Portland Observer Thursday, August 10, 1978 Page 5 Housing workshops scheduled Internationally renowned theatre arts Master, Jacques Lecoq, appointed Chevalier ot Arts and Letters by the Government of the Republic of France in 1974 He will present a One Man Show, followed by an informal discussion period As host city tor this unprecedented West Coast Event, Portland invites the public to attend To be held at the Portland Art Museum, August 18th, 8:00 p.m. For reservations contact: ELANCO, P.O. Box 241, Portland, Oregon 97207 or telephone 225 0120. GtÚtLt, by Allen Jones Jacques Lecoq is the director of Ecole Jacques Lecoq, the renowned school of mime and theatre movement in Paris that he founded in 1956. In his work there, M . Lecoq has developed mime beyond its traditional lim its. Thus liberated, mime has become the foundation o f a dramatic form based on gestures, attitudes and movements o f the human body. His school has in­ fluenced mimes, comedians, directors, actors and teachers. M. Lecoq. who has been professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Beaux Arts in Paris, specializing in the study o f movement and space in drama, began his career as a physical education and sports teacher. For two years he was a member o f the “ Comédiens de Grenoble” Company under the direction o f Jean Daste, who used the methods to Jacques Copeau. In 1948, he moved to Italy where he was soon appointed Master o f Mime at the Piccolo Teatro o f Milan. There he created a number o f original works o f mime and helped start l ’Ecole de Piccolo. He also directed productions for stage and television, and choreographed for the Opera o f Rome. Since his return to Paris, he has directed and choreographed various produc­ tions for the Theatre de France and the Comedie Française, as well as for other theatres and international festivals, Him and television in artistic capitals o f Italy. Germany, England and Greece. In those countries and in Denmark, Finland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Canada, and Japan, M. Lecoq has directed professional study courses on his methods o f instruction. He has served with the Conseil de l’ Europe as expert on the subject o f sport and permanent education. He is presently touring major South American cities as a guest and an ambassador o f the arts o f the Republic o f France. A series o f four workshops are being sponsored by the Columbia Region Association o f Governments (CRAG) to acquaint citizens with the prelim inary d ra ft o f the region's Housing Opportunity Plan (HOP). The first workshop is set for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 9th, at the Hillsboro City Hall Council Cham­ bers, located at 205 S.E. 2nd Street, and is being held for Washington County residents. The second workshop, for East M u ltn o m a h C ounty residents, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 10th, at the Gresham Council Chambers, 50 N.E. Elliott Street. Portland and West M ultnom ah County residents are invited to the third workshop, to be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 16th, at the CRAG offices, 527 S.W. H all Street in Portland. The fo u rth w orkshop, fo r Clackamas County residents, is set fo r 7:30 p.m . Thursday, August 17th, at the Clackamas Community College C o m m u n ity Center Building, Room CC-117, at 19600 S. Molalla Avenue in Oregon City. Each workshop is scheduled to last two hours, and any person having questions is asked to call CR AG P ublic Involvem ent C o o rd in a to r Amelia Lanier at 221-1646. The first round of workshops is to acquaint the region's residents with •he Housing Opportunity Plan and how it operates. The H O P establishes a system fo r providing federal housing assistance to jurisdictions throughout the CRAG region. It contains estimates o f housing needs for the region and individual ju ris d ic tio n s o f over 25,000 p o p u la tio n , and contains an allocation process by which annual and three-year goals may be fulfilled. This allocation process is called ‘ ‘ la ir share” d istrib u tio n , and is designed to channel housing assistance money and programs so that in d iv id u a l ju ris d ic tio n s are carrying th e ir fa ir share o f the region's housing assistance, without any jurisdiction being overburdened with a disproportionate number of the region's assisted-housing units. The HOP also takes into account the form o f federal housing assis­ tance so that jurisdictioas are provided with a variety o f programs, such as those a ffe c tin g new housing, re h a b ilita tio n , and rent-subsidy assistance. The H O P is im p o rta n t to the region’ s housing situation because it is a mechanism fo r carrying out regional housing policies. These policies were adopted by the CRAG Board o f Directors in March after nearly two years o f form ulation by