Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 19, 1979, Page 8, Image 8

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    City schedules workshops
Yvonne B ra th w a ite B urke. U niversity of C alifornia reg en t and a
form er U S representative w h o w as a lecturer here in Portland re c e n t­
ly on the Lewis and Clark C ollege cam pus, has been given an honor by
Governor Brown of California
Governor B row n has named this popular Black attorney to a »51.000 a
year position on the board of supervisors of Los Angeles county As a
new m em ber of this five m em ber board. Burke becom es the first Black
and the first w o m a n to ever serve in this position w ith such pow er.
The C ity o f P o rtla n d ’ s new
Bureau o f Economic Development
w ill conduct the first o f two public
workshops on a proposed Economic
Development Policy for the C ity on
July 28th.
The m orning workshop session
w ill be held in Smith Center, Room
327, o f Portland State University,
beginning at 9:30 a.m. The second
workshop session w ill be held at the
Sacred Heart Halt, 1133 S.E. Center
Street, on Wednesday, August 8th at
7:15 p.m.
The two sessions are designed to
provide Portland residents the op­
portunity to comment in-depth on
the content o f the policy.
The Proposed Economic Develop­
ment Policy, released in February o f
1979, states the role o f the City in
econom ic
developm ent.
Economic Development Policy, once
passed by the C ity C o u n cil, w ill
become the framework to which all
other public activities in economic
development must relate.
The policy w ill provide a set o f
goals, policy statements, specific ob­
jectives and program s fo r the
development and maintenance o f the
local economy.
The Comprehensive Economic De­
velopment Strategy (CEDS) each
year updates short-term economic
investment targets and projects for
City-sponsored funding
The Comprehensive Land Use and
Facilities Plan, to be adopted by
Portland soldier aids recruiter
Michael L. Holt, IK, son o f Mr.
and Mrs. W illie J. Holt, is in Por­
tland lor thirty days as a "recruiter
aide” .
Holt w ill talk with area residents
who are seeking Arm y career intor-
A 1979 graduate o f Grant High
School, he completed basic training
in A pril at Fort Bliss, Texas. After
basic, he was trained as a Short
Range Gunner Crewman and is now
assigned to the 9th Infantry Division
at Fort Lewis, Washington.
Corcordia opens child care center
Concordia College, on Portland's
Northeast side, has announced that it
w ill begin operation o f an Early
Childhood Center this fall.
Ms Mary Schinnerer, o f Redwood
City, California, a specialist in early
childhood education, w ill adm ini­
ster the program and serve as one ot
the teachers. Separate classes for
three- and four-year-olds w ill meet
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with
four-year-olds have class on M on­
days. Wednesdays and Fridays. 1 he
school day w ill be from 9:00 a.m. un­
til noon.
Emphasis will be placed on social
interaction, learning to play with
other children, expression and edu­
cational games, in preparation for
Registrations are now being ac­
cepted, but enrollment w ill be li­
mited. Cost o f the two day program
for three-year-olds is $20 per month.
For the three day program for four-
year-olds, the cost will be $27.50 per
month. Further information can be
obtained through Dr. Buuck's office
at 2910 N.E. Portland Boulevard, or
by calling 288-9371.
3“-'J 1 i
Sweat, Thick Maated
f IH with let treem
‘ •¿-V
m»H crisp
Rift« e
LETTUCE......... each 2 9
Holey's-Jutt Heat and Eat
The suit filed by the Northwest
M in o rity Contractors Association,
the N AACP and others against the
City o f Portland is scheduled to be
heard in federal court on July 30th.
The suit charges the City with not
fo llo w in g
requiring participation o f m inority
community groups in planning for
the use o f the C ity’ s CEDS grants.
It m e t tte ie was a time to take a dose hard took at youf
financial institution, this is it
Because on July 1 new savings interest rates took effect
2 t i.- 9 9 ‘
tu m b b B M Chunk
TUNA . iuL%
Frozen Meat & Chicken or
Ricotta Cheeze
£ V o , Whole
2 4 -H o u r Tellers are
n early here
N ew high paying 4-year
S aving s Certificate.
