..... 14 Portland ObNrver Thuredey. July 11. 1911 .•• t j .\ j ) 'j: f ' : : ' ) f J , ) J. ,,r)l Personal, organization, or public info f il&1 from any federal agency: acquisition and analysis. ATTO RN EY JA CK L. SCHWARTZ 233-0838 TOam.(lpm Flatter Fit Frames especially for you! This new frame, available in several different styles is designed to look good and feel good! See Flatterfit frames NOW at all convenient offices of Dr. Anderson Optometrists! Th• ■ weet 1ound1 of g o■pel ■ Inger Willa D o r■ e y will fill the air ■ tart­ ing at 9:46 p .m . A fanta■ tic firework ■ di■play w ill light up the skies above the Willamette at 10:16 p.m .. si gnalling the end of another Neighbor- fair celebration . Op1omet11c Eye Exam. All Types Contacl Lenses, Viii & M11terch1rge Z'-i.,I~~µ,~ Fourth Neighborfair set Sunday The fourth annual "Nei1hbor- fair" will be held at Waterfront Park on July 22nd. Over 300 non-profit 1roups will participate. • Folkfest will include music, dance, crafts, and food from the various ethnic aroups that make up Porl- land. Performers on the Folkfesl staaes include: Lootcor Dancers, Los Trubadores Mariache Band, Slovic Voices, lnler-Tribal Club and Warm Sprin1s Indians, Ronnie Wrighl Gospel Sin1ers, German chorus, Appalachan Folk Dance, etc. Schedule for the main srage is: openina ceremonies-noon; 1 :00 Oyoyo; 2:00 Dr. Corn's Electric Blue1rass Band; J:00 1he Love Mel Brown. The evening show starts al 8:00 p.m. with the Sonny King Quartet, Woody Hite Band, Willa Dorsey, and al 10:15, fireworks. Among the North-Nor1heas1 orga- nizations participating arc: AMA Family Day & Ni1h1 Care, Concor- dia Athletic Boosters, le~ Femmes, Mt . Gillard Mi ssionary Bap11s1 Church, Sabin Community Asso- cialion, Fair Share, North Portland Youth Service Center, Concordia Communily Associa,ion, S1 . An- drews Community School. Black Studies Cemer, North Com- munily Association Council, NAACP. I "' 4 ~ - "· · ( ) ~ j Lloyd Cenler E111por1 Con1regation; 4:00 Mantica; 5: 15 Downtown 1131 S w Alder 223-2171 288-5393 -11'"4 771-3233 I Oregon City $hoppl119 Center 858-8727 O#!J 74a '"4 Ors S Andarsc>n. E Briggs, R. Hallquiet, K Laltnl, W . Siddana en1 7'4 'Pt.u e. (fa u t h ~ t- ,t .... M el Brown and his trio will delight the audience with some great jazz sounds beginning on the Neighborfair Meinstage at 5:15 p.m. , July 22nd. Community Calendar Nortl,~t Coalition of N~ighborhoods Extt"tivr Board mtttinl(. July 25th, 7:00 p.m., King Neighborhood Facilily, 4815 N.E. 71h Avenue. If you would like to be placed on lhe Northeas1 Coalition Mailing Lisi and/or neighborhood association lisl, please contact lhe Northeast Neiahborhood Office at 248-4S7S. The Johnaon Creek Task Force and rhe involved neighborhood associations are holdin1 Johnson Crttk CINn Up Day. Volunteers will cut brush from the banks and haul tires from the channel from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Sa1ur- day, Auaust I Ith. Cake, balloons, and thank-yous that afternoon. Would you like 10 join us? Call Jane Rhodes, 771-6461. Senior ciliiens and their advocales are invi1ed 10 allend the Quarterly Board Meetina of the