Portland Observer Thursday, May 11, 1978 Page 7 Portland Observer JOB FINDER MUSIC INSTRUCTOR Community college seeks full tin e music instructor starting September 1978 to teach college transfer mu sic courses and to direct performance groups. Mast era degree in music or equivalent required. Prefer two years experience in teaching m usic. Salary range for this entry level position $12,000 $14,000 for 9 months. Application dead line is May 26, 1978. Re sume, transcripts and 3 recom m endation letters due May 31. 1978. For complete application and contract information con tact Mt. Hood Community College. 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR. 97030. Telephone 667 7200. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INSTRUCTOR Community college seeks part time instructor (60% contract) for fall/winter/ spring academ ic year, starting September 1978 to teach occupational the rapy assistant program courses with primary focus in physical d isab ilities. Must be an O.T.R., with at least 3 years experience. ITevious community col lege teaching preferred. Sa lary range for entry level is $6,800 $8,100 for nine months at 60% work load. Application deadline May 26. 1978. Resume, trans cripts and 3 recommenda tion letters due May 31, 1978. For complete applica tion and contract informa tion contact Mt. Hood Com munity College, 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR. 97030. Telephone 667 7200. DENTAL HYGIENIST CITY OF PORTLAND RISK MANAGER $28,080 approx, annual salary The Risk Manager is re sponsible for identifying, evaluating, controlling, and minimizing the City's expo sure to loss of or damage of physical assets, fidelity losses and losses arising out of liability claims, worker compensation claims and employee insurance bene Tits. Applicants must have knowledge of the theories, techniques, laws and regu lations in the areas of risk management, insurance un derwriting and loss control methods; knowledge and skill in effective manage ment; and skill in develop ing, recommending, imple menting and evaluating in surance, self-insurance, safety accident prevention, fire prevention, and other loss control programs. Wo men and minorities urged to apply. Immediate vacancy for Dental Hygienist in State Institution. Must be regist ered and licensed. Excel lent fringe benefits. Salary range $970-1238. Equal Op portunity Employer. Con tact Personnel, Fairview Hospital and Training Cen ter, 2250 Strong Rd. S.E., Salem, Oregon, phone 378 5369. . REGISTERED NURSES 11-7 Shift Full time, part time and float positions available for nurses. Minimum one year general hospital experience required. Excellent bene fits. Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center 2183 N.W. Northrup APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland. OR. 97201 TRAFFIC ENGINEER $1471-lW78/montli. In v ita tio n to Bid TECHNICAL WRITER I Part-time | INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS Must have writing skill and knowledge of computer programming. Qualifica lions: BA degree plus two years computer experience or six years combined col lege and experience in re lated fields. Applications by June 1, 1978 to: C.C. Calligan Computer Center Oregon State University Corvallis, OR. 97331 OSU is an Equal Opportu n ity/A ffirm ative Action Employer and complies with Sec. 504 of the Rehabi litation Act of 1973. TYPIST The Housing Authority of Portland will receive Turnkey Proposals for a 30 unit family project consisting of 23 three bedroom units and 7 Muli.mm.'hr “"I*1’ IOC,t?d e'ther the Cily of Porll*nd or >n Multnomah County within ten miles of the Portland city limits, until 2 p.m., 1 actfic Daylight Savings Time, on the 6th day of July, 1978. at 1605 NE 45th Avenue. Portland Oregon, 97123. at which time and place all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Developer's Packets containing full project information and detailed •“bmission requirements are on file at the office of the Housing Authority #‘ ‘he >b^Ve *ddre“ - * Developer's Packet may be obtained at the above or by ’ ’£ « * 2 4 9 5531 * b° n* fide intere8t in to the Invitation) Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Developer a Packet must be paid on this project. The Housing Authority of Portland reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to waive any informalities in the proposals. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Lyndon R. Musolf Executive Director For busy hotel catering office, 60 wpm with accu racy, $600 a month plus MAINTENANCE good fringe benefits. Apply WORKER Sheraton Portland Hotel, 1000 N.E. Multnomah, 2-4 $750 month. Must meet p.m. City CETA II eligibility, experience in general main An Equal Opportunity tenance and repair. Appli Employer cations at Arbuckle/PYA, 1532 S.W. Morrison, 226 4746. SALES SECRETARY Receptionist, responsible, neat and cheerful person with accurate shorthand (80-100 wpm), typing (70-75 wpm), and filing skills. $700 a month plus good fringe benefits. Apply Sheraton Portland Hotel, 1000 N.E. Multnomah, 2-4 p.m. PRODUCTION WORKERS Marketing Rep Our prominent tug and barge company located in Portland is seeking a Mar keting Rep who has had several years' sales and marketing experience, pre ferably with a common car rier. Position requires ex c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tiv e skills and limited travel will be necessary. PROVIDERA RESOURCE COORDINATOR NORTH 17 th STREET Sealed proposals for the construction of SANITARY SEWER LINES in the City of St. Helens, Oregon, ad dressed to the Mayor and City Council, P.O. Box 278, St. Helens, Oregon, 97051, will be received until 10:00 A.M. P.D.T. on the 18th day of May, 1978, in the Council Chambers, City of St. Helens, 265 Strand Street, St. Helens, Oregon, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read aloud. SYKES ROAD- AUBUCHON DRIVE Sealed proposals for the construction of SANITARY SEWER LINES in the City of St. Helens, Oregon, ad dressed to the Mayor and City Council, P.O. Box 278, St. Helens, Oregon, 97051, will be received until 10:00 A.M. P.D.T. on the 18th day of May, 1978, in the Council Chambers, City of St. Helens, 265 Strand Street, St. Helens, Oregon, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read aloud. The project consists of ap proximately 1420 lineal feet of 6inch P.V.C. or concrete sewer pipe; 130 lineal feet of 3-inch, P.V.C. force main; package sewage ejector pump; manholes and mis cellaneous appurtances; and surface restoration. The project consists of ap proximately 3085 lineal feet of 6inch, 2372 lineal feet of 16inch, P.V.C. or concrete sew er pipe; manholes; house service connections; miscellaneous appurtances; and surface restoration. Plans and Specifications may be examined at St. Helens City Hall; A.G.C. Plan Center, Northwest Plan Center, and North- west Minority Contractor Association in Portland, Oregon; and the offices of Whiteley, Jacobsen and As- sociates, 8525 North Lom bard, Portland, Oregon, 97203, phone (503) 286 8803. Plans and Specifications may be examined at St. Helens City Hall; A.G.C. Plan Center, Northwest Plan Center, and North west Minority Contractor Association in Portland, Oregon; and the offices of Whiteley, Jacobsen & As sociates, 8525 North Lom bard, Portland, Oregon, 97203, upon payment of $25.00 for each set. Knowledge and or exper- ience with day care deli very systems. Experience in grant and proposal writ- ing, ability to handle a wide variety of administrative skills, demonstrated writ ing and verbal skills de sired. Salary $1060 per month. Please submit re sume to 4-C, 1110 S.E. Alder, 97214. Closing date Plans and Specifications May 19, 1978. may be obtained at the office of Whiteley, Jacob An Equal Opportunity sen and Associates, 8525 Employer North Lombard, Portland, Oregon, 97203, upon pay ment of $25.00 for each set. Any Bidder, upon return ing the Contract Docu ments in good condition Two yrs. exp. as supervisor within 10 days after the bid in field of transportation- opening will be refunded traffic engineering and coll, No later than May 26,1978. his full payment and non grad, in engineering or bidder upon so returning equiv. comb, of exp. and An Equal Opportunity the Contract Documents trng. Necessary Qualifies An Equal Opportunity PBX OPERATOR Employer Any Bidder, upon return will be refunded $15.00. tion: Registration as a pro Employer ing the Contract Docu fessional engineer within 6 Pacific Power & Light has ments in good condition Bidders who are in doubt as months of appointment. an opening for an exper within 10 days after the bid to their qualifications are Apply Washington County CITY OF PORTLAND Aluminum Company of ienced (1 yr. plus) PBX/ opening will be refunded encouraged to contact the Civil Service. 