Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 1979, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Observer Thurbday, June 21.1*79 Pegs 3
Community Calendar
A cultural evening o f slides fro m Chile along with discussion, music and
poetry w ill be presented by Chile Democratico o f Portland. To honor the
memory o f the great martyred President, Salvador Allendc on the occasion o f
his 71st birthday. Friday, June 29th, 7:00 p.m ., Dekum Building, 6th Floor
Meeting Room. 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue. Admission is free. For further infor­
mation, call John Reed Bookstore, 227-2902, days.
Albina Branch Library: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m., special programs, stones,
movies. 3605 N.E. 15th, 287-7147.
North Portland Branch Library: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m., special programs
and film s. 512 N. Killingsworth, 284-5622.
St. Johns B.anch: Thursdays, 7:00 p m., film s. 7510 N. Charleston, 286-
....m t * l.UU. J U i l C
25th, 10:30 a.m., Northgate Park; June 27th, 1:30 p.m., Rose City Park; July
2nd, 1:30 p.m., Irving Park; and July 3rd, 10:30 a.m., Peninsula Park,
The Washington Park Zoo will kick o ff its summer concert series "Y our Zoo
and A ll That Jazz” on Wednesday, June 27th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., with a
concert by the Mel Brown Quartet. The concerts are free with regular zoo ad­
mission and everyone is welcome. Bring a blanket or folding chair and your
picnic dinner (don’ t forget your sunglasses!). For more information call the
Washington Park Zoo, 226-1561.
Vacation Bible School, June 25th-29th, 9:30-11:45 a m. Willamette Boule­
vard Evangelical Church, 2149 N. Willamette Boulevard. For ages three to
those who just completed the sixth grade. Registration started June 20th at the
church. Pick up a bus schedule during registration.
Beverly Hughes will compete in NAACP national talent competition.
ACT-SO, during the National Convention next week.
Jeff student wins scholarship
A bright future in the world of
dance is predicted fo r Beverly
Hughes as she leaves Jefferson High
School upon her graduation. Her
teachers, her fellow students and the
general public acclaim her talent in
the art.
Bev’s own interests lie in this direc­
tion with the ethnic dances o f the
Caribbean areas exciting her most of
all. Jazz — the disco — ballet and
tap arc all on her list, however.
This summer will see Bev on the
campus at Reed College where she
will receive further instruction in the
ballet for a few weeks. Later in the
summer, Bev expects to attend a
summer dance class program at Fort
Worden (near Seattle), Washington.
An opportunity awarded to her when
she won the Shen Ryan scholarship
bestowed each year upon Jefferson’s
"best” dancer among the four-year
students there.
While at Jefferson Beverly kept
up her grades and emerged as
president o f Jefferson’ s National
Honor Society. She won a place on
the school’ s Rose Festival Court and
was co-editor o f 7he Jeffersonian.
In the community Beverly won the
local and regional N AACP Talent
Scholarship and w ill be going to
Louisville, Kentucky to compete in
the finals with young people across
the nation. Beverly w ill perform an
excerpt from the "Them e fo r the
E u lip io n ” which was w ritten by
Raymond Sawyer, a choreographer
for the Alvin Ailey dance troupe. She
will be in Kentucky at the end o f next
week. We wish her success.
Athlete, scholar and TV host
Continued from page 1 col. 3)
Instead o f walking around racist, I
had time to write poetry. I relaxed.”
In Portland, he found himself. He
found the independent entity he had
been seeking in D.C. and Nebraska.
By p u llin g him self together, he
enabled himself to help others. His
grade point average slipped slightly
when he began working at the Linn-
ton Com m unity Center in N orth­
west Portland. Working an excess o f
25 hours a week, helping students
with school, directing athletics, and
coaching basketball, he still managed
to carry 17 credit hours at the
University while staying on the Dean’s
Tucker was selected by the Com
m unication Department as ” Th
Outstanding Senior in Community
Service.” He has taken the time t<
write and take pictures for local press
keeps in touch with D.C. newspaper:
and radio stations and communitj
center friends informed o f his ac
tivities. “ A ll I want to be now is a
positive role model for youngsters,’
he said seriously. "Somebody has tc
show them it’s possible.”
One o f these days back home, his
friends and family will turn on their
television sets and see Ullysses
Tucker Jr. smiling back at them,
reading the news, or hosting and
producing a public service show.
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How many of these NAACP Convention participants
can you identify?
These are a few of the very important decision-makers who will play
a decisive role in the NAACP's 70th Annual Convention, in Louisville,
Ky., June 25-30, where over 10,000 participants are expected.
Convention Summary
with Art Alexander
July 1, 2:00 to 3:30 pm
K O A P - T V , C h . 10
Oregon Educational and Public Broadcasting Service
D< , f t w í? b ,r i í h t ¿ H o n * C ’ I)e L o re s T u c k e r , H o n . J u l i a n B o n d , M rs . M a r p a r e t Bush Wi
Ä - iiin
U , H ^ : / S ” 1î d^ ^ a
r ; t e r M o n d a l* ’ H o n - M a r*
M itc h e ll,