Portland Observer Thursday, November 16, 1978 Page 7 Portland O b server JOB FINDER CITY OF PORTLAND Ibktronix Opportunities Food Service Attendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and «win, S ift. Prior experience in food preparation and earv injj helpful These job« ran lead ttr permanent position« Keypunch Operators W e have immediate permanent opening« (or awing »h ill Keypunch Operator« Formal keypunch achooling or equivalent work experience required Fam iliarity with 129 IB M card punch or I nforex key to dine denirable P a rt Time Assembler Part tune position« available lor electronR assembly work Good v unon and the ability to do detailed work required Training will he provided Clerk Typist W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, «killed duties Average typing ability required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years' •ss retarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or tranacnptain skill» necessary Benefit.» include liberal insurance and retirement programs. educatginaJ support and profit sharing plan A pply at Tektronix Industrial Park or w rite to T E K T R O N IX , IN C .. P .O Box M O P. Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m /f. Tteklronix u s a r ’»n «J s s m n » DENTAL ANALYST Timely consistent appli cation of dental contract benefits. Maintain ade quate production stan dards w ith m inim um error ra tio and keep abreast of system changes to insure proper processing of dental claim s. M u st have detailed working know ledge o f d ental te r m ino log y and ADA coding. Must be able to operate a 10-key adding machine. Please call 225 5272 fo r an a p p o in t m e n t. Blue Cross of Oregon. BRANCH MANAGER I. II. and III State of Oregon. Adult and Family Services Di vision is now accepting applications for Branch Manager positions. The Branch M anager is re sponsible for the super vision and management of an office that provides fin a n c ia l and m edical assistance to individuals and families and social services to adults within the area served. Salaries m ay range from $1300 monthly - $2108 monthly based upon the size and complexity of the Branch Office. A n n o u n c e m e n ts an d a p p lic a tio n s fo r these positions are available at: 136 State Office Bldg. 1400 S .W . 5th Ave. Portland, OR. 97210 Equal Oppor tunity/ Affirmative Ac tion Employer. W e are an C ITY OF P O R T L A N D T R A FFIC E N G IN EE R $1,847 per mo. to start. Professional traffic engi neering w o rk w ith responsibility for analyz ing, designing intersec tion, streets and traffic control d evices. Em ployee expected to make independent decisions on technical aspects of major traffic engineering projects in accordance w ith reg u latio n s, o r dinances, standards and procedures. Assignments are in either Operations cr Signal D ivision of B u r e a u . A p p li c a n t s should have knowledge of tra ffic en gin eerin g principles and practices, traffic control equipment design, o p e ra tio n and construction techniques, plus skills in analyzing and modifying design of streets, intersections and traffic control devices, c o n d u c tin g t r a f f ic studies, interpreting and preparing tra ffic e n g i neering designs and specifications. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS COORDINATOR Thia is professional per sonnel work directing an e m p lo y e e t r a i n i n g program and doing labor contract arbitration, and s a la ry a d m in is tra tio n typ e w o rk . S alary is $ 2 ,0 2 8 per m o n th . Requires skills in training, labor contract w o rk , a rb itra tio n and salary administration. APPLY P ortland C ivil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 20,1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR $ 2 7 ,6 0 0 -$ 3 6 ,3 7 5 . M in i mum o f 5 years of ad m inistrative experience in a Public Works activity which includes working kn o w led g e o f public works, including water, sewage tre a tm e n t and sewer utility functions in a public agency exper iencing rapid g ro w th . T w o years of th a t ex perience m ust include d ire c t supervision of p r o fe s s io n a l and te c h n ic a l e n g in e e rin g staff. A degree in civil engineering and exper ience in formulating and administering standards for private development are p re fe rre d . Send resume to th e C ity of S a le m , P e rs o n n e l Department, 556 Liberty St. SE, Salem, Oregon 97301 by November 30, 1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer Duties include accounts payable, inventory con trol, general