150 N. First THEATRE- America centrex operator. Position his full payment and non City Recorder informally to Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon PROPERTY 5701 N.W. Lower River Rd. involves clerical and tele bidder upon so returning determine if a prequalifica 97123, an Equal Opportu Family Circus Theatre Col MANAGEMENT Vancouver, WA. copy work as well as ability the Contract Documents tion request is necessary. nity Employer, women and lective, Portland, seeks SUPERVISOR to work flexible hours. will be refunded $15.00. Prequalification requests m em bers of m inorities person with interest and $24,253 approx, annual A« Equal Opportunity must be submitted by no urged to apply. skills in theatre work. 3rd salary Contact or send resume to Bidders who are in doubt as later than 5:00 P.D.T. on Employer world, women, gay people Pacific Power & Light, 920 to their qualifications are the 5th day of May, 1978. NURSE encouraged. Applications Manages the use of City S.W. 6th, Portland, OR. encouraged to contact the available at 1532 S.W. Mor facilities. Plans and coor 97204. (503) 243-4359. City Recorder informally to Each proposal must contain BUILDING INSPECTOR 2 Large industrial firm is rison, 226-4746. Auditions dinates relocation of City SECRETARY determine if a prequalifica a statement by the Bidder NURSING $1153-1471/meatb seeking full-time licensed begin May 22nd. bureuas; acquires and allo An Equal Opportunity tion request is necessary. that the provisions of RN preferable with some cates buildings and Major carrier accepting ap Employer Prequalification requests O.R.S. 279.350 relating to The following positions are Six yrs. exp. in bldg, const, grounds; prepares pro plications for position of experience in occupational must be submitted by no the prevailing wage rates available immediately at in field or 1 yr. exp. public or health nursing though not perty feasability studies; Division Secretary. Quali later than 5:00 P.D.T. on will be complied with. patient psychiatric hospi- private building inspection. CLERICAL POSITIONS maintains central record fied applicants will have necessary. Salary commen the 5th day of May, 1978. tai. “B” certif. State of Oregon surate with qualifications AVAILABLE system. Supervision exer good secretarial skills and a COST ACCOUNTING Each proposal must be sub desirable, or any equiv. cised over small profes good work record. Previous and experience, excellent MANAGER Each proposal must contain mitted on the prescribed Kegistered Nurses - full comb, of exp. and trng. fringe benefits. Full and part time. Excel sional, technical, and cleri experience with a freight a statement by the Bidder form and accompanied by a time positions for evening lent fringe benefits to work Company would be helpful. cal staff. Women and mi B-D DRAKE WILLOCK that the provisions of certified check or bid bond shift; part time or full-time ASSISTANT BUILDING Reynolds Aluminum with public. Typing 55 Apply at East Texas Motor norities urged to apply. ! internationally recognized O.R.S. 279.350 relating to payable to the City of St. position for night shift. MAINTENANCE Sundial Rd. wpm. Call 223-7201 Ext. 65 Freight, 2825 N.W. Yeon i manufacturer of artificial the prevailing wage rates Helens, Oregon, in an SUPERVISOR Troutdale, OR. 97060 or apply Personnel Office, Portland 97210. APPLY ' kidney machine systems, is will be complied with. amount of not less than ten WOODLAND PARK «10461335/month For appointment call Multnomah County Li | seeking an individual to (10) percent of the total MENTAL HEALTH 665-9171 ext. 211 brary, 801 S.W. 10th. Portland Civil Service i An Equal Opportunity assume responsibility for: Prospective bidders should amount of the proposal sub CENTER Three yrs. exp. in building I • Board Employer M/F be aware that guidelines mitted. 