Portland Observer Thursday. CLERICAL Portland Observer JOB FINDER SECRETARY Draftsperson Oregon Sew Chain Division, a * 1 0 0 million division of Omark Industries has salaried vacancies for draftspersons with two to three years of drafting experience and an AA degree In Drafting or Engineering Technology, or five years' drafting experience In a manufactur­ ing environment. Will perform drafting, layout, and design of details and assembly drawing on production equipment and projects. Good knowledge of math through trigonometry, mechanical drafting standard tolerances and machine shop practices necessary. Interested Individuals may apply to Pete Barnett, Omark Industries, a Dept PO 719, 4 9 0 9 International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222. CITY OF P O R TL A N D POLICE R EC O R DS CLERK I $4.12 approx. hourly ieneral clerical work re ,ted to the processing nd maintenance of in- ormation reported to le Portland Police Bu- au. W o rk involves ing, operating a tele- pe and computer ter- in a is , m a in t a in in g Complex files and provid- pg related services to Members of the Police lureau and the public. Applicants must be able I d pass a typing test, and $e available for work on l«y, evening and night fbifts, w eekends and holidays, possess a valid jtate driver's license by late of employment, not lave a record of criminal jonviction which would lompromise their ability B be granted access to tolice records. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board >10 S.W. Montgomery St. »Ortland, OR. 97201 j)PEN CONTINUOUS An Equal Opportunity Employer EN G IN EE R IN G T E C H N IC IA N II (Planning) City of Salem , $5 .9 1 - $7.22/hr. Perform draft­ ing, graphics and map­ ping. Research w ater and sewer information for annexation process and map updating. Input data for water and sewer computer analysis, and interpret output. Know­ ledge of m athem atics and hydralics. E xper­ ience in engineering and drafting, completion of 2 year technical course in engineering or math, or equivalent combina­ tion of experience and training. Closing date: July 27, 1979. A pply: City of Salem, Personnel D ept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. A n Equal Opportunity Employer AUTO PEUGEOT T E C H N IC IA N Too much w o rk, not enough mechanics. Top pay, excellent benefits to right person. C on tact V ince S iravo , M cK ee Pontiac 656 5285. Required good typing, communication and or­ ganizational skills and ability to use dictaphone. Previous secretarial ex­ perience a must. Salary commensurate with ex­ perience and excellent benefits and advance­ ment potential For infor­ mation call 243-1648. Equitable Savings 1300 SW 6th Portland. 97201 All qualified applicants considered regardless of race, religion, age, sex, national origin or handi­ cap. ENGINEERING TEC H N IC IA N II (Engineering) City of S alem , $ 5 .9 1 - $ 7 .2 2 /h r. Draft sewer, water, street and struc­ ture construction p ro ­ jects. Assists w ith de­ sign, estimates, compu­ tations and assessments. Prepares and maintains m aps, graphs and re ­ cords. Experience in en­ gineering and drafting, completion of 2-yr. tech­ nical course in engineer­ ing or math, or equiva­ lent combination of ex­ perience and train in g . Closing date: 7 /2 7 /7 9 . Apply: City of Salem , Personnel Dept., 555 Li­ berty SE, S alem , OR 97301. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Man —age 36 in prison with no family or friends w ho care. W o uld like very much to hear from someone, for this would erase some of the lone liness that I am faced w ith . A nyone please write: Benjamin Jones, P.O . Box 607, Carson City, Nevada 89701. C U S T O D IA N W O RKER Applications will be ac­ cepted July 11 thru July 13 for future vacancies at Fairview Hospital & Train ing C enter. S h ift and days off varies. Previous experience will be given preference Must be 18 years of age A n Equal O pportunity Employer. Apply at Fairview Hospi­ tal & Training Center 2250 