Page 6 Portland Observer Thursday, December 7, 1978 Invitation to Bid Pilot Profiles... by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. •‘I was mostly into football as a youth.” said Darwin Cook, a 6*4” junior for the University o f Port­ land. “ But after being banged up a couple o f times, I thought I’d give basketball a try.” Cook, a native o f Los Angeles never played organized basketball until he was a sophomore at Cren­ shaw High School. For two years he scrapped and claw ed, but found himself on the J.V team each time. It was real tough to play V arsity for three years,” he said. “ The coach always had a lot of seniors to look out for, so 1 had to be patient and wait my turn." The summer after his junior year Cook worked out every day with Marqus Johnson o f the Milwaukee Bucks and Robert Smith o f the Den­ ver Nuggets. Both players were at UCLA and Nevada-Las Vegas when they gave Cook his formal education on the court. Johnson also played for coach Willie West. Cook also improved his skills by playing in several sum m er tou r­ naments around the city. The hard work and patience paid o ff during his senior year when he surprised the league by averaging 24.0 points per game and 10 assists as Crenshaw zipped into the Western League play-offs and finished the season 24-2. Cook was named all-conference second team, and MVP in the ban­ ning Christmas tournament the same year. U pon graduation, several schools went after the services o f the son o f Robert and A nna C o o k . D A R W IN COOK A m ong them were U SC , Cal- Fullerton, USF. and the University o f Portland. “ My biggest reason for coming here was to get my education at a small school,” he said. "And to help put a growing athletic program on the m ap, that way I get m ore sa tisfa c tio n in know ing I c o n ­ trib u ted .” With C ook the P ilots have been 13-13, 19-8. and are cur­ rently 5-0. Their best start since 1951. As a P ilot, Darwin has started every gam e, played more minutes than any other player over a two New Hope honors ushers The New Hope Missionary' Baptist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, cordially extends an in­ vitation to the public to attend, bring a friend and receive a blessing at the “ A nnual Usher Day P ro g ra m ,” Sunday evening, Decem ber 10th, 7:00 p.m. The program theme: “ The Work o f the Usher” inclusive o f a skit featuring Bettye Coppage, Leon B roadous, W illa H arris, Pearl Mashia, Jerry Thomas, Cora Jones, Darlene Buchanan. Phyllis Lathan, directed by Pat H ill. The guest speaker, R everend Jam es C .E . Faulkner, Pastor o f the St. Paul Baptist Missionary Church will bring a sermonette, the magnificent mass choir o f New H ope will provide several selections along with the guest choir from St. P au l. T he program will be enjoyable, spiritual and beneficial for all in attendance. Come and celebrate with us that God has seen us through another year o f service to him . For m ore in fo r ­ mation, call Patricia Hill, 287-5738, Program C hairm an, R everend Devers, Pastor, New Hope 281-0163. Sister Bettye Coppage, President o f the General Usher Department of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church has served two years in this office and worked diligently. The Usher D epartm ent has grow n with her tenure and New Hope has become extensively involved with the District Christmas Coacert The Chancel Choir o f Mt. Olivet Baptist C hurch, N .E . First and Schuyler Streets, is sponsoring a concert “ Born a K ing” by John Peterson on Sunday, December 24th at 5:00 p.m . They invite your sup­ port and attendance. BETTYE COPPAGE and State Usher Departments As a result o f Sister Coppage’s efforts. Also a new board was instituted un­ der her direction; she is advisor to the young adult choir and hospitality chairman o f 1979. New H ope is proud to have had her as their President and pray that God will forever bless her as she continues to serve him in many capacities. This past year, she was elected Queen for the State Usher General Bap­ tist Convention, which required rais­ ing funds for the non-profit orga­ nization which is not an easy task. But through Christ nothing is impossible. She has traveled through­ out the Pacific Northwest during the past tw o years representing New H op e M issionary Baptist Church through speaking and serv­ ing the M aster, our Lord and Saviour. Our best wishes go to her and we o f New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Usher Department salute her for a job well done! season span, and shows no sign of slowing down. Going into his third season Cook has scored 700 points by averaging 13.2 as freshman when he became the first “ ro ok ie” to be named ” M V P ," and last seasons 13.3 scoring clip. Cook has also averaged 9 assists in each season. Against USF last season. Cook ob­ tained a membership card to the “ elitist” 40 Point Club when he “ freaked” for 41 points, one short o f the school record set by Cincy P ow ell in 1964-65. P ow ell later starred for Kentucky in the old ABA, and the last Pilot to make it to the pros. Darwin was also named to the •'.All West Coast Athletic Conference" All Star Squad, (second team), and selected "Player o f the Week” on the West Coast for his efforts against USF. C ook has been labeled by scouts and coaches as one o f the best guards in the Western United States. “ Darwin continues to