Portland Observer Thursday, October 19, 1978 Page 9 CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC HISTORY SPECIALIST (Recreation Instructor II — Neighborhood History) Portland Observer JOB FINDER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 127,600 136,375. M in i­ mum of 5 years of ad­ ministrative experience in a Public Works activity which includes working know ledge o f public works, including water, sewage treatm en t and sewer utility functions in a public agency exper­ iencing rapid g ro w th . Tw o years of th at ex­ perience must include direct supervision of p r o f e s s io n a l and te c h n ic a l e n g in a a rin g staff. A degree in civil engineering and exper­ ience in formulating and administering standards for private development are p re fe rre d . Send resume to the City of S a le m , P e rs o n n e l Department, 555 Liberty St. SE, Salem, Oregon 97301 by November 30, 1978. CITY OF PORTLAND B L A C K S M ITH / WELDER $9.05 per hour to start. This is journeyman level work in the fabrication or repair of parts for automotive and con­ struction equipment, posts and braces for signs, meters and fences, Blacksmith/Welders re­ pair drills, picks, chisels and other tools. All appli­ cants must have training and/or experience in standard blacksmith forging methods and in using heliarc, arc and gas welding equipment. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than October 20. 1978. i A n Equal Opportunity Employer Tektronix Opportunities Food Service Attendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available hoth day and «win. Sift,, Prior experience in food preparation and aerv ing helpful Theee jobs can lead ttf permanent posit inns Keypunch Operators We have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators. Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler in organizing community resources and maintain­ ing effective community relations, knowledge of modern management practices and personnel procedures, skill in writing and editing the work of others. This is a full-time, general fund position. Part time positions available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Cterk Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typiing ability required. Will perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years' secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to: T E K T R O N IX . IN C ., P.O Box'500-P. Beaverton, OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m /f. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than October 20, 1978 A n Equal Opportunity Employer ltektronix CITY OF PORTLAND BUILDING PLAN EXAM INER HELP NEEDED Hanford Conversion Project seeks research­ ers and organizers (based in various parts of the Northwest). To help develop anti-nuclear, pro-disaement cam ­ paign. Full-time $500 month — 1 /2 time $250 month. Affirmative A c­ tion Employer. A p­ plication deadline 1 1 /6 /7 8 . 4312 S.E. Stark, Portland, OR. 97215. RESTAURANT CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN Franchise for Portland seeks MANAGER C A N D ID A T E S .' In­ centive compen­ sation, Medical In­ surance, Comprehen­ sive Training. Career Opportunity Call Mr. Fischer, 227- 6557. A n Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH ANALYST T e ktro n ix, In c. baa im m ediate openings for tem porary food service persons on the day shift. Experience in the following areas is helpful; cashier, salad and sandwich m aking, steam table and grill A pp ly in p e rs o n 8 :30 a.m . — 12 :00p m , M onday — W edneeday at our Em ploym ent Office located in the south end o f the Beaverton M a ll, 3666 S .W Cedar H ills B Iv d .. B eaverton. Oregon A n equal opportunity em ployer m /f /h . "fektronix ( XJMMH TEO »O E » 4 I I f M 4 A D IA TASK FORCE Temporary Service Needs You I EDUCATION SPECIALIST $1,272 per month. Tem ­ porary position 12/78 6/7 9 , possible per­ manent Responsible for instruction and operation in Alternative GED/Life Skills Program with disadvantaged youth. Duties include instruc­ tion, assessment, pro­ gram operation. BA in education, 3 years teaching and experience in remedial readings. Must be available for personal interview. Need not be CETA eligible. REFER TO JOB (KEY 29. Resumes to: Mult-Wash CETA Consortium, 806 S .W . Broadway, Suite 325, Portland, OR. 37206. Closes November 1,1978 at 5 p.m. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Bookkeepers Typists Secretaries Unskilled laborers Daily w o rk a vailab le. Jobs in the N. Portland, S t. Johns, N .E . P o rt­ land, and Swann Island areas. Please call today — 283-1355 for more in­ formation. PUBLIC UTILS. SPEC. Portland, OR, $15,920 to $23,087 per annum. 