Strong Rd SE, Sa­ lem, OR. 97302 - 278 5369. DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Immediate opening for operator with 1 year ex perience. Hours 8am to 4:30pm. Challenging work. Excellent working conditions and bene fits. Salary commensurate with ability. For in­ formation call: Mrs. Flaschner, 224-8580 SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES Equal Opportunity Employer M -F L as Machinist Machinist Opportunities Precision Grinder Requires individual who has completed a four year machinist apprenticeship and two or more years additional experience to finish grind precision die components. Individual must be proficient at blue print reading and shop math. Maintenance Machinist Product m aintenan ce experience re ­ quired. Machining, fabricating, assemb­ ling parts and performing repairs and ad­ justments to production machinery. Op­ erates lathes, mills, sharpeners, and grinders to close tolerance O.D. Grinder urn- tits. suf- Machinist experienced in OD grinding of precision components, pierce punches and pilots Must be extremely patient, capable of grinding close tolerance dia­ meters to progressive dies EDM Operator in a ous 4. Program and operate computer numeri cally controlled wired electrical discharge machine. Individual must be proficient at blue print reading, shop math and NC programming. Die Sharpeners W e also have vacancies in our Tool and Die department for experienced sharp­ eners. Experience necessary with c a r­ bide progressive dies I We offer a competitive salary and com­ plete benefits package. Interested indi­ viduals may send resume to Pete Barnett, Omark Industries, Dept PO-719, 4909 In­ ternational W ay, Portland, OR 97222. •n «quel opp ortun ity employer OREGON Save C hain D ivision OMARK. > a a v 9 t i C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D VO LUN TEER C O O R D IN A T O R $1,428 approx, m o. Responsible for manag­ ing vo lu n teer services program for Bureau of Parks. Typical services include guiding tours, coordinating and super­ vising citizen's gardening programs, planning, and assisting in recreation and activities instruction. Du­ ties will include planning projects: recruiting, train­ ing and supervising vol­ unteers; keeping records; and evaluating program results. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Boaid 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than Friday, July 20, 1979 A n Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY/ BOOKKEEPER Capable of working with people of diverse econo­ mic backgrounds and ethnicity. Must have sec­ retarial abilities, know- legs of recordkeeping procedures, use of cal­ c u la to r, type 40 w p m minimum, 1 year exper­ ience required. $10,000- $12,500 plus fringe bene­ fits. Send resume to: Urban League 718 W. Burnside, Rm 404 Portland, 97209 Closing data 7 /2 7 /7 9 . Typing taat and inter­ view at a later date. CURRICULUM LABORATORY ASSISTANT B o tan y/B io ch em istry A 2-year, half-time ap­ pointment as a Research Assistant Unclassified with responsibilities for assisting in the labora­ tory. Applicants should be experienced in labora­ tory procedures in plant physiology a n d /o r bio­ chemistry, especially in operation of a gas liquid c h ro m a to g ra p h . B .S . degree in one of the life sciences required. Dead­ line for receipt of appli­ cations is July 30, 1979. For details contact: Dr. Ralph Berry, Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corval­ lis, OR 97331. Oregon S tate U niversity is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A f­ firm a tiv e A c tio n E m ­ ployer and complies with Section 504 of the Reha bilitation A ct of 1973. A pplications from f e ­ males and minorities are encouraged. C O O P E R A TIV E SELECTION CENTER ANNOUNCES FIREFIGHTER C ity of M ilw a u k ie Et O ak Lodge Fire Dist. Starting salary ranging from $1,045 to $1,243 monthly, plus excellent fringe benefits. A pp li­ cants must pass written, physical agility, and oral