Portland Observer JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities Food Service Attendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available l>olh day and swing shift Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful Theae joba can lead to permanent positions Keypunch Operators W e have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators. Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Fam iliarity with 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler Part tim e positions available for electronic assembly work flood vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Clerk W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required (T T Y OF P O R TLA N D B IR E A L OF PUB LIC WORKS C IT Y P L A N N E R I I I 1*19,136 a.i.irex. annual salary | Develops master plans for public works facilities; de velops projects from prob lem identification to engi­ neering stage; coordinates works projects with other agencies and development programs. Qualifications; must have knowledges and skills as described on Sup p le m e n ta l A p p lic a tio n Form. Supplemental Appli cation Forms are available and applications are accept­ ed at; Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than Friday, Jan­ uary 6. 1978. W ill perform advanced secretarial. Stenographic and clerical duties Tw o years secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan A pply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to: T E K T R O N IX . IN C .. P O. Box 500-p. Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m /f. Ttektronix C IT Y OF P O R T LA N D P I B U C W ORKS E N G IN E E R V I »1.385 APPROX. MG. Manages Engineering D ivi­ sion of a Public Works Bureau; implements de part mental policies; plans and implements activity goals and organizational as­ signments; prepares and administers budgets; re­ views and controls division projects, plans specifica­ tions and estimates; per­ forms professional engi neering activities; resear ches engineering develop­ ments and prepares re­ ports. Qualifications: must have knowledges and skills described on Supplemental Application Form; must possess or be capable of qualifying for registration to practice professional en­ gineering in the state. Sup­ p le m e n ta l A p p lic a tio n Forms are available and applications accepted at: PS Y C H IA TR IC A ID E S Applications for psychiatric aides. $672 per month start ing salary, to fill future vacancies at Fairview Hos pita! and Training Center, will be taken Jan. 0-Jan. 13, 1078. Applications are available at the Public Ser­ vice Building in Salem or at any State Employment Of­ fice. and may be brought or mailed directly to Fairview Personnel Office by Jan. 13th. Applicants must be 18 years of age. in good physi­ cal condition, and have transportation. Aa Equal Op.iortunity Em.doyer Fairview Hospital & Train­ ing Center 2250 Strong Road, S.E. Salem. 07310 378 5360 Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 07201 No later than January 20. 1078. Minorities and W« urged to apply An Equal Op.iortunity Miscellaneous Money every week to do with as you like. E a rn u .ito »500 weekly. W rite De.it. 2M Division. SAMSON E N ­ TERPRISES. 4525 S.E. ('Union, Portland, 07206. LAMAR'S SMOKE HOUSE Visit your local Head Shop for all your smok ing needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 351» N.E. Union MRS. C’S W IGS We can help you look your best on all occa sions. Your hair does make a difference. Visit us at N.E. 7th and F re­ mont. Minorities and Women urged to apply An Equal Oppertanity Em;doyer Interested in current books about African l i b ­ eration? B-D Drake Willock, a major manufacturer of medical equipment is currently seeking a Programmer Analyst who has good com munication skills, a mini­ mum of three years ex­ perience in a manufactur ing environment and a knowledge of COBOL. This job offers an opportunity to make major contributions to Systems Development ir, a gross orientated environ­ ment. To apply please send resume to: Director, Indus trial Relations, 13520 S.E. Pheasant C t„ Portland. OR. 97222. 