Portland Observer Thursday. August 17, 1978 Page 5 Tektronix Opportunities Food Service Attendant On call, trm porary «'•fetori* work available l»»»th day and «win. Sill Prior experience in food preparai ion and l i v i n g helpful Theae job» can lead to |>ermanen( positions Keypunch Operators *■ have immediate permanent ojiening’» for »»wing nhift Keypunch O|M*ralorx Formal keypunch schooling at equivalent work experience required F a m ilia rity w it h 12« IB M card punch or Inforex key to dine desirable P a rt Time Assembler Part tim e p oaitioM available for electronic annembly work Good vision and the a b ility to do detailed work rt*quirt*d T raining w ill he provided Clerk Typist Portland Observer JUN IO R AC CO UN TA NT The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Junior Accountant. A BA degree in account ing or equivalent ex­ perience providing a good theoretical know ledge of accounting concepts, and generally a c c e p ta b le a c c o u n t ing practices. Starting annual salary, $12,700. Send resume to: Esther Wilson, Personnel O f­ fice, P.O. Box 3529, Portland, OR. 97208. A n Equal Opportunity Employer W ANTED M ill perform diversified clerical. statistical, skilled dulie» Average typ in g a b ility required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years' secretarial train in g nr eitpencnee required Above average ty p in g a b ility, and shorthand or transcription skill» neceesary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirem ent programs, educational support and p ro fit sharing plan. Apply at Tektroni» In d u stria l Park or write to: T E K T R O N IX . IN C . P O Box 500 P. Beaverton. OR »7077. An equal o pportunity employer m /f. Tektronix Multi cultural outreach proqram coordinator, 20 hre/waek $372.80/month. Working with a group running a W om en's Bookcenter to expand the community we serve. Please cell 226-0848 or come by for more info., 1300 SW Washington, 10 to 6, Tues.-Sat. CARTOG RAPHIC TEC H N IC IA N CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Help W anted JO U R N A L IS M INSTRUCTOR Full-time, 9 months per year. Qualifications: Masters Degree required in Journalism or Com­ munications a n d /o r 3 years experience on a newspaper or other publications or teaching jour­ nalism courses; knowledge and experience in reporting, editing and design, photography, newspaper production and advertising; publtcations management and budgeting; end be able to communicate with students and staff. Salary $14,184-417,316. Application Deadline: August 25 SECRETARY II Full-time, 12 months per year. Qualifications: Typing 50 wpm; shorthand 80 wpm; respect con­ fidential information; knowledge of general office practices; high school grad or equivalent; 2 years previous office..exp erien ce, 1 of which is secretarial. Salary $752/m o n th . Application Deadline: August 17. CO O R D IN A TO R FOR H A N D IC A PP ED RESOURCE CENTER CETA funded must be resident of Clackamas County. Full-time, 12 months. Qualifications; Bachelor's Degree in Social Science area; 3 years experience program management/supervision; Master's Degree desirable. Salary $833/month. Application Deadline: August 31. TEACHER A SS ISTA N T Child Developm ent Canter Temporary position, fall term only, half-time (1-5 p.m.) Qualifications: BA or AA Degree in Early Childhood Education; Experience in teaching young children ages 3-6 years; meet Federal health requirements; hold current First Aid certificate. Salary 15.46 per hour. Application Deadline: August 30. Contact: Clackamas Community College Personnel Office 19600 S Molalla Ave. Oregon City, Oregon 97045 503-666-2631, Ext. 227/228 The Clackamas Community College District is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and actively seeks applications from women and members of ethnic minorities. City of Salem, $5.91- $7.22/hr. Gather, inter­ pret and compile infor­ mation for maps; ploc, drafts scribes and com­ pletes final and detail maps. Will operate digitizing and other computerized mapping e q u ip m e n t. R equires ability to research and analyze survey and other mapping inform ation; utilize inform ation in plotting and drafting base maps. Considerable knowledge and skill in use of drafting and map­ ping tools, materials and equipment; survey terms and techniques; basic math, including algebra and geometry. Closing date; August 25, 1978. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel D ep t., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, Oregon 97301. An Equal Opportunity Employer [ A n Equal Opportunity Employer, woman and ¡members of minorities , urged to apply. Following positions are available at in-patient psychiatric hospital. U N IT NURSING SUPERVISOR Days and evening a v a ila b le M o n d a y - F r id a y . P s y c h ia tr ic Supervisor. Experience required. A n Affirmative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer PROG RAM COORDINATO R Multi-cultural outreach program coordinator, 20 h r s ./w e e k , $ 3 7 2 .8 0 / month. Working with a group running a Women's book center to expand the community we serve. Please call 226-0848 or come by for more info. 1300 S .W . W ashington, 10 to 6, Tues.-Sat. HELP W A N TED TYPIST D o w n to w n insurance company has opening for accurate typist. 55 wpm minimum and tran­ s c rib in g e x p e r ie n c e preferred. Full-time or p a r t- tim e . E x c e lle n t salary, benefits and working conditions. Call Ms. Hinkhouse, USF&G Company, 221-0221. H U M A N RESOURCES GRANT COMPTROLLER The employee occupying this position is respon­ sible for providing a variety of financial m anagem ent services essential to the operation of the bureau. Respon­ sibilities include the development of budgets, federal grant report­ ing and accounting de­ signing and implement­ ing accounting and f in a n c ia l s y s te m s , property control and other related services ELECTRICAL B U ILDING INSPECTOR FOOD PROGRAM C O O R D IN A TO R / PART TIM E A n Equal Opportunity Employer M / F City of Salem, $6.95- $8.47/hr. Cross connec­ tion control inspections, cost estimates, technical assistance, plan and execute well designed cross connection control program. Certified as " A " level plumbing in­ spector within 6 months from date of hire required. Must have good driving record. Closing date: August 25, 1978. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept., 333 Liberty SE, Salem, OR. 97301. City of Salem, $6.95- $ 8 .4 7 /h r . In s p e c t residential, commercial, industrial, electrical in- stallations and plans for compliance with codes REGISTERED NURSES and ordinances; in­ For evening and night vestigates and responds shift. to complaints and inquiries. Must be able to M EN TA L HEALTH work in high places and THERAPIST | c o n f in e d a re a s . Full-time position for Minimum of 4 years ex­ evening and night shifts. perience as journeyman Bachelors Degree in level electrician, have Psychology or related Oregon State Electrical field w ith 1 year ex­ Supervisors Cert, within perience required. 6 months. Good driving record required. Closing Woodland Park Mental date: August 25, 1978. Health Center Apply: City of Salem, 1400 S.E. Umatilla Personnel D ep t., 555 Portland, 97202 Liberty SE, Salem, OR. 234 5353 97301. An Equal Opportunity Employer Medical Secretary in­ structor to teach courses in Medical Secretary, Medical Assistant, and M ed ical R ecep tio n ist p ro g ra m s . R e q u ire s minimum 3 years ex­ perience related directly to these fields. Prefer but not necessary bachelor degree in business education or secretarial science proven teaching preferred, not required Salary range $12,580- 14,340 for entry level starting Sept. 1978 for 1 academic year only. For complete application in­ formation call: Personnel M t. Hood Community College 26000 S.E. Stark Gresham, OR. 97030 667-7200 $1,929 approx, mo. to start A n Equal Opportunity Employer T Civil Engineer to teach courses in C.E., to teach in C.E. Technology, sur­ Administrator for a N.E. veying, drafting, statics, neighborhood in-home c o n c re te , h y d ra u lic , food program. Should estimate and contracts, have good com ­ end photo interpreter. munication skills, ability Requires 3 years ex­ to work well with people, perience in surveying, math aptitude and and general C.E. in­ 1 knowledge of nutrition dustries in addition, and health. Familiarity prefer but not necessary, with day care home sup­ degree in C.E., or P.E. port Systems and the license, land surveying Columbia - Piedmont license, and teaching com m unity desirable. experience. Salary range Must have valid ODL & car. Hours