Pane 8 Portland Observer Thursday. July 6.1979 Prisoner's Legal Service (Continued from page > co. 6) mates at O .S .P ., or be disciplined because o f such discussions; that he not be prohibited from nor punished fo r discussing any plans or sugges­ tions fo r remediation, reform ation o r im provem ent o f co n d itio n s at O .S .P . The actions taken against him were to be destroyed and his visiting privileges restored. Bartholomew v Reid, a class action suit brought by PLS. challenged the p ris o n s ' re g u la tio n p re ve n tin g a prisoner from calling witnesses in his disciplinary hearing that are inmates or s ta ff members. D is tric t C o u rt Judge James Bums found that “ the testimony o f inmates o i sta ff mem­ bers w ill, in most cases, be the most relevant evidence a prisoner -can o f­ fer in his defense.” He ruled that inmates have a right to use these w it­ nesses except in cases where the testi­ mony o f a specific witness would present undue hazard. The judge also ruled that the iden- tity o f all witnesses must be made known to the disciplinary committee, although not necessarily to the in­ mate. A prison rule had permitted evidence to be used against an inmate even though the committee did not learn the source o f the inform ation. Pending cases include: A lle n v H am m ond and N im s v Sullivan, challenge the conditions and length o f confinem ent in the Segregation and Isolation Building at OSC and OSCI. The Allen case, filed on behalf o f Roger Allen, Evans A. Sm ith, A llen N. V o llo tto n , D avid K n ig h to n , T e rry E. S hipley, Joe W ilson, J r., Ronald Snow, Frank W in g fie ld , and Eugene Lew is, charges that prisoners are denied their constitutional rights through a policy that “ is purposefully designed to cause the physical, m ental and e m o tio n a l d e te rio ra tio n o f those confined in S & I.” The c o m p la in t charges th a t p rison e rs in S & I, u s u a lly fo r violation o f prison rules, are con­ fined in 7x8 foot cells. “ A metal slab attached to a side wall serves as the occupants' bed . In each cell there is a toilet and a sink, encased in con­ crete on all sides. The flo o r, ceiling, rear and side walls o f the cell are solid cement; the fronts o f the cells are constructed o f steel b a r s ...a small light fixture is located in each cell, w ith a 60 watt lamp behind thick glass and a heavy metal screen.” The suit also charges that the cells are d ir­ ty and that temperature controls are used fo r behavior control. “ Block Box” cells are enclosed by solid walls except fo r a small screen w indow which lets in little lig h t. Prisoners can be s trip p e d o f c lo th in g and deprived o f bedding. “ P la in tiffs have been subjected to the arbitrary, unnecessary and exces­ sive influ ction o f mace,” the com­ plaint charges. Knighton was moved in a block box cell by defendant Ham m ond because he verbally ob­ jected to the m acing o f a no the r prisoner. Prisoners have been maced w hile locked in their cells because th ey a lle g e d ly were ta lk in g to o lo u d ly . . . “ P la in tiffs have been subjected by prison s ta ff to a rb itra ry, unneces­ sary and excessive force resulting in p h y s ic a l in ju r y . P la in t if f A lle n , IN V IT A T IO N TO BID w hile nude and defenseless, was thrown to the concrete flo or, striking his head thereon w ith great force, and struck by defendant Good and by other guards. P la in tiff Snow was hit on the hand w ith a pair o f hand­ cuffs. “ Prisoners, in c lu d in g p la in t if f W ilson, have been taken from S&I while serving an S&l sentence and taken to the prisons P s y c h ia tric Security U nit ("P S U ” ), placed in a “ side room *’ and strapped to a bed fo r days at a tim e, before being returned to S&l. ” . . . P laintiffs are commonly ad­ dressed by guards with racial slurs, obscenities, and other demeaning and offensive statements... “ P la in t if f A lle n and o the r prisoners have been urged to ‘ hang it up’ by guards, including defendant Good. The use o f such language is an expressed desire that the inmate k ill himself. Some inmates have com m it­ ted suicide while in S & I.” This case is expected to be heard in September o f 1979. H a rris v B oard o f Parole chal­ lenges the fact that inmates can­ not appeal the parole relase date set by the Parole Board. Haggons v C upp challenges the practice o f automatic strip searches and finger-waves o f inmates brought to O .S.P. fro m