Orrgon Stair Co"ncil for Srnior Citi:rns on Thursday, July 19th, at N.W. Service Cen1er, 1819 N.W. Everett, Portland. Parking is avail- able at 19th and Flanders and at 19th and Everett. The all-day meeting will beain at I0:00 a.m. and adjourn a1 3:00p.m. Comin1 up al lhe Northwesl Film Study Center-July 261h at 8:00 p.m. the movie Don Q, Son of Zorro ( 192.5)-wilh Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. as lhe sword- swinain1 Spanish hero in this sequel to the original Mark of Zorro, wi1h Mary Astor. Piano accompaniment by Gerry Gregorius. Stroke is not the end of the road but only 1he be1inning for every person determined 10 be a stroke recoverec, accordina to Willis Knight, President, Portland Stroke Club. Kni1h1 will be al the Errol Heiahts Senior Center, 7414 S.E . .52nd in Portland, on Tuesday, July 24th, I :lO-J:00 p.m. 10 make a presen- tation on "LHrn/111 to Li~ with Strob" and to help establish a srroke club. For further information call Errol Heiahts Senior Center a1 774-2.582. The House of Exodus would like 10 invite all women to a newly developed Wo~,r•s FoTMm to be held every Thursday, 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the House of Exodus, 1.518 N.E. Killinpworth. Special events for the upcoming Women's Forum are: July 19th: speaker, Betty D~ett, Director or Social Services; Topic: .. Livin1 Alone." On July 26th; Speaker, Philip Riley, Topic: "Human .~ w~eneu." For further information aboul Women's Forum, please call 284- STOP LOOKING BUY TOMORROW'S SECURITY FOR YOUR FAMILY TODAY Boneless Hams @. 01 1 'S l:2 9 Klnean Smoktcl Ha111 ... u,., .. ,Fliers 11.u .• u 1 @STP Water AcWN ... la1y to Servt •• llmal& -A Roma lb t1 411 @. T■lipCIX @ T·oothpas'te @ Halr Spray 1 OShampoo ..... ... s1• •t" Ice ,Milk S .-::· ---:- ~ .......... .• ORANG Half Galon ,,._ ..... --llal4 12 .... c.. @llsqulck tac @PemHalves . . . . . u.1 , c...-- '-C..• n..... 1 1.111111 ,,-c_,.. end 4 bidroom homes with or Wtthout tamily rooms ,n Vanc.ou" "'t ' doN to 1-5 and 8 minutN from Interstate bridge. Include 2 baths. double ge,ege, brick fittpltces, range, dilhwaher, garbage ditpoMf, w/w car• pets. Al.,. energy .tficient with 10 v-er Home Owner'• Warranty. CNh price for 3 bedroom wfith 1038 eq. ft. would be M7,000, 10~ Annuel Per liew Rate with 3110 monthly peymenta et M12.411 principel and interNt ptl,e Nbmll_, ta•• .-Id inlurenc:e. centage Vetar- mowe in for t100.00, FHA purchale,'1 move in appn»•. t2,l50.00. HERMITAGE REALTY, INC. ' 16-ta ..__ 6 ... 99< O.Comed Beef , ._,_ ..... . .... sl @Yogmt ........ ._ .. ·~- __ 2 . . •1 ll«C- __ , ll«la ...... e.HagDogluns •c- -••111111 81• ,.. .. IJ ~ SJ" @Vin lose' ---'-'"'"' ..... -~,,_ ....... ,.,,, ..... , ..... .,,24 ............. ,.,... a· - 5AYl34 1 JUICE ........ ,. 5c Lucerne ••aorted Flavor• ..._n .... --.•n 59, ,~ 77c .......... mca · · • =---:: s111 @P_. & leu111 @Whe•Bread ~ (Cut-t1p lb. 69? @S170Flm =:. _s5• @ Saft Dr■lks vane Manor HoUlt Grafk A Frylnt Chlck1111,.. _ Vmiety Values 1 1 Fryers 1111w.., I hretlt, NullllW, Lal . . , ....... , ....... .,All ,.a... 3· f. I - I I ... . •• --·-- 2 ... •1 '1" • ... •1 2 ... •1 •r