Wayne Morse house opens The 4-H Choir EnHmble prep ■ r•• for their ap- PNr■ nce on the Nelghbor■ tllge et 1 :46 p.m. Th• En• Hmble la one of many local groups performing at Nelghborfelr, July 22nd. Pastor and Maranatha Church- Reverend John Garlinaton, Pastor. Since preachina in revival here last year, Reverend Doualas has been in constant domand to conduct revival and sina throuahout the United States, in city wide revivals, revivals for diffcrcnl dcnomina1ional church• es and is in cons1an1 demand for re- vivals on military installations. In preparation for 1he comin1 revival lhc members or Allen Temple invite you to an all niaht prayer vi1il and pre.china by lhc sons or Allen Temple on Sa1urday ni1h1. July 21st beginnina at 7:30 p.m. The sons or Allen Temple arc ministers in the area who have worked at Allen Tem- ple. were licensed 10 preach at Allen Temple or were reared in the church at Allen Temple and arc now licensed 10 preach. They arc scheduled to preach on Saturday ni1h1 as follows: 8:30 p.m. Reverend Aus1in V. Ray, now Pastor or Hushes Memorial United Methodist Church; 10:30 p.m. Reverend Jes1e Blocker; 12:30 a.m. July 22nd, Reverend Ira D. Mumford-Smith Chapel Mission; 2:30 a.m. Reverend Victor Norris; 4:30 a.m. Reverend Chris Jenkins. Diffcrcnl groups of lhc church will JOB Fl ,N ':0 E:R 1 Friends and admirers of the lale Senator Wayne L. Morse arc invited to the former Morse ranch, which will be dedicated Sunday, July 29th, at 10:00 a.m. as 1he Wayne Morse Historical Park. Jack Travis of Sandy announced this week. Travis. a lon1- time friend of the Senator, is President or the non-profit cor- poration orpnized to promote the historical si1nificance or the ranch as a livin1 tribute to Morse. The City of Eu1ene mana1cs the park as a whole. Prior to 1he dedication ceremonies a coffee hour will be held on the 1rounds bqinnina al 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Mildred Morse of Washinaton, D.C. will be present with her dauahter Nancy Morse Campbell or Eu1cne, to arect old friends and meet new ones. Everyone takina part in lhc dedication was a personal friend or Senalor Morse. Ell-Governor Rober! Straub, a political friend or Morse, will aive the principal speech, with short remarks by Juli Johnson and David McTcaaue, former Presidenl of lhe Young Democrats. Monroe Sweet- land will introduce Straub. Federal, Slate and City or Eu1ene money was used in purchasin1 the 26 acres on Cresl Drive in Eugene. Mrs. Morse dona1ed the house 10 lhe City of Euaenc. The committee arrangin1 1he dedi- cation is headed by Dorothy Leeper wilh assistance from Louise Beaudreau, Corvallis; Geor1e Alverque, Euacne; and Wanda Pengra or Sprinaficld. Jim Klonoski, State Democratic Chairman, has in- vilcd all attcndina the dedication 10 lake parl in lhc ,1h annual Wayne Morse summer picnic at Jasper Park, " miles from 1he Morse Park, beginning al 12:30 p.m. Kansas City minister leads Allen Temple revival The Reverend Dr. Jesse L. Dou1las. the revival preacher and aospel sinaer of Kansas City, Mis- souri will be returnin1 to Port- land to conduct revival services at Allen Temple. corner or N.E. 8th and Skidmore. He has been the revival preacher and sinaer here for the past several years. The public is cordially invited to come and share in this are.it revival service. Services will be held at Allen Tem- ple e.ch niaht July 23rd-27th with Prayer Service beainnina at 7:00 p.m. and the choirs in procession at 7:30 p.m. The followina churches with choirs. pastor and members are scheduled to participate in the ser- vices: Monday niaht, July 23rd, Faith T■bern■cle-Bi1hop Louis Osborne, Pastor; Tuesday ni1ht, July 24th. Vancouver Avenue Finl Baptist Church-Reverend 0.8. Williams, Pastor; Wednesday niaht, July 2,1h, Bethel A.M.E. Church-Reverend L. Fisher Hines, Pastor; Thursday ni1ht, July 26th, Mount Olivet Bap- tist Church-Reverend John Jack• son, Pastor; Friday ni1ht, July 27th, Mount Gillard Baptist Church -Reverend Hampton Callaway . Portland Observer be leading in lhe prayer viail durina lhc niaht wi1h sonas, prayers and testimonies before and after each sermon. The service ends al 6:00 a.m. Sunday mornina July 22nd wilh brcaUasl. Sunday, July 22nd is Youth Day al Allen Temple and Vernon Norris, who was reared al Allen Temple and is now licensed 10 preach will be brin1in1 the mcssaae al the 11 :00 a.m. service. Everyone is welcome to All'cn Temple C.M.E. Church. CITY OF PORTLAND BUSINESS ASSISTANCE AEPAESENTATIVE t1 .