659 3355. An Equal Op.iortunity Environment M EN TA L H EA LTH A SSO CIATE . PO W ER SEW IN G M A C H IN E O PERATO R Supervises operation of large scale systems or groups of systems such aa financial, communications payroll, personnel, public safety, human resources and public works programs systems; supervises pro­ grammers and programmer analysts. Qualifications must possess knowledges and skills specified in the Supplemental Application Form. The Supplemental Application Form may be obtained and applications accepted at: No later than Friday, Jan uary 20, 1978. Minorities and Women urged to ap;dy An Equal Op;iortunity Em.doyer Requires at least 2 years experience in marine en gineering or related me chanical field. Some edu cation in marine equip ment preferred. R© quires sound mechanical skills and exposure to diesel engines. Approxi­ mately 40% travel. If qualified and interest­ ed, please send resume to Employment Manag- er, P .0. Box 2287, Seat­ tle, W A. 98111. An equal opportunity employer. M aritim e Factory experience on sin gle-double needle, lock stitch and safety-stitch required. Free parking, excellent company benefits that include above indus trial average company Paid retirement program, wages would be a guaran tee base rate plus a piece rate incentive program. An Equal Dp;rartunlty Em;tloyer Functions as project leader' in analysis and design of data base management sy­ stems in areas such as public safety, communica tions, public works billing and financial management. Exercises technical super vision over programmers and programmer analysts, Qualifications: must pos sess knowledges and skills as described on Supple mental Application Form. Supplemental Application Forms are available and applications are accepted at: January 5, 1978 . of Çixial attuti .jtfmt/úcita BLACK A IM U T T « W I M M Ah M d VR SJM A OH II.AM M tM B rR A HAVF (XA r t ft r d H M « ! < 'H H d S M V tS RY THEM M U L U X Í W Ai i M BA» O» r x . K Z. W H IJ T 7 dMI WAN« < cwÑ—QHasjrrs ee* « m u - o» io io m j « mtu i >» w Minorities and Women urged to apply An Equal O-p;iortunity Employer C IT Y OF P O R T LA N D PRO G RAM M ER ANALYSTI *1,272 approx. mo. Performs systems analysis and design, coding; imple­ ments computer programs for data base management systems; possibly respon­ sible for projects or sy­ stems segments in public safety, public works billing or financial management. Qualifications: must pos­ sess knowledges and skills described on Supplemental Application Form. Supple­ mental Applications are available and applications accepted at: Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than Friday, Jan­ uary 20, 1978. Minorities and Women urged to apply An Equal O;i;lortunity Employer An Equal Op;iortunlty Employer N E W S C H LIT Z C A L E N D A R - The Joa. Schlitz Brewing Com;iany is saluting great Black American athletes in a s.ieciai 1978 calendar now available. The calendar features fighter Jack Johnson, jockey Isaac Murphy, Olympic runner Eddie Tolaa. baseball star Joah Gibson, football ;doneer William H . Lewis, and basketball great Maurice Stokes - lamed Black athletes who “helped show the way with their exceptional talents.” The calendar is being distributed to retail outlets by Schlitz wholesalers but individual copies may be ordered from Calendars, P.O. Box 35253, Minneapolis, Minnesota, at *1.50 each, .lostage ;iaid. Insurance rep elected John K arr, manager of mail processing and supplies for North Pacific Insurance, has been elected chairman of the Greater Portland Postal Customers Council. Also elected to serve with K arr for the coming year were: Jeanne Allen, vice chairperson, supervisor of mail process­ ing for OPS-Blue Shield; Lorraine Haase, secretary, supervisor of communications and mail processing for the Oregon State Board of Public Retirement; and Andy Baker, treasurer, sales representative for Aaron Business Equipment. Newly elected officers were installed at the December meeting of the Council held at the Sheraton Portland Hotel. Ben Luscher, Portland Postmaster, was guest speaker at the installation banquet. Appointed to serve on the executive board of the Council for 1978 were: Mildred Reppeto of Portland General Electric, chairperson of the Activities committee; Jack Harris, A -l Direct mail, chairman of the Membership committee; Larry Gardner, Tektronix, chairman of the public relations committee; Becky Belange of Congressman Robert Dun­ can's staff, chairperson of the Political Liaison committee. Members of the Council's Advisory Board include Tom Haines, Standard Insurance, chairman; Charlotte Funk, University of Oregon Health Science Center; Jean Gentry, Pacific Power and Light Company, and Ann Goetz, PHA Life Insurance Company. The Council serves as the mailer’s liaison with the U.S. Postal Service through involvement in a program of communications within the scope of