1400 S.E. Umatilla An Equal Opportunity/ An Equal Opportunity 510 S.W. Montgomery St. I operation and maint. sup • Coordinating the deve and requirements contain Portland. OR. 97202 plemented by exp. and Affirmative Action Employer Portland, OR. 97201 lopment and implementa ed in Section 3 of the The successful Bidder will 234 5353 ext. 366 Employer trn g. with p reven tive tion of a cost accounting Housing and Urban Deve be required to furnish a No later than May 19, 1978. maint. program, engineer system. UNDERWRITER lopment Act of 1968, 12 bond for faithful perfor An Equal Opportunity ing or related degree desir • Performing cost analysis U.S.C. 1701u, will be re mance on the Contract in TRAINEE able, or equiv. comb, of exp. Employer An Equal Opportunity for product evaluation, and quired as a part of the the full amount of the Con and trng. AUTOMOTIVE APPRENTICE Employer ROI analysis on capital ex bidders response. National multi-line insur tract price. INSTRUCTOR DIRECTOR penditures. ance company seeks college ADMINISTRATIVE • Supervising cost depart Each proposal must be sub Prospective bidders should graduates for training pro ASSISTANT Community college seeks At the Northwest Artists ments activities in areas of mitted on the prescribed be aware that guidelines gram. Must be willing to 81153-1471/moath full time instructor for pro Workshop, typing, writing month end close and annual form and accompanied by a and requirements contain relocate upon completion. skills, and familiarity with Career opportunity, excel gram in import and domes physical inventories. certified check or bid bond ed in Section 3 of the One yr. exp. in local go contemporary art and gal tic autom otive serv ice payable to the City of St. Housing and Urban Deve vernment admin, position, lery work required. 48 hour lent salary and benefits. starting September 1978. Requirements include a Helens, Oregon, in an lopment Act of 1968, 12 Mr. H ervey, coll. grad, in public admin, vet preference. Must be Call Minimum of 3 years of BS/BA in accounting, plus amount of not less than ten U.S.C. 1701u, will be re or related or equiv. comb. CETA eligible. Call Direc U.S.F.&G. Company, 221- industrial experience as 0221. 3 years varied cost account (10) percent of the total quired as a part of the of exp. and trng. MPA or tor afternoons for details journeyman import auto ing experience in an equip amount of the proposal sub bidders response. MBA degree substitute for 223 3210. motive mechanic and ex ment manufacturing en mitted. An Equal Opportunity 6 mo. exp. Last filing date perience with domestic vironment and a basic un Employer M/F The Owner reserves the June 9, 1978. auto repair. Qualified to derstanding of manage The successful Bidder will right to reject any or all teach repair of engine, po ment information systems. be required to furnish a bids or to waive any infor Apply Washington County wertrains, chassis, electri Supervisory experience is bond for faithful perfor malities in bidding. On call, temporary cafeteria work available No Civil Service, 150 N. First cal sy stem s, autom atic both day and swing shift Prior experience in food preferred. mance on the Contract in Bidder may withdraw his Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon, tran sm ission s, em issions prepaiation and serving helpful These jobs can the full amount of the Con bid for a period of forty-five 97123, an Equal Opportu controls, and shop opera lead to permanent positions As a rapidly-growing divi tract price. (45) calendar days after the Engineering nity Employer, women and tion. Salary for entry level sion of BECTON DICKIN date set for opening there Keypunch Operators m em bers of m inorities contract ranges $12,000 SON, a multi-national FOR The Owner reserves the of. urged to apply. $14,000 for nine months. We have immediate permanent openings for TUNE 500 health-care pro right to reject any or all swing shift Keypunch Operators. Formal ducts company, we offer bids or to waive any infor By Order of the Common keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience Applications due by May each individual a variety of malities in bidding. required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or No Council of the 24,1978. Contact Personnel Inforvx key to disc desirable challenging assignments, Bidder may withdraw his City of St. Helens, Oregon, Office, Mt. Hood Commu HEALTH A P.E. plus com pany-supported bid for a period of forty-five an Equal Opportunity Em nity College for complete INSTRUCTOR P a