• approx. mo. Responsible technical & IIHon work in field of commercial & industrial development. Will pro- vide advice, ■11i1tance & guidance to busineaa inter•ta wishing to ex- pand exi■ting facilities or locate new fecllitlea in the City. WIii provide in- formation effecting bu- sineu operations aa well as uaiat in development & implementation of po- licies, programa & acti- vitin 'to stimulate bu1i- neu. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 610S.W. Montgome1vSt. Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday , July27, 1979. An EqlUII Opportu11II:, Emplo:,H FREE CATALOG For a frtt govemiMnt catalot hstm11 more lhan ~JU helpful booklets, wntr Ull'l!IU!Mr lnformatlOO unter, Ill-pt K. Purblo. Colorado 141 (X)9 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH For well ntablished so- Varied responsibilities, public and staff contact. Re- qui,- 3 veers ellP8rience, well organized, compe- tent typing and short• hand. tl 1,000 + de- pending on experience; good benefits. Call Mrs. Fisher, 228- 7238. An Equal Opportu11il:,I AJ/irmativr Action Emploµr cial eervice agency. I candidate with demon- ■trated communications skills (oral and written), 1trong aptitude for com- munity organization, vol- unteer training, program development and evalua- tion. College degree pre- ferred. Salary to $1150 per month . Plea .. sub- mit resume and refer- ences to: Attn: RR. PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 before July 27, 1979. An Eqlllll Opportunity Emploµr INVITATION TO BID The City of Portland encouragn bidding by Minority and small buaineu enter- prian and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City'• bid proceu. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purcha11ng In general, contact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 SW 5th Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97204, or phone 248-4001. HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RE\/. AUSTIN I/ RAY, MINISTER 111 N .E. FAI LIN G Form Bid Projects prnently advertised: Church School 9 46 a.m. Worat11p 11 00 a m Office 281 2332 Sp«111l1:1n1 In lndmduol • .'ltlorrioir ond F11ff11ly • Group Tltrrapy BIDNO. 1 2 (Al 3141 4141 5(AI ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N .E. Alberta Street Revere nd Bertram Griffin. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM SPECIALIST Downtown social service agency seeks experienced Invitation to .B id Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 ■ .m. Sunday Worship 11 :00 a.m. Chriat1an Youth Fellowship 6:00p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) R~v,r~nd Thomas L. Strayhand, Min,s/~r 0 .. 1 A Prayer 284 0684 JA~~ITOR Performs manufacturing I R .... rch Auiltllnt un- janitorial duties; aui1t• clauified); 10 month ■P· with maintenance pro. pointment, Sept. 79 thru jecta; securtta building at June a.>; assist with de· night. sign, production univer- sity publication program; 12th grade education, must have BA degree minimum six 161 montha graphic de1ign, or re- experience performing lated field; minimum 1 janitorial duties prefer- year experience. Apply ably manufacturing. by Aug. 16, 1979. Tom Sande,., Office of Uni- To apply contact our Hu- versity Publications. Ore- man R81ourc81 Dept. at gon State Univer ■ ity, 13520 SE Pheasant Ct., Corvallis, OR 97331 or Portland, OR 97222 or call 15031 764-3166. Ore- cell 669-3356. gon State Univer■ity is an Affirmaliv~ Action/ 8 -0 DRAKE WILLOCK Equal Opportunity Em- An Equal Opportu11ity ploµr and complies with Emploµr Sec. 504 of the Rehabili- tation Act of 1973. GRAPHIC DESIGNER, PUBLICATION e 7 81Al 281-4429 P■ator DESCRIPTION 810 OPENING DATE fucoilbing 48-locb Pfftllft!JI Beduciog Valve fucoiabiog Cut Iron Yllvt Baxa & I icta furoilbing P11ctile lroo Pipe Evrnilbing Mn1r1 Fymjahjng U[g# Service MISICI furnwbing fiCI HCMI fucoilbing 5NYict Caotctci for e■giog Sptem Furnishing Estimated 800,000 Rounds .38 Calibre w,w PtMakw Aameamea Maaaaa 5 00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10 ooa .m. Choir - Sunday 07/31/79 011241:x, Q7/31/7Q 07/31179 07/31/79 07/2A/7fj 0810217' 08/02/79 12 00 p m. Folk - Sunday NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF DEADLINE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Phone . 