Portland Observer Thursday. June 21.1879 Pags 7 SMALL FARM PROGRAM ASSISTANT Portland Observer JOB FINDER BUILDING INSPECTOR I *1,822 Approx. Mo. To inspect new and re modeled building and other structures for compliance with codes. Applicants must be eligible for *'A " Level certification as a struc tural inspector and have knowledge in a variety of construction trade areas APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than Friday, June 29, 1979. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER TELEPHONE INFORMATION POSITIONS Unique Part Time Jobs Witn the Internal Reve nue Service. 94.51 per hour. Limited irregular hours primarily Dec. through Apr. providing tax assistance by phone to the public. Paid train ing provided. 2 years public contact experience or college required. For information and test application write to: Contact Rep., P.O. Box 3341, Portland, OR. 97208. IRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND ELECTRICIAN $22,942 approx, year An Equal Opportunity Employer Secretarial SERVICE SECRETARY C hallenging, full-tim e position for a pro fe s s io n a l s e c r e t a r y d e s irin g d iv e r s ifie d duties in our Lloyd 500 Building location. If you have 1 to 2 years of mar keting experience, this job is for you. Salary commensurate with ex perience and excellent company paid benefits. Clerical MAIL ROOM CLERK LLOYD AREA Distribute division mail; relieve switchboard op erator; processes tele communications; photo c o p ie s ; o c c a s io n a l typing. 6 to 12 months general office experience required. Pleese contact our Hu man Resources Depart ment to epply : B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 600 NE Multnomah, Suite 1300 Portland, OR. 97232 660-3366 An Equal Opportunity Employer m /f/h SAFETY MANAGER The Port of Portland has an immediate vacancy for a Safety Manager. Preferred qualifications are proven successful professional experience in developing and en forcing a safety program in an industrial environ ment; knowledge of OSHA and state safety regulations; ability to conduct CPR and safety in s tr u c tio n c las se s ; ability to communicate effectively; valid Oregon or Washington driver’s li cense or ability to obtain license upon hire. Send resume and salary re quirements to Port of Portland, PO Box 3529, Portland, 97208. Dead line for receipt 5 PM, June 29. An Equal Opportunity Employer LAUNDRY WORKER Part-time, 16 hours per week. Contact Raleigh Care Center, 292-4488. Business Opportunities. Earn extra money at home addressing letters and reports in longhand or typewritten. Details, send s e lf-a d d re s s e d , stamped envelope to: Oce Miller 28111 Buch IlinDr. Eugene, OR. 97402 Skilled research, de velopment, and mecha nical work in the rede sign and conversion of heavy duty automo tive equipment from gasoline power to diesel power. This includes the conversion or modifica tion of related systems such as air, piumbing, electrical, braking and suspension. Must be able to perform conver sions without the aid of any form of written in structions. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 Must have Oregon jour $1,262 starting per mo. neym an e le c tric ia n 's To qualify must have the license and valid driver's following qualifications; license. Skilled journey E D U C A T IO N : h ig h man work in installation, school graduate or GED. maintenace, & repair of Persons must complete elect, systems & compo 90 quarter hours at an ac nents: motors, genera credited college within tors, controllers, electric 48 months after their valves, welding m a p ro b a tio n a ry p erio d. chines, tran s fo rm e rs AGE: Candidates must & circuits (including traf be between their 21st fic control circuits). Will and 30th birthdays at also set b climb poles, appointment. Qualified rig guy wires, install U .S . military veterans signal heads, splice will be granted a five cables & make various year extension of the repairs. maximum age limit. CITIZENSHIP: Must be APPLY U .S . citizens by their Portland Civil Service date of employment. Board PERSONAL C H ARAC 510 S.W Montgomery St. TER: Applicants must be Portland, OR. 97201 of good character as de termined by a Portland OPEN CONTINUOUS Police Bureau personal history in vestigatio n. An Equal Opportunity Applicants must not Employer have been convicted of a felony. Applicants with CITY