDICAL RECORDS INSURANCE CLERK: For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general, contact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, or phone 248 4001 RELEASE OF INFORMATION CLERK: Form Bid Projects presently advertised: Processes request for release of info contained in medical records received from insurance com pany, health and welfare agencies, physician and patients, 2 years experience in medical records or comparable academic experience. Typing 50-60 wpm. TUMOR REGISTER ASSISTANT: Assist with tumor clinic and the maintenance of the tumor registry. Must have knowledge of medi cal and pathology terminology, anatomy and physiology Typing 50-60 wpm, preferred experience with a tumor registry. EVENING & WEEKEND SUPERVISOR: Responsible for evening and weekend operation of the Medical Record Dept., assist the director in achieving departmental goals and objectives Medical records experience, A.R.T. preferred Please apply Personnel Office EMANUEL HOSPITAL 2801 N . G a n te n b e in P o rtla n d , O R 97227 An Equal Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer FARWEST WAY ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. PROOF OPERATORS Immediate full time and swing shift with variable hours open for Proof Op erators in downtown lo cations. Will train per sons w ith 10-key skills. Benefits include: free parking and cafeteria fa cilities. Minimum start ing salary $600 month + 9% night shift differen tial. Excellent employee bene fits and pleasant working conditions. W hy take just any job whan you can start a career with FIRST? Apply in person 10am-2pm Mon thru Fri. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON 1300 SW 5th 13th FI. An Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process. Prepares insurance forms for billing patient and insurance companies. One year experience in coding and abstracting using H .'I.C .D .A. pre ferred. Must be graduate of a credited medical re cord technician program. Typing 50-60 wpm. B D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 1503)659 3355 RNOR NURSE PRACTITIONER Over 600 Sport Shacks Federal family develop Franchise owners in 40 ment demonstration pro states are part of a sy gram serving low income families with infants and stem that: • Doesn't require inven toddlers has an opening for a family health advo tory. • Has factory direct prices cate; candidate must with over 200 sporting have RN or PNP w ith experience in community goods manufacturers. •Provides central Sport health and pediatric nursing. Closing date: Shacks Inc. buying. •Provides central Sport September 17, 1979. Ap ply: Parent Child Ser Shacks Inc. billing. • Has many other Fran vices, 2710 NE 14th Ave., chise support systems. Portland 97212. Phone: For more inform ation 284 6267 A n Equal Opportunity write: Employer SPORT SHACKS INC. Birch Lake Professional WE RE LOOKING FOR Building, PEOPLE WHO LIKE 1310 E. Hwy.96 PEOPLE White Bear Lake, We subscribe to the old Mn. 55110 fashion idea that by keep Or Call: 612 426-0072 ¡ng our employees happy CITY OF PORTLAND we'll also keep our cus CETA PLANNING tomers happy. We begin DIRECTOR by looking fo r people $23,587 approx, year who are helpful and Administrative position friendly by nature. Then, in the Training & Em we offer them good sal ploym ent Division re laries, excellent benefits sponsible for the plan and pleasant w orking ning, coordination, de conditions. velopm ent and im ple mentation of policies, sy Interested? We need stems, and procedures people in these positions involving the formulation right away. of service objectives, budgets, labor market in TELLERS formation, performance Requires 6 months cash monitoring, and cost ef handling experience + fectiveness analysis of all light typing skills. Posi CETA programs for the tions available in our City. Extensive know G A T E W A Y , L LO Y D ledge and skills in man CENTER and RALEIGH power research and plan HILLS offices. Outstand ning that includes needs ing training program. assessment, goal formu lation, development of PART TIME TELLERS comprehensive program Requires 6 months cash plan, perform ance re handling experience + view, compliance moni light typing skills. Hours toring, corrective action, will vary. Positions avail preparation of grant ap able in our OREGON p lic a tio n s , c o n tra cts, CITY, WOODSTOCK, budgets and manage LAKE GROVE and MAIN ment supervision over a OFFICES. Outstanding staff of employees. training program. APPLY Portland Civil Service Apply in person. Person Board nel D ept., FARWEST 510 SW Montgomery St. FEDERAL S A V IN G S , Portland, OR 97201 421 SW 6th, Portland, No later than Friday, OR. September 28,1979. A n Equal Opportunity An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H /V _____ Employer_____ IT'S THE RESEARCH ASSISTANT UNCLASSIFIED Fixed-term, one-year po sition as Research Assis tant Unclassified in che mical silviculture research. Assists in research on ecological and silvicul tural e ffects of herbi cides in Pacific N orth west forests. Available November 1, 1979. $12,000/annum . M .S. (completed or near com pletion) in chemical silvi culture or ecology re quired. Send letter of ap plication, curriculum vi tae, transcripts, and three letters of reference by October 15, 1979 to: John C. Gordon, Head Dept. of Forest Science School of Forestry Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action Equal Employment Op portunity Employer and complies w ith Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Invitation to Bid BID NO. 28 29 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Furnishing Nuisance Abatement Services for N. Portland Service District Labor, Materials & Equipment for Slope Stabilization