Pag* 8 Portland Observer Thursday. May U . 1978 NAACP Aroa moots here Í? 4 M I M .W W 1 1 The proud look. VW ' Henri O’Bryant choir robes 45547th St..Oakland 1 1 « 1 Charle» H en r Ol in front d n e W ay's billboard» in the Saa Bay Area Black family builds successful robe business A man and his four sons built a business and mad»’ America proud His name is Henri O'Bryant and his "Proud Look" choir robes are nationwide best sellers. The 70 year old choir robe designer has transferred his many years of experience, knowledge, and craftsmanship to his four sons who now supervise a staff of forty craftsmen including designers and pat tern makers, plus a national sales force. Their concern for quality, style, service and prompt delivery have won Henri CBrvant Robe Company the title. "Proud Look." "The Black family can advance toward known ability to improve his own econo mic standing in the community." This was standing in the community." This was the statement of Henri O'Bryant. Presi dent of the O’Bryant Choir Robe Menu factunng Company erf California. O'Bry ant spoke before the Baptist Ministers Conference at Miami. Honda. "ike must organize supply corpora tions. managed by Christian business laymen and sell to our churches the many commodities and services used in furnish ing and operating a church." “This venture alone would create high ly paid jobs for members of our Christian families. Net profits from such ventures could be earmarked for our educational institutions, especially those schools and colleges where specialized training and development of our ministers exist." O'Bryant said. "If we are to have our young escape the roll call of relief and bypass charity from the hands of those with whom we would have them seek equality, then we must become producers in our own economy; we must build our own business enter prise." On the school issue. O'Bryant said, “No child can feel equal riding a school bus across town with a pocket full of nothing ness. nor can we achieve academic excel fence on a stomach filled with emptiness.” “We must begin now to conduct pro grams for awakening our lay members to the economic importance of building our own business enterprise.” O'Bryant said. O O AÖ Ö Ö O O ^ D IS C O U N T IM P O R T S AFRO STATUES LAMPS • DRIED PLANTS • FEATHERS The quarterly NAACP Northwest Area Conference, previously scheduled to be held in Corvallis. Oregon, has been relocated to Portland on May 19th. 20th. and 21*t. Grateful for the opportunity to host the conference, the Portland Branch is confi dent it will serve as a catalyst for enriching the political climate and gaining additional momentum in the form of mobilized support and participation for the convention. The Area Conference will open Friday evening. May 19th with a nohost recep tion in the Sheraton Hotel. Lloyd Center, Fremont Room. 6:00 9:00 p.m The busi ness session will open 9:00 a.m., Satur day, the 20th in the Lewis and Clark Room of the Sheraton Delegates from all Northwest Area Branches (Alaska. Idaho. Oregon. Wash ington' will be in attendance. Quarterly branch reports concerning activities, membership drives. Finances, community programs in operation and in develop ment will be given. W orkshops will go on throughout Saturday and Sunday. Sebe dufed Workshop topics include: 1) an update on efforts being made in prepara non for the convention to be presented by the Convention Planning Committee; 2) discrimination in the field of Education being presented by the Youth Council; 31 Northwest Area representatives will pre sent a workshop to inform and tram Northwest Area delegates regarding the behind the-scene activities of the Ns tional Convention, as well as. establish a list of nominees (La., time, place, resolu turns, credentials, etc.). The reception and conference is open to the public. Registration will begin Friday at the reception and resume at 8:00 a.m.. Saturday morning. The Portland Branch will pay the $3 registration fee for all Portland Branch members who wish to attend. ac G I F ★ FREE * w T W IT H C O U P O N A N D BSRfe O F F O E V E R Y T H I N O 11:00 to 7:00 T u c.-S et. (C lo sed S u n -M on .) loOl N.E. Killings worth • Portland, Oregon 2 8 1 *8 4 8 9 Px W W , i . W a . W a Services personalized to your family's lifestyle... ond finances For complete details, call or stop at any of our convenient locations You'll find that we are sensitive to your needs— as we have been to Portland families for more than 40 years Credit terms and • trust planning available. e x oftht C fumes1 HOLY REDEEMER BENEFIT RUMMAGE SALE Mortuary • Crematory • Catcinatory N. Killingsworth Gateway N E H alsey at 106th 256-0606 Saturday. May 20th from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.. 2S N. Port land Blvd. See ya soon. L ife ® , 430 N. Killingsworth T u iy a l 10305 S E 82nd Ave. __ __ -e r r te itx J N. Lombard 3018 N Lombard 283-1976 Southgate 777-1465 2B3-0525 Church Notes Obituaries Workshop explores Viola Borders communication The Interdenominational Christian Singles will sponsor a seminar for singles, couples, and for parents and children, on the subject. "Mending Broken Communi cations" on May 5th and 6th. The seminar will begin with a pot iuck dinner Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. at Vernon Presbyterian Church. 