exam ination. A p p lic a ­ tion must be received no later than 5 pm, July 27 at City of Milwaukie, 10722 S E. Main S t., Mil­ waukie, telephone 659- 5171; Oak Lodge Fire District 2930 Oak Grove Blvd., Oak Grove, tale- phone 653-2432. APPLI­ C A T IO N S W IL L BE CLO SED AFTER 120 A PP LIC A TIO N S HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Savings Manager | KEY PUNCH i SAFECO C O M M U N IC A TIO N COORDINATOR A N D SIGNAL D o w n to w n in s u ra n c e For the Intensive English SUPERVISOR com pany has opening as a second language fo r Policy T ypist. A c ­ I City of Salem , $1533- program at Oregon State curate typing- 4 5 wpm ' $1988. Direct and coor- m in im u m . E xperience | dinate installation, main­ U niversity. A pplicants tenance and repair of ra- must have 6 years of helpful but not required. post secondary ESL d io c o m m u n ic a t io n Excellent working condi­ equipment, traffic signal teaching and experience tions and benefits. Call controls, related electro­ in curriculum coordina­ Ms. Hinkhouss, USF&G nics equipment, parking tion , preparation and Company, 221-0221. m eters. Thorough e x ­ evaluation. Rank instruc­ An Equal Opportunity starting salary perience in the installa­ tor Employer M / F tion, repair and mainte­ $15,500 to $16,500. For nance of radio, televi­ more information con­ BIOLOGICAL sion, traffic signaling and tact: Search Committee, OCEANOGRAPHER Curriculum Coordinator; solid state equipm ent. Full professor fo r 12- Ability to interpret and English Language Insti­ month tenured position w ork from technical tute; ADS-A100, Oregon in general marine eco­ sketches and blueprints. State University, Corval­ system processes. An Possess a Second Class lis, OR. 97331; or call: ex p e rie n c e d th e o re ti­ Radio Telephone Opera­ 754 3006. cian, interested in verifi­ tor's license and a Limit­ cation of his/her models, ed Maintenance Indus­ OREGON STA TE U N I­ is sought to teach ad­ trial Electrical license. VERSITY IS AN A F F IR - vanced biological oceano­ Closing date: July 27, M A T I V E A C T I O N / graphy, supervise grad 1979. Apply: City of Sa­ E Q U A L O P P O R T U ­ uate students, and ob­ lem , Personnel D e p t., N IT Y E M P LO Y E R AND tain research funding. 555 Liberty SE, Salem, COMPLIES W ITH SEC­ Salary. $28.000-$45.000, T IO N 504 OF V O C A ­ commensurate with ex­ OR 97301. T IO N A L R E H A B IL IT A ­ An Equal Opportunity perience. Send resume TION ACT OF 1973. Employer and names of three ref­ erences by 1 O ctober 1979 to G. Ross Heath, Dean, School of Oceano graphy, Oregon S tate Banking U n iv e rs ity , C o rv a llis , Oregon 97331. An A ffir ­ m a tiv e A c t io n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer $875 to $1250 complies w ith Section Seeking responsible management I 504 of the Rehabilitation candidates to supervise savings Act of 1973. branch operations. Individuals should possess leadership and | V ETE R A N S communication skills, be market­ Need money? Collect ing oriented, and have a minimum I benefits and training. For of 1 year's experience in bank or | inform ation call VECO S&L branch operations with sup 256-3434. ervisory responsibilities As a leading company in the kidney dialysis indus­ try, B-D DRAKE W IL ­ LOCK employs approxi­ mately 300 people in the P ortlan d m e tro p o lita n area. Employment opportuni­ ties at B 0 DRAKE W IL- LOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to dem on­ strate their ability to ac­ cept increased respon­ sibility. An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer, B-D DRAKE W IL L O C K encourages all interested job appli­ cants to inquire direct through the Industrial Relations D epartm ent. Also employment oppor­ tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser­ vice. B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659 3355 An Equal Opportunity Employer G IVE Praying fo r finan cial HELP to gat our church off the ground and into m o tion . All donations GRATEFULLY accepted and praysd over. W ill acknowledge ail. As a savings professional, you will qualify for: full employer paid | benefits including performance bonus, and rapid advancement. Apply in person 10 3 Monday Friday. Or call 231-4550. Fred Meyer &L C ITY OF P O R TLA N D T Y P IS T CLERK $763 approx, m o. Will do varied office work which includes: typing, public contact, filing, ft assorted clerical duties. Need skills in getting along with others, fo l­ lowing spoken and writ­ ten instructions and rou­ tines; know business En­ glish and arithmetic. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 OPEN CONTINUOUS A n Equal Opportunity Employer 815 NE Davis (Between 8th and 9th on Davis) Portland. OR 97212 An Equal Opportunity Employa* CLERK T Y P IS T C A R T O G R A P H IC T E C H N IC IA N Minimum typing speed City of S alem , $5 91 55 wpm. Will teach on $7.22/hr. Gather, inter­ 3277 eq uip m en t. Key pret and compile infor­ punch experience help mation for maps; plots, ful. Excellent hours and drafts scribes and com­ employee benefits. Call pletes final and detail 225 5272 for a p p o in t­ maps Operates d ig iti­ ment. zing and other com pu­ Blue Cross of Oregon terized mapping equip­ ment. Ability to research An Equal Opportunity and analyze survey and other mapping informa Employer tion; utilize information in plotting and drafting D A T A ENTRY CO U NSELO R basemaps. Considerable OPERA TO R Provide counseling ser­ knowledge and skill in Minimum 6 months to 2 vices to drug dependent use of drafting and map years experience on IBM clients in a m inority ping tools, materials and : 129 keypunch. Inforex, neighborhood clinic. Sa­ equipment; survey teams CMC or IBM 3277. Day lary range $880-$1239 and techniques; basic position, previous exper­ monthly. Excellent fringes math including algebra ience in alphabetical key and o pportunities for and geom etry. Closing ing is required. Call 225- prom otion. Requires 2 date: 7 /2 7 /7 9 . Apply: 5272 for appointment. years experience. One City of Salem, Personnel year of related education Blue Cross of O regon D ept., 555 Liberty SE, may be substituted for Salem, OR 97301. ; 1 year experience. Call A n Equal Opportunity A n Equal Opportunity Mark Pickney at CODA Employer Employer I 241-0242. I FOR RENT $175. NE quiet court, 1 b e d ro o m a p a r tm e n t . 638 8329, 282 0182. ENERGY. We can't affo rd to w aste it. An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action E mployer TELEPHO NE IN F O R M A T IO N POSITIONS Unique Part T im e Jobs With the Internal Reve­ nue Service. $4.51 per hour. Limited irregular hours prim arily D ec. through Apr. providing tax assistance by phone to the public. Paid train­ ing provided. 2 years public contact experience or college required. Engineers Engineer Design Engineer We offer creative challenge and opportunity I We are a dynamic, growing .eader In the saw chain Industry with world wide sale* of over * 1 0 0 million. Oregon Saw Chain Division of Omark Industrie* offers experienced Design Engineers a chance to grow with the best. We offer competitive salaries and benefits plus a chance to maximize your potential In your field. If you are a degreed Mechanical Engineer who I* Interested In discussing your career potential call Pete Barnett at 6 5 4 -6 5 3 1 or send your resume to Oregon Saw Chain. Dept. PO -719, 4 9 0 9 International Way. M ilw aukie, OR 97222. an cquai opportunity employer OREGON, S a w C h a in D iv is io n I OMARK. n O u I I LIB R A R Y A ID E (C lairm o n t M e d ia C enter) 20 hours per week. Q ualifications: Typing 40 wpm; High School graduate or equivalent; Know­ ledge of English language and spelling; Previous training as a Library Aide or at least 1 year pre­ vious library experience; knowledge of library practices and procedures. S tartin g Date: Sep­ tember 20, 1979. Salary: $359 per month P H Y S IC A L E D U C A T IO N A N D /O R H EA LTH IN S T R U C T O R /A S S IS T A N T A TH L E T IC D IR