Page 8 Portland Observer Thursday. February 16. 1978 CETA VI POSITIONS Portland Bays Chair NIGHT SUPERVISOR CETAH TRANSITION COORDINATOR CETA VI HISTORIAN/ PHOTOGRAPHER CETA VI CETA VIPOSITIONS Storefront Actors' Theatre is offering 4 posi lions thru the City of Portland CETA IL VI programs. For more information call 2484)199 Production Manager To provide staff support ser Quahhraltou» far all a a Matt Talbot tenter (Stud The Transition Coordinator Person to research, record, vices for the production of a uau*. Choral Instrumental Road alcohol drug treat music ability Demonstrat ment program ( Duties: Re will be required to work and prepare display ma 3 day arts festival. Qualifi with representatives and leriais of the Burnside area cations: Experience in gen ed ability to work with available in case of an emer eral performing arts pro Board of Directors of social of downtown Portland. children. Knowledge of genev. make sure all real duel ion including staging, social service agencies. dents coming are sober service agencies as a rep resentative of the NWSC Applicant must be skilled in lights and sound; hack and or straight: be avail The historical interview lechni ground in working with vi Project Director - $770 able to "just talk" if any Board of Directors mo. ihalf timet Supervises residents may need to; oc Coordinator will discuss ques. still photography and sual artists and rraflspeo 2 ARCHITECTS project employees, respon casionalh do routine office space use. rent, and time darkroom procedures, and pie. ability to supervise and Phetugra.»ber - Prof, pho YOUTH RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPER sable for overall planning and maintenance tasks. requirements with the pro familiar with graphic print work with volunteers. $833 tographer with art back­ To provide design services and functioning of project; Quahfiratiior Some know sportive agencies and will ing and display techniques. month plus benefits. ground A photography de Archile-turai Engineering Must be CETA VI eligible to low income community. report to Board of Direr ledge of and or experience help finalise the details Applicant must provide gree pref. Must he familiar Technology, CETA II quali­ Must be grad of accredited Clerical A ssistsst. To pre leading to the agency mov his. her own camera and to conduct youth needs sur­ tors, evaluate staff, insure with alcohol and drug prob fied. Oregon Polytechnic school of architecture. Must pare correspondence, main with the use c l 35 mm.. 2 'A accurate fiscal accounting. lem s, som e counseling ing into the service center darkroom gear. vey for YWCA. March 1st 4 4 by 5 cameras. PC lent Institute. 227-5449. have organizational and lain files, coordinate and Qualifications: Master in skills, a sense of humor. , building. The Coordinator thru Sept. 90th. 1978. $750 6 special lighting for art public relation skills. Qua Business Ad mini . 3 years Salary : $650 base salary will also he responsible for Bring resume and portfolio plan numerous committee per month + fringe bene wks. Must have own equip, lify for CETA U. $883 a meetings, prepare agendas, assisting the various agen to 2838 E. Burnside, Port., fits Knowledge of commu administrative experience, and fringe per month (cameras 4 strobes) 4 Re ries during the transition 97214 Telephone 234 5334 maintain communication must have own dkrm Able nity youth resources, ex ­ month plus fringe. abibty to write reports: period Fr. Leo Remington. Direr with various city, county to print up to 20 by 24 perience in data collection sumes accepted Feb. 13th knowledge of budget prep. MAINTENANCE to Feb. 17th. Portland Com and private agencies. Quail tor. pref.. knowledge of pn WORKER inches Black 4 white SECRETARY PROGRAM vale and governmental raumty Design Center. 723 M u s k ( euuoetor II - $916 ficatlons: typing. 10 key The use of shared space will CETAB prints. S.E. Grand. 97214. Phone AIDE skills, verbal skilla. $833 be coordinated by this posi funding sources, exper­ month. Counsel and train month plus benefits. ience in proposal writing 2324221 children in group and indi Must be able to work in a lion. Researcher - Researcher For YWCA Youth Re DIRECTOR and budget planning Ap­ vidual setting; seek re­ therapeutic community at The Coordinator will also search Project. Must be plications received thru Staff Aaaiotaat. To assist with strong art bckgr. pref. sources; develop musical mospbere around persons be developing ideas for ap A CETA funded (Title VI) the planning and roordina Extensive knowledge of the CETA VI eligible March February 20th. Contact plan for each cheat; keep struggling with alcohol and propriate. special events of project - Audience De­ tion of various elements Arts in OR. req. Able to 1st thru Sept. 30th. 1978. YWCA Executive Office. records. Qualifications: ! drug problems. Mainte document all material to be the Center's auditorium velopment. $3J5> per hour plus fringe 1111 S W . 