OF PORTLAND lesser criminal records CITY PLANNER III - will be evaluated indi LAND USE vidually. HEALTH: Ap $1.714 approx, mo. plicants must be in excel Professional level land lent health. DRIVER'S use planning which in LICENSE: Candidates cludes: neighborhood must possess or be able planning, zoning b con to obtain a Oregon Dri ditional uses, b hjstoric ver's License. Excessive landmarks designation. traffic violations will dis Present comprehensive qualify a candidate. THE technical reports to City E X A M IN A T IO N w ill Council, Planning Com assess the candidates in mission and at Legisla terms of the know ture hearings. Work ledges, skills, physical with support staff, meet capabilities and other with public b private personal attributes re agencies b negotiate quired for successful some projects. performance of the job of an entry-level Police APPLY Officer, a summary of Portland Civil Service which is available upon Board request. 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 APPLY Portland Civil Service No later than Friday, Board June 22, 1979. 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 A n Equal Opportunity _ , , ______ I No later than Friday, June 29, 1979. CITY OF PORTLAND EQUIPMENT CONVERSION MECHANIC $9.06 approx, hourly No later than Friday, June 22, 1979. Academic position. OSU Extension Service Polk, Marion and Yamhill Counties. Coordinate educatior a! project for small farm families. Uti lize various educational media and work with volunteers. Two year funding trom U SD A . M a x im u m s a la ry 9 1 3 ,0 0 0 . R e q u ire d : B a c h e lo r 's d e g re e ; training and/or exper ience in agriculture, in formal adult education, and working with volun teers; com m unication skills. To apply contact Irma Sargent, Extension P e rs o n n e l O ffic e r , Oregon State University, Extension Hall 125, Cor vallis, OR. 97331. Phone 503-754-2661. Applica tion deadline June 29, 1979. OSU is an a ffir mative action/ equal op portunity employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. FIELD REP FOR INSURANCE RATING ORGANIZATION An Equal Opportunity Employer MAIL CLERK Our mail room is looking for a responsible person to train in all phases of mail and supply. Excel lent benefits. 9550.00 monthly to start. Cedar Hills location. Call Per sonnel 643-7661. College level training in technical courses desir able. Pratical experience in fire protection field beneficial. Will train. Ex cellent fringe benefits. Mr. Brown 226-2651. Programmer The position entails the assistance in the formulation of operating software for large scale application development projects Design, implement, test and document soft ware features to increase system effectiveness for programmers, users and operators Develop specific utility programs Requirements include knowledge of hardware and operating system internals Ability to use COBOL. Familiarity with DOS VS/CICS. This development project will use an interm 370/138 with a 4.341 following Program m er/ Analyst New 3 I and 4 bedroom homes with or without family rooms in Vancouver close to 1-5 and 8 minutes from Interstate bridge Include 2 baths, double garage, brick fireplaces, range, dishwasher, garbage disposal, w /w car pets. Ail are energy efficient with 10 year Home Owner's Warranty. Cash price for 3 bedroom with 1036 sq. ft. would be $47,000, 10% Annual Per centage Rate with 360 monthly payments at 9412.46 principal and interest plus estimated taxes and insurance. (B u sin ess A p plications) Veterans move-in for 9100.00, FHA purchaser's move in approx. 92,650.00. These positions cover experienced positions aN well as more senior positions. Analyze projects, design, code, test and maintain or evaluate complex programs for business applications Requirements involve experience in programming similar projects using COBOL. Broad working knowledge of programming, design and analysis The ability to translate user requirements into detail design specifica tions is desirable. Familiarity with DOS V S /C IC S is desirable This development project will use an interm 370/ 138 with a 4341 following. Salary is open Benefits include educa tional support, insurance and profit sharing programs Send detailed resume and salary history to Carol Ward. Tektronix, Inc . P.O. Box 500, C-13, Beaverton, Oregon 97077. An equal opportunity employer m f h A n Equal Opportunity Employer Tektronix A n Equal Opportunity Employer Hospital b Medical Center Applications now being accepted for the follow ing positions in our new cafeteria: LEAD PERSON 12 PM to 8:30 PM To assist Dining Room Manager in coordinating dishroom activities. Daily data accounting, etc. Prefer minimum of high school with related courses in food service su- Pwvieion and 1 year exper ience in supervising food service personnel. 