Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 16, 1978, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer Thursday, February 16. 1978 Page 7
Portland Observer
B D Drake Willock, a
world leading manufartur
er of kidney dialysis equip
meni has immediate open
mgs for two keypunch »per
ators. Both day and night
shifts available. One year
keypunch experience re­
quired. Good benefit pack
age Please contact Bev at
659 3355 ext. 22.
An Equal (),>.tortunity
| Human Kenourcei*
S.tecialist III |
11.357 approx. mo. to start
(1,411 after I year
Advanced professional so­
cial planning work involv
ing research, the compila
lion of statistical data and
the presentation of such
data for use by Bureau of
Human Resouice Training
and Employment Division
in identifying training
sources and objectives as
outlined under the Compre
hensivj Employment and
Training Act (CETA) Wo­
men a|d minorities urged
to appv.
Good working, dependable
people needed for house
(1,617 approx. mo. to start
keeping department in ma­
(1.707 alter 1 year
jor hotel. Must be able to
work Saturdays and Sun
To inspect all new and days. Experience in maid
existing signs in the city work preferred.
and obtain compliance wth Monday Friday, 2 4 p.m. in
! the codes. Requires ex­ Personnel at the Portland
perience in large sign in­ Hilton, 921 S.W. 6th.
stallation plus Oregon Sign
Electrician or Journeyman
Electrician License. Many
benefits, including full paid
health and dental insurance
for employee and depen Senior Drafting Design
Technician for Civil/Sani-
tary Department. Requires
j minimum of 8 years ex­
perience in preparation of
Portland Civil Service plans for sewers, water
1 systems, water and sewage
510 S.W. Montgomery St. I treatm ent plants, and
Portland, OR. 97201
pumping stations. Closing
date February 28, 1978.
No later than March 10, Send resume to Stevens,
Thompson and Runyan,
Inc., 5505 S.E. Milwaukie
An Equal Op; tortunity
Avenue. Portland, Oregon
Requires 3 to 5 years ex­
perience in steel fabricating
industry. Must organize
assigned projects and be
proficient in lay out, projec­
tion and development, and
work with minimum super
vision. Please apply:
Associate physical director
conducts the assigned
health education, fitness
and recreation programs of
the center. The incumbent
should have a degree in
Portland Civil Service ! Physical Ed or its equiva
lent experience and physi­
510 S.W. Montgomery St. cal education would be be­ Portland Wire and Iron
Portland. OR. 97201
Apply YMCA.
S.E. Pardee
2831 S.W. Barbur. Closing
No later than February 28, j dale for applications Portland. OR. 97202
An Equal Op;tortunity
A b Equal Op.tortunity
Major Carrier accepting ap
plications for Salesperson.
A minimum of 2 years
direct motor freight sales
expe^ence preferred. High
school graduate, valid dri
ver's license, good previous
work record, pass company
physical. Apply at East
Texas Motor Freight, 2825
N.W. Yeon Ave., Portland.
A b Equal Op;tortunity
Em;iloyer M/F
(1,115 approx. mo. to start
(1.253 alter 1 year
To assist in operation of
Portland's two activated
sludge plants. A chance to
work and learn in our new­
ly expanded plants. Many
benefits including full paid
health, dental and life in­
surance. Good promotional
opportunities. Applicants
must have the knowledges
and skills needed to per­
form many operations in a
wastewater plant including
sampling and some tests.
Apply for examination be­
fore March 3, 1978.
Portland Civil Service
510 S.W. Montgomery St.
Portland. OR. 97201
A b Equal O.rtortunity
Volunteer operated, listen
er supported, FM. Kespon
sibilities include manage
ment of finances and com
pletion of new facilities; lia
son with public agencies;
leadership in all aspects of
station operation. Exper
ience in public radio or
volunteer non profit organi
zation very desirable. Re
gretably present salary is
low ($610) but personal re­
wards are high. Resumes
must be received by Feb­
ruary 23rd.