214 1120 Gradea 1 lh, • h I 4919 N E Ith Awe Norlta h ll . , Principe! You are Welcome to Worahlp at NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday SchOOI Morning Worthlp "A warm spirit of f~/lowship alwo:,s .. The Honorable Bishop U. V. Peterson, D.D. "The Holiness Pre.cher, .. Pastor Sunday School Moming Wonhip .. . , _ . of Bie.inge lroedcNt" ICGAR 11560 11:30am-12:30pm YPIC 11:30pm Ew•nglliltic: Worthlp 1:00 pm TIINCl8y·Fndrf Noon Dey Pr8Y8' Bible Band/Jr. Church WednNd8y: Choir RehNrul 11th Sundayl ' Communion l ■t Sunday 7:00p.m. 11:00p.m. 7:00pm and Bible Study Fnday - Brotherhood Fellowlhip Service with Mom,ng Star 3rd Sunday 7:30pm Prayer and 7:30pm 84NEK~ 281-0499 7:JOp.m. 7:00p.m. Paato, Phone: 281-6176 Church Phone: 281-0183 3725 N. Gantenbeln A 'V'IRU 8 , Ol11 ■nd , Or■ o n 'l7'ZZ1 - " A study of Revelation will give a New Experience to the Searcher for Truth" -JULY - S.turday 21th: Armageddon I-How Soon1 Sunday 21th: Armageddon 11 - The World's Next Ruler I I -AUGUST- Wedneeday 1st: The Rapture end the Millennium Friday 3rd: Four Running Horaemen -and the story they tel1111 1a11...-.y 4th: Adam's Mother'• Birthday. "Celebrat10n Time. " Everyone In- vited! Sunday Ith: Two Women-One Man - The Red Dragon end Trouble! Wedneeday Ith: How to be "Happy" -even when married! Friday 10th: The Born Again Experience . . turday 11th: Thi AbominlUon of DNolltionl Christ direc:ta the Bible ttu- dent to• certain Bit>te Book. Which onen Sunday 121ft: Jult-Aa·"·l'd-Not-Sinnadll Wedneedey 11th· The Abundant Life Whet ii it1 Whaft ii it1 Ftkley 111ft: The How of Feith and Hope- In Christian Experience laturdey 11th: The Baptitm of the aplrit and apaeklng In tongue■III Sunday 11th: The Goepel of R ~ by Feith I Wedne1dey ZZncl: How to 991 by God's Judgement Dayl I FrtcleyJilth:The fllece of''NoNewa'' letutday 211th: The Martt of the .... ... . . lunday 21th: The w1ng mn God'• approwt and the 144,0001 Propoula may be submitted by private owners of Public Housing Agency IPHAI Owne,. for direct contract.Ing with HUD, or by PHAa on behalf of Owner■ with whom the PHA proposes to contract pur■uant to an Annual Contributions Con- tract with HUD. Contract authority in the amount of •628.000 and a special allocation to meet the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan of •301,000 are being made available to pro- vide ■uistllnce for an ntimated 216 unlta. The NSiatance to be provided for the variou1 hou■ehold types ia ntimated to be 21 unita for the elderly and handicap- ped with contract authority of t73,584; 27 unita for large famili81 13 or more bed- rooma) with contract authority of t121,500; and 167 unita for other families with contract authority of t633,916. Wed. - Family Pr-,., Meeting Friday: ::ft,.'•'°' Speeka" t:30a.m. • 10:JOa.m. Ewenlng 5eMce 2nd, 4th and T~: l:111am 11:lllam The Department of Housing end Urban Development will accept Preliminary Pro- posals for newty con1tructed or substantially rehabilitated housing unita under the Section 8 Housing Auiatance Paymenta Program, to be located in Eugene SMSA (All of Lane County). - THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sunday; PROPOSALS UNDER NOTIFICATION OF FUND AVAILABILITY OR16-0ldl Proposals must be received by 4;00 p.m., on August 16, 1979. Thia deadline may be shortened or extended by HUD. In such cHe HUD will notify all parties who have previously registered with the field office requnting such notification. provable applications received prior to initial deadline date will receive priority i _ funding. Submiuion deadlines shall not apply to Propoula for projectl in ~ the num• • ber of aaiated unita shell be limited to 20 percent or less of the ing unitt , However, such propouls received after the deadline will be reviewed only if 1t1 • ficient contract authority remains from this Notification to fund the proposal. 1 Hello Friends, May I take a moment of your time to peraonally invite "YOU" to this Revelation Prophecy CruNde. Appropriate instructions, forms end other program information are contained in Developer's Packet which may be obtained frotn the Portland Area Office, - I · ing Division, C.acade Building, 520 S. W. 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. The book of Revelation ia a book that reveals truth concerning todey'a , "CRISIS" filled world. The "New" Adventlet Center 5209 NE 22nd Avenue & Sumner (between Alberta & KHlingaworth) Portland.Oregon ■ New York Life For all of your ltfe. Life, HNlth, Group Insurance Annultl•. Pension Plana °' 7:11PM l'20I NE 22nd Avenue 100 NE Multnomeh, lulte 400 Portland, Ore. l7ZIZ 231-4724