the needs of both organizations. "THERE IS AN ANSWER TO EVERY RIDDLE INTHE UNIVERSE, EXCEPT ONE? I know the secrets of the stars and the mysteries of the moon. But the origin of The Common Cold baffles even a great thinker like myself. That's why I rely on the Consumer Information Catalog. It's published by the Federal J Government and lists over 200 " booklets you can send away for. Over half are free. And all are wise. With tips on everything from repairing a flat tire to relieving a cold. --- ------ -------- So send for this free catalog. Write: Consumer Information Center, Dept. B, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. After all, it’s hard enough deciphering the mysteries of this planet, without the handicap of an earthshaking sneeze. THE THE CONSUMER INFORMATION CATALOG A catalog of over 200 helpful publications. CONSUMER INFORMATION CATALOG O nrt»l Stevun. AdniiniMrMiun • Consumer bifonruixm Center Visit: John Reed Book Store In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS Or Call: 227 2902 NORTH i N.E. PORTLAND Political Prisoner, 30, seeks correspondence with Moral Comrades. Caution my mail is often seized and destroy ed by the Pigs. Robert Robertson 2600 Center St. N E 84 Salem, OR. 97310 ONE DAY SERVICE Pregnant? And you need a friend? Cali OirthRIAHT 221-0598 Free timern»ruy pregnant v counve/ing I1 Page 5 No later than January 20, 1978. Homemakers U;ijohn B-D Drake Willock, world­ wide leader in the develop­ ment of artificial kidney machines has an immediate opening for an individual to prepare schematics system diagrams and wiring har­ ness lay-outs on new modi fied products. Contribute to the development of new sta te-o f-th e a rt kidney dialysis systems, update drawings, assist with PCB lay-outs and complete ECNs, prepare stack-up analyses on systems and assemblies. Three years directly related experience is required. Prefer A A de­ gree. To apply call (503) 659-3355, or send resume to Director, Industrial Rela­ tions, 13520 S.E. Pheasant C t„ Portland, OR. 97222. C o Í m í L m Thursday, Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 Type 60 wpm, scheduling, payroll assist, and other varied duties. Salary, benefits. Call 227 7276. ELE C T R O N IC D R A F T PERSON Portland Observer C ITY OF P O R T LA N D PRO G RAM M ER ANALYST II *1.432 A PPROX. MO. S E C R E TA R Y / R E C E P TIO N IS T Apply in person between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. $861 $1098 per month, 2 yrs. college in social science field, exp. in mental health program desirab le, or F IE L D M A IN T E N A N C E equiv. comb, of exp. and T R A IN E E trng. Last filing date, Jan. 20. 1978. Unified Sewerage Agency. $773 per month with perio­ M EN TA L HEALTH dic step increases, 6 months CO UN SELO R* exp. in operation of light maint. equip, or exp. in *1153-$1471, (Drug and Al semi-skilled manual tasks, cohol Counseling!. 2 yrs. H.S. grad, or any equiv. exp. in mental health and comb, of exp. and trng. college grad, in mental Last filing date, Jan. 20. health field, or any satis­ 1978. Apply Civil Service, factory equivalent comb, of Washington County. 150 N. exp. and trng. Last filing First Avenue, Hillsboro, date. Jan. 20. 1978. Apply Oregon 97123, an Equal Civil Service, Washington Op;iortunity Employer, wo- County, 150 N. First Ave­ so and members of mi­ nue. H illsbo ro . Oregon norities urged to apply. 97123, an Equal Opportu­ nity Em.doyer, women and m em bers of m in orities to ap;dy. C IT Y O F PO R T LA N D SYSTEM M A N A G E R >1,666 A PPR O X. MO. Barg« Engineer Crowley White Stag Manufacture Company 5100 S.E. Harney D r. Portland, 97206 Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland. OR. 97201 Em.doyer Engineer PRO G RAM M ER ANALYST Minor Repairs - No Charge Pick up A Delivery 282-8361 __ K N IT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY 3 9 6 6 N. Williams Ave. N. Alexander, Proprietor You are W elcome to Worship at T H E A R K OF S A F E T Y CH URC H OF GOD PENTECO STAL, INC. “A warm spirit ol fellowship always” The Honorable Biabop U.V. Peterson, D.D. “The Holiness Preacher”, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School 915 am Morning Worship 1115 am “Showers oí Blessings Broadcast” KG AR 1550 U d O a i n-12:30 pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic WoraUp 800 pm rueaday Friday Noon Day Prayer Tuesday: Bible Band/Jr. Church Wednesday: Choir Rehearsal Friday: 'T h e Pastor Speaks" 84 N E Killingswerth 2810499 790 pm 700 pm 790 pm