Portland Observer Thursday, August 10, 19/8 Page 7 W ANTED ENG INEER F u ll-tim e C hild Care Worker wanted to begin 9 /1 /7 8 . Phone 236 8492 G E N ER A L ACCOUNTANT P ortland O b s e rv e r YOUTH JO BS/TRAINING AUTO FOR SALE $2595 Tektronix Opportunities JOB FINDER Civil Engineer to teach courses in C.E., to teach B D Drake Willock inter in C.E. Technology, sur­ n a tio n a lly re c o g n ize d veying, drafting, statics, j manufacturer of artificial , c o n c r e te , h y d r a u lic , ! kidney machine system FO O D P R O G R A M C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D estimate and contracts, i have immediate opening C O O R D IN A T O R / W ANTED and photo in terpreter. within our finance dept. P A R T -T IM E POLICE R EC O R D S EMERGENCY Requires 3 years ex- i for general accounting. CLERK I H a lf-tim e Child Care C O M M U N IC A T IO N S perience in surveying, Q u a lif ie d c a n d id a t e Administrator for a N.E. $ 4 .1 2 /h r. to S ta rt and general C .E . i n - ' should be able to: per­ W orker w a n te d from D IR E C T O R neighborhood in-hom e $ 4 .4 0 /h r. A fte r 6 M o a . 2 30 6 pm beginning dustries in a d d itio n ,, form account analysis; food program . Should Approx. M o. Salerv- 8 /2 8 / 7 8 . Phone 236 prefer but not necessary, r e c o n c ile s u b s id ia r y have good com ­ G eneral clerical work $1,881 to S ta rt m aintain 6 munication skills, ability 8492 degree in C .E ., or P.E. ledgers; related to the processing to work well with people, license, (and surveying assets controls; assist in and maintenance of in­ m ath ap titu d e and $1,996 A fte r 1 Yr. license, and teaching month end closing, and I fo rm a tio n reported to knowledge of nutrition experience. Salary range fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts th e P ortlan d Police and health. Familiarity Management level work HELP W A N T E D $12,000 14,340 for entry p re p a ra tio n . Q u a lifie d Bureau. W ork involves with day care home sup- involving directing and candidate should have a post start Sept. 18, 1978 operating a ■ p ort system s and th e coordinating the activi­ ty p in g , S te n o g r a p h e r C le rk : for 1 academic year only. J B A /B S d eg ree, w ith C olum bia - P ied m o n t ties of the City of Port­ teletype and computer examination to establish Apply by August 25, for major in accounting, and te rm in a ls , m aintaining i c o m m u n ity d e s ira b le . eligibility for present and complete application in­ 1 to 2 years general ac­ land Multnomah County Must have valid ODL & files and counting experience. For E m e rg e n c y C o m ­ c o m p lex fu tu re job o p en ing . formation call: ! car. Hours vary from 10- pro vid in g related ser­ m u n ic a tio n s C e n t e r . ! p ro m p t c o n s id e ra tio n W o rk involves general 20 per week at $5.00 per Plans and directs opera- I vices to members of the please call or apply to: clerical tasks including Personnel hour. Police Bureau and the tions and m aintenance taking and transcribing M t. Hood Community public. of a computerized com ­ B-D Drake Willock dictation, typing, filing, College To apply send resume munications system and 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. office management and 26000 S.E. Stark to: Applicants must be able facilities whose primary Portland, 97222 interaction w ith public. Gresham, OR. 97030 users are law enforce- | to pass a typing test, and 659 3355 A pplicant should have 667 7200 N e ig h b o rh o o d O p ­ be available for work on ment agencies. Develops accurate clerical skills, tions in Child Care day, evening and night A n Equal Opportunity and implements policies c /o Personnel be able to operate office An Affirmative Action/ sh ifts , w eekends and Employer and procedures, directs 6329 N.E. Union Ave. Equal Opportunity m achines, and good holidays, possess a valid Portland, OR. 97211 Employer public relatio n skill. preparation and admini- I State driver's license by Salary $756 9 2 0 /m on th stration of budget, and date of employment, not (A pplications must be (to be adjusted I. negotiates inter-agency have a record of criminal received by August 15, S E C R E TA R Y agreements. Supervisory conviction which would 1978.) A p