at North End of Portland Civic Stadium 10/04/79 09/27/79 PUBLIC NOTICE Request for Proposal (RFP) are being solicited by the Regional Planning Council of Clark County for the preparation of a Transportation Development Plan, TDP, for Vancouver Transit Systems and a Public Transportation Benefit Area, PTBA^ Feasibility Study for Clark County. The Regional Planning Council as the MPO for the Clark County portion of the Portland/Vancouver S.M.S.A., will be coordinating the completion of the TDP and PTBA Studies. It is anticipated that in addition to the selected consultant, Tri Met and MSD will contribute to the completion of the study. Copies of the scope of work for the Transportation Development Plan and the Public Transportation Benefit Area Feasibility Study along with instruction for submitting proposals can be obtained by contacting Mary Legry, Regional Plan ning Council, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, Wa. 98663, (206) 699 2361. Proposals to be eligible for consideration must be received in the Regional Plan ning Council Offices, at 1408 Franklin Street, Vancouver, Washington, by 5:00 p .m. on October 1, 1979. OFFICE SECOND SHIFT CLERICAL 4 5-6-8 hours per night, 5 days per week, 5PM to 1:30 AM. Full benefits package with profit sharing after 2 full months of employment. Applications accepted between 9 and 1 week days. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 6 2 0 -4 3 8 3 An Equal Opportunity Employer OREGON STEEL MILLS Career Opportunities. Expansion and pro motions have created the following immediate openings: ELECTRICIAN DUTIES. Inspect, repair, install, adjust and maintain plant electrical systems and equip ment, EXPERIENCE: Min. 4 yrs. experience in AC-DC control circuits, heavy industrial equipment, large motors and trouble shooting, STARTING WAGE: $10,206 + incentive pay ($2,553) and applicable shift differential (22C or33C). WELDER DUTIES; Fabricate parts, cut and weld to repair and modify plant machinery. EXPERIENCE: Min. 3 yrs. shop experience, incl. welding machines. Must be able to read blue prints, and use a variety of rods in all posi tions, knowledge of hard and alloy steels. STARTING WAGE: $9,946 + incentive pay ($2,431 and applicable shift differential I22C or 330. M ACHINIST DUTIES: Able to perform layout work; operate all types of heavy lathes; uses milling planer with 16 ft. bed; work with close tolerance,- dismantle, fit and assemble machine parts. Will also be required to interpret blueprints and occasionally make sketches. EXPERIENCE: Min. 3 to 4 yrs. as a mainte nance machinist in heavy industry. STARTING WAGE: $9,998 + incentive pay ($2.51) and applicable shift differential (22C or 330. In addition to starting wage, all jobs also offer excellent company paid benefits program. Ap plicants must be available to work all shifts. If interested, call Employment Manager at (503) 286-9651 ext. 392 or send resume or a statement of employment history to: Oregon Steel Mills P. 0 . Box 2760 Portland, Oregon 97208 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 a m. Portland Day light Time, October 1, 1979, Portland, Oregon 97202, attention Ms. Nancy Hood, Planning & Development Division. Bids will be opened at that time for: Furnishing 14,600 gallons of ethylene glycol antifreeze to the following Portland, Oregon, locations, or to any other location in the Portland area that may be required during the term of the contract. This will consist of 4,000 gallons of bulk and 3,300 gallons in 55 gallon drums delivered to both 9800 S.E. Powell Boulevard and 4100 S.E. 17th Avenue. Delivery shall be in the manner prescribed in the specifications. Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Op portunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not discrimi nate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in consideration for contract award. The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for Bidding may be obtained from Nancy Hood, Associate Contract Officer, Planning b Development Division at (5031 238-4802. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANS PORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Paul N. Bay, Executive Director _____________________________ Planning and Development WORD PROCESSING TYPESETTER Full or part time. Interest OPERATOR Individual must have ing and varied position excellent gram m atical for accurate typist. Must skills and take personal have good spelling and pride in workmanship. grammar. Some public Min. 1 year experience and phone contact. Du or demonstrated ability ties varied. Call Person in operation of word pro nel 283 2486 cessing equipment, pre - | An Equal Opportunity Employer ferred IBM Mag Card II and document printer. GIVE Typing 65 wpm. Excel KEYPUNCH I Opening with North Pa lent hours and employee Praying for financial HELP to get our church off the c ific Insurance Com benefits. Call 225-5272 ground and into motion. for appointment. pany for a person with 1 All donations GRATE BLUE CROSS year experience on the FULLY accepted and OFOREGON IBM 129 and the CMC prayed over. Will acknow 100 SW Market key to tape. Excellent ledge all. Send all dona Portland, OR 97201 benefits. Cedar Hills lo tions to: Universal Life An Equal Opportunity cation. Call Personnel Church, c /o Rev. Julius Employer 8:30-4:30, 643 7661. 0. Snowden, P.O. Box A n Equal Opportunity 3767, Eugene, OR 97403. Employer NURSING Aides b Orderlies, part time b full time, all shifts Benefits included. Certi fied $3.30 hr, uncertified $3.00 hr, training pro gram with pay. Contact Shelley, Raleigh Care Center, 6630 SW Bea verton H illsdale Hwy, Mon-Fri 10-4. 292 4488 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd. 4th and