This one's brand
new It pays you
an interest rate
that s tied to the
changing market
rate on four year
U S Treasury
obligations And
once issued, it
maintains the
same interest rate
through maturity
mat have m pad on youi financial future
Far West Federal Savings has implemented these new
higher rates But we ddn t stop there Here are 8 new savings
opportunities from Far West A tew of them, you II find, are
matched by othei savings institutions Some banks may even
match one ot two
But. consider the whole package of new ottenngs trom Far
West We II bet our tine reputation that no other Gnanctal
institution does all this tor their customers
D aily co m p o u n d in g of interest Is out.
C o n tin uo u s C o m p o u n d in g is in.
While the others are
blowing their horns about
new interest rates we re
often ng you something
more 365 360 Continuous
Compounttng UnW now.
ouf customers and thoee
ot most other institutions
nave been enjoying daily
compoundng oi interest
But now llteralty as last
as the computer can
figure it. our savefS are
that the Blanchard plan does not
provide for Black people to occupy
positions o f real leadership and to
reiterate that the complaints o f Black
people against the Portland School
system have always been based upon
the bitter discriminations which have
been h istorica lly directed against
Black students and their parents.
This time the issue is not whether
Blacks or whites are in error but a
clear revelation that Blanchard is a
getting interest compounded continuously
In addition you now get 5 3 6 0 extra interest dunng a year
tor the absolutely highest eftedrva annual yield available
Fot example, an 6% Savings Cettificaie that previously pro­
duced an eftedtve annual yield of 8 33% with the old daily
compounding will now yield 8 45% through 365 360
Continuous Compoundng This new method would mean
$12 13 addtional income to you on $10.000 in a year
• Contributing & Advisory Editor,
The Mack Scholar
B o y c o tt
S u re w e re p ayin g 5’/»% inlorasl
on regular savings.
(Continued from page I col. 6)
the BUF w ill outline programs to
educate and care for children during
the boycott. Five committees—Com­
m unity Education, C ollective Ac­
tion, Transaction, Public Relations
and Fund Raising—w ill address con­
cern raised by parents at the last
Meetings will be held at King Neigh­
borhood Facility every Thursday at
7:00 p.m. In the July 19th meeting,
We d he surpnsed f 00'
savings institution werent
paying you the new 5 50%
merest or regular accourss
We certainty are paving It
Plus, compoundng at interest
boosts your effective annual
yield up to 573%. We want
you to gel the txghea’ return
possible tor your money
Savings C ertificates.
only way you could
beet the Old 5'-«%
mleraa* rat« was to
plunk down $100. $500
oc $1.000 on a tong
tarm Certificate
But not everyone had
that kind Of money to
spare So. when our
$ 10 0 0 minimum
requirement was
removed on July 1. we
Separate classes for 3 and 4 year olds
3 yr. olds Tues & Thurs., $20/ month
4 yr olds Mon.. W ed., Fri.; »27.50/month
•Individual Attention
•Christian Environment
•Located at Concordia College
• Modern Instructional Methods
deorted to droo (he minimum to $5 Now everyone can eem
higher merest
There is still a $10.000 (wmrTxim on 26 week Certificates
and a substantial m erest oenaffy i* reqxwed tor early
withrtaxrel on aft Savings CerWicataa
For Complete Information, Write or Call
Banks will be offering similar certificates, but they II have to
give you 25% less interest than we do And. here again, Far
West s 4 year Savings Certificate can be obtained tor as Uttle
as $5 and pays extra, thanks to 3 6S 36 0 Continuous
N ow you can defer interest on
2 6 -w eek S aving s Certificates
It you invest in Treasury Bill indexed 26-week Savings
Certificates you can now choose to deter interest until the
certificate matures For example if you open or renew a
$10,000 minimum 26-week Savings Certificate this month it
won t mature until 1980 Although this option requires t00%
interest penalty in case ot early withdrawal you won t pay
taxes on the earnings until your 1900 return — rather than
predominantly dunng this year You might wish to check with
Fa, West will soon be introducing
a brand new service that can
give you access to your savings
account 24 hours a day every
day of the year
The Mr Moneybags teller
machine is so technoiotgicaily
advanced. so nearly human we
,ust had to give him a name f fe s
located outdoors to serve you
any time and he can help you in
nearly as manv ways as our
tellers inside
Starting July 30 Mr Moneybags 24 Hour tellers will be
available at 11 locations throughout the Portland metropolitan
area In the near future Mr Moneybags w f be coming to
other locations statewide
It’s th e Far W est w ay
There you have it. Eight new ways to save better than ever
before And those are just our new services Wait H you see all
the other things we do for you If you re not presently saving
with us. we urge you to take a good look at your bark u
savings institution and compare their sen ices with , •>.
