P ao* « Portland Thursday. M arch IB. 1879 Community honors 'Wiz' cast 1 There will be a reception for the company o f the "W iz ” on Tuesday, March 20th, at Geneva’s Lounge beginning at 9:00 p.m. There will be a cover charge with proceeds going to benefit the Black Educational Center. This function is an example o f the community working together to sup­ port community programs. Popeye’s C hicken, a newly established business in the com m unity w ill donate chicken; Paul Knauls w ill W ESTERN LIFE IN S U R A N C E CO. We Specialize In Life b Health Insurance • Investment Products • Group, Medical b Denticai Under Ten, All Tax Sheltered Plans, Pension, Etc. help with transportation as well as assist with the refreshments; Gracye Kennedy and the staff o f the Black Educational Center are coordinating and securing other donations for the event. The “ W iz " w ill be in Portland from March 19th through March 24th. Everyone is encouraged to see this great theatrical production — and help welcome the company to Portland at the reception on March 20th. See you there!! W h o lly O w n e d by Companies O T ItB Call Today H A M IL T O N 1750 S .W . Skyline Blvd., Suite 220 297^836 'Biti 8 'fu w i by Ruth Spencer Ms. Edith Cawthorne is in Port­ land to watch her son. Herb Caw­ thorne. perform in “ D uB ois" an oral history program. Ms. Cawthorne, a former Port­ land resident and Multnomah County librarian, lives in Washington, D.C. The Reverend O.B. W illiam s, pastor o f Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church, is recovering at Emanuel Hospital. B IL L Y P R E S T O N (§íü)3lE)i by Allen Jones SPECTRUM IN BLUE - BILLY PRESTON With “ A Whole New Thing,” his seventh AAM album, Billy Preston’s in­ nate creative genius takes yet another joyous leap into new musical territories. From the First cut forward, this is classic Preston: full, rich, lively and loaded with fun. I f a single word could sum up a major artistic achievement, that word would have to be happy; in fact, “ Happy” is the title o f a resoundingly spirited instrumental featuring Billy on univox and numerous synthesizers with brilliant horn variations. Billy bubbles, bounces and boggles his way through a sumptuous feast o f sounds, touches on all the familiar bases — rock, ballads, blues, r&b — and serves up a menu that is sheer, irresistible vintage Preston. Even when he slows the pace, as he does on the soulful “ I’ m Really Gonna Miss Y ou,” a Fine arrangement that recalls the best o f Blood, Sweat & Tears turns the song into a decided up. And when Preston’s really cookin’ — on ‘ ‘Whole New Thing,” “ Disco,” “ Complicated Sayings” — it is clear that he’s delivered us music to celebrate by. music that makes you feel real good. This consummate artist’s personal saga has been documented in detail over the years — from his early gospel roots and later gigs with his mentor, Ray Charles, his teenage years with “ Shindig,” the exuberant flash and th rill o f touring with Mick Jagger and the Fab Four, and later, George Harrison. B illy’ s fans — who encompass the cream o f the major rock personalities o f the last decade — have watched his growth as a performer, composer, arranger, and keyboard master while his songs have served as handsome vehicles both for himself and for other artists: “ You Are So Beautiful.” "O uta Space,” “ W ill It Go Round In Circles," “ Nothing from Nothing.” 4t’s a safe bet that many ar­ tists w ill dip into the treasure chest o f " A Whole New Thing” and come up with Fistfuls o f gold. That's the way it is with Billy Preston: the clean, dynamic energy that’ s vir­ tually become his trademark, the infectious pulse o f rhythms you can’t escape, and the funky/sassy intensity o f that voice — remarkable musical instrument in itself — combine so distinctively that you know instantly it’ s Billy Preston: who else could it be? A born night owl, Billy's spent months working on “ A Whole New Thing” at his Topanga Canyon ranch, jamming all night long till he got it exactly right. “ There’ s something about the night that brings out the creative spirit in people,” he says. “ A lot o f musicians do most o f their music making at night. Less distraction, I guess.” And no one’s come as close to summing up all the disparate elements that make up the Billy Preston sound better than he himself when he said: “ I was raised on gospel music, and gospel music means truth. But I don’ t think that just because the gospel thing is strong in my music, it can’t be funky and sassy at the same time, and danceable, too, dig? To me it’s not what you do, it’s the way you do it. So I want to make music that moves your body and soothes your mind with truth. I ’m not a preacher, but you might say 1 have a message: Livin’ righteously funky is no sin.” School Board Chairman Frank M cN am ara's statement that the C o a litio n fo r School Integration “ wants com pulsory busing as retribution” is an admission that the Board is guilty o f inflicting a repug­ nant condition on Blacks that it ab­ hors for whites. McNamara projects his g u ilt onto the C o a litio n by blaming it fo r the Board’ s covert racism. He dares the Coalition to demand an equity for Blacks that would deny white priviledge! Ms. Clora Johnson is spending her spring vacation, from working as a school aide, with relatives and friends in Oakland, California. The National Council o f Negro Women will have its regular meet- ing, Monday, March 19th, at Mt. O livet Baptist C hurch, 116 N.E. Schuyler Street, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Betty Stephens is president. Mr. J. V. Mason was honored with a plaque by Local 958, Brotherhood o f Firemen and O ilers, at their regular meeting, March 13th, for serving 26 years as President. Blacks represent 11.5 percent o f the population. They are only 1.2 percent o f the lawyers and judges, two percent o f the physicians, 2.3 percent o f the dentists, 1.1 percent o f the engineers and 2.6 percent o f the college and university professors. N o b fn tto r C a r r y i n g C h o r ç jh s EXTRACTIONS fin d FILLINGS Using Sodium Pentothal — When Deseed n ■ ■ ■ u— ----- *■- — n ■ ojT wwa WV.NtM' — Pvsvs^ LwpeFuTW Ms. Jan Bowman is recovering at home after a stay in the hospital. Herb Cawthorne was brilliant in his portrayal o f W.E.B. DuBois. He gave a moving and magnificant por­ trait o f the revolution in DuBois’ thinking. The community thanks you Herb and your cast for an unforgettable experience. Liwrtset Dwewia n u PAPKIKC CAPITO!. LOT 2nd* 3rd S.W Momaon w * Benjamin Hooks. Executive D i­ rector o f the National Association for the Advancement o f Colored People, calls the unemployment of Blacks in this country “ a ticking time bomb that w ill have to be defused.” . SAFEWAY * S tre e t L e v e l HOUKS: 8,30 AM to 5:00 PM Closed Saturdays OFFICES ALSO IN SALEM & EUGENE From Your Friends at Safeway Zi>y G 3 OT DOT Whole Fryers C ru d e A , M a n o r Nouse Chickens $25C,QQQBingo, Ma P «rd M M M acatw ry. Fick ay • ■ ooos puh VALU» at M m •»aiw i ffWwta aa« ------ - • A m ie *^ ^ — e -r » leewwtwr tokydlN, Odds Chart 0 9 A U DINT AL In fu r in e * S I . 000 130 20 10 3 IO T A IS NUM M« Q» PWZtS 1 KM T OOOS IS re n ts OOOS M K N IT S 56 2 ,1 362 783 7.372 50.663 58.899 1 •" 135 *46 1 Mi 35.948 1 ,n 20 953 1 mi 9.687 1 mi 1.029 1 m ISO 1 m 129 1