vary from 10- $12,000-14,340 for entry 20 per week at $5.00 per post start Sept. 18, 1978 hour. for 1 academic year only. Apply by August 25, for To apply send resume complete application in­ to: formation call: N eig h b o rh o o d O p ­ Personnel tions in Child Care Mt. Hood Community c /o Personnel College 6329 N.E. Union Ave. 26000 S.E. Stark Portland, OR. 97211 Gresham, OR. 97030 (Applications must be 667-7200 received by August 15, 1978.) A n Affirmative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer UTILITIES INSPECTOR NURSES ontrset position for 15 lo n t h s . In n o v a tiv e irant Housing Program > purchase, rehab, and ill or make available for action 8 rentals — 60 scant abandoned ousing units. Require- isnts include 4 years of rogressively responsible xperience in federal rent administration and oordinetion, working nowledge of real estate rectices and procedures nd H U D Section 8 rograms, writing and seeking skills, BA in ublic Administration or ther closely related lid. Salary $1803/month equest application from ortland Development ommission, 1500 S.W irst, Portland, OR. ENGINEER SECRETARY O lB X tltS n PROJECT C O O R D IN A TO R JOB FINDER and functions Applicants by training, education and experience should have extensive kno w ­ ledge and skills relating to all aspects of ac­ counting, finance ad­ ministration and federal grant reporting and auditing procedures. HELP W A N TED S te n o g ra p h e r C le rk: examination to establish eligibility for present and future job opening. W ork involves general clerical tasks including taking and transcribing dictation, typing, filing, office management and interaction with public. Applicant should have accurate clerical skills, be able to operate office machines, and good public relation skill. Salary $756-920/month (to be adjusted). A pplications available from M ilwaukie Civil Service, 10722 S.E. Main S t., M ilw aukie, OR. 97222. Deadline August 25th, 5:00 p.m. A n Equal Opportunity Employer APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W A N TED Six people wanted to shine shoes 5 days a week. Good pay. Male and female. For infor­ mation call T & T Shoe Shine, 282 8674, 5132 i N.E. Union Ave. B U ILDING A D M IN IS T R A T O R $1655-$2112/per month, requires 4 yrs. exp. in the architectural, structural engineering, bldg, in­ spection or general con­ struction field, including at least 1 yr. as an ar­ chitectural field inspec­ tor or construction supervisor, graduation from college with major course work in engineering, architecture or related field or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng., registered in the State of Oregon as a professional e n g in e e r . A p p ly Washington County Civil Service, 150 N. First Avenue, Room 305, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. A n A ffirm ative Action Employer, women and members of minorities urged to apply. ELECTRICIAN $ 1 3 4 7 /p e r m o n th w /p e rio d ic step in­ creases, 4 yrs. of responsible exp. in in­ dustrial electrical work and graduation from H .S . or any equiv. comb, of exp. and trng., licensed as a general journeyman electrician and ability to secure a valid Oregon Chauffeur's L ic e n s e . A p p ly Washington County Civil Service, 150 N. First Avenue, Room 305, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. An A ffirm ative Action Employer, women and members of minorities urged to apply. COOK1 $ 3.0 9/p e r hour, part time position, ability to read and write and ability to follow both oral and written instructions, or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. COOK 2 C ITY OF PO RTLAND LEGAL SECRETARY | No later than August 23, 1978. RESEARCHER III EXCELLENT NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR Salary Range $11791603 OPPORTUNITY? FEDERAL FUNDS Limited Duration Pos. Dept. of Due to promotion, an The Executive Department, Manpower Planning Hum an Resources im m e d ia te o p e n in g Division, as administrative agent for the Governor of M en tal Health Div. exists for a Secretary in Oregon, is making'application to the U.S. Depart 2575 Bittern St. NE ( our Engineering D ep t., ment of Labor, Employment and Training A d ­ Salem, Oregon 97310 Lamb-Weston is a major | ministration, to continue the federal grant to operate food processing com ­ Position is assigned to a pany which supplies the the Special Grants to Governors Youth Employment and Training Program (YETP) in Oregon during FY manpower development fast food and in­ 79 project funded by the stitutional market in all National Institute of parts of the U.S. Attrac­ Funds approximately $474,000 will be utilized to con­ Mental Health. Respon tive work environment in sible for designing, im­ our corporate office tinue: providing employment and training services to plementing and in ter­ located in Tigard area, i youth under state supervision; tasting approaches in preting studies required Easy access to freeways, ! preparing high school dropouts for employment; and for the effective Duties will require a c-j testing approaches for placing unemployed youth with private business. operation of the Mental curate typing, d ic -t H e a lt h M a n p o w e r taphone transcription, Interested persons may submit written comments Development Program. 10-key/calcu lato r, in ­ Includes conducting a terest in learning and regarding this application during the 30 day period wide range of studies, growing on the job. We beginning with publication of this notice. Please ad­ performing comprehen­ offer a top, company dress comments to the Statewide Programs Unit, sive literature reviews, paid benefit program, Oregon Manpower Planning Division, 240 S.E. Cot­ and surveying existing competitive salary, and tage Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Telephone (503) manpower information g o o d a d v a n c e m e n t 378-2966 and to the U.S. Department of Labor, Em­ ployment and Training Administration, Federal Of­ to assess manpower potential. 1 fice Building, Seattle, W A 96174. p ro b le m s . A p p lic a n t m u s t d e m o n s tr a t e If you are interested in a knowledge and skill in position with challenge the study of human ser­ and variety, contact for A D VER TIS EM EN T FOR BIDS vice delivery systems. To company application: make application contact Unified Sew erage Agency the Mental Health Personnel Supervisor Washington County, Oregon D iv is io n , M a n p o w e r LAMB-WESTON Development Office, at 6600 S.W . Hampton Separate sealed bids for the construction of the Up­ 378-2695. A pplication Portland, OR. 97223 per Tualatin Interceptor Sanitary Sewer will be must be received by 639-8612 received at the office of the Unified Sewerage Agency, Sept. 1, 1978. Room 302, 150 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123, until 10:00 a.m. POT September 7, An Equal Opportunity 1978, and then at said office publicly opened and Employer STAFF ENGINEER 1 read aloud. $4.63 Starting rate. Primarily responsible for the rapid and accurate typing of legal documents, e .g ., com plaints, an ­ s w e rs , d e m u rre rs . Works as a member of the secretarial pool within the Office of the City Attorney. APPLY: $ 3 .9 2 /p e r hour, part time position, 2 yrs. exp. in volume cooking in an institution or commercial firm, ability to read and write and to follow both oral and written instruc­ tions or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. Apply Washington County Civil Service, 150 N. First Avenue, Room 305, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. An Equal Opportunity Employer, women and members of minorities urged to apply. Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 NEW SPAPER DEALER Commission. Write 0 . Oanford, ' Box 32323, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR. 97310. No later than Friday, August 18, 1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer Ron Miles School of Air­ brush. Learn to paint by air. For info call 235- 7653 The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Staff Engineer I. R e q u ir e s b a c h e lo r degree and mechanical e n g in e e r in g or equivalent skill. If qualified, send resume and academic transcript to Port of Portland, P.O. Box 3529, Portland, OR. 97208. An Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH A SS ISTA N T 1 H a l f - t i m e p o s it io n available in Pathology Dept. Applicants must be competent in the use of common biology and c h e m ic a l la b o ra to ry equipment. Training is available in the technique of plastic sectioning and in photography and x-ray technique. The work contemplated is construction of the