Portland Observar Thursday, February 8 , 1979 Page 7 MECHANICS/ MILLWRIGHTS Portland Observer M artin M arietta A lu m i­ num , The Dalles, O re ­ g o n , is e n larg ing its M aintensnce force and has p erm an en t o p e n ­ ings for M illw rights or Manufacturing Plant M e ­ chanics. JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities On call, temporary cafeteria work available lx»th day and «win» Sift Prior experience in food preparation and aerv ing helpful. These job» can lead to permanent positions y Keypunch Operators Wt- have immediate permanent openings tor swing shift Keypunch Operator» form al keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required fam iliarity with 12» IB M card punch or Intorex key to diac denirable P a rt Time Assembler Part time poMtwns avuilable for electronic uNHombly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required Will perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years' secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write lo T E K T R O N IX . IN C .. P.O. Box 500 P. Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m/f. Ifektronix i i s M i t»n n i n H U M The D epartm ent of Housing and Urban Development will accept applications for newly constructed an d/o r substen tially re h a b ilitate d housing units under the Section 202 Direct Loan Program for Hous­ ing for the Elderly or Handicap­ ped Section 202 direct loan a u ­ thority in the am ou nt of 15 .4 8 1 .6 0 0 fo r m etro p o litan and 13,950,800 for nonmetro­ politan areas it being made available to the Portland Area HUD office jurisdiction to fi­ nance en eetimated 163 units for metropolitan areas and 118 units for nonmetropolitan areas for the elderly or handicapped Applications from the deeig- neted areas for the amount of unite indicated below will be evaluated firs t. Only in th e event that an insufficient num ­ ber of approvable applications are received from the designated allocation areas will applications from other areas be considered for approval. N o tw ith stan d in g the above preference for applications re­ ceived for a designated allocs tion ares, applications for houaing designed exclusively or primarily for the nonelderly handicapped from any allocs tion area will ba accepted end evaluated A llo cation A rea: INonmetro politan Areas) SW Oregon — Coos, Douglas, Curry, Jose phine and Jackson C ounty. M a x im u m N u m b e r o f Units: 40 A m o u n t o f L o an A u thorlty: »1,341,200. H ousing Type (N e w or R ehabl: New and/or Substantial Rehab S alary $ 2 ,0 2 6 m o n th . ' E m ploye« is re s p o n ­ sible for the financial ad­ ministration of a major I City government organi­ zation. Involves financial p la n n in g , budget p re p a ra tio n , p ro g ra m and policy development. Supervision is exercised over clerical and a c ­ counting personnel. APPLY 1 P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No la te r th an Friday, February 9, 1979. Applicants must be able to show tw o years of program m ed m illw right training and three years of Journeyman experience or five years of Journey­ m an exp erien ce in all phases of millwrighting. W e have a union rate of $8.95 per hour plus 13C an hour cost of living ad-1 ju s tm e n t and an e x ­ cellent benefit package. W e also provide a reloca­ tion allowance. Please apply or send re­ sume to P.O. Box 711, T h e D alles, O rego n , 97058, or call 503-296 6161 fo r m ore in fo r­ mation. IN VITA TIO N FOR APPLICATIO N« FOR SECTION 202 FUND RESERVATIONS OR1S-T7S2 A n Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND PARKS MAINTENANCE FOREMAN $1,775 approx, mo. Re­ sponsible for directing the work of crews com ­ posed o f e le c tric ia n s , , p a in te rs , c a rp e n te rs , : maintenance mechanics, u tility w orkers and la ­ borers engaged on major c o n s tru c tio n , m a in te ­ nance and repair opera­ tions. W ork also involves complex design prepara­ tio n , m a n a g e m e n t of contracted work, budget preparation and mainte­ nance policy d e v e lo p ­ ment and participation in research to ac h ie v e g re a te r w o rk e ffic ie n ­ cies. APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board The D ep artm ent of Housing ! 