94.31 an hour. CAFETERIA RELIEF Varied day shift hours. 32 hours a week. Assign ment involves relieving all areas in new cafeteria from food preparation to fill-in wherever needed. $4.16 hour. C ontact: Employment Administrator Lamb-Weston 6600 SW Hampton Portland, OR. 97223 639-8612 An Equal Opportunity Employer m /f/h INDUSTRIAL NURSE (Part-time) Registered nurse with in dustrial or emergency room experience pre ferred. Day shift but must be able to work swing shift occasionally. Salary 98 an hour. Phone 289-5506 ext. 425 for in terview a p p o in tm en t. Aluminum Company of America. An Equal Opportunity Employer ON-CALL To cross train into full time opening as they oc cur 93.86 hour. Apply between 9 b 2 PM Employee Relations 2183 NW Northrup A n Equal Opportunity Employer RESIDENTIAL CARE WORKER To work in group home for adolescent girls. 45 hours per week including some evening and weekend work. Educa tion: indoor experience desirable. Apply Boys b Girls Aid Society, week days. 9 5, 222-9861. An Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSING WANTED Responsible roommates to share 4-bdrm NE home, food, u til., upkeep. No pets, no children. Call after Sun day, 234-7668. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE HERMITAGE REALTY, INC. 4715 St. Johns Road Vancouver, Wash 98661 Sales Life Sales Representatives Trainee Positions Opportunities available in Portland Motivating and assisting independent agents representing The Hartford versus direct sales is the responsibility of this professionally trained Hartford representative If you are sn aggressive, highly motivated salesperson, with a proven ability to motivate others, we would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you. P rerequisites include; • C ollege degree preferred • G ood record o f ac ad e m ic a c h iev em en t and o u t side in vo lv em en t • 1-2 years of business experience, preferably in Training consists of a 6 week intensive formal program in Hartford, followed by continued training at the above per manent location. E xce llen t tra in in g , salary an d bonus, b e n e fits and co m p an y car. Local In te rv ie w s W ill be A rranged For immediate confidential consideration, send resume and salary requirements to: Gregory W . McArthur, Life Sales Manager, THE HARTFORD INSURANCE GROUP, 1820 Eastlake Avenue East, Seattle, Washington 98102. Vane 694 8677 Ptld 223 8229 INVITATION TO BID The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general, contact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, or phone 248-4001. Form Bid Projects presently advertised: BID NO. C O M M IT T E D TO E KCELLENCE SECRETARY D A TA PROCESS Excellent opportunity! Im m e d ia te o p e n in g LIBRARIAN. MAP exists for a Secretary in Cataloging, reference our Data Processing and instruction for map Dept. Lamb-Weston is a co llec tio n . R equired: major food process com MLS; Geography or re pany which supplies the lated coursework; and food service industry in LC cataloging experience all parts of the U.S. A t a n d /o r c o u rs e w o rk . tra c tiv e e n v iro n m e n t Prefer map library or ref working in our corporate erence experience in earth office located in Tigard scien ces. In s tru c to r, area. Duties will require 912,500 912,750. Appli accurate typing, dictate cations due: July 14, transcript machine, 10- 1979. Oregon State Uni key calculator, inter versity Library, Corvallis, ested in learning and Oregon 97331. Equal growing on the job. Ex O p p o r t u n it y / A f f i r posure to data process mative Action E m helpful. W e offer top ployer- Complies Sec. company paid benefit 504 Rehab. Act 1973. program and com peti tive salary if you are in RESTAURANT terested in a position with challenge and GOOD SAMARITAN variety. STOP LOOKING BUY TOMORROW'S SECURITY FOR YOUR FAMILY TODAY d a ta proreaaing DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE 163 JIFP-Claims