cashier and typing. Prefer accounts p a y a b le e x p e r ie n c e . Good frin g e b e n e fits . S end resum e to: Cassified A 1, Box 3137, Portland 97208. An Equal Opportunity Employer STORES CLERK Full-time position, main tenance of supplies, in ventory, requisitioning, internal billing, related re c o rd k e e p in g , so m e typing. Oregon Regional Primate Research Cen ter, 845-1141 ext. 251. F u ll-tim e p o s itio n . Variable hours. One year s e c u r it y e x p e r ie n c e 1 req u ired ; g oo d salary and w o rk in g e n v iro n ment. Please apply: Per sonnel O ffice, Emanuel Hospital, 2801 N . Gan- SIX FORMULAS tenbein, Portland, OR. Full-time or part-time up 97227. to $100 a day possible. Call 236 5838 An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND PERSONNEL ANALYST I CITY OF PORTLAND CONTRACT COMPLIANCE To do basic professional and technical personnel w o rk in re c ru itm e n t, examining and classifica tio n . R equired k n o w ledges in clud e public personnel w o rk , te s t construction and admini stratio n and position c la s s ific a tio n . S a la ry starts at $1,328 with an nual increases to $1,579 in 3 years. S P E C IA L IS T $15,080 to $17,971. M o nitors and evalutes grant programs for compliance w ith law s, rules and regulations. Serves as a technical resource per son fo r B ureau M a n a g e r s . C a n d id a te s should possess e x te n sive knowledge of EEO principles and re g u la tio n s , m a n a g a m e n t systems, and be skilled in technical writing. APPLY APPLY Portland C ivil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 27,1978. 284-2807 An Equal Opportunity Employer P ortlan d C ivil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR . 97201 No later than December 1,1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer _ ■' \ PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS 10-Kay Adding Machine Skills Preferred. Will Train On Proof Machines. Free Parking, Employee Cafeteria. Excellent Benefit Program. Apply Personnel Dept. 10-2:30 pm U X NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON ASSISTANT AREA DIRECTOR Assists in d irectin g p ro p e rty m a n a g e m e n t and d eterm in es e lig i bility for public housing p ro g ram . Assists in supervising s ta ff o f 8. BA or equivalent m an a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e , $1234 per m o n th plus fringe. Bring resume to: H ousing A u th o rity of P o rtlan d , 1605 N .E . 45th b efo re 4 p .m ., 1 1 /2 0 /7 8 . All qualified applicants w ill receive c o n s id e ra tio n w ith o u t regard to race, co lo r, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orien ta tio n , or p o litic a l a f filiation. An Equal Opportunity Employer LIBRARIAN II Assistant Legislative Records Librarian O regon S ta te Library M .L .S . plus 1 year pro fessional lib rary e x perience required. Salary range: $ 1 3 ,4 5 2 -1 7 ,2 2 0 / year plus benefits. Con ta c t: C andy M o rg a n , A d m in is tr a to r, P u b lic Services, Oregon State Library, S ta te Library Bldg., Salem, OR. 97310 (503-378-4602). LAUNDRY DELIVERY PERSON Full-time position 7 am. to 3:30 pm. Must have an O regon d riv e r's li cense. A ble to push heavy carts. $4.01 hr. Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospi tsi O Medical Center 2183 N .W . Northrup X.~ Equal Opportunity Employer An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer BANK U.S. BANK PLA ZA -666 S W OAK ACCOUNTING Oregon. QUALITY Home Remodeling Cedar Decks Poncing Storm Windows Handles rent collection, h o u sekeep in g in s p e c tions, and leasing work. Routine clerical, resolves c o m p laints. BA or eq u ivalen t w o rk e x perience. $889 a month and fringe. Bring resume to: Housing Authority of Portland, 1706 N.E. 46th before 4 p .m ., 1 1/20/78. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. C O M PUTER SECURITY OFFICER PROGRAMMER ANALYST Performs systems analy sis, pro gram design, coding, docum entation and implementation ac tivities. Position requires ex p e rie n c e in A N S I, COBOL programming in IB M O S M V T /H A S P e n v ir o n m e n t. B A L language, librarian and easy trieve experience also preferred. Minimum 3 years exp erien ce in d a ta pro cessin g . Call 2 2 5 -6 2 7 2 fo r a p p o in t m e n t. Blue Cross of T R A IN IN G & HOUSING SERVICE COORDINATOR PROGRAMMERS W ith a background in scientific applications are invited to apply for a po sition with the Climatic Research In s titu te o f Oregon State University. Duties will include work ing w ith