Upper Tualatin Interceptor Sewer System divided into five schedules as follows: Schedule I — 10,000 linear feet of 42-, 36-, and 24- inch diameter gravity sewers, manholes, and appur­ tenances. Schedule II — Three inverted siphon crossings of the Tualatin River, each crossing about 280 feet in length; one crossing consisting of two 20-inch diameter and one 12-inch diameter pipelines, one crossing consisting of one 14-inch diameter and one 8-inch diameter pipelines, and one crossing con­ sisting of two 12-inch diameter and one 10-inch diameter pipelines; inlet and outlet structures and appurtenances. Schedule III — 11,000 linear feet of 27-, 24-, and 18- inch diameter gravity sewer; 2,800 linear feet of 18- inch diameter pressure sewer, two borings under state highway, manholes, and appurtenances. Schedule IV — Sherwood Pumping Station and water supply well. Schedule V — Four trunk sewers, one consisting of 1,360 linear feet of 21 -inch diameter pipe, one con­ sisting of 2,885 linear feet of 18- ahd 15-inch diameter pipe, one consisting of 1,066 linear feet of 18- and 8- inch diameter pipe, and one consisting of 815 linear feet of 8-inch diameter pipe, including manholes and appurtenances. RESEARCH A S S IS TA N T 2 Bidders may bid on one, all, or any combination of schedules. F u ll- t im e p o s it io n available doing basic biochemical and im ­ munochemical studies on sperm forward mobility protein. Prin­ ciple responsibility will be development and use of a radio chemical assay for thia protein. A p ­ plicant should have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Immunology, and a minimum of 3 years of laboratory ex­ perience, or the equiva­ lent. Plans and specifications may be examined at the following: Oregon Regional Primate Research Center 505 N .W . 185th Beaverton 97005 645-1141 A n Equal Opportunity Employer D A TA ENTRY OPERATOR Previous experience with at least 2 years of keypunch. Key entry machine. Experience in a | lp h a b e t p u n c h in g required. EXPERIENCE ON IBM 129, IN SOREX OR CMC A N D 3277 J WILL BE HELPFUL. Day position. Call 225-5272 for apt. BLUE CROSS OF OREGON. An Equal Opportunity Employer A SS IS T A N T A U D ITO R Entry level position for professional audit staff. W ill train to audit Medicare cost reports, some traveling, degree in a cc o u n tin g req uired . Please call 225-5272. BLUE CROSS OF OREGON An Equal Opportunity Employer Stevens, Thompson Er Runyan, Inc. Consulting Engineers 5606 S.E. Milwaukie Avenue Post Office Box 02201 Portland, Oregon 97202 Stevens, Thompson Er Runyan, Inc. Consulting Engineers 700 — Plaza 600 Seattle, Washington 96101 Unified Sewerage Agency Room 302 150 North First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Copies may be obtained at the office of Stevens, Thompson Er Runyan, Inc., located at 5505 S.E. Milwaukie Avenue, Post Office Box 02201, Portland, Oregon 97202, upon payment of $80.00 for each set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning such set in good condition within 15 days following the bid opening, will be refunded his payment. Otherwise, a late charge of $20.00 will be made. All proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished with these specifications and must be ac­ companied by a certified check, cashier's check, cash, or bid bond payable to the Unified Sewerage Agency in an amount equal to or exceeding 10 per­ cent of total bid. A 100 percent corporate surety bond will be required to guarantee the faithful per­ formance of the contract. I Prospective bidders must qualify as provided in Oregon Revised Statutes. Prequalification blanks may be obtained from the engineers, or the bidders may use standard AGO forms. Completed prequalification forms must be filed with the Unified Sewerage Agency at least seven days prior to the I date specified for opening of proposals. Bidders shall note the requirements of the Environ­ mental Protection Agency; to be considered, the sealed envelope containing the proposal shall also contain the com pleted and signed forms of that agency, as noted in the proposal. The Unified Sewerage Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. Bids may r.ot be withdrawn for a period of 75 days following the time when bids are submitted. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON