Page 10 Portland Observar Thursday. Septem ber 20. 1979 DIRECTOR Urban League Finan­ cial Affairs. Plans, d i­ rects, implements gen­ eral funds and govern­ ment grants. Supervise staff Experience re­ quired Salary $18,000 2 0 ,2 0 8 D e a d lin e : 9/30 79. Urban League, 718 W. Burnside, Rm. Train for Careersl | typing Et 10-key skills. • Airlines • Travel ’ Requires good organiza- | tion & comm unication Agencies • Cruise skills. Excellent benefits | Lines including transportation SOCIAL WORKER Two openings. MSW re- |L quired. One in mater- I In only 3 months you could nity services and 1 in J be on your way to an ex adoption and community citing career • Reservation organization in relation 1 • Customer Service • Ticket to m aternity outreach ■ Agent. outside the Portland Academy representative to area Apply Boys & Girls 1 be in your area soon Call Aid Society, weekdays ■ collect or write today! 9-5,222 9661. J Employer International Air Academy subsidy. For further in- formation call 243 1888 or apply Mon-Thurs, 9am-1pm. EQUITABLE SAVINGS 1300 SW 6th Portland, OR 97201 All qualified applicants considered regardless of race, religion, age, sex, national origin or handi- cap. SECRETARY 400 E. Evergreen Blvd. Vane., WA 98660 (206) 695 2500 Tool and Die M aker ADDRESS Manufacturing STATE PHONE Tektronix, Inc., has an immediate need for a Tool and Die Maker on day shift with a minimum of three years’ experience as a general machinist or two years' experience as tool room machinist or equivalent Responsibilities include building new plastic molding dies and related tooling per drawings, sketches, and or verbal instructions Other responsibilities will include modifying, repairing and rebuilding plastic molding dies to meet current specifications for production parts May modify existing tooling to add new parts capability Experience in all machine operations including EDM, heat treating, grinding and polishing is desirable Salary is commensurate with background Benefits include educational support, insurance and profit sharing program Send resume and sulary history to Candy (.’lark, MS OH 546, Tektronix. Inc . P.O. Box 500, Beaverton. Oregon 97077, or apply in person to our Vancouver Employment Office at 3000 U wis and ( ’lark Hwv. between the hours of H 30a m to 11:00a.m., Monday and Wednes day, and 12:30p m to 3:30p.m. Tuesday An equal opportunity employer, m /f/h c. Tfektronix n in r iiiu jiiiN Senior Investment Analyst We are an electronics manufacturing company seeking a senior investment analyst with a minimum of five years’ experience in investment analysis This position has responsibilities of developing and documenting techniques used for economic financial analysis in potential capital projects Also, performing financial and economic analyses and providing advisory and consultant service to management, rela­ tive to financial and economic decisions ässin anted to large capital projects Phis position requires competencies in lease versus buy, make versus buy. analysis techniques, solid background in accounting systems, cost systems, and working knowledge of contracts and real estate analysis Salary is open Benefits include liberal insurance, educational programs and profit sharing detailed resume to Ben Langston, MS 55-033, Tektronix. Inc . P.O. Box 500, T 77. Beaverton, Oregon 97077 An equal opportunity employer, m /f/hc Tfektronix t n iiftiK jiiiM j Analyst Capital Planning This is a unique opening with visibility and an opportunity to participate in a corporate capital planning group Position responsibilities include adminis tration of capital planning processes, providing staff support in evaluation of pro posed capital investments, assisting corporate management with projections of cash impact of capital programs and training for staff on capital planning and control processes The ideal candidate would have four to five years' experience in financial functions related to manufacturing engineering environ ment. working knowledge of accounting, financial analysis and management planning and control processes Salary is open Benefits include liberal insurance, educational programs and profit sharing Send detailed resume to Ben langaton. M S 55-033, Tektronix. Inc , P.O Box 500. X 78. Beaverton. Oregon 97077 An equal opportunity employer m f he Tfektronix in o m m iiK i t MAINTENANCE MECHANIC NAME CITY CARTOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN City of Salem, $5.91 $7.22/hr. Gather, inter­ pret and compile infor­ mation for maps; plot, draft, scribe and com ­ plete final and detail maps. Operate digitizing and other computerized m a p pin g e q u ip m e n t. Ability to research and analyze survey and other m apping in fo rm a tio n ; utilize info rm a tio n in p lo ttin g and dra fting basemaps. Considerable knowledge and skill in use of drafting and map­ ping tools, materials and equipment; survey terms and techniques; basic math including a l­ gebra and geom etry. Closing date. 9/29/79. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel D ept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, Ore­ gon 97301. An Equal Opportunity Employer LEE OWEN STONE COOP PRESCHOOL 120 NE Knott (St. Phil lips Church). Immediate openings in three and J four year old classes. 3 j yr olds —Mon and Weds or Tues and Thurs. 9 I 11:30 —$20/m. 4 yr olds — Mon thru Thurs. 12- 2:30 — $30/m . Scholar­ ships are available. Con­ ta ct Pat C oulter 284 3001_.______________ HOUSEKEEPING AIDE ON CALL into perm a­ nent positions available. W ill train. $4.31 hour. Apply between 9am-2pm Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center 2183 NW Northrup An Equal Opportunity E m p lo yer M aterials C ontrol A n alyst • D o you h ave 2 y e a r» ' o f p ro g ra m m in g ex p erien ce? • A w e ll develo ped sense o f lo g ic? • A k n o w le d g e o f s p a tia l d esig n? • Can yo u re la te sy stem s a p p lic a tio n s to a m a n u fa c tu rin g e n v iro n m e n t? If you can answer "yes” to these questions and have a Bachelor's degree in m anufactur­ ing e n g in e e rin g , s y s te m s s c ie n c e s , business adm inistration or equivalent ex­ perience, you may be the person we needl Oregon Saw Chain Division of O M A R K IN ­ D U STR IE S with S I 0 0 million In sales, o f­ fers an opportunity for personal and profes sional growth to those who can work In an aggressive atmosphere. We offer a com ­ petitive sala,y and benefits package. To ap ply, send your resume to Pete Barnett, Oregon Saw Chain, Dept. PO 9 2 0 ,4 9 0 9 In ­ ternational Way, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 2 . OREGON S o w C hain D iv is io n O M ARK Engineers Do y o u w a n t a ch a llen g e? A d v a n c e m e n t P o ten tia l? We offer degreed engineers an opportunity to test their skills in an automated high technology environment. Our assembly processes produce millions of parts each day. To meet this challenae we need engineers desiring to work with close tolerances, high speed machinery, and wishing to grow into managem ent. If the prospect of working with one of the most successful companies in Oregon interests you, please call Pete Barnett C O LLE C T at (5 0 3 ) 6 5 4 6 5 3 I . or send your resume to Oregon Saw Chain Division, Dept. PO 920 . 4 9 0 9 International Way. Portland. OR 97222. SECRETARIAL PROGRAM SECRETARY $4 96/hr Full time permanent po­ sition in W ashington County. General secre tarial/receptionist duties in youth em ploym ent and training program. Contact with public and participants. Successful applicant will be well or­ ganized and w ill have strong skills in typing; record keeping; detailed work and receptionist duties. Enjoy performing a variety of functions in a fast paced office. High school diploma, GED or equivalent; 1 year secre­ tarial experience; 50 wpm typing; a bility to meet deadlines; commu­ nicate effectively. Know­ ledge of CETA helpful. Indo-Chinese language or Spanish helpful. Need not be CETA eligible. Must be available for personal interview. Send resume specifying skills, and abilities relevant to job to: Mult-Wash CETA Consortium , 806 SW Broadway, Suite 325, Portland, OR 97205 REFER TO J0 8 #WY100. Closes Sept. 24, 1979, 5pm A n Equal Opportunity Employer Sr. E lectrical I E lectronic D raftsp erson Oregon Saw Chain Division has an opening for an electrical-electronic draftsperson to make drawings of control systems, contact vendor for purchase parts specifications, make revisions and keep drawings cur rent In the machine design department. The successful candidate will have 3 to 5 years of ex­ perience as an EC draftsperson and an AA degree or equivalent. Interested individuals may contact Pete Barnett at 6 5 4 6 511 or send resume to his attention at Oregon Saw Chain. 4 9 0 9 International Way Milwaukie. OR 9 7 2 2 2 . HOUSEKEEPER Full time position, day shift, 4 days on, 2 days off rotation, call Raleigh Care Center, 292-4488 CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC WORKS TELLERS SECRETARY PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT Immediate opening in Full and part time tellers PROJECT Under general direction Human Resources Dept. th ro u g h o u t P o rtla n d COORDINATOR , to plan, schedule, assign Requires knowledge of metro area. Experience $2.145 approx, mo. and supervise the work business English, punc­ preferred but will train, r ’ This is engineering pro of personnel and equip tuation and dictating ject management with li­ ment in the construc­ equipment. 60 wpm typ­ E x c e lle n t e m p lo y e e m ited technical e n g i­ tion, maintenance and ing, Minimum salary benefits and pleasant neering work in coordi­ improvement of streets, $800. ! w o rk in g c o n d it io n s . nating activities related w ater systems, street W hy take just any job to capital improvement traffic control painting; Excellent employee bene­ when you can start a ca- projects. W ill prepare i sanitary sewers, storm fits and pleasant working i reer with FIRST? Apply i grant requests; project ! drains, street trees, conditions. W hy take ! in person 10am2pm agreements; implement equipment maintenance just any job when you Mon thru Fri. ; contract award proce­ and related appurte­ can start a career with FIRST NATIONAL dures; and present oral nances; and to do relat­ FIRST? Apply in person BANKOFOREGON ¡and w ritten status re ed work as required. 