EC TO R W O M E N 'S SPO RTS ft W O M E N 'S H EA D VOLLEYBALL C O A C H Q u a lific a tio n s : Master's Degree in Physical Education and/or Health; Successful coaching exp erien ce, preferably at the college level; technical teaching skills in competitive volleyball and knowledge of other sports; 3 years volleyball coaching; Supervisory and/or athletic director ex perience S tartin g D ate: September 10, 1979. S a la ry : $ 14,184 $ 1 7 ,3 1 6 , depending on educational background and experience. D e a d ­ line: August 3, 1979 (postmarked by) C O M M U N IT Y E D U C A T IO N R E G IS T R A TIO N CLERK Q u a lific a tio n s : Typing 40 w pm ; A bility to operate office machines, ten key; 2 years previous secretarial experience; High School graduate, plus 2 years college or specialized training; Knowledge of registration and admissions proce dures is desirable. S a la ry : $777 per m onth. D eadline: July 20. S H IP P IN G & R EC E IV IN G W A R E H O U S E PERSON Full tim e. Q u a lific a tio n s : Dem onstrated e x ­ perience in receiving, storing, and issuing stock and some experience in the operation of a truck and forklift; Knowledge of proper methods of packing, w rapping, and shipping packages; Proper methods of storage of materials; Vehicle operation and routine maintenance, Ability to do clerical work as applied to storekeeping; under­ stand and carry out oral and written directions; Operate light and medium sized trucks and fork­ lifts; establish and maintain effective relationships with others; Possession of a valid Motor Vehicle Operator's License. Salary: $777 per month. G EN ER A L E D U C A T IO N IN S T R U C T O R To teach 20 hours per week for 11 weeks Septem­ ber 24 December 14. Prepare high school drop­ outs to take G.E.D. examinations. Classes are sponsored by Clackamas Community College in cooperation with the Clackamas County Youth Commission. B.A or B S degree. Experience in teaching problem students preferred. Starting D ate: September 24, 1979. S alary: $14.51 per hour or $3,148 for the 11-week term. D eadlin e: July 21. CUSTODIAN Graveyard shift. F u ll-tim e -te m p o ra ry replace­ ment position. Possible permanent full-time. Qua lif¡cations: 2 years previous experience as a Custo­ dian; knowledge of cleaning methods, materials and equipment; ability to make repairs and adjust­ ments to structures and equipment; ability to fol­ low oral and written instructions. Salary: $777 per month. M AINTENACE M EC H AN IC D o you want a challenge? Advancem ent Potential? We offer degreed engineers an opportunity to test their skills In an automated high technology environment. Our assembly processes produce millions of parts each day. To meet this challenge we need engineers desiring to work with close tolerances, high speed machinery, and wishing to grow Into management. If the prospect of working with one of the most successful companies In Oregon Interest* you. please call Pete Barnett COLLECT at (5 0 3 ) 6 5 4 -6 5 3 1 , or send your resume to Oregon Saw Chain Division. Dept PO -719. 4 9 0 9 International Way. Portland. OR 97222. Send all donations to: Universal Life Church c /o R ev. Juliua D . Snowden P.O. 00x3767 Eugene, OR 97403 For information and test application w rite to: Contact Rep., P.O. Box 3341, P ortland, OR 97208. 1RS is an Equal Opportunity Employer Full-time Qualifications: High school graduate or equivalent; 2 years experience as Maintenance Mechanic; knowledge of general maintenance procedures, tools and materials; hotd a valid dri­ ver's license This position involves performing a variety of maintenance duties and routine repair tasks including remodeling and new construction that will assist in the smooth and continuous func­ tion of college buildings and mechanical facilities Salary: $965month. Contact foícMEÍ. Un leis you hop Community College Personnel Office 19800 S. Mollalla Ave., Oregon City, Or. 97046 666 2631, Ext. 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action En i-