Portland Observer Section II Thursday, February 22,1979 Page 6 tendance. Simon announces that he is going to Cornell University to study agriculture, but W ill tries to talk him out o f it. Cynthia argues that Simon and Bertha must have their freedom. W ill relents and the two leave. Months later, Simon and Bertha return to see her parents. They bring their baby, Alexander M urray Palmer Haley, and have hardly arrived when W ill takes the child outdoors and holds him to the heavens as has been done in the fam ily for generations. 1932 Simon Haley (Dorian Harwood) serves his hitch in the Army during World War I. hell. Later, Simon is gassed as he puts a gas mask on Ten Eyck, unconscious from injuries. When he leaves the hospital, the war is over. Simon and Doxey, bound for home, stop in Knox­ ville to see H ayw ood, his sister and her children. Whites, including Earl Crowther, have been invading the Black areas and Simon is asked to escort Haywood's sister and her children to safety while Haywood and Doxey guard the house with rifles. Simon barely escapes as shots are exchanged. H aywood is cut down by C rowther. Later, after the mob is dispersed, Doxey catches Crowther in an alley and cuts his throat. In Henning, Simon and Bertha are married at W ill Palmer’ s house with Congressman Andy Warner in at- Alex Haley is twelve years old. His father, Simon, is qualified to teach agriculture, but in these depression times he totes lumber for W ill Palmer. Alex’ s mother, Bertha, says that Simon is lucky to have work in hard times, but Simon is unhappy. Old W ill is getting on. One Sunday W ill takes Alex to the garage to see a section o f redwood trunk, five feet across and hundreds o f years old. On the tree rings, W ill has delineated the fam ily chronology all the way back to Kunta Kinte, the A frican. A t the end o f the summer Simon is hired to teach agriculture at a Black college in N orm al, Alabama. There he learns the realities o f academic life as weli as those o f the te n a n t-fa rm e r system. The school president, Dr. Huguley (Paul W infield), w ill sing a spiritual or dance a jig to please the paternalistic whites whose contributions keep the school going. Tenant farm­ ers, both Black and white, are at the mercy o f their land­ lords, who insist on raising cotton exclusively, though Simon and the sympathetic white county agent, Lyle P ettijoh n (Robert C ulp), know that rota ting crops would bring more p ro fit. Simon urges the farmers to take advantage o f President Roosevelt’ s new subsidy plan. But the land owners want the subsidy checks for themselves, and Pettijohn predicts trouble if the tenants follow Simon's ideas. W ill Palmer has died, and Bertha is quite ill although Young Alex Haley (Christoff St. John) listens to the tale of Kunta Kinte from his grandmother (Beah Richards). she keeps her pain secret from her fam ily. She wants to make a surprise visit to Henning to visit her mother, Cynthia. But when they arrive, the Haley’ s are sur­ prised. Cynthia and Aunt Liz are working as field hands. A fte r W ill’s death, there was little left fo r Cynthia. In the evenings the old ladies, now joined by Cousin Georgia, sit on the porch to recount stories about the A frican. Alex, sitting behind his grandmother Cynthia’ s chair, remembers every word. Meanwhile, Bertha tells her mother that her illness is terminal. In Normal, Black farmer Ab Dekker (Brock Peters), inspired by Simon, refuses to sign his subsidy check over to the landlord. Deputies sieze his property, but Simon is able to save A b ’s first subsidy check, giving them MOW A LEGEMD BECOMES A MAGNIFICENT NEW EXPERIENCE. Marlon Brando Olivia de Havilland Henry Fonda Andy G riffith Dorian Harewood James Earl Jones Dina M e rrill Lynne Moody Georg Stanford Brown Diahann Carroll Robert Cylß_ Ruby Dee — THENEKT Alex Haley's powerful epic continues with the story of four more generations of descendants of the slave boy Kunta Kinte. Beginning in * 1882, the film chronicles the family s struggle to *Jr gain equality i through nearly 100 years of turbulent American history. 7/ Debbie Morgan Greg M o rris S tan Shaw M a rc Singer Richard Thomas if r 7 Sunday Feb 18,8.00 10:00 pm Monday Feb. 19,8:00 10:00 pm Tuesday Feb. 20,9:00 11:00 pm Wednesday Feb. 2 1 .9 0 0 11.00 pm Thursday Feb 2 2 ,9 00 11:00 pm Friday Feb. 2 3 .9 0 0 11:00 pm Sunday Feb. 25,9:00 11.00 pm