10am 2pm Mon thru Fri. 1300 SW 5th 13th FI. p orts. A d m in is tra tiv e A n Equal Opportunity FIRST NATIONAL and public skills empha A combination equiva BANK OF OREGON Employer j sized. lent to some college level 1300 SW 5th 13th FI. APPLY course work in business A n Equal Opportunity Portland Civil Service and 4 years of foreman Employer Board level experience in a ma­ r~ , 510 SW Montgomery St. jor aspect of the mainte­ Portland, OR 97201 nance and improvement No later than Friday, o f streets, w ater sy­ Septem ber 28. 1979 stems, street traffic con An Equal Opportunity tro l painting, sanitary Employer sewers or storm drains, including operation of CITY OF PORTLAND m otorized equipm ent. Using your knowledge of our plant's utilities ser­ PHOTOCOPYIST S P E C IA L REQUIRE vice and production equipment you will trouble­ $1,257approx, mo. shoot repair and rebuild our mechanical equip­ Will photocopy and micro­ MENT: Possess, or be ment Assist in the fabrication and installation of film docum ents, maps able to obtain within 12 various plant's mechanical systems using draw and drawings. Must be months Water Systems ings, diagrams and verbal instructions. You will able to produce various Operator License and be need three years of industrial related mechanical prints including, blue­ certified as a Testor for Backflow Prevention De equipment repair experience and your own tools. prints, diazos, helios, sepias, Van Dykes and vices in the State of Ore­ gon. Must possess or be others. able to obtain a valid APPLY Please send your resume to Bob Himmelright, Oregon Driver's License. Portland Civil Service Wacker Siltronic Corp., 200 S.W. Market St., SALARY: $1533 $1863 Board Suite 1130, Portland 97201. Or call (503) 243-2020. per month. DEADLINE: 510 SW Montgomery St. October 5, 1979, 5 pm. Portland, OR 97201 A n equal opportunity employer. MFH. No la te r than Friday, Apply City of Milwaukie, Septem ber 21. 1979 10722 SE Main St., A n Equal Opportunity ’n u t i 111 j . n n -at t ’ n i T u r n Milwaukie, OR 9722? _____ Employer An Equal Opportunity ---------------- —---- L--- , CITY OF PORTLAND Employer CLAIM S ADJUSTER $19,833 approx, year DIRECTOR OF W ill investigate a cci­ PUBLIC WORKS dents involving property I W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , Aids Health Coordinator assist individuals and damage or bodily injury; ' | Oregon. Salary open, establish liability; and ne families in obtaining medical services available presently $36,684 an­ gotiate settlements. through public and private institutions. Also assist nually, excellent oppor­ Health Coordinator in delivery of The Albina A c­ APPLY tunity for person with in­ tion Center Health Services to low income per­ Portland Civil Service creasingly responsible Board sons. RESPONSIBILITIES: Conduct intake and experience in the man­ scheduling of clients seeking services from 510 SW Montgomery St. agement of public works T.A.A.C. Health programs, primarily in T.A.A.C. Portland, OR 97201 operations. Apply by Oc­ No later than Friday, Optométrie & Dental Referral Clinics. Assist in tober 28, 1979. Informa­ maintaining light bookkeeping procedure for clinic Septem ber 21, 1979 tion and applications Et agency billing. Maintain up to date information A n Equal Opportunity available at the Washing and referral file system. Also make referrals when Employer ton County Personnel necessary. Do filing, light typing and other clerical Office, Room 305, 150 RESEARCHER 4 skills as needed. QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant N. First Avenue, Hills­ Salary Range $1435 must be bondable. Must be able to type 30 wpm boro, Oregon 97123. $1830 per m onth accurately. Must be willing to work with indigent Phone (503) 648 8606. Lim ited D uration Pos. people from a wide variety of racial, social and An Equal Opportunity D epartm ent of Human econom ic background and varied lifestyles. Employer Resources SALARY: $550-$600/month. Applications and re­ RECREATION M ental Health Div. sumes must be submitted by 5:30 pm Friday Sep­ COORDINATOR III tember 28, 1979. 