Frankly we get a kick out of giving our savers m e • It s
paid off for us. loo Because now we have more th.m a billion
dollars in assets And a lot of dose friends That s really the
Far West way
your attorney accountant or lax consultant
$10 extra with
26 -w e ek S aving s C ertificate.
No joke For the new 26-week
Savings Certificate you take
out we H add an extra $10
It s not exactly the moon but
it s another little extra you
may not find elsewhere
A nd m o re o ffice location s, too.
N ew Savings Card benefits
and free gifts, too.
N ew 35 m in im u m on h ig h er earning
Register your boy or girl now!
Your choice w»th a deposit of
$200 or more to
The Saving» Card account
• The Best Plant Book Ever
• Vinyl coated ptcr*c taWectof*'
• Eveready lanterr
Or*ERE«r*'Mf 5 AUGUST J’ ’»7!
Li m t . « • e»l p * account
«urr*e* >aet T r i l e « tw » # »
•«Ithn! i •< Waet aevount* -»'I «•g-Me
Gr*T» cannot ha
Not the least of ou' new service offerings is The Savings
Cant account With it you It earn the new 5 50% interest and
5 73% effective annual yield You H receive your personalized
plastic card which can be used to activate uur new 24-hour
tellers (more about that Iatan A complete record of ail
transactions and an earnings summary will be mailed to you
quarterly And there are a host ot additional benefits and
services such as emergency cash at thousands nt financial
offices throughout the country
And lot starters. Far West will give you one cf these
useful gkts See - nisi fix depositing $200 or mote to a
The Sevings Card account
Our recently opened office in King City will soon be j< xned b\
Portland locations at SF 82nd & Sunnyside Road and m the
new Columbia Square budding downtown A regional office
opens this fall in Bend
It’s th e
w ay
ItotnOMt« O i» W t |l* M ’'« V ”
4 ConvikM»"» '-*•>< •• " ‘W'nptl'ir Portland
I SpnngMM
*«>d Ontern
Phone 288 9371 - O ff Ice of Or John Huuck
O ffice A d d re o 2910 N.E. Portland Blvd.
PEACHES ... e« 2 9 ’ ;
APRICOTS... ib .39* J
Suit set
Discrimination prevails in PPS
(Continued from page 1 col 6)
Prior to this time, communication
among Black people in Portland has
often been poor or ineffective. Over
the years the calloused school ad­
ministrations and iheir supercilious
boards have been able to take advan­
tage o f this and intellectually suffo­
cate Black children. This boycott in­
dicates that slowly but surely the
national momentum o f Black aware
ness has come to grips with confront­
ing the invalidities, incongruities and
anachronisms that are conjured up by
those who contribute to frustrate the
efforts of Black people to acquire
The present stance o f Blanchard
appears to some as a calculated insult
and indignity to all Black people. In
ten years o f his administration, no
Black person is a policy or a decision
maker. This has resulted in Blacks in
his administrative milieu generally
being perceived o f as perform ing
Uncle Toms or pathological Aunt
Jemimas. This is not expressed as a
condem nation o f the Blacks but
merely to draw attention to the fact
June o f 1930, w ill control densities
and types o f industrial and commer­
cial development.
An adopted Economic Develop­
ment Policy can mean C ity initiative
in ahy o f several economic activities;
- Use o f C ETA funds to train and
place unemployed city residents in
private in d u s try ( fir s t source
- A requirement that all new city
employees reside within city limits;
- Assistance to P o rtla n d busi­
nesses, in c lu d in g in d u s tria l land
development and a loan fund for
small and m in o rity businesses;
- Assistance fo r neighborhood
commercial revitalization;
- Private sector funding o f many
cooperative economic development
The final draft o f the policy w ill be
submitted to the City Council in Sep­
• • • • • • • • • • • •
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