the annex or the forest camps. The case was dismissed and is being appealed to the U.S. N inth C ircu it C ourt o f Appeals. A suit filed this week against the Parole Board challenges an Oregon law that permits the Parole Board to postpone parole fo r prisoners found to have “ severe emotional disturb­ ance". Mechanic said these cases have not endeared his program to corrections officials, and that they have not been particularly prom pt in carrying out the co urts recom m endations and ru lin g s . F o r exam ple, the B a r­ tholomew case was decided in A p ril but no steps have been taken to allow persons to call witnesses in th eir disciplinary hearings. Regarding com plaints that PLS has not served m in o rity prisoners a d e q u a te ly . M echanic says the m in ority clientele is in approximate proportion to the prison population. He had expected that there would be requests fo r assistance from groups o f B lacks, in pro ble m s th a t are specific to racial discrim ination, but this has not happened. He credits this to suspicion o f attorneys and especially o f white attorneys. There have been many referrals from Black individuals fo r civil rights actions, cases against the institution, and civil problems. PLS accepted 2,469 cases between November, 1976, and January, 1979. The program w ill begin its fourth year w ith a new d ire c to r, as Mechanic w ill begin private practice in Portland. CORRECTION S h aro n V ic k e rs , fe a tu re d in la s t w e e k s O bserver as a g radu ate fro m C alifornia State U niversity in N orthridge was a 1975 graduate of Park Rose High School not John Adams. A polo­ gies to Sharon and her Park Rose fans. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general, contact the Purchasing and Stores Division. Room 113, City Hall. 1220 SW 5th Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97204, or phone 248-4001. Form Bid Protects presently advertised; BID NO. 196 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE RFP Financial Consultant Services for 07/20/79 - 5PM Qualification Statements Relative to Preparation The Housing Authority of Portland will accept sealed bids until 2:00pm (PDF), Monday. July 16. 1979, for the following; 1200 Square feet of 2 15# Fiberglass 3 tab self seal’ng shingles, 2200 Lin feet of Hip & Ridge 9" x 12", 45 Boxes of 114" zinc coated roofing nails 50« per box, 5 Boxes of 7 /8 " zinc coated roofing nails 50« per box. Bid forms and specifications available at the Housing Authority of Portland, Maintenance Department, 8910 N. Woolsey Ave, Portland. Oregon. Or call Mr Max Fagg at 249 5555 Bids will be accepted at 1605 N.E 45th, Portland, Oregon 97213. NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL FUNDS The Employment Division, as administrative agent for the Governor of Oregon, is making application to the U.S. Department of Labor. Employment and Train­ ing Administration, to continue the federal grant to operate the Special Grants to Governors Program in Oregon during FY80. The amount of funds being requested are: Vocational Education Linkages Coordination b Special Services Oregon Employment & Training Council Youth Employment & Training Programs $1,244,334 471,192 829,556 206,701 432,158 TOTAL $3,183,941 In accordance with 20CFR Part 677, Subpart D and 20CFR Part 680, Subpart A this program provides for supplemental vocational education assistance, coordi nation and linkages between prime sponsors and appropriate educational agen­ cies and institutions, operation of the Governor's coordination and special ser­ vices activities, support to the Oregon Employment and Training Council, and coordination between state and local institutions to improve occupational and career guidance and counseling activities for youth. Interested persons may review the application and compare it with FY79 program performance during a 30 day period, Monday through Friday, 9 A.M . to 4 P.M., beginning with publication of this notice. Please address comments concerning the FY80 Special Grants to Governors Program to Statewide Programs, 240 Cot­ tage Street SE. Salem, Oregon 97310. Telephone (503) 378 2966 N O TIFIC A TIO N OF FUND A VA ILA B ILITY No. OR16-0039 The Department of Housing and Urban Development will accept Preliminary Proposals for newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated housing units un­ der the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, to be located in Port­ land SMSA (all of Clackamas. Multnomah