2575 B ittern St. N.E. City of Salem, $1228- Salem. Oregon 97310 APPLY: Position is assigned to $1553. Responsible for THE ALBINA ACTION CENTER, planning, implementa Manpower Development tion and evaluation of 707 NE KNOTT ST., Project funded by Na tional Institute of Mental teen/youth program ser PORTLAND, OR. vices; management and Health. Must have re search methodology and administrative duties in­ BANK clude budget, reports, report writing skills ap propriate to the study of hiring, training, and sup­ staffing issues in a hu­ ervising part-time leaders and volunteers. Consid man service delivery sy stem. Know ledge of erable experience and management in fo rm a ­ training in managing/co- 10-Key Adding Machine Skills Preferred tion system develop­ ordinating te e n /y o u th Will Train On Proof Machines. Free Parking, re c re a tio n pro gram s. ment, public policy de­ Employee Cafeteria. Excellent Benefit Program. Ability to work evenings velopment and planning, and automated data pro­ and weekends. Standard SCHEDULES Part time 3:30pm to finish, cessing. Minimum quali­ first aid card required. 3-5 nights per week Mon Fri. Full time 3:30pm Provide own transporta fications: Bachelor's de to finish Mon Thurs , 5:30pm to finish Friday. gree with major appro­ tion and proof of insur­ ance. Closing date: priate to study of human SALARY. Part time trainees $3 50 hr plus 7 ’-6% for night differential. Full time salary services and 4 years pro­ 10/5/79. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept., $610 month plus 7%% for night differential gressively responsible experience in areas re­ 555 Liberty SE, Salem, lated to this project, or OR 97301. For more information call An Equal Opportunity an equivalent combina­ Barbara Miller 225-6241 Employer tion of both. To make only between 3:30-8:30pm. application contact the Apply Personnel Dept 10-2:30pm Mental Health Division, U S. NATIONAL BANK CIVIL ENGINEER II Manpower Development (Project) OF OREGON Office at 378 2695 Ap C ity o f Salem, $7.84 U S. BANK P L A Z A -555 SW OAK plication must be re $ 9 .6 2 /h r . A d v a n c e d Equal Opportunity Employer ceived by October 3, technical and supervi­ 1979. sory work in design of An Equal Opportunity s tre e t im p rove m e nts, Employer storm drains, other pro TRAINING jects. Estimates, pre­ FREE TRAINING pares manning tables, Is lack of training your design plans, ROW ac­ problem? We can pay quisition plans, specifi­ Intel the world's leading manufacturer of you while you train in a cations, bid proposals, semiconductor memory components and field of your choosing. other related work. Con­ microcomputer components and systems, is expanding operations at our facility in Hills We have cooks to me trols project schedules boro Our growth has created the opportunity chanic, truck drivers to and funds. Heavy public for a trainer. secretary, demolition to co n ta ct. Considerable computers and endless experience in Civil Engi­ Working under minimal supervision, you will more. We even have a neering work especially be responsible for training all test operators program to help you find streets and storm drains; and bench troubleshooters in your depart ment, rewriting training manuals and test pro a job after training. You 1 4 year degree with major cedures. and maintaining all ECO’s. test pro would be surprised to i course work in civil engi cedures on the floor and interfacing with test find out how the National neering; or equivalent engineering to insure proper release of the new Guard can help you. No com bination of exper­ test program You must have good verbal and obligation to call or come ience and training. Know­ written communication skills and some test or training background in fo r info. C a ll 229 ledge of principles/prac 5168 or come in to 6700 tices of civil engineering, Intel offers complete medical and dental cover SW Oak, Tigard. design, c o n s tru c tio n , age paid vacations and holidays, a credit SOCIAL WORK AID maintenance of public union, a profit sharing retirement plan, a stock participation plan and 100% tuition reimburse Mutiple responsibilities works. Ability to super ment. in c lu d in g sch e d u lin g , i vise and manage pro- Please apply in person, during regular medical appointments, i jects, obtain E.I.T., struc- business hours, to Intel Corporation. transporting children and tural ability highly desir Dept 38BK.3585S W ’98th infants. Education and/ able. Closing date: Avenue Aloha. Oregon 97006 or experience required. : 10/5/79. Apply: City of A n equal opportunity Apply Boys & Girls Aid Salem, Personnel Dept., employer m /f/h . Society, weekdays 9 5, 555 Liberty SE, Salem, 222 9661 OR 97301 /In Equal Opportunity I A n Equal Opportunity | _____ Employer Employer With good skills and lots of energy needed for re sponsible position with Northwest Pilot Project A social agency. Oppor­ tu n ity fo r significant work in a friendly atmos phere. $695 plus fringes. ' 227 5605.____ BEAUTICIAN | B a rb e r-H a ir d esign er with experience, men and women, work on public, models, fashion design team, creative environ- : ment and classes. SW River view , interview I United Hair Force 223 0800. ENERGY We c an 't a ffo rd to w aste it. - JOB FINDER OFFICE AIRLINE | I We GENERAL have two entry level available for CAREERS I * positions persons w ith accurate ------ - ----------- ---- _ I“ Portland Observer HEALTH ASSISTANT TRAINEE PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS TR A IN ER ♦