Investigations Services 06/29/79 - 10 AM Construct Relieving Interceptor Sewer J1ZZÛ3Z79 195 R FP-Architect-Engineer-Contractor Tearns for 07/03/79 ----------- Construction of Portland Public Service Building 196 Construction of Access Road and Cofferdam at 06/28/79 Powerhouse No. 1 - Bull Run River 197 Financial Consultant Service 07/06/79 — 5 PM ______ Relative to Sale Revenue Bond for Portland Public Service Building 198 Financial Consultant Service 07/20/79 — 5 PM For Qualification Statement Relative to Preparation & Sale of Revenue Bond for Sewage Disposal Facility 129 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR/ PURCHASING The Port of Portland has an immediate vacancy for an Administrative Co ordinator within a pur chasing dept. Preferred qu alificatio n s include progressively respon sible office experience. Encompassing business c o rre s p o n d e n c e , a c curate typing, know ledge of math and ability to deal with the public. Starting salary 99,200-99,900. If in terested and qualified apply in person, Person- i nel Office, 15 FI., 700 NE Multnomah. All applica tions must be received by 5 PM, Wednesday, June 27. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND RECORDS MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN $901 approx, mo. Researches, compiles, organizes and sum marizes data in support of records storage and handling improvements. Experience and/or train ing in records manage ment highly desirable. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than Friday, June 22, 1979. An Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH ASSISTANT Unclassified ! To work in plant hor mone bioassay. B.S. de gree required, M .S. pre ferred. Salary 910,000- 12,000/year. Position full time for one year, sub ject to renewal thereafter based on continued grant support. Send let ter of application, curri culum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. John Gordon, Head, De partment of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. OSU is an A ffir mative A ction Eq u al E m p lo y m e n t O p p o r tun ity Em ployer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. An equal opportunity employer, m t J FOLLOW - THROUGH THE HARTFORD ENGRS/STRUCTURAL DESIGNERS For consulting engineer ing firm in Seattle. 15 person office. Must have 5 years documented ex perience. Send applica tion to: M acDonald- McLaren Hammond, Inc. 215 8th Ave. N o rth , Seattle, W A . 98109. (205) 622 4580 collect. Faculty position as Re search Associate, avail able August 1, 1979. Re search in vegetation m a n a g e m e n t. P h D . (completed or near com PROGRAM pletion) required, in ASSISTANCE forest ecology, silvicul Resource assistant un ture, vegetation m an classified. Full-time, 12 agement or weed month academic posi science, 915,000-19,000/ tion. Experience in cross year. Fixed-term a p cultural activities and pointment for one year, student support ser subject to renewal there vices. For information after based on continued contact: Search Com grant support. Send let mittee, Program Assis ter of application, cur tance; English Language riculum vitae, tran In s titu te; A D S -A 1 0 0 , scripts, and three letters Oregon State University, of recommendation to Corvallis, OR. 97331, or Dr. John C. Gordon, call 754 3006. Head, D epartm ent of Forest Science, Oregon OREGON STATE U N I State University, Cor VERSITY IS A A F FIR - vallis, OR 97331. OSU is M A T IV E A C T IO N / an A ffirm a tiv e Action EQUAL OPPOR Equal Employment Op T U N IT Y E M P L O Y E R portunity Employer and AND COMPLIES W ITH complies with Section SECTION 504 OF VOCA 504 of the Rehabilitation TIO N A L R E H A B ILITA Act of 1973. TION ACT OF 1973. HOUSEKEEPER Full-time, 4 days on, 2 days off shift. Insurance, paid holidays, other b e n e fits . C o n ta c t Raleigh Care Center, 292-4488. All Businesses need it Your Business needs it Contact: Tom Boothe, 288-8469 on Succeeding in Business FOLLOW-THROUGH She’s pregnant. She’s deserted. She needs help. She should call 221-0598 Birthright free confidential counseling for pregnant girls Mayer Building al 1130S W Mdrrlson is a proven business suc cess concept which helps you find your competitive edge and turns more pro fits your way. follow - through is a business success concept developed by Dr. Thomas Boothe, President, Contractors Management, Inc.