and Washington Counties) and Van­ couver, WA (Clark County). Proposals may be submitted by private owners or Public Housing Agency (PHA) Owners for direct contracting with HUD, or by PHAs on behalf of Owners with whom the PHA proposes to contract pursuant to an Annual Contributions Con­ tract with HUD. We anticipate that Contract Authority* in the amount of $650,000 will be made available to provide assistance for an estimated 70 units of elderly or handicap ped, 71 units of family and 25 units of large families for a total of 166 units Proposals must be received by 4:00 P.M. on August 2, 1979. This deadline may be shortened or extended by HUD. In such case HUD will notify all parties who have previously registered with the field office requesting such notification. JOB FINDER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Center for Commu­ nity M ental Health, a non-profit corporation, is currently accepting ap plications tor the job of Executive Director. Developer's Packet which may be obtained from the Portland Area Office, Housing Division, Cascade Building. 520 S .W 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH REV A U STIN V RAY. MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Owl A-Prayer 284 0684 Worship 11 00 a m Church School 9 46 a m Ottice 281 2332 CITY OF PORTLAND M U S IC EDUCATION SPECIALIST $1,222approx, mo. Will serve as instructor and assistant to Direc­ tor at Community Music Centei or Theatre Work shop. Duties vary, and may include: teaching; research b development of learning objectives, curriculum b teaching aides; catalogue b order library material, interprut musical scores, rehearse and conduct groups, re cruit and auuition per­ formers as well as other varied duties. D e s ira b le Q u a lif ic a ­ tions: • Demonstrative ability to administer a program and budget of comparable scope and com plexity. • 5 years supervisory/ administra tive experience • Grad uate degree in business administration or a social services-related field. S a la ry R ange- Salary commensurate with edu APPLY cation and experience. Portland Civil Service A p plicatio n Deadline: Board Juiy 31, 1979. Upon re­ 510 S.W. Montgomery St. ceipt of resumes, appli­ Portland, OR. 97201 cation forms will be mail­ ed to qualified candi­ No later than Monday. dates Mail resume and July 9, 1979. salary requirements to: Selection C om m ittee, A n Equal O pportunity Board of Directors, Cen­ Em ployer ter for Community Men­ tal Health. 6329 N.E. Union A ve., Portland, OR. 97211. Banking W here to Apply Mult­ nomah County Person- net Office, 426 SW Stark, 7th Floor, Portland, Ore gon, 97204. Phone: (503) 248 5015. A n E qual O pportunity Em ployer Iguladud de O portuni­ dad en Empleo Specializing In Individual • Marriage and fa m ily • (jroup Therapy Maintenance Machinist Product maintenance 4x perience required M b chining, fabricating, as sembling parts and pei forming repairs and ad justments to production m a c h in e ry . Operate«; lathes, mills, sharpenirs and grinders to close tolerance I W e offer com petitive wages, complete bene fits package, including paid life insurance, medi cal plan, dental plan and retirement program In terested individuals may apply in person or call the personnel depart ment for further mloriSa tion Mon Fri before 4pfn 654 6531. An equal Ap­ port unitv employer. OREGON SAW CHAIN Omark Industries $875 to $1250 Employment Opportunities MULTNOMAH COUNTY IN S TITU TIO N A L SERVICES M A N A G E R $2088 per month, mimi- mum The Institutional Services Manager is re­ sponsible for the admini stration and operation of security snd programma tic activities within four custody facilities, which house and care for ap proximately 500 inmates in both a pretrial and sentenced status. The In s titu tio n a l Services section employs over 175 persons in security, counseling and support services positions To Q ualify This position re quires a thorough know ledge of and dem on­ strated experience in m odern m an ag em en t and correctional princi­ ples and practices in ­ cluding leadership, pro­ gram planning and ana lysis, financial adm ini­ stration, personnel man agement and a broad un­ derstanding of the laws, policies and regulations applicable to the admini stration of the correc­ tions program. Actual security experience in a correctional institution is required. Machinist Savings Manager | A n Equal O pportunity Em ployer Submission deadlines shall not apply to Proposals for projects in which the num­ ber of assisted units will be limited to 20 percent or less of the dwelling units. However, such proposals received after the deadline will be reviewed only if suf­ Apply for the above po sition no later than 4.30 ficient contract authority remains from this Notification to fund the proposal PM , Friday, July 13, Appropriate instructions, forms and other program information are contained in a 1979. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, M inister Portland Observer The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business entei prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process Seeking responsible management I candidates to supervise savings branch operations Individuals should possess leadership and| communication skills, be market ing oriented, and have a minimum I of 1 year's experience in bank or | SbL branch operations with sup ervisory responsibilities. As a savings professional, you will qualify for: full employer paid benefits including performance bonus, and rapid advancement. Apply in person 10 3 Monday Friday Or call 231 4550 Fred Meyer & fe d 815 NE Davis (Between Bit- and 9th on Davis) Portland OR 87? 12 An Equal Opportunity Em ptovw CITY OF PORTLAND C O M M U N IC A T IO N S ENGINEER II $1.921 approx, mo. Work involves design of various electronic sy­ stems, monitoring work performed by contrae tors, preparation of de tailed specs, and evalua tion of proposals. Re quires extensive training and experience in com­ munications engineering technology. Recent ex­ perience and/or training in m icrowave, digital, microprocessors, data terminals, CATV systems, and antenna systems is highly desirable. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W Montgomery St. Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, July 9, 1979. CITY OF PO RTLAND LIB R AR IA N $1,102 approx, met Professional work direct ing operation of special­ ized reference b re ­ search library. Will estab lish criteria for b diiect the acquisition, reten tion, indexing, shelfing, announcing and circpla tion of books, peri(J>di cals, and documents Will also assist in lopat ing reference materials; controlling budget, end performing administra tive tasks. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W Montgomery St Portland, OR 97201 , No later than Monday. July 9. 1979 * a An Equal O pportunity Em ployer A n Equal O pportunity Em ployer "T h e C hu rc h W here No S trang er Feel« S tran g e' ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. A lberta Street Reverend Bertram G riffin. Pastor 281 4429 STOP LOOKING BUY TOMORROW'S SECURITY FOR YOUR FAMILY TODAY M asses 6 : 0 0 p m V ig il Saturday 10:00 a m C hoir — Sunday 12:00 p .m Folk — Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N E 9th A v e N o rite Kelly. P rincipal Phone 2S4 1020 Grades 1 th ro u g h V You are W elcom e to Worship at NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED "A warm sp irit o ffe llo w s h ip alw ays” The Honorable Bishop U .V Peterson, D .D . "T h e Holiness Preacher,” Pastor Sunday 6undev School Mommg Worship 9 16 err 11 -16 am "Showers at Blessmg« Broadcast' 1 1 :» e m -1 2 :3 0 p m KGAR 1560 6:30 pm VPK Evengehetr Worship 8:00 pm Noon Day Prayer Tuaaday -Fndsy ( Tuesday Eibie B and/Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Pndey ■The Fastor Speak«' 84 NE KWmgtiwonh 281 Ù49B 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7 30 pm Sunday School 9 30a m Morning Worship tvenmg Service 2nd. 4th and &th Sunday* Communion 1st Sunday W ad - Family Prayer Meeting and Bibie Study Friday — Brotherhood FeMowah.p Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 10:30a.m 7-00 p.m. 6 00p.m. Now 3 and 4 bedroom homes with or without family rooms in Vancot-.». close to I 5 and 8 minutes from Interstate bridge Include 2 baths, double garage, brick fireplaces, range, dishwasher garbage disposal, w /w car pets All are energy efficient with 10 year Home Owner's Warranty. Cash price for 3 bedroom with 1036 sq. ft. would be $47 000. 10% Annual Per centage Rate with 360 monthly payments at $412.46 principal and interest plus estimated taxes and insurance. 7:30p.m Veterans move-in tor $100.00, FHA purchaser’s move in approx $2,650 00 7:00p.m. HERMITAGE REALTY, INC. Prayer and Pastor Phone 281-6476 Church Phone 2810163 4716 St Johns Rood vancouvar. Wash 96861 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue,yortlend. O f gon 97227 I 7 Vane 894 8677 Ptld 223 8229 a U