p lic a tio n s a v a ila b le control is exercised over compromise their ability $725-946 per month with all Center personnel in- I from Milwaukie Civil to be granted access to SEC R ETA R Y excellent fringe benefits. Service, 10722 S.E. Main eluding law enforcement police records. Challenging and respon­ S t., M ilw a u k ie , OR. personnel. M edical S e c re ta ry in -j sible position in planning SALESCLERK 97222. Deadline August APPLY structor to teach courses dept. requiring excellent 25th, 5:00 p.m . A p p lic a n ts m ust not in M edical S e c re ta ry , typ in g and shorthand F u ll-tim e , 40 hours a have a record of criminal P o rtla n d Civil S ervice w eek w ith 1 w eekend Medical Assistant, and skills, 2 years recent A n Equal Opportunity conviction which would Board day, e x p e r ie n c e M e d ic a l R e c e p tio n is t secretarial experience, Employer c o m p r o m is e th e ir 510 S .W . Montgomery St. preferred. Some typing, p r o g r a m s . R e q u ir e s ability to deal effectively eligibility to be granted Portland, OR. 97201 good benefits. An Equal m inim um 3 years e x - j with the public is essen­ access to police records Opportunity Employer. perience related directly tial, some night meetings information. O pen c o n t in u o u s Call 248-5906. to those fields. Prefer but ! involved. Send resume CITY OF PORTLAND examination. not necessary bachelor to: Personnel O ffic e , T he selectio n process degree in business C ity of Lake O sw ego, LEGAL S E C R E TA R Y w ill consist of an An Equal Opportunity education or secretarial 342 N . S ta te S tre e t, evaluation of each candi­ Employer science proven teaching Lake O s w e g o , O R . date's qualifications to P R O JE C T $ 4 .6 3 S ta rtin g ra te . preferred, not required. 97034 determine those who will Primarily responsible for C O O R D IN A T O R Salary range $ 1 2 ,5 8 0 - be invited to an interview the rapid and accurate 14,340 for en try level weighted 100%. The Port of Portland has typing of legal documents, starting Sept. 1978 for 1 PROGRAM an im m ediate vacancy e g . , co m p lain ts, a n ­ academic year only. For C O O R D IN A T O R APPLY fo r a P ro ject C o o r­ s w e rs , d e m u rre rs . complete application in­ dinator. Starting salary Works as a member of formation call: P ortlan d Civil S ervice M u lti-cu ltu ral outreach $ 1 0 , 3 0 0 . R e q u ir e s the secretarial pool Personnel program coordiantor, 20 Board previous experience in within the Office of the M t. Hood Community 510 S.W . Montgomery St. h r s . / w e e k , $ 3 7 2 .8 0 / accounting-related work City Attorney. H U M A N R ES O U R C E S College month. Working with a Portland, OR. 97201 plus ability to work with G R A N T 26000 S.E. Stark g ro up running a little supervision. M ust APPLY: C O M P T R O LL E R Gresham, OR. 97030 No later than August 11, | W om en's book center to pass lo g ic a l, num ber 667-7200 expand the com m unity o r ie n t e d , p r o b le m 1978. P ortlan d Civil S ervice $1,929 ap p ro x . m o . w e s erve. Please call solving skills. If qualified, Board to s ta rt An Affirmative Action/ An Equal Opportunity 226-0848 or come by for call Monette Avery, Per­ 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Equal Opportunity more in fo . 1300 S .W . Employer sonnel Office, 233-8331, Portland, OR. 97201 The employee occupying Employer W a s h in g to n , 10 to 6, ext. 436. this position is respon­ Tues.-Sat. No la te r th an Friday, sible fo r pro vid in g a ........... An Equal Opportunity August 18, 1978. v a rie ty of finan cial Employer m a n a g e m e n t services A n Equal Opportunity essential to the operation M A N A G E R OF M A N A G E R OF Employer of the bureau. Respon­ B U D G E T S Et F IN A N C E F IN A N C E S sibilities include the development of budgets, The Port of Portland has The Port of Portland has fe d e ra l g ra n t re p o rt­ an im m ed iate vacancy an im m ed iate vacancy R ES E A R C H E R 5 a M anager of for a Manager of Finances. ing and accounting de­ fo r S a la ry Range: signing and implement­ Budgets and F in an ce, I S ta rtin g salary range $1580-2018 ing ac c o u n tin g and S ta rtin g salary range $ 1 9 , 1 0 0 -$ 2 2 ,0 0 0 . R e ­ L im ited D u ra