10th. 223-6181. TRUCK DRIY ERZ Applicants (performance, visual arts MA vocal music or related nance worker is responsible used in special section. spare. benefits Union member crafts, and food) of an out CI'STOIHAN must be eligible under the field; 4 years experience in for the general mainte Must be able to estab. 4 ship required Good typ­ door festival; to work with CETA CETA VI Rules related field including 1 nance and repair of the maintain contact with pub ing. telephone, office orga both the business rommu Qualifications: Required - Center and must be able to year in performing arts. lie 4 private sources to mzationai skills. Exper D e s c r ip tio n : P r o v id e s undertake special projects. Know ledge of social service Description: The Director nity and publk service or document his or her re ience in setting up filing transportation services as Artistic Director - $854 Worker should be able to delivery systems. Cornimi of Audience Development ganizations in planning the search. Must be willing to systems preferred. Appli nication skills. required to pick up dona month. Direct artistic body- paint wall and trim. Work will be charged with a one above, to act as a liason work very closely with the GREENPEACE cations received thru Feb­ tions for an agency which movements in group and er should be able to do year project to develop a with local arts orgamza photographer & writer to RESF.ARCHPROJECT- tions. Qualifications: A ruary 30th. Contact YWCA ASSISTANT distributes emergency ba individual setting; seek ad minor plumbing, electrical, subscription audience for produce special section T te Whale M arts Executive Office. 1111 S.W. COORDINATOR sis food, clothing, furniture ditional resources; develop carpentry, and hardware Portland Conservatory basic knowledge of rommu a Teachers Packet 10th. 223-6281 nity service and arts orga CETA VI and household goods to po­ choreographic plans; serve repair. Salary - including Theatre and to establish a p»er - Graphic Design verty level clients. Per­ as resource to other theatre fringe benefits $650 per network for touring pro nizaliont; some experience era degree pref. Ex ten in the arts; ability to coordi Rr s e urch. 2 positions. $833 The Assistant Coordinator ductions. forms custodial duties. month. agencies; keep records The responsibility is to in nale and work with volun knowledge of graphic de will work with the Transi Qualifications; Bachelor de­ $833 month plus sign, terminology 4 bckgr. dude a survey nation-wide Duties: Provides transpor RECOGNIZANCE lion Coordinator, meeting Applicants should have leer*. gree in Theatre Drama or Steven Adler in printing necessary. Fa­ of all materials presently lation as directed to pick up benefits. OFFICER with agency representa some public relations or related: 4 years experience Assistant Director. miliar with all aspects of available. They also assist goods, program supplies lives and Boards of Ihrec marketing background, be in related field with 1 year Matt Talbot Center Produrtlou Aamataat. To prod., mechanical paste up. and choose material to be and delivery" messages. tors. This position will also pleasantly aggressive, will Qualified individuai needed in area of body movement 225-0129 used in completed project. Keeps vehicles clean and in to interview and investi be w-orking closely with ing to be trained in theatre assist in the production of reduction, screening, etc. interpretation gate criminal defendents agencies which will have practiee. and willing to do the performing arts ele good running order Per Aa Equal Op.mrtuaity/ Writer - Art writer with W riter-'Editor. 1 position. forms custodial duties and far release without bail. begun to offer services in independenl research in ments of an arts festival; to Education Specialist - $916 Affirmative Action prof. exp. req. Able to $833. Work closely with minor building and equip­ Applicants must m eet the building. This involve- theatre management and act as a liason wnth per month. Develop and imple Em.ilayer forming artists, performing work in close relation with CETA II eligibility and be researchers writing of first ment repairs ment will include meetings marketing. ment program of Survival arts organizations and city photographer, designer. 4 bondabie Veterans pre draft manuscript, assist in with agency advisory com Boy Choir and orientation researcher 4 communicate Qualification* Ability to ference honored Job De­ selection of principle lay­ mittees and recommenda Contact: Larry Oliver or and private agencies; to all pertinent material re­ understand and follow di to urban environment for c o o r d in a te v o lu n te e r s scription maybe reviewed out. tions to both the NWSC Marla Carlson for an inter PRINTING TRAINEE rections Physical ability to all types of children; deve­ (stage crews, sound techs, lated to the special proj. and applications accepted Board of Directors and va­ view 223 9243. Applica lop and implement aggres CETA VI lift donated goods. Willing etc.); to work with jurors to Clerical. $700. typing, tele at 1021 SW . 