im prove each season," said head coach Jack Avina. “ It’s a disadvantage for him to be playing on a team with so many shooters (R ick R avio 16.0 and Reggie Logan 14.5). The fact that he is a ball-handling guard takes away shot opportunities for him, and he can shoot.” C ook is o ff to a fast start this season, he’s leading the team in scoring with a 16.3 pace. Cook also dishes out eight assists a game and leads in steals. Last Thursday, Cook was named “ M VP” in the City championship against PSU when he scored 20 points and had 9 assists. The Pilots won a tough 71-70 contest. The following Saturday he scored 16 points, had some key steals, and a driving lay-up at the buzzer to give the Pilots a 87- 85 win over the University o f Pacific. On Monday, he hit 18 points along with Rick Ravio and Reggie Logan as they won 91-76. “ Maybe the next road trip will do me good," said Cook. They travel to Hawaii for two games this weekend. Avina added, “ He makes our fast­ break click, and has tremendous ex­ plosiveness which makes our break more effective. Darwin has untapped potential, and only he can determine how great he can be.” Aspiring to be a teacher-coach. Cook recently taught a short story class at Roosevelt High School where he goes to observe teaching techni­ ques. It’s part o f the requirement for education majors at the University. “ Dealing with crowds in basket­ ball got me psyched for being in front o f the k id s,” he laughed. “ Seriously though, teachers thought that 1 would get hassles, but the kids knew me and respected my purpose for being there, I was down to earth and on their level, unlike m ost teachers . . . ” The twenty-year-old Cook also said, “ I selected this major because it’ll put me in the position to deal with athletes in the classroom and in practice. Then they will catch the value o f education both ways — many youngsters, athletes or not must realize the value o f education.” Community Calendar The Salem Branch, N AACP, will hold its “ Rejuvenation” (fifth Annual Freedom Fund Banquet) December 9th at 6:30 at the Black Angus. Featured speaker is Dr. Darrell Milner. Fashions and entertainment will be provided by Willamette University students and alums. Albina Branch Library, 3605 N.E. 15th, will present children's Christmas movies, “ Really Rosie” and “ A Very Merry Cricket” on December 9th at 2:00 p.m. (287-7147). Women's and Children’s Rights benefit dinner, December 10th, 5:00 p.m ., Centennary-Wilbur Church, 215 S.E. 9th. Public Hearing concerning services f o r aged. City Aging Services Division, held at Kenton Elementary School, 7528 N. Fenwick on December 11th, 3:00 p.m.; and at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 N.E. Hancock, December 13th, 1:30 p.m. (248-4752). 26th Annual Keep Christ in Christmas Advent Festival, Hilton Hotel, December 10th; 12:00 noon till 8:00 p.m. Continuous musical program, art displays, exhibits, craft demonstrations. No charge. A pre-Christmas midnight musicale will be a highlight o f the holiday season December 22nd, at 10:00 p.m. at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein Street. The programis being sponsored by three members o f Portland Urban 4-H Choral Ensemble, Kim Kimmons, Iretta Mumford and D ede Jenkins. A m ong other groups participating are the “ Love Congregation,” "Free Spirit Singers,” and the “ Wild Award Juniors.” for more information 287-1770. State Representative Wally Priestley will speak to the Grey Panthers regar­ ding his tax relief initiative on December 9th at 10:00 a.m ., PACT Office, 3588 S.E. Division. Ockley Green Community School, 1315 N. Ainsworth at Interstate, hosts a Holiday Open House to introduce the program: December 13th, 7:00-9:00 p.m ., in the cafeteria. Ockley Green Community School sponsors groups, classes and gym activities for kids, adults and seniors. Music by Cliff Nelson and the Young Fellas. Come find out what can be done at Ockley Green. C of­ fee and tea provided, pot luck cookies. NAACP election (Continued from Page 1 Column 6) serve you.” Rozell Gilmore said, “ If I am elect­ ed First Vice President I will work with the President and the commit­ tees to accomplish the various objec­ tives as estab lish ed by the organization. I will work with the President to organize the branch so that it can function as a business op eration . This w ould include establishing an operation budget for the year, setting up a method to enlist m ore p eop le into the organization, making sure that all the adm inistrative functions that make an organization effective are kept up to date. “ I would further like to establish a m onthly Freedom W orkshop and rally to inform , educate and motivate our young and old mem­ bers alike about the function o f the NAACP and to keep them current as far as priorities are concerned. I see this as a vital need in order to get our people prepared to face the issues of today and those that will be facing us in the future.” IN V IT A T IO N T O B ID O N E Q U IP M E N T T O BE F U R N IS H E D C IT Y O F B E N D . O R E G O N The City of Bend, Deechutes County, OR, hereinafter celled the Owner, through BECON, hereinafter called the Engineer, is inviting separate Proposals to furnish and deliver the following equipment: Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 19A: Primary Clarifier Mechanisms 19B: Secondary Clarifier Mechanisms 19C: Waste