tio n $ 2 3 ,4 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 . M u st quires e xten sive e x ­ fin a n c ia l s y s te m s , P osition p ro p e rty co n tro l and have extensive financial p e r i e n c e th ro u g h o th e r related services experience in business or progressively responsible D e p t. o f H u m a n w i t h positions in credit collec­ and functions. Applicants g o v e r n m e n t , Resources by tra in in g , education w orking kn ow led g e of tions, investm ent prac­ TRY THE JOB CORPS M e n ta l H e a lth D iv . It is a fact that you need training and education for a and experience should b u d g e t, cost c o n tro l, tices, and b ondings. 2S75 B itte rn S t. NE successful career. You may have discovered that have e x te n s iv e k n o w ­ bond sales, investments A lso requires d e m o n ­ S a le m , O R . 97310 there are other requirements: Com m itm ent, self- ledge and skills relating and cash management. s t r a t e d s u p e r v is o r y discipline and an ability to relate to people in many w o r k i n g ability and knowledge of to all asp ects o f a c ­ R e q u ir e s R esearcher 5 lead walks of life. c o u n tin g , fin a n c e a d ­ kn o w le d g e of d ata local b anking and in ­ position in a Manpower ministration and federal processing systems and vestment policies. Send D e v e lo p m e n t P ro je c t JO B C O R P S provides an excellent opportunity for g ra n t re p o rtin g and o p e ra tio n s , plus e x ­ resume to Personnel O f­ young men and women to accomplish these goals, if auditing procedures. funded by the national cellent com m unications fice, Port of Portland, they are between the ages of 16 and 21. You are Institite of Mental Health. skills. Send resume to P.O. Box 3529, Portland, helped to achieve by committed and sympathetic in­ Priamry responsible for APPLY Personnel Office, Port of or apply in person at 700 structors and counaelors. Just as important, you will developing, organizing, Portland, P.O. Box 3529, N .E . M u ltn o m a h , 15th have the support of enthusiastic fellow corpsmem- assigning and s u p e r­ P ortlan d C ivil S ervice Portland, or apply in per­ FI. D eadlin e fo r a p ­ vising the work of this bers. Board son at 700 N .E . M u lt­ plications is 5 pm, M on­ p r o je c t. In c lu d e s 510 S .W . Montgomery St. nomah, 15th FI. Deadline day, August 14, 1978. If you did not find what you were looking for in High assessing existing M a n ­ Portland, OR. 97201 for applications is 5 pm, School — If you have found that you are not p o w er co nd itio n s and M o n d a y , A u g u s t 14, A n Equal Opportunity prepared for a full involvement in the everyday world, d e v e lo p in g s tra te g ie s No later than August 23, 1978. Employer W E CAN HELP. M any have succeeded in both designed to correct iden- vocational A N D academic careers Our Centers have 1978. tifie d M anpow er A n Equal Opportunity had as high as a 90% placement record. p r o b le m s . A p p lic a n t An Equal Opportunity Employer m u s t d e m o n s tra te Employer Please c o n ta c t th e JO B C O R PS SCR EEN ER a t HELP W A N T E D know ledge and skill in O re g o n S ta te E m p lo y m e n t D ivisio n 229-8067. T Y P IS T th e m a n a g e m e n t of 410 S W C o lu m b ia (S ta te O ffic e B uilding). human service delivery H O U S IN G S E R V IC E D o w n to w n in s u ra n c e systems. To make a p ­ A C C O U N T IN G A n Equal Opportunity Employer C O O R D IN A T O R com pany has opening p lic a tio n c o n ta c t th e MANAGER for accurate typist. 55 M e n ta l H ealth D iv ., wpm minimum and tran- H and le re n t c o lle c t, Manpower Development The Port of Portland has h o u s e k p g ., in s p e c ts , s c r ib in g e x p e r ie n c e Office, at 378 2695. A p­ an im m ed iate vacancy and leasg. work. Routine preferred. Full-tim e or p lic a tio n s m ust be fo r an A c c o u n tin g I c le ric a l, resolve c o m ­ p a r t - t i m e . E x c e lle n t received by August 25, Manager. Starting salary p la in ts . R eq. BA or salary, b e n e fits and 1978. working conditions. Call e q u iv . w o rk exp . Ms. Hinkhouse, U SF&G $ 8 4 9 /m o . and fringes. An Equal Opportunity perience affo rd in g e x ­ To apply bring resume to i Company, 221-0221. Employer ten sive k n o w le d g e of the Housing Authority of A n Equal Opportunity g overnm ental a c c o u n t­ Portland, 1605 N .E . 