geop h ysical fluid dynamics models of th e atm o s p h e re and oceans and large data bases on a v a rie ty of fourth and fifth genera tio n c o m p u te rs . R e quires at m in im u m a B.S. degree in a relevant scientific field. A t least three years relevant ex p e r ie n c e p r e f e r r e d . Starting salary $14,000 to $18,000. Application deadline is 1 January, 1979, with duties begin ning a p p ro x im a te ly 1 February, 1979. Please send resumes including nam es, addresses and te le p h o n e n um bers of tw o refe re n ce s to : Robert L. Mobley, Direc to r o f C o m p u ta tio n s , C lim atic R esearch In s titu te , O regon S ta te U n iv e rs ity , C o rv a llis , OR. 97331. Oregon State University is an Equal Oppor tunity/Affirm ative Ac As a leading company in the kidney dialysis in dustry, BD DRAKE WILLOCK employs ap proximately 300 people in the Portland metropo litan area. Employment opportuni ties at B D DRAKE W ILLOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to demon strate their ability to ac cept increased respon sibility. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, B-D DRAKE W ILLOCK encourages all interested job ap plicants to inquire direct through the Industrial Relations Department. Also employment oppor tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser vice. D-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659-3355 TELLER OPPORTUNITIES CITY OF PORTLAND PERSONNEL ANALYST II You'll make more money at Fred Meyer Savings ft Loan. This is professional per sonnel work doing position classification, re c ru itm e n t, e x a m in a tion co n s tru c tio n , a d m inistration and v a li d a tio n . Salary starts at $1,746 and increases to $1,907 after 3 years. Requires full knowledge of public personnel/civil service administration in clu d in g c la s s ific a tio n , task analysis, EEO laws, recruitment and testing. Bored with what you're doing? Join the fastest-growing S&L in Oregon. W e offer higher pay. M ore tax- free b enefits, m ore protection for you and your fa m ily /fu lly paid medical, dental, vision, life and LTD plans. Profit sharing, employee stock ownership, and more. Best opportunity for ad vancement of any com pany in the N W I If you have any prior experience in branch operations, W E W A N T YOU I Call im m ed iately 231- 4442 or apply in person 815 N.E. Davis. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Mongtomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 20,1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer INVITATION TO BID Tektronix has an immediate need (or a manager with a minimum of five years' experience in an industrial environment managing a fleet operation in excess of 500 vehicles. This position requires experience in the following responsible areas: control vehicle purchase and disposal: negotiating on a national level with vehicle manufacturers, repair facilities and rental car agencies. Our ideal candidate would also have expertise in implementing and developing fleet vehicle policies, maintaining federal and state records (or audit and managing fleet operation personnel. A Business degree desirable. Salary is open. Benefits include liberal insurance, profit sharing and education plans. Send detailed resume and salary history to Ben Langston. Tektronix, In c .. P.O. Box 500, G28. Beaverton. Oregon 97077. A n equal opportunity employer m /f/h . Ibktronix C O M M U T E D TO EXCELLENCE CHILD CARE WORKER N.E. Portland, $528 per month to start. CLERICAL N.E. Portland, $600 per m o n th during p ro b a tio n a ry p erio d , firs t 6 months. Resumes accepted P.O. Box 11531, P o rtlan d , 97211. ENGINEERS Engineers-resident con struction inspectors and surveyors w a n te d by local civil sanitary engi neering firm . R equ ire ments: minimum 3 years experience on construc tion projects as c o n s t r u c t io n in s p e c t o r . Prefer sewer or pipe-line experience. Salary: open D .O .E . M ail resum es, salary requirem ents in 1st letter to: Classified A1, P.O. Box 3137, Port land. OR. 97208. Sealed proposals for the purchase and installation of furnishings for the 17th Avenue Main Garage will be received by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transpor tation District of Oregon (Tri-M et), Contract Administration Department, Fourth Floor, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, until 2:00 p.m. Portland Standard Time, on December 8, 1978, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Bid opening will take place in Conference Room D, Third Floor. Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Op portunity laws and regulations. This cdntract is subject to a financial assistance contract between Tri-M et and the U .S . Department of Transportation under Project No. OR-03-0009. Tri-M et will not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in consideration for an award. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. For the project, tw o complete sets of Drawings and Specifications may be ob tained from M r. Dave Kuehn, Construction Manager, Tri-M et 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, phone (503) 238-4801. Prime bidders are defined as General Furnishing Contractors. Additional sets or partial sets may be purchased for the cost of reproducing and handling same. Tri-M et hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business en terprise will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this in vitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. TRI-C O U NTY METROPOLITAN _ TRANSPORTATIO N DISTRICT OF OREGON ' G .A . W ood, Director Contract Administration INVITATION TO BID The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid process. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general con tact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 S W 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 or phone 248-4001. Formal Bid Projects presently advertised: The U .S . Civil Service Commission is seeking ap plications for: Clerk, Diet. Mach. Trans., G S -3 /4 , Portland; Data Trans., G S -3 , Portland; M ed . Radiology Tech., GS-5, Oregon ft Washington; M ed. Technologist (general), GS-7, Oregon & W ashington; Stenographer, G S -3 /4 , Portland; T e s t M o n ito r (p a rt-tim e ), G S -2 , P ortlan d ; Telephone Operator, GS-3, Portland; Typist, GS- 2 / y 4 , Portland. Salaries: GS-2 - $7,422 GS-5 - $10,507 GS-3 - $8,366 GS-7 - $13,014 G S-4 - $9,391 For more information call the Federal Job infor mation Center in Portland Metro area, dial 221- 3141. Other locations in Oregon call toll free 800- 462-4910. From Southwest Washington call toll free 800-642 9027. Internal Auditor W e are an electronic m anufacturing company seeking an Internal Auditor to conduct financial and operational audita and prepare accompanying audit report«. A bachelor 's degree desirable w ith major in accounting or finance and a minimum of two years' auditing experience C P A preferred. Position offers a competitive salary, profit sharing and an outstanding benefits package Little or no travel involved. Please »and detailed resume and salary history to: Ben Langston, Tektronix, In c., P .O . Box 500, D 27. Beaverton. Oregon 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f /h Ibktronix BID NO. DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE 28 Furnishing Motor Control Center — 162nd Ave. Pump Station 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 39 Construction of Pressure Reducing Station, Dam 2 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 40 Furnishing Hydro-Electric Turbines ft Generators 1 2 /1 2 /7 8 59 RFP Consultant Services, Planning Studies 1 1 /2 9 /7 8 71 Furnishing Flat Gutter Broom Wire 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 .................... Annual Supply Contracts — 1979 Calendar Year..................... 48A Cement, Domestic Portland 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 49A Concrete, Mixed 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 50A Asphalt, Cold Mix 1 2 /5 /7 8 51A Asphalt, Emulsified ft Liquid 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 52A Inlet Frames ft Grates 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 53A Manhole Frames f t Covers 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 54A Reinforcing Steel 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 56A Sign Blanks, Aluminum 1 2 /5 /7 8 56A Sewer Pipe, Concrete 1 2 /5 /7 8 57A Sand, Gravel ft Rock 1 2 /5 /7 8 58A Fertilizer, Commercial 1 2 /5 /7 8 60A Chlorine, By Tank Car 1 1 /2 1 /7 8 Chlorine, 1-Ton/50# Cylinders ft 50# Cubits 1 1 /2 1 /7 8 62A Propane Gas 1 1 /2 1 /7 8 63A Sodium Bicarbonate 1 1 /2 1 /7 8 64A Anhydrous Ammonia 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 66A Lubricating Oils, Greases & Turbine Oil 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 66A Industrial/Medical Gases ft Welding Supplies 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 61A f XA4NR1 TEO T O E M T f t L f N » tion Employer and com plies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. $ 1