Sludge Thickener and Pressurization System 20: Mechanical Bar Screen 21: Progressive Cavity Pumps 22A: Sump Pumps (Vertical W at Pit Type) 22B: Return Sludge Pumps 22C: Waste Sludge Pumps Sealed Proposals addressed to James W . Kerfoot, Recorder Treasurer of the City of Bend, Deschutes County, 710 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701, will be received at the office of James W . Kerfoot, Recorder-Treasurer of the City of Bend, 710 W all Street, Bend, OR 97701, until 9:30 a.m ., local time, on the 9th day of January 1979, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the City Commission Room at 720 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701. The Contract Documents for the Owner's purchase of equipment include the Bidding Requirements, the Proposal, the Contract forms, the General Con­ ditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications, and the Plans. Copies of the Contract Documents may be reviewed or obtained at the office of BECON (Bend Engineering Consultants), South Highway 97, Bend, OR 97701, A TTEN ­ TIO N M r. Scott Hicks, BECON, P.O. Box 1174, Bend, OR 97701, (503)382-4114. Each Proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. Prices quoted in the Proposal shall remain firm for a period of 90 days after the date stated for opening of Proposals. A t the Bidder's option, prices quoted will be subject to negotiation after said 90 days have elapsed. Complete descriptive literature, as required by the Contract Documents, shall ba submitted with the Bidder's Proposal for the Engineer's review and evaluation. Prices quoted shall be f.o .b . factory with freight and full insurance paid by the Bidder to the City of Bend, OR 97701. The successful Bidder for the following Contract will be required to furnish a Per­ formance and Payment Bond for faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the President's Executive Order No. 11246 and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the Contract Documents. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals for each bid item, and to con­ sider that Proposal for any individual item of equipment which is to the best in­ terest of the Owner. Dated this 5th day of December, 1978. C ITY OF BEND, OREGON By James W . Kerfoot Recorder-T reasurer IN V IT A T IO N T O B IO The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority end small business enter­ prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general con­ tact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 S W 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 or phone 248-4001. Formal Bid Projects presently advertised: B ID N O . B ID O P E N IN G D A TE D E S C R IP T IO N 0 1 /1 8 /7 9 * 40 Furnishing Hydro-Electric Turbines & Generators 73 Improvement of Parking Lot at Central Services 1 2 /1 9 /7 8 74 Furnishing Traffic Actuated Controller 1 2 /1 2 /7 8 75 Furnishing Steel Strain Poles 1 2 /1 2 /7 8 76 RFP — Swan Island Project Coordinator 1 2 /1 5 /7 8 - 5:00 P .M . •Bid Opening Date has been Changed front 12/12/78 to 01/18/79. HUGHES M EM ORIAL UNITED M ETH O D IST CHURCH M V , AUSTIN V RAY MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Dial A -Prayer 284-0684 I 1^1 Church School 9:45 a.a Worship 11:00 a.m. Office 281 2332 Spacialivnt / " Individual • M arrio tt ami Tamil)’ • Group Therapy “The Church Where No Stranger feel» Strange' ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N .E . Alberta Street Reverend B ertram G riffin. Pastor 281-44211 Portland Branch Masses: 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. Choir - Sundav 12:00 p.m hoik Sunday ST. ANDREW C O M M U N ITY SCHOOL 41»»9 N .E . 9th Ave. Norita Kelly. Principal Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 through 8 New Hope Missionary Baptist Church REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS. PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sundav School Morning W orship Evening Service 2nd 4th 5th Sundays i nmmumoo 1st Sunday Wed - fa m ily P rayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday - Brotherhood fellow ship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday NAACP Annual Meeting and Election December 10, 1978 - 3:00 p.m. Hughes Memorial United Methodist Church, 111 N.E. Failing. John H. Jackson, President THE ARK O f SAF ETY CHURCH Of COD PENTECOSTAL, INC. “A warm spirit of lellow .hip always” The Honorable Ki.hop U .V . Peteraon. D .D . “The Hollo«»« Preacher,” P a .to r 7:00 p.a 5:00 p.a ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Comer «18th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) 7:30 p.a 7:00 p.a ifevejend Thomas L Strsyhsnd, M inister 3 7 2 0 N. Gantanbs l n Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7 f You are Welcome to Worship at 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m P rayer and Pastor Pboue: 281-6476 < hurch Phooe 281-0163 f Doris Hayden, Secretary Portland Branch. NAACP. 2752 N. Williams A ve., Portland 97227 I ________ Sunday: Sunday School 9:16 am Morning W orahip 11:15 am “Shower» of Blessing» Broadcast" K C A R 1550 11:30am 12:30 pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic W orship 8:00 pm Tueaday-Eriday Noon Day P rayer Tuesday: Bible B and /Jr. Church Wedne»day: Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm 7 :00 pm Friday: “T he Pastor Speaks" 84 N E Killingaworth 281 0499 7:30 pm ;