45 Employer M/F ing, plus knowledge of by 4 pm, 8 /1 5 /7 8 . fu n d a c c o u n tin g , a c ­ P B X /R E C E P T IO N IS T co u n tin g th e o ry and An Equal Opportunity d e m o n s tr a te d s u p e r ­ Employer N E W S P A P E R DEA LER 7:30 am -4:30 pm, M o n ­ visory a b ility . Send d a y -F rid a y , o u tg o in g , resume to Personnel O f­ Com mission. W rite D. p e rs o n a b le a p p lic a n t fice, Port of Portland, D anford, Box 32323, needed fo r busy P.O. Box 3629, Portland, 2605 S tate S treet, d im e n s io n a l PBX. H ELP W A N T E D or apply in person at 700 Salem, OR. 97310. R e c e p t io n is t to N .E . M u ltn o m a h , 15th 1960 T-Bird. A classic collectors item, with a d m in is tr a to r o f f ic e . FI. D ead lin e fo r a p ­ Six people w a n te d to P /S , P /B , radio, heater, factory 3 speed, and Type 40-50 wpm , 1 yr. plications is 5 pm, M o n ­ shine shoes 5 days a Borg W arner overdrive. M ag wheels, black p r e v io u s a x p a r ia n c a w e e k . G ood pay. For day, August 14, 1978. Ron Miles School of Air­ required. Apply Y M C A , with black vinyl top. information call T & T brush. Learn to paint by 2831 S .W . Barbur Blvd., Shoe Shine Box, 282 a ir. For in fo call 235- P o r t l a n d , A n Equal Opportunity 97201. Employer 7653 8674. Deadline for application Call 282 0929, ask for Booker 8-21-78. C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D Food Service A ttendant R E C R E A TIO N IN S T R U C T O R I - G E N E R A LIS T On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and »win» hift Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful. These jobs can lead to permanent positions. Starting Salary $6.66 hr. ( Keypunch Operators We have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required. Familiarity with I29 IBM card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable. R e s p o n s ib le fo ri d e v e lo p in g , te a c h in g and evaluating rec- 1 reation program s in the areas of sports, games, physical fitness, and arts and crafts. May be assigned to either a Portland Park Bureau Community Center or a / C o m m u n it y S c h o o l w ith in th e P ortlan d School System. P a rt Time Assembler Part time positions available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required. Training will be provided Clerk Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties. Average typing ability required. APPLY Will perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years’ secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to: TEKTRONIX, INC., P.O Box 500-P. Beaverton, OR 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f. P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than August 11, 1978. 4/J Equal Opportunity Employer “fektronix - i m m i r»n n i f M i K W i PERSONNEL S P E C IA L IS T $1309 per month federal fu n d e d e m p lo y m e n t/ tr a in in g p ro g ra m . Education/experience: BA w ith form al training in Personnel field; 2 years experience in Personnel field ; k n o w le d g e of federal rules/policies in hiring and recruitment; experience in selection processes. Responsibili­ ties: develop and main­ tain fo r re c ru itm e n t, s e le c tio n , h ir in g , o r ie n t a t io n , m a in t e ­ nance and termination of personnel. Need not be CETA eligible; available for personal interview. Refer to Job DAD-25. Resumes to: Mult-W ash CETA, 806 S .W . B ro a d w a y , 325, P o rtla n d , O R . 9 7 2 0 5 . 248-5192. Closes August 14,1978, 5 pm. An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer S E C U R IT Y O FFIC ER PO LIC E D IS P A T C H E R CLERK G raveyard /sw in g shift, full-time. 2 years of law enforcement or security T he ex a m in a tio n to experience. Completion establish eligibility list for of 2 years of college may present or fu tu re jo b be equated to 1 year of openings. Receive and i experience. The Security transmit emergency and Officer is responsible for routine police messages. working with the Chief D is p a tc h e s p e rs o n n e l i of Security in providing and equipment, maintain p ro te c tio n of th e radio lo g , and o th e r physical p lan t and records. Must work un­ e q u ip m e n t, th e s a fe ­ der stress and exercise, good ju d g e m e n t in ' g uarding o f s ta ff and students of the college, e m e rg e n c y con­ and co n tro llin g of all sideration. No hearing or veh icle parking on speech impairment. Pur­ college property. Public posed salary $832-1013 relations is an important per m onth, D .O .Q . full aspect of the job. The b e n e fits . A p p lic a tio n s O ffic e r shall p erfo rm available from Milwaukie other related duties as Civil Service, 10722 S.E. assigned by the Chief of Main Street, Milwaukie, Security. $946 per month. O R . 97 2 2 2 . D eadlin e A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e August 25th, 5:00 p.m . August 17. ------------------------------ An Equal Opportunity Employer S E C U R IT Y ------------------------------------- O n -s ig h t c o n s tru c tio n security person needed evenings. M u s t have ow n c a r. S e c u rity b a c k g r o u n d h e lp f u l. Vancouver area, must be bondable. Call 285-1072 ask for Sharon. P O R T L A N D S T A T E U N IV E R S IT Y A S S IS T A N T P R O FE S S O R OF E D U C A T IO N The School of Education at Portland State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Assistant Professor of Education in elementary school Reading and Language Arts. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : Teaching responsibilities in the areas of reading and language arts in elementary school. Teaching responsibilities will be primarily w ith undergraduates. Supervision of field exper­ iences. Opportunity for summer teaching optional. Ad­ vising, c o m m itte e assig n m en ts and program development are shared responsibilities of all faculty. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Earned doctorate preferred in elem entary education w ith a m ajor emphasis in reading and language arts. Successful experiences in teaching grades K-8. Evidence of related publications and scholarly research. D E S IR A B L E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S : Successful teaching at university level. Study and experience with bilingual, bicultural in reading and language arts. A P P O IN T M E N T : Nine months, Fixed Term, 1.00 FTE. S A L A R Y : $16,000. EFFECTIVE D A TE :S ep tember 16, 1978. C L O S IN G D A TE FOR R E C E IP T OF C O M P L E T E A P P L IC A T IO N FILE: A U G U S T 21.1978. Contact: Dr. Ronald G. Petne Dean, School of Education Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, Oregon 97207 Candidates will be considered o nly upon receipt of a complete application file consisting of: (1) latter of ap p licatio n , (2) v ita , and I3 ) placem en t file or equivalent. T h e c a n d id a te Is resp o nsib le fo r For- w o rd in g en d c o m p le te e p p lic e tlo n file to th e U n lvereity. Portland State University is an equal opportunity (M/F) qffirmative action employer m II interested persons are encouraged to apply. R E C O R D S CLERK Full-time, 12 months per year. Typing 40 w p m , knowledge of the English language, high school graduate or equivalent, 1 year previous experience, and ability to organize and keep track of small details. Salary: $738 per month. SECRETARY I E vening A d m is s io n O ffic e Half-time, 10 months per year. 3 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m , Mon-Thurs, salary $361 per m o n th . T ypin g 50 w p m , G ood g ra m m a r and spelling skills, high school graduate, ability to c o m m u n ic a te w ith general p u b lic , te le ­ phone experience, one year previous secretarial experience, and ability to respect confidential in­ formation. Contact: C la c k a m a s C o m m u ­ nity College Personnel Office 19600 S. Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR. 97045 656 2631, ext. 227/228 A n Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer IN F O R M A T IO N & R EFERR AL SPECIALIST F u ll-tim e te m p o ra ry 6 m o n th p osition . Good c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, k n o w le d g e of area resources, 2 years co llege or e q u iv a le n t, $742 m o n th . A pp ly or send resum e to : 4 -C , 1110 S .E . A ld er, P o rt­ land. Closing August 18.