4th. Rm 204. rious agencies' Boards on tions will be taken until ness to abide by health, sive outreach program: re­ coordinate selection pro Must be able to write all phone, mail, typing of man between 10 a_m and 3 pjn. space usage. noon. February 20. 1119 articles to accompany pho By the completion of the safety and cleanliness stan cruit volunteer music edu uscript. until February 20. S.W. Park Ave.. Portland, cess. Qualifications: Exper tos & graphics Must work dards as outlined by Ex ecu cators; raise funds: work training project the 4 print ience in performing arts The Assistant will also be OR. 97205. with counseling staff. Qua production; ability to orga within style set by maga Gra.ibtc Artist. 1 position. five Director. Possession lifications: Bachelor degree er trainees will have the required to keep records of Aa Equal ( h a r t w t ? experience and training ne­ or ability to acquire a nine and work with volun zine. $750. responsible aesthetic Em »lever all meetings and correspon I in Education with Audio leers; some background in quality of lay-out. cover chaueffers license venfi Visual emphasis: 5 years cessary to seek unsubsi dence and will act as office dised employment in one or Clerical spec able before beginning em CETA II POSITION the technical aspects of pre design, poster art work. manager for this project. experience with educa a combination of the follow pref. Accurate typing req. ploy men t. PROGRAM senting performing arts in tionaly disadvantaged; ing positions: f*ress Person, Qualifies tions: Required - DEVELOPMENT an outdoor setting. $833 Must be able to maintain RECORDS Send resume to the Whale abibty to develop and tm Camera Person. Negative Communication skills. Cle­ Salary: $650 per month. DIRECTOR Works. % of GreenPeace. month plus benefits. Apply file from researcher and MANAGEMENT plement educational music and Plate Preparation. Bin rical skills. to: Art* Celebration. Inc., writer & coordinate the 811 N.W. 23rd, Portland. PERSONNEL TRAINING programs for children, abi dery Work. Graphic De­ ADMINISTRATIVE World Without War Coun­ 97210. P.0. Box 8181, Portland, traveling of both research SYSTEMS ANALYSIS lity and experience in fund signer. Proofreader, and ty­ Northwest Service Center cil needs person to. 1) de er 4 photographer. ASSISTANT 97207. 223 7004 raising. pographer. Salary: $500 1956 N.W. Everett CETA velop 4 carry out pro Qualified individuals need­ Able to communicate with per month. 223 2595 grams, under Board super ed in the above areas for different sectors 4 main Description: Provides as­ Secretary/B ook keep er - vision, which provide un­ CETA VI employment. Ap­ CETA POSITIONS In addition to the above tain correspondence within sistance to the director and $666 month. Phone answ­ derstanding and support MEDICAL plicants must meet CET A ering. typing, bookkeeping positions, there are four 4 out of the State of OR. need for progress on ending TECHNICIAN VI eligibility requirements. M anagem ent - Trainee agency which distributes payroll, purchasing). Qua MAINTENANCE with pertinent sources a* other positions available: em ergency basis food, war; 2' provide necessary Veterans preference honor Sales, coordinate special lifications: typing 60 wpm; Print rr Train rr - Imme PERSON/FARMER informational services, pub Degree is not required. req. by the rest of the ed. Job descriptions maybe programs, graphic artists, clothing, furniture and 10-key adding machine; 2 diate supervision of all household goods to poverty- Ik relations and written Some exp. would be good in personnel involved with the reviewed and applications custodian. Preference gi­ years experience payroll trainees, ability to train Facility and maintenance materials to carry out the level clients. Reports to: the area of phaletomy. Rou special proj. accepted at 1021 SW . 4th, ven to Veterans 4 minority and purchasing records persons for all of the above repair for a year round above. tine laboratory procedure* groups. Oregon Museum of Executive Director. Rm 204. between 10 a.m. functions, coordinate print youth and adult camp. As­ Clinical laboratory proce The Coordinator will work Science and Industry. 248 and 3 p.m. until February Duties: Supervises person Apply by February 22nd. shop services with services sist in the planning and Preference, college degree durea. One year CETA as a liason person between 5900 20. operation of a small farm and. international studies Title VI. Starting $700 the personnel of the special nel and volunteers Orga Oregon Boys Choir. Inc., of other youth service agen King Neighborhood Faci including instruction and background. Typing skills $800 month. 