rt Time Assembler tuition refund and benefits (45) calendar days after the ployer. application and contract in Part time positions available for electronic program. To apply, please date set for opening there formation, 26000 S.E. Stark Community college seeks assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do forward your resume or of. City Recorder St., Gresham, OR. 97030 call: full time instructor for detailed work required Training will be provided Outstanding career opportunity for an elec George Shelley Telephone 667-7200. health and physical educa trical engineer in the Portland metro area By Order of the Common tion with additional assign Clerk Typist with one of the nation's largest integrated Industrial Relations Council ment of head basketball forest products manufacturer. Candidates Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, Director of the City of St. Helens, coach, and assistant coach skilled duties Average typing ability required. should have BSEE plus 3-6 years’ solid plant B-D Drake Hillock Oregon, in tennis, track and field, or level experience in P A P/ pack aging or re 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. an Equal Opportunity Em cross country in women’s lated process industry. Prior supervisory or Portland, OR. 97222 ployer. athletic and sports pro Will perform advanced secretarial, maintenance interface background highly HOUSEKEEPER 659 3355 stenographic and clerical duties. Two years gram. Starts September desirable. City Recorder secretarial training or experience required Above 1978. Required: Masters in Position available in psy- An Equal Opportunity George Shelley average typing ability, and shorthand or H.P.E.; 2 years high school Problems? Need someone Crown Zellerbach offers a growing and chiatrict hospital for house Employer transcription skills necessary. teaching or equivalent; 2 to lean on? Try yourself. personally rewarding environment, coupled keeper to work four/days Benefits include liberal insurance and years high school coaching Personal Enrichment Pro with a competitive compensation package retirement programs, educational support and per week. Previous hospital or equivalent. Applications gram can help you learn profit sharing plan including medical/life/dental and employee housekeeping experience Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write due by May 15, 1978. Re how. Call for more under stock ownership plans. Qualified applicants preferred. to: T E K T R O N IX , IN C ., P.O Box 500 P. sume, transcripts and 3 standing 6363419, Hypno are invited to forward a resume, including Beaverton. OR 97077. recom m endation le tte r s sis Services. salary history, to P.W. Shipp, or call (503) WOODLAND PARK An equal opportunity employer m /f. must be received by May Need help to get out of 221 7277 for an application. MENTALHEALTH 22, 1978. For complete debt? You can get advice CENTER application and contract in FREE - or pay up to $5 a 1400 S.E. Umatilla Worker owned and man month for a total debt man Public stenographic and formation contact Mt. Hood Portland, OR. 97202 aged restaurant has 2 job agement program. Call CrownZellerbach professional secretarial Community College, 26000 rtu ro» M i t i M » 234 5353 ext. 366 openings. Call Mountain Consumer Credit Counsel 1500 S.W First Avenue services S.E. Stark St., Gresham, J® i Portland, Oregon 97201 Moving Cafe, Thursday ing Service, a non-profit All Work Guaranteed to OR. 97030. Telephone 667 An Equal Opportunity Meet Your Satisfaction Sunday, 11 am - 9 pm, agency ’ An E qual O pportunity Em ployer M / f 7200. • Portland 232 Employer 236 7541. 8139. Ms. Taggart 255 5621 For heavy metal smelting and fabricating labor. Prior experience preferred. Must be able to work any day, any shift. Minimum wage $7.051 per hour. Excellent benefits. Register in per son 12:00 noon, Sunday, May 14, 1978 for interview appointment for next week. Qualified candidate will en joy ex cellen t company benefits including medical, life and dental insurance, profit sharing, bonus and more. If interested, please send resume to Attn: Jack Willman, P.0. Box 17178, 6208 Ensign St., Portland, OR. 97217. Crowley Maritime j Corporation Tektronix Opportunities INSTRUMENTATION POWER DISTRIBUTION * CONTROL SYSTEMS Ttektronix I