Search Committee, KBOO
65 S.W. Yamhill, Portland
OR. 97204.
Base salary $739 per
month. The primary duties
will be to conduct a review
of state park facilities in
regards to architectural
barriers to the physically
handicapped. The appli­
cant should have some edu­
cational background and/or
experience in therapeutic
will be accepted February
15-17, veterans preference.
Interested persons should
apply at: Oregon State Em­
ployment Division, South­
east Portland, 3950 S.E.
82nd Avenue, Portland,
OR. 97266. Please call Char­
les Whittam at 238-7491 for
any questions.
(1,678 approx. mo.
(1,721 after 1 year
Responsible for perform­
ing, full performance level
personnel tasks in the
City’s general personnel of­
fice. Analysts are assigned
as generalists in the areas
of classification, recruit
ment, examination con­
struction and validation.
W /iafs special about IB M in San Jose?
A sk someone who works there.
Portland Civil Service
510 S.W. Montgomery St.
Portland, OR. 97201
If you re an engineer or designer, and have ever considered IBM as a potential
employer you probably have asked yourself some questions What about jo b
security work environment benefits challenging projects ooportumties for
One o f the best ways to get those answers would be to ask a fnend
who works with IBM But. if you don t have such a contact, here s a chance to
do something about it
No later than February 17,
Portland exploratory interviews
IBM is conducting special interviews for engineers and designers on Friday and
Saturday. February 2 4 & 2 5 IBM personnel will be on hand to conduct
exploratory interviews, so make plans to attend and get the information you
need to make an informed decision about your career
The following positions are available now:
Electrical Engineer
Experience required m analog and o r digital design o f complex test systems Work
involves designing building debugging, documentation and support Should have know l­
edge o f statistics, magnetic recording and micro-processors
Mechanical Engineer
Position involves work m support o f various product and process lines in file disk and
magnetic head technologies Responsibilities also involve the designing building and
debugging o f mechanical tools and test equipment as well as process capability studies
process optimisation analyses and component evaluations
An Equal Op;tortunity
}bu will design complex production tools a nd mechanisms for sophisticated manufactur­
ing processes tbu will also prepare layouts design changes and supporting documenta­
tion Thus position requires a m inim um o f five years design experience with emphasis on
mechanism and electronics manufacturing Knowledge o f electromechanical, hydraulic
and pneumatic operated devices is highly desirable
Excellent benefits
IB M provides liberal, company p a id benefits including holidays vacation, hfe insurance
tuition refund retirement medical and dental plans
Call collect or write
If you are interested m exploring these opportunities and feel you are qualified, please call
collect (4 0 8 ) 2 5 6 7 6 8 8 or 2 5 6 6 Z 3 8 If you are unable to meet with us send your
resume m confidence to IB M Corporation. General Products Division Recruiting Dept
0 8 O R 2 . 5 6 0 0 Cottle Road San Jose C4 9 5 1 9 3
An Equal Opportunity Employer
BI) Drake Willock, world
leader in the field of kidney
dialysis has an immediate
opening for a highly skilled
executive secretary.
The successful candidate
must have excellent typing,
shorthand and transcrip
tion skills, and an employ
ment history demonstrat­
ing successful experience in
progressively more respon
sible positions. Salary is
open with increases based
on demonstrated perfor­
mance. Excellent opportu­
nity for personal and pro­
fessional growth.
prom pt c o n sid e r a tio n
please send your resume
to: Director, Industrial Re
lations, 13520 S.E. Phea
sant Ct.. Portland, OR.
Portland Civil Service
510 S.W. Montgomery St.
Portland. OR. 97201
No later than February 23,
Factory experience on sin
gledouble need'e, lock
stitch and safety stitch
Free parking,
excellent company benefits
that include above indus­
trial average company.
Paid retirement program,
wages would be a guaran
tee base rate plus a piece
rate incentive program.