citizens, the Housing Technical A d­ visory Committee and CRAG staff. These first four HOP workshops w ill be followed in early fa ll with another series that w ill address specifics o f the HO P a llo c a tio n process. A fter the preliminary HOP is revised, i f needed, the final HOP w ill be subm itted to the C R AG Board in November fo r adoption. In d ivid u a l ju risd ictio n s then w ill decide their own participation in the region’ s HOP. (¿ ‘¿O ft- THAT FRAMES THE EYES IN THE CLASSES TOUR VISION REQUIRES. . . tan also o44 la Tow Rationality . . . Gain Confid.ntt and bnprovod AffMaront. with Madam Eyawaar) At SIM IEIS aw («Ran will halp you talatt tha lam Shapat and Framoi bait ivitod to your Rationality. Cam* la ley Optamatrie Exam iaatiaa NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED L iberal Sem ler __________ CREDIT • __ ~ Medicare A Insurance Patient* W elcam e DR LAR R Y S emler O ptometrists Located in SEMLER Optical Offices ZZ7«7200 DOWNTOWN PORTLAND S.W. 3 r d & Y a m h i l l fx u fio ln Doctor t o f O ptom etry - P O N T I.A M ) M . IA H T SIM IH • OR. M. H U T - M . I. HUU ■ DR. J. M t IT Optometrists /« Other S E M L E R Offices Includt DR M WEBB — DR R BEADERSTADT OFFICES BlM ia SALEM • EUGENE A HAZEL DELL. OnT* Williams joins Bernard staff Dr. Thomas V. Williams, Dentist, has moved from Seattle to Portland and joined the staff o f the Portland O ffice o f D r. Lawrence Bernard, where he w ill head Dr. Bernard’ s newly instituted Orthodontic Depart­ ment. D r. W illia m s has been in private practice for 31 years and for I Vi years operated the Family Dental Clinic in Seattle. There the majority o f his practice included the O r­ thodontic needs o f both children and adults. Dr. Williams is a graduate o f the University o f Oregon Dental School (Class o f 1947, and also spent one year at the University as an Instruc­ tor. U n til recently he practiced in West Seattle and Camas, Washington, where most o f his 29 years in Prosthetics was devoted to the O rth o d o n tic care o f both childrens' and a d u lts ' teeth. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corps during the Korean War. W ith a deep interest in the ad­ vancement o f Orthodontic Dentistry, Dr. W illiams has been active in both the professional organizations in that field and in furthering the study and application o f modern Orthodontic techniques. He was elected to F ellow ship by the In te rn a tio n a l Academy o f O rth o d o n tic s in recognition for his Orthodontic con­ tributions. Among the organizations with which he has been identified and the offices held by him are: Past President (1971) — International Academy o f O rthodontics. C hief C lin ic ia n to O rth o d o n tic Study Clubs in Portland, Seattle, Univer­ sity o f Calgary, Vancouver B.C. and Frederick M aryland. Lecturer in Cephalometries — U.S. Dental In­ stitute, Seattle, Washington. “ There is a fast grow ing realization that orthodontic correc­ tion o f crooked teeth has inestimable benefit to the individual treated — not only by the prevention o f many dental health problems but also in psychological attitude o f the patient. A person who is ashamed to smile because o f crooked or irregularly spaced teeth, rarely shows the better side o f his true personality,” Dr. W illiam s explained. “ M odern o r­ thodontic methods have shortened the time required for corrections, as well as reducing the inconvenience to the patient. It is most gratifying to see the personality changes that a beautiful smile can bring. It truly is a gift that w ill last a lifetim e!” MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing from Kraft is an old favorite in salads and dressings. But its secret blend of herbs and spices adds a fresh, lively one-of-a-kind flavor to your favorite breads, too. For special taste treats, put something really nice on the slice. Miracle W h ip - “The Bread Spread’’ YWCA schedules Tut tours Talks on (he treasures o f King Tutankhamun, tours to the Seattle exhibit and a tour to Egypt are all being sponsored by the Portland YWCA. On August 14th and August 28th at 7:30 p.m . at the D ow ntow n YW C A. N i l S.W. 10th Avenue, Ann M artino w ill be narrator for a slide presentation featuring slides o f the K ing T u tankham u n treasure from the Metropolitan Museum o f A rt. Fee fo r these public presen­ tations w ill be $1.50. Openings are still available for the tours to the Seattle exhibit on August 12th-13th, August I7 th -I8 th and August 29th-30th. Tour escorts will be Ann M a rtin o , Jewel Thomas, Marcia M ulvey, and Frances and Philip Lee. A nnouncem ent has also been made of the YW CA tour to Egypt from December 10th to 18th. Free brochures are available and further information by phoning the Down­ town YWCA. American State Bank 2 7 3 7 N.E. Union 2 8 2 -2 2 1 6 ■••riicans more tYi®0 c