510 S.W. 3rd. project 4 the magazine's cies. responsible for all nizes staff meetings and An Equal (Li •ortumty lity. 4115 N.E. 7th Ave., demonstration of farming necessary. Salary : $650 managerial functions. $800. communications and main Suite 4, ASAP. Registry staff. Em»lover activities. Env.ronmental- month. Request for appli month. tains personnel records. Rm. C-7. 281-8393 not required. Veteran and CI LTL R AL ly conscious, with exper « tio n to: WWWC. 1838 Prepares budgets and re minority preference. COORDINATOR Secretarv/Reeeptioniat - ience in the following fields: S.W. Jefferson. Portland. Must be able to maintain ports for presentation to communication 4 make all Typing, filing, answering farm equipment operation OR. 97201. Phone 774 7216. the Board of Directors, CETA VI position at the STAFF ASSISTANT pertinent arrangements to the phone and routing calls and maintenance, farming Application deadline Feb. Urban Indian Council. Must funding sources and other secure permission 4 re (providing information and t e c h n iq u e s ,c a r p e n t r y , 24. CAMP DIRECTOR have BA or equivalent ex appropriate persons or or- For small literary press leases from sources wheth making referrals I. handling plumbing, and electrical Perform s penence Professional le­ ganizations. Applicants must have good Call incoming and outgoing skilla. CETA VI. Develop and supervise the er government or private, vel of oral and written grant search and write* office and bookkeeping mail, coordinating efforts 229-4721. The Oregon En­ activities of a year round for the use of material to be communication skills. Call grants for funding. Mom skills, including typing 50 vironmental Foundation. with media project secre tors service deb very sy­ youth and adult camp. BS printed in the special sec­ U. Howe at 248-4562 wpm. grant writing exper tion. tary. etc. $500 month. stem of the organization to ASSISTANT LOGISTICS ience, and a solid fami The W.W. Clark Memorial in outdoor education, re Au Equal Op;»ertunity DIRECTOR assure that stated goals liarity with contemporary Library at the University creation, or related field. Em.iioyer Bookkeeper - Set up record Must work with treasurer I ull-time and objectives are progra poetry and literary editing of Portland has available 2 Environmentally conscious of the Corp, to secure the keeping system, keep daily maticallv observed. Coor with program and manage Salary $833 per month Ap technician positions fund CASE WORK proper salaries payment* Dookkeeping records and dinates and directs volun CETA VI ment experience. CETA plicants must meet CETA ed under CETA. Title VI. ASSISTANT posting entries, provide fi­ leers Prepares correspon The and maintain proper re VI eligibility. Call 235 beginning Feb. 16. Work VI. Call 2294721. cords of all expenses U Job I»escn Hioa: Assistant nancial reports for appro­ Oregon Environm ental 1898. will involve use of on-line For Russian resettlement dence. YOUTH REFERRAL present to the Board ol priate persons (manager. logistics director works un Foundation. terminal to enter library program. CETA VI eligibi COORDINATOR Directors of S.iectrua Ma der supervision of the Lo­ EMO. CETA, etc.), develop holdings into computer lity. Veterans preference Salary: $833 per month. gazine of the Arts upon billing system, etc. $650 per gistics Director and would An Equal O.i.iurtaafty A full-time position direct CETA VI position at the data base. Hours: noon to 7 request month. Em,»lover ARCHIVIST work with clients and vo­ A;rdy: Life Center. 321 assist in the following Urban Indian Council, i p.m. and/or Saturdays. Russell Street. Portland. areas; Equi.xnent - repair lunteers. record keeping, Youth Counseling exper Some training and'or ex Pruduetisu Perssu - Per and maintenance of various Salesman - Identify and ience. Must have ability to penence in library proce For literary press. Appli job development and publi Oregon 97212. son with exp. in the gen. develop print shop pro­ backpacking and river NATURALIST/ cants must have library durea highly desirable. Ap city. W ere looking for work effectively with Na­ prod, of a publication. Me jects. assist in design and gear; Food - packaging and TEACHER sk ills including biblio­ plicants must meet CETA someone who is personable chamesla. paste up. lay-out layout of printing projects, tive Americin Youth. Call distribution; Vehicle» graphy. reference, catalog eligibility criteria. Appli and has good organizational U. Howe at 248-4562. and copy ready material help maintain the safety of coordinate printing ser ing. and typing 30 wpm. as cations from veterans only Two positions to help su­ will be the respon. of the skills. And a knowledge of vices with needs of other six vans and trailers; and well as familiarity with lit­ on 13th and 14th. Apply pervise and conduct the prod person. Russian is helpful Call Faeibtie» - maintenance of youth service projects, etc. erary publishing and a solid Librarian, Univ. of Port­ activities of a year round Jewish Family and Child Friendly House is accepting office and warehouse in $625 per month. youth and adult camp. Ex foundation in contemporary land. 283 7111. Service. 