Apply in person between
the hours of 9 a.m. to 4
p.m.. Mon. Fri.
White Stag Manufacture
5100 S.E. Harney Dr.
Portland, 97206
An Equal Opjiortunity
Unified Sewerage Agency,
$987/month with periodic
step increa.tes, Bachelor of
Science degree in Chemis
try or Biology/Microbio^
logy, or equiv. comb, of
exp and trng., valid Ore
gon driver’s license. Apply
Civil Service, 150 N. First
Ave.. Hillsboro, Oregon
97123. An Equal Op;iortu-
nity Em;tloyer, women and
members of m inorities
urged to apply. Last filing
date, February 28, 1978.
One CETA VI position and
one CETA II position avail­
able immediately. Portland
Art Museum. Contact Eve
lyn Lamon 226-2811.
Invitation to Bid
Assistant Director of Tu­
toring Program. $833 per
month for 4 months. Call
281-4429. Success Enhance,
St. Andrew Community
You will perform ship­
ping and receiving of
parts and supplies,
stocking inventory,
pickup and delivery of
parts and requisition
parts and supplies. Re­
quires 1 year exper­
ience in shipping and
receiving, inventory
parts control; have a
valid driver’s license
and a good driving re­
cord, be familiar with
the Portland-Vancouv-
er area and be able to
drive a fork lift and flat
bed truck.
For interview, call Dar­
win Swanson at 283-
1244 or apply in person
at 6305 Lower River
Road, Vancouver. An
Equal Opportunity Em­
Crowley-M ariti me
Supervises the work of a
crew or crews of unskilled,
sem iskilled and skilled
workers in the maintenance
of park grounds and facili­
ties. Schedules, evaluates,
writes reports and pre­
pares the budget for the
work in area of supervision.
Women and m inorities
urged to apply.
An Equal Op;M>rtunity
Employer M/F
(1,350 approx, mo. to start
(1,428 after 1 year
An Equal Op;iortunity
Toot and Mechanism Designers
(17,514 approx, yr.
Heavy and light equipment
mechanic positions involv­
ing gas, diesel, hydraulic
and pneumatic systems.
Preventative maintenance
and complete overhauls
performed for widely diver­
sified fleet. Full benefit
package. Women and mi­
norities urged to apply.
Portland Civil Service
510 S.W. Montgomery St.
Portland, OR. 97201
No later than February 28,
An Equal Op;iortunity
Want cable splicers who are currently proficient in
telephone cable splicing.
Openings at various locations in Oregon and Washing
Applications may be made at any of the following
Pacific Northwest Bell Employment Offices:
421 S.W. Oak Street
Portland. OR. 97204
520 State Street
Salem, OR. 97301
112 10th Ave. East
Eugene, OR. 97401
Applications are also available at Pacific Northwest
Bell Phone Center Stores in other localities.
Pacific Northwest Bell
A b Equal Dp;iortunlty Em.tloyer
Separate sealed Bids for the construction of a Sewage Treatment Facility.
The work consists of construction of a 600,000 G.P.D. Trickling Filter
Treatment Plant, including upgrading of portions of the existing plant, and
construction of 4 - l 1/» Acre Disposal Ponds (Peculation Ponds). Will be
received by The City of John Day at the office of City Hall until 2:00 p.m.,
(Standard Time Daylight Savings Time) March 21st*, 1978, and then at said
office publicly opened and read aloud.
The Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: City
Hall, John Day, Oregon; Anderson-Perry and Associates, Inc., La Grande,
Oregon; Tri-City Construction Council, Inc., Kennewick, Washington;
Northwest Plan Center, Portland. Oregon; Blue Mountain Plan Center,
Walla Walla, Washington; Idaho Plan Exchange, Boise, Idaho after
February 17, 1978.
Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of
Anderson-Perry and Associates, Inc. located at 1901 Fir St. (P.O. Box 1301)
La Grande, OR. 97850 upon payment of $50.00 for each set.