510 S .W . M ontgom ery | and Urban Developmant will accept applications for newly ! Portland, OR. 97201 constructed e n d /o r substan­ tially re h a b ilitate d housing units under the Section 202 Di­ rect Loan Program for Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped Section 202 direct loan autho­ rity in the am ou nt of * 5 .4 8 1 .8 0 0 fo r m etio p o lite n and *3,968.800 for nonmetro­ politan areas is being made available to the Portland Area H U D office juriadiction to fi­ nance an eetimated 163 units for metropolitan areas and 118 units for nonmetropolitan areas for the elderly or handicapped Applications from the desig neted areas for the amount of units indicated below will be ev aluated firs t. Only in the event that an insufficient num ­ ber of approvals applications ere received from the designated allocation areas win applications from other erase be considered for approval. N o tw ith s ta n d in g th e above preference for applications re­ ceived for a designated alloca tion areas, ap plicatio ns fo r housing designed exclusively or primarily for the nonelderly handicapped from any alloca tion area will be accepted and evaluated. Application Area: IMetropo titan A reas) Portland S M S A (Limited to Clackamas, Mult nomeh, W ashington Counties in O rego n, exclud ing Clark C o u n ty , W a s h in g to n ). M axim um Numbar of Unita: 183. A m o u n t of Loan A u ­ thority: *6,481,800. Housing Typs (Naw or Rohab): New and/or Substantial Rehab. Applications must be received Applications must be received or postmarked by 4:30 p m ., or postmarked by 4:30 p .m ., Monday. April 30. 1979 Ap Monday. April 30. 1979 Ap propriete in ttructiona, forma proprietà instructions, forms end other program in fo rm a­ and other program information tion are contained in a Applies are contained in an Applies tion Package which may be ob tion Package which may be ob­ tamed from the H U D Office, tained from the H U D Office, 520 S W Sixth Avenue. Port 520 S W Sixth Avenue, Port­ land, Oregon 97204 Thia of land, Oregon 97204 This office fica will conduct a workshop in will conduct a workshop in the the Portland H U D Office, Ces Portland H U D Office, Cascade cade Building, 520 S W . Sixth Building, 620 S .W . Sixth Ave Avenue, on Tuesday. March 6, nue on T u esd ay, M arch 6, 1979, from 9:00 e.m . to 12:00 1979, from 9:00 e.m. to 12:00 Noon for interested applicants Noon for interacted applicants to explain the regulations and to explain the regulations and instructions governing the Sec instructions governing the Sec tion 202 Program end the Sec tion 202 Program and the Sec tion 108(b) Nonprofit Sponsor I tion 106(b) Nonprofit Sponsor Housing Assistance Loan Pro Housing Assistance Loon Pro gram, to distribute the Applica gram, to distribute the Applies tion Packages end the required tion Packages and the required forms for both programs and to forme for both programs end to discuss application procedures, discuee application procedures, required exhibits, end any fur required exhibits, and any fur­ thar in fo rm a tio n ab ou t th e ther in fo rm a tio n ab ou t th e availability of loan authority to availability of loan authority to the desig nated allocation i the d e sig nated allocation •re s e . In terested ap plicants areas. In terested ap plicants should obtain an application should obtain an uppllcation package prior to attending the package prior to attending the workshop workshop No later then February 16, 1979. A n E qual Opportunity Em ployer PERSONNEL ANALYST C ity of S alem , $1523- $1948. College degree, minimum of 2 years re­ sponsible personnel ad­ m in is tra tiv e w o rk or equivalent com bination of experience and train­ ing. P osition involves classification and com - : p e n s a t io n a n a ly s i s . Closing d a te : 3 / 2 / 7 9 . A pp ly: C ity of S alem , Personnel D epartm en t, 555 Liberty SE, Salem, Oregon 97301. A n E qual Opportunity Em ployer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TRAINEE $1016-$1296/per month, co llege grad in public administration or related field. Accounting exper­ ience desirable, or equiv. comb, of experience end training. Last filing date, February 16, 1979. A p ­ ply Washington County Personnel, Room 305, 150 