2267079. CETA VI Tax Accountant applications for: Physical Portland penence working with peo Must be familiar with print poetry Salary $833 per CETA VI Writer/ Apply by February 17th to: Revitalization Supervisor pie in the out of doors ing term s, lim itations, month. Applicants must An Affirmative Actioo/ Researcher (II $820: Lead Worker (2) Salary: $500.00 per month Harry's Mother. 1734 S.E. Interested in environmen screening processes, half meet CETA VI. Call 235 Equal (F,i;»ertunity 39th. 2384611. $800; Revitalization Work plus medical insurance tai studies and nature tones, duo tones and mech 1898. Em;4eyer To work for consortium of crafts. CETA VI. Call reductions, etc. Six CETA VI openings at er 161 $750: Community Qualification ». Good organi non-profit arts organiza Developer (41 $820: Service 229 4721. The Oregon En zational ability. Previous Rape Relief Hotline. Mi lions. 227 3840. Must be able to follow vironmental Foundation. nortty women encouraged Outreach Worker i4) $750-, experience with and liking direction, 4 make decisions Project Evaluation Special for logistics work in out­ to apply. Need to hire by in direct relation to layout BtHJKKEEPER/ LANDSCAPE An Equal D;>,»ertunhy February 23rd. Call 224 ist ill $820; Community door programs would be LIBRARIAN without direct supervision Involvement Specialist (2) Em deyer ARCHITFXT helpful. Mechanical apti­ 7125. if req. He/she will deal Film Maker in-the-schoola $800; Graphic Artist (1) tude Good driving record. Oregon i-egal Services Cor coordinator for the North directly with printers in $800; Librarian (1) $800. To provide design services case of need, so must be R ecep tioniat/T ypiat 12) Northwest Outward Bound poration is seeking an assis west Film Study Center SINGLE PARENTS to low-income community. ADMINISTRATIVE familiar with all aspects of $650; Executive Secretary School is an Equal Dp,»or tant Lnkkeeper/litigation Act as the liason between PROJECT Must have completed upper ASSISTANT printing procedures. (li $750; Project Business tunity Ea;4ayer which librarian. Previous book the Oregon Arts Commia division work in an at FINANCIAL GRANTS Manager (1) $820; Cuato- does not discriminate in keeping experience and sion, the film center and Assist Director in all Sponsored by Neighbor credited landscape archi OFFICER - dian/Property Manager (1) recruitment, hiring or pro typing »0-55 wpm is re­ schools interested in having phases of administrative hood House an Equal Op CETA Title VI. Only candi tectural program. Must Oregon Hiatorieal Society $700; Project Coordinator motion, on the basis of race, quired. Library experience filmmakers in workshop or work. Write publicity, re portunity Em ployer ia dates with resumes will be have organizational and color, religion, age. sex or would be helpful. Appli residence situations. The search and draft grant pro seeking applicants for 4 eligible for interviewing. public relations skilla. Qua Position funded by City (ll $820; Project Admini cants must meet CETA II applicant should possess a posals. Must have excel CETA positions. Project Please no phone calls or strator (1) $833; and Pro national origin. CETA II funds to prepare lify for CETA II. $833 a requirements. Resumes degree in film or art, a lent writing and orgamza Director. Group Worker/ personal inquiries. grant proposals and over ject Research and Data month plus fringe. Re should be submitted to filmmaking background, tional skills. CETA Title II INR Specialist. Counselor Specialist (21 $820. Northwest Outward Bound sumes accepted Feb. 15th see funded projects Excel Shirley Hawes, Oregon Le and preferably teaching ex Spectrum School lent writing and research qualified. The Video Ac and Recreation Specialist. to Feb. 17th. Portland gal Services. 2328 N.W. Magazine of the Arts Applicants may apply at perience. Must be eligible Apply in person at 3030 0110 S.W. Bancroft skills desired, some math cess Project. 117 N.W. 5th, Community Design Center, Everett. Portland. OR. for CETA Title VI. Contact Rm 215. Portland. 97209. S.W . 2nd. before Feb. li'th. 309 S.W. 3rd. #209 abilities $625 plus fringes Friendly House. Inc. 2617 Portland. OR. 97201 7235 8.E. Grand. 97214. 97210. Minorities are en Portland. 97204 NW . Savier. 228 4391 Austin Muller. 226 2811 223 3419. 2481993 Must be CETA VI eligible. 222 1741. Phone 232 4221 couraged to apply. ext. 60. JOB FINDER CETA I f »