Upon returning the Contract Documents promptly and in good condition, a
refund of $40.00 will be made for each set.
Ralph Hunter, Mayor
* The bid date on this project was revised to 3/21/78 on 2/9/78.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals are invited by the City
Council of the City of Corvallis for construction of the Corvallis Solids
Storage Basins, 1978. It should be noted that the project has been
advertised previously. Bidders must use the plans and specifications dated
February, 1978 for bidding. Sealed proposals, addressed to the Mayor and
City Council, City of Corvallis, Oregon and labeled “Proposal for Solids
Storage Basins" shall be delivered to the office of the City Manager, City
Hall, Corvallis, Oregon up to but not later than 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard
time on March 15,1978. As soon thereafter as practicable, all proposals will
be publicly opened and read.
The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment
for the construction and completion of two solids storage basins, a floating
pump station, a tanker loading site, sludge force main, and miscellaneous
piping and appurtenances.
Contract documents may be inspected at the office of the Utilities
Engipeer, City of Corvallis, or at the office Brown and Caldwell, Consulting
Engineers, 71 E. 28th Ave., Eugene, Oregon, or at the following: Builders
Exchange, 145 E. 29th Ave., Eugene; Builders Exchange Co-op, 1125 S.E.
Madison, Portland; A.G.C., 1008 N.E. Multnomah, Portland; Builders
Exchange, 850 South Van Ness, San Francisco; A.G.C. Plan Room, 1200
Westlake Ave., No., Suite 310, Seattle; Northwest Plan Center, 1213 Valley
Street, Seattle; Northwest Contractors Assistance Center, 2112 South
Holgate St., Seattle; Pierce County Minority Contractors Assoc., 1036 So.
Sprague St., Tacoma; N.W. Minority Contractor’s Assoc., 10 N.E. Graham,
Portland; Global Northwest, Inc., P.O. Box 155, Mercer Island, Wash. Co­
pies may be obtained from the office of the Corvallis Utilities Engineer or
from Brown and Caldwell, Eugene, upon payment of $10.00 which is NOT
Every proposal offered must be accompanied by cash, cashier’s check or a
certified check payable to the order of the City Recorder, or a bidder's bond
furnished by a corporation authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of
Oregon, made out in favor of the City of Corvallis. Said cash, cashier's
check, certified check or bidder's bond shall be in an amount not less than
ten percent of the lump sum bid. The successful bidder will be required to
furnish a performance bond in the sum of one hundred (100) percent of the
contract price. The bond shall be furnished by a company authorized to
issue surety bonds in the State of Oregon; said bond shall be executed by
the surety and contractor before or concurrently with the signing of the
contract. Prospective bidders must prequalify in accordance with State and
Local ordinances at least 10 days prior to bid date; failure to do so will
automatically preclude the bid from being considered.
The contract will be federally assisted. Each bidder must demonstrate an
affirmative good faith effort to use Small and Minority Business
Enterprises to the maximum practical extent. To this end, each prospective
bidder will receive an Environmental Protection Agency listing of Small
and Minority Business Enterprises from the Owner so that each bidder may
actively and affirmatively solicit bids and quotes directly from small and
minority contractors for work on the project. In addition, each bidder shall
contact minority enterprises through the minority plan centers shown
Each bidder must agree to be bound by and must bind all subcontractors
whose subcontracts exceed $10,000 by the equal opportunity requirements
of Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
The attention of bidders is drawn to labor standard provisions that form a
part of the contract.
Proposals received after the time announced for the opening will not be
considered. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time announced for
the opening, or before the award and execution of the contract, unless the
award is delayed for the period of 60 days.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, any part of a bid, and
to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid, and to sit and act as the
sole judge of the merit and qualifications of the equipment supplied or
serves offered.
Jerry A. Hortsch
City Recorder of the City of Corvallis