N . First A v e n u e , Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer, w om en and m em bers of m inorities urged to apply. ELECTIONS TECHNICIAN $788 $1 0 0 6 /p e r m onth, 2 yrs office exp and H .S . grad, or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. Must be able to perform light lift­ ing of v o to m a tic m a ­ chines and o th e r m a te ria ls . Last filing date, February 16, 1979. A p p ly W a s h i n g t o n C o u n ty P e r s o n n e l, Room 305, 150 N. First Avenue, Hillsboro, O re­ gon 9 7 1 2 3 . A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer, w o m en and m inorities urged to apply. FABRIC CARE SPECIALIST The City o! Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process. Could this be YOUR Next step to opportunity? For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general con tact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 S W 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 or phone 248-4001. W e need a professional Fabric Care Specialist to enhance our position in the commercial laundry market. Our ideal candidate will possess u college degree or equivalent in experience, specifically, calling on hospitals and com m ercial laundries, or know the operations end of the business. This could be the way to increased income. You will receive a base salary, com­ missions, a company car plus expenses. Opening is in the W ashington/Oregon area. W e are a rapidly growing and highly diversified manufacturer of chemicals. Professional growth is in step with our corporate climate. Minorities and fe ­ males are encouraged to apply. For confidential consideration, please forward your resume to: M r. Vern Phillips BASF Wyandotte Corporation Martin Marietta Aluminum Clerk lypist IN VITA TIO N FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SECTION 202 FUND RESERVATIONS OR1S-T7SS CITY OF PORTLAND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER II INVITATION TO BID A n Equal Opportunity Employer M / F ELECTRICIAN M artin M arietta A lu m i­ num o f T h e D alles, Oregon is currently tak­ ing ap p lic a tio n s fo r a Journeyman Electrician. To he considered for this p o s itio n , an a p p lic a n t must have, or be able to qualify for, an Oregon Li­ mited Journeyman Plant M a n u fa c tu rin g E lectri­ cian's License or better. Our union rate is $9.17 per hour plus 13C per hour cost of living a d ­ justment. W e provide a r e lo c a tio n a llo w a n c e plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Please apply or send re­ sume to P.O. Box 711, The D alles, O regon 97058 or call 5 03-296- 6161 fo r m o re in fo r­ mation. Martin Marietta Aluminum 871 N. Park Ave., Oak Harbor, Washington 98227 WE WORK FOR THE FUTURE W ITH YOU IN M IN D Equal Opportunity Employât M /F BASF Tektronix has immediate openings for part time assemblers in the North Plains, Tigard and Beaverton areas. Two shifts available, 6:00 a m. to 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Excellent opportunity to learn basic assembly operations. Successful applicants will be trained to assemble a variety of component parts. Requires use of small band tools. Applicants must be 18 years of age or have completed high school. Ability to lift 20 lbs. Apply in person Monday through Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Tektronix Employment Office, 3655 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton, Oregon. An Equal Opportunity Employer m /f/h c. T e k tro n ix COMMIT TEO TO EXCELLENCE A n E qu al Opportunity Em ployer M / F ) ASSOCIATE PLANNER - TRANSPORTATION C ity o f S a le m , $ 7 .5 3 - $9.24/h r. Prepare street developm ent standards and plan layout of major streets prior to su b d i­ vision a c tiv ity . M a k e p u b lic p re s e n ta tio n s . Perform special studies. G ra d u a tio n fro m 4 -y r co llege w ith m ajo r in planning or area of spe­ c ia lty . E xperience in transportation planning and street layout or site planning. Knowledge of principles and practices of planning and q u a n ­ tita tiv e m etho d s of analysis. Ability to work in d e p e n d e n tly , w r ite concisely, prepare gra­ phics and make presen­ ta tio n s . Closing d a te : 3 /1 /7 3 . Apply: City of Salem, Personnel D ept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR . 97301. A n E qu al Opportunity Em ployer B e a u tifu l m usic radio announcer w a n te d fo r K X L /F M . M in im u m 3 years broadcast e x p e r­ ience a n d /o r rad io li­ cense re q u ire d . G ood pay and excellent w o rk­ ing conditions o ffe re d . Call Larry Roberts 231- 0750. A n Equal Opportunity Em ployer M / F Business Opportunities Extra Home income. Be­ co m e an in d e p e n d e n t commissioned mailer or earn money w riting a r­ ticles. For details, send stamped, addressed long e n v e lo p e to : P ow ers P ub licatio n , 1320 S .E . 1 5 8 th , P o rtla n d , O R . 97233. WOMEN! BE SURPRISED AT WHAT YOU CANDO! This is big news. Hundreds of Army skills are open for women. Only a few specialties remain available to “men only.” Move fast while the opportunities last. Call your local Army representative now. Join the Army and be the future. 234-7209 3637 NE Sandy Blvd. CITY OF PORTLAND ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT $849 approx, mo. M ain­ tain subsidiary budgeting and accounting records. Applicants should have k n o w le d g e o f b o o k - keep in g and a c c o u n t- ing principles. A know ­ ledge of obligations and contracts is desirable. APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No la te r th an F rid ay, February 9, 1979. A n Equal Opportunity Employer FOR SALE Wadding dress, veil, a t­ tendant's gown size 10 - $75. 244 3368. Formal Bid Projects presently advertised: B ID NO . B ID O P E N IN G D ATE Ift. Construction of Conduit Intartie Constructign of Powell Butte Reservoir ai Furnishing One 1&00 GPM Triple Combination Pumper 96 96 j 99 Sludge lagoon Rehabilitation 1QQ_______ 101 Furnishing Microfische Processing I IÛ2LA Furnishing Helicnnter Service I 103 Phase IV Cathedral Park Reconstruction 104-A Furnishing Clothing — Uniforms Etc.. Fire Bureau 105 RFP-Bond Consultant Praqualificatinn Data Resumes -------Phase IV Roadway Reconstruction, EDA Project 102__ MANAGEMENT ANALYST C ity of S ale m , Public W o rks D e p t., $1451- $1858. Work with Dept. of Public Works in pro­ gram evalu atio n and control, budget prepara­ tion and monitoring, or­ g a n iz a tio n a l d e v e lo p ­ ment and work progress review. 3-5 yrs. exper­ ience in organization and m a n a g e m e n t analysis, work simplification, pre­ fer some experience in governm ent. 4 -y r. d e ­ gree with major course work in Public Adm ini­ stratio n , Business A d ­ m inistration or related field, or combination of experience and training. Closing d ate: 3 / 2 / 7 9 . A pply: City o f S alem , Personnel D e p t., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR. 97301. A n Equal Opportunity Employer 0 2 /2 0 /7 9 0 2 /2 7 /7 9 0 3 /2 2 /7 - 0 3/22/79 0 3 /0 1 /7 9 02/13/7» 02 /1 5 /7 9 0 2/22/79 0 2 /2 0 /7 9 0 2 /1 2 /7 9 Û 2/27/79 Security Guards Tektro nix, Inc. now accepting applications for Security Guards to patrol Tektronix In d u strial Park. Beaverton. Prior law enforcement or extensive security ex pen ence required F ull time perm anent positions w ith excellent benefits. M ust be availab le to work any shift a n d /o r weekends Send resume to: T ektro nix, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Attn: D. Bergstrom. .34-190, Beaverton. Oregon 97077 O R apply in person, M onday through Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a m.. T E K T R O N IX E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E , 3655 S.W. Cedar H ills Blvd., Beaverton, Oregon. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer m f h. "Ifektronix COMMIT TEO TO EXCELLENCE V C U L IN A R Y Assistant Cooks — C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D A S S O C IA T E ACCOUNTANT $1,063 approx, mo. Pro­ fe s s io n a l a c c o u n tin g work involving the re­ co rd in g , classification and analysis of data. Ap­ plicants should have knowledge of account­ ing and auditing p rin ­ ciples, governmental ac­ counting and budgeting procedures. a.m . and p.m. Interested in quality cooking and i salad making. Prefer two MANAGEMENT years fo rm a l culinary ANALYST training and a minimum C ity o f S a le m , C ity of one year practical ex- M a n a g e r 's O f f i c e , $1451-$1858. W ork with I p erien ce in q u a n tity dept. heads in specific i cooking. $4.16 hr. program evaluation as Culinary Workers — part of budget prepara­ full tim e. Responsibili­ tion, make systematic re­ ties m ay include dish- views and evaluations. | washing, trayline serv- Serve as resource and on ! ing, fo o d p rep aration j APPLY loan basis giving assis­ and cleaning. $3.86 hr. P ortland Civil S ervice tance to dept. heads in Board com plex adm inistrative On call positions — To 510 S.W . Montgomery St. and organizational prob­ cross train into full time Portland, OR. 97201 lems. 3-5 yrs. experience openings when the new in o rg a n iza tio n and service areas are a v a il-, No later than Friday, m a n a g e m e n t analysis, able. February 9, 1979. work simplication, work in Public Administration, Apply between 9 am to 2 A n E qual Opportunity Business Administration Employer or related field, or com­ i pm. bination of experience Employee Relations and tra in in g . Closing Good Samaritan Hospi­ CITY OF PORTLAND d ate: 3 / 2 / 7 9 . A pp ly: tal and Medical Center ADMINISTRATIVE City of Salem, Personnel 2183 N .W . Northrup SERVICES OFFICER II D ept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR. 97301. A n E qual Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer CITY ENGINEER City of S alem , $1858- $2356. Administration of Engineering Division in­ volving planning, design, execution and control of all civil engineering pro­ POLICY TYPIST je c ts . R esponsible fo r Opening with North Pa­ d iv i s i o n a l p o l i c i e s , c ific Insurance C o m ­ developm ent of capital p any. Good a c c u ra te projects and resolving typing skills, 40-50 wpm . administrative and tech­ $600 m onthly to start. nical problems. Coordi­ Excellent benefits. Lo­ nates work w ith other ! cated in Cedar Hills. Call departm ents and State [ Personnel between 8:30- officials when required. 4:30, 643-7661. Prepare division budget, a d m in is tra tiv e rep o rts A n Equal Opportunity and stu d ies. P rovide Employer overall control of project m anagem ent and scheduling. Experience in civil en g in eer w o rk and land survey methods as related to public works plans and specifi­ c a tio n s . A b ility to GENERAL CLERK - provide leadership and COMPOSER establish effective office OPERATOR TRAINEE p ro cedu res. A b ility to Opening in our Graphics adapt engineering prin­ D epartm ent. W ill train ciples to variety of public on typesetting or photo works projects. Registra comp set. M ust be ac­ tion as professional en­ c u ra te ty p is t, 40 50 g in eer by S ta te of wpm , with good general O rego n . Closing date: clerk skills. $625 month­ 2 /2 3 /7 9 . Apply: City of ly to start. Cedar Hills lo­ Salem, Personnel Dept., catio n . Call P ersonnel 555 Liberty SE, Salem, 643 7661. OR 97301. A n Equal Opportunity Employer D E S C R IP T IO N A n Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND SENIOR ACCOUNTANT $1,265 approx, mo. High level professional a c ­ co un tin g w o rk a n a ­ lyzing, ad ju stin g , au- I diting and maintaining ' c o m p u te riz e d g e n e ra l ledgers, ap prop riation systems and other ac­ counting s u b s y s te m s . Supervises accounting and clerical employees or lower levels. Applicants should have knowledge of municipal accounting p ro cedu res, cost and grants accounting and governm ental auditing procedures, skill in in ­ terpreting and applying law s, reg u latio ns and codes and in preparing accounting and auditing reports. I APPLY I P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR 97201 No later th an Friday, February 9, 1979. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Employee is responsible for the financial admini stration of a major City g o v e rn m e n t o rg a n iz a ­ tion. Involves financial p la n n in g , budget p re p a ra tio n , p ro g ra m and policy development. Supervision is exercised over clerical and a c ­ counting personnel APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than F rid ay, February 9, 1979. A n Equal Opportunity Employer She’s pregnant. She needs help. She should call 221-0598 B irthrigh t free confidenlial counseling for pregnanl girls Mayer Building at 1130 S.W . Morrison