5 /6 yrs. exp. and educ. req'd. Experience in Public Utils, req'd. For infor call US Civil Service Job Info Cntr, Portland, OR, 221-3141. Outside Portland, call toll free 800-462-4910. E qual Opportunity Employer REAL ESTATE City of Portland Deve­ lopment Commission needs qualified person to perform real estate func­ tion. Will be involved in $1,296 approx, mo. to negotiations for acquisi­ start. Directs the Neigh­ tion and disposition of property, land, borhood History Project. real Minimum requirements buildings, industrial sites include: considerable as needed for Commis­ projects. Other knowledge of historical sion methods and skill in duties include preparing research, knowledge of deeds, leases, contracts; historigraphy, know­ loan servicing. Desirable include ledge of archival concern qualifications when dealing with considerable knowledge documents and other and training in modern historic materials, know­ real estate laws, prin­ ledge of the use of ciples, theories, prac­ methods and photographic, iconogra­ tical phie and archival records, procedures; ability to knowledge of the use of deal courteously and ef­ oral history interviews fectively with the public, and appropriate techni­ real estate agents, ap­ ques, knowledge of the praisers. Salary $25,000, major considerations in excellent benefits. Call the preservation of Sue Parr, 248-4971, for historic structures, more information. knowledge of the per­ A n Equal Opportunity tinent steps in research­ Employer ing a historical topic, skill A ffirm ative A ction O f­ fic e , O regon S ta te U n iv e r s it y . R e q u ire s B A /B S in Mathematics or Social Science, know­ ledge of investigative re- s e a rc h , c o m p u te r systems, writing analyti­ cal reports, oral and w rit­ ten communications and ability to work w ith all sexual and racial groups. B ackground in A ffir ­ mative Action important. Rank: Research Assis­ tant Unclassified. Initial salary $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 . Send re s u m e in c lu d in g previous jo b resp o n ­ sibilities and educational background. Have three references send recom­ m en d atio n d ire c tly to M s. S pears-G ray. A d ­ dress: D ire c to r Pearl Spears-Gray, Affirmative Action, Oregon State U n iv e rs ity , C o rv a llis , OR. 97331, by Oct. 20. OSU is an A A /E O Em ­ ployer and complies with Sec 504 of the Rehab Act of 1973. To review building plans for compliance with zon­ ing, housing and building codes; make calculations of areas, stresses; approve per­ mits; advise builders on code requirements. Ap- ‘ plicants must have ex­ perience or training which developed know­ ledges and skills required to evaluate building plans and apply code requirements. Salary starts at $1,331 with an­ nual increases to $1,563 after three years. Many employee benefits, in­ cluding paid health, den­ tal and life insurance. APPLY Portland Civil Service Bod'd 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than October 20,1978 A n Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND WELDER $9.05 per hour to start. This is skilled welding work using acetylene and electric arc welding equipment. Work in­ volves heating, welding, cutting and brazing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Applicants must be able to read blueprints and sketches. As a leading company in the kidney dialysis in­ dustry, B-D DRAKE WILLOCK employs ap­ proximately 300 people in the Portland metropo­ litan area. Employment opportuni­ ties at B-D DRAKE WILLOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to demon­ strate their ability to ac­ cept increased respon­ sibility. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, B-D DRAKE WILLOCK encourages all interested job ap­ plicants to inquire direct through the Industrial Relations Department. Also employment oppor­ tunity inquiries may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Ser­ vice. D-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659-3355 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E SPECIALIST I (EXEMPT) (Budget and M anage­ m ent Analyst) $1260 monthly. Par­ ticipants in the prepara­ tion, administration, and control of the County bud­ gets; performs manage­ ment studies; does research, analysis, and report w rit­ ing; consults with man­ agement; reviews propo­ sals. TO QUALIFY appli­ cants must have one year of professional ex­ perience in budget ad­ ministration or manage­ ment analysis. Experience in the public sector is desirable. APPLY: for the above position no later than 4:30 PM , Friday, Oc­ tober 27,1978. APPLY: Multnomah County Personnel Divi­ sion, 426 S W Stark, 7th floor, Portland, Oregon 97204(503)248 5015. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Iguladad de Oportunidad en Empleo APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 Applications are being accepted for a full-time opening to the director to the day to day house­ keeping throughout the entire facilities. Ap­ plicant must have good oral and written com­ munication skills and a demonstrative ability to deal effectively with all employers and care workers and the public. Supervising experience preferred. Please apply in person to Person­ nel Office, Emanuel Hospital, 2801 N . Gan- tenbein, Portland, 97227. A n Equal Opportunity Employer W OMAN; If you've noticed my ad before and think it's unusual. I'm doing this because I'm a single parent and I work days. M y 6-year son needs me at home. I don't have time to chase at bars. I would like to meet someone w ho is looking for a good home or friendship. I'm 29- years old, I live in a beau­ tiful home surrounded by woods. Damascus. Cu­ rious? Call Dave 668- /X U . BUILDING M ANAGER NEEDED Large 288 Unit student housing building near P.S .U . campus. Should have dormitory and property management experience. $800 $900 per salary range. Security Guards month Apply Portland Student Services, Inc. (in per­ son) 1802 S .W . 10th, Portland, Oregon 97201 Tektronix, Inc. is accepting applications for Security Guards to patrol Tektronix Industrial Park, Beaverton. Prior law enforcement or extensive security experience required Full time permanent positions with excellent benefits Must be available to work any shift and/or weekends Send resume to: Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Attn: D. Bergstrom, 34-190, Beaverton, Oregon 97077 or apply in person, Monday through Wednesday. 8:30 a m - 12:00 noon, TEKTRONIX EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 3665 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd.. Beaverton, Oregon. An equal opportunity employer m /f/h 4zt Equal Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer PRINTER Staff POLICE RECORDS CLERK $667-906 per month, ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Ability to type 40 wpm and deal effectively with the public. Must be avail­ able for shift work. One year office experience preferred. Apply: Per­ sonnel Office, City of Lake Oswego, 348 N. State S t., Lake Oswego, OR. 636-3601 Ext. 66. A n Equal Opportunity Employer M E C H A N IC Diesel with general truck background, log and chip trucks, swing shift, lead position. Excellent pay and benefits. A n Equal Opportunity E m ­ ployer M /F . South Coast Lumber Co., P.O. Box 670, Brookings, OR. 97415. (503)469-2136. Production oriented shop Responsible for operat­ ing off-set duplicating machines. Operates camera and process films, stripping, plating and bindery. Tfektronix Minimum 2 years exper­ ience utilizing off-set duplicating machine equipment, single and multicolor copy techni­ ques, camera equip­ ment, processing, strip­ ping, plating and bind­ ing. Excellent benefits. Salary range: $5.00 to $6.35 hr. Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. C O M M U T E D TO EXCELLENCE C O O R D IN A T O R To administer for a citizen board a city-wide Employee Relations neighborhood crime pre­ Good Samaritan Hospi­ vention program. To ap­ tal and Medical Center ply, secure application 2183 N .W . Northrup center for Urban Education, 0245 S .W . A n Equal Opportunity Bancroft. C o m p leted Employer application must be delivered no later than 5 pm October 23. FOSTER CARE CLIN IC IA N MSW or equivalent training/experience re­ quired. Salary negotiable. Boys & Girls Aide So­ ciety, M on.-Fri., 9-5, 222 9661. A n Equal Opportunity Employer PLASMA DONORS NEEDED! Plasma is vitally needed by burn victims, hemo­ philiacs, etc. Housewives, students & others needing part-time income can now earn up to $75 per month in cash while helping others. Regular Fees: *7 Per Donation Plus Domis Programs New donors with this coupon will receive an extra $5 bonus on their first donation. V w X n ip h a THERAPEUTIC CORPORATION FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 223-4199 427 S.W. 11th Ave. Open Weekdays 6:30 am - 3:00 pm 2705 S.E. Ankeny St. Open Weekdays & Saturdays 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 224-1227 231-1950 PO-1 Úoaepi. Ft/ûon No later than October 20, 1978. HOUSEKEEPER SUPERVISOR CLERK/TYPI8T $667-906 per month, ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Position requires good typing and clerical skills. Heavy telephone and counter work. Ability to deal affectively with the public is essential. Responsible for inspec­ tion reports and periodical reports. Two years recent experience desired. Apply: Person­ nel Office, City of Lake Oswego, 348 N. State Street, Lake Oswego, OR. 636-3601 Ext. 66. She’s pregnant. She’s deserted. She needs help. She should call 221-0598 Birthright free confidential counseling for pregnant girls Mayer Building at 1130 S.W M irrison WALKER. . . . B orn u in tillman , miss . ON MARCH 31, ISBOjHC BECAME A WCU.-KN0WN FINANCER ANO FHY- B O A N ./ hc G A M O WOE ACCLAIM AS FOUNDER A FBBBMMTO U K IT B N W n BANK • URN U F I H8URANCC CO OF MEMPHIS / r