27th and Killingsworth A talk on "How to Grow Spiritually" will be given by Lee Madi son. Saturday sessions include: Parent/ Child Relations. Problems of Singles, Communicating Effectively. Commumca tion Between Partners. ICS is sponsored by: Pastors Willie Peterson, John Garlington, Percy Man uel. and Webster Turner. Workshop leaders are Lee Madison. Mrs Ginny Snodgrass. Ms. M. Sorensen, and Dr. V. Mitchell. For information call Reverend Willie Peterson at 284 2334 "No o n e hat ever died an atheist." Rato Funeral Services for Viola Borders were held Monday at Vann's Chapel, with Father William Wetzel officiating Mrs. Borders died at the age of 85. Formerly of Ft. Worth, Texas, she was a resident of Portland since 1966. She was a founder of the Links. Inc. of Ft. Worth and a member of the Links. Inc. of Portland, as well as a member of the NAACP. the Urban League of Portland and the Heroins of Jenco. She is survived by her daughter. Mrs. June Brown; her son-in-law Dr. Webster Brown: her sister. Mrs. Lois Howell of Alexandria. Louisiana, and three grand children. Crypt entombment was at Skyline Memorial Gardens. Sarah Ann Bates Mrs. Sarah Ann Bales died in Portland on May 2nd She was born October 30. 1883 in Rockrod. Alabama, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hill. She moved to Portland in 1949 and joined the Vancouv er Avenue First Baptist Church. At the time of her death. Mrs. Bates was a member of St. Paul Church erf Qod in Christ, where she taught Sunday School and sang in the choir ' Survivors are: one brother, Julius Hill. Birmingham. Alabama; three daughters. Mrs. Irene Hill, Chicago. Mrs. Lessie Rivers and Mrs. Helen Jones. Portland; two sons. John M. Hill. Oberlin and Youngstown. Ohio and Robert C. Hughfey. Oakland; 26 grandchildren: 94 great grandchildren and 41 great great, great grandchildren; two nephews, a niece and many other relatives. All the fnends who knew her felt a close relation ship with her and affectionately knew her as "Little Mama" or "Mother Bates.” Funeral Services were held on May 6th at St. Paul Church of God in Christ with Dr. J.C. Foster officiating. Honorary Bearers were: Chief - Alfred Rivers Sr.; Mrs. Lizzie Joshua. Mrs. Estalia Sharp. Mrs Geraldine Ward. Mrs. Hattie Q. Warren. Mrs. Versie West, and Mrs. Essie Whitten. Pallbearers were: Mr Alphonso Brown. Mr. Joe Mullen, Deacon John Smith. Mr. Allen Odom, Mr. Her man Stevenson, and Deacon Roosevelt Thomas. Vann's Mortuary was in charge of arrangements proud look. Henri O’Bryant choir robes 45517th St.,Oakland V The O'Bryant sons owners of one of the nation's largest choir robe manufacturing companies embarks on a Bay Area outdoor advertising campaign to introduce their 1978 Proud look" in choir robes Helping to strengthen their identity with choir groups m the Bay Area are prominent members of tnie wel-known chtrches Standing left to nght John McBride Abyssinia 8 C . Shirley Graves Double Rock BC Richard Herron Macedonia B C . Henrietta Davis. First Union B C seated Bobbye Atkinson St Paul A M E Chirch This attractive group will be seen on Foster and Kleiser display boards soon Inserted below are Hem. Ill and Michael O Bryant The Chancel Chair of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church is presenting it's first annual spring concert, on May 28th. which is all Spiritual, at 116 N.E. Schuyler Street. The concert will begin at 5:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend this all Spiritual Concert. I ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH American State Bank 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin. Pastor Masses: 5:00 p.m Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. Choir Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday Phone 284 1620 Grade* 1 through 8 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. NorRa Kelly. Principal H U G H E S M E M O R IAL U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H fM M _ THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. “A warm spirit of fellowship always" The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson. D.D. “The Hoiiness Preacher ’ Paa ! Bible Baad/Jr ( hureh Wednesday ( hoir Rehearsal Friday: “The Pastor Spanks" 84 NF Killingsworth 2814X99 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS. PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Evenfeg Service 2nd. 4th sad 5th Sundays 7:00 p.m. ( m a n t a ) lot Sunday 5:80 p.m. Wed. - FaauBy Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. and BM e Stady Friday - Brotherhood Fellowship Service with 7:00 p.m. Morning Star 3rd Sunday Prayer aad Pi (h u reh Phone ao: 2814)163 AUSTIN RAV, MINISTER ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth F ellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) 281-4476 3 7 2 5 N- G entsnbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7 ,iv 111 N .E . FAILING lh«1 A Pr«yer 2MJI684 School 9 45 WorwW 11:00 , m oftM . 281 2332 lodivdiXJ • M-i-’.’i - j » - l ' i " -Jfc, Church Where No Stronger Feeia Strange" New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Y eu are W ei came to W orship at 282-2 216 2 7 3 7 N.E. Union ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Sunday Schnei F 15 am Morning Worship 11:15 am "Shower» ol Ble»*mr» È KLAR 1550 113G am l2:30 ota YPBt 6:30 pm I vangebstir Worship 8:40 pm Tuesday-Friday Naan Day Prayer 1 Reverend Thomas L. Stray hand. Minister _