Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 05, 1978, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Observer
Thursday. January 5, 1978
Musical benefits Haiti mission
Entertainment Guide
Bible classes.
The primary aim of the work in
Gonaives. sponsored hy People Concern­
ed for Missions is to bring the Haitian
people enough motivation and training so
that eventually they will be self sufficient
and can carry on the work themselves.
The participant! of People Concerned
for Missions are from varied denomina
tions and backgrounds, thereby enabling
a diversity of help unprecedented on the
mission field. They do not endeavor to
change the Haitian culture, b t enhance
it by helping to lift the limits placed on
them due to extrem e poverty.
Ms. Elmore will be returning to Gon­
aives January 11th, where she plans to
spend a year working with children and
their families.
She will join another
Missionary from Portland. Elizabeth
1‘roctor, who is being sponsored by the
Maranatha Church.
There will be a benefit Midnight
Musical given in Ms. Elmore s behalf at
the New Hope Missionary Baptist
Church. 3725 North Gantenbein Avenue,
Portland. Oregon, January 6, 1978 at
10:00 p.m. Several Portland area Church
and community members will be partici
paring in this event.
UFO visit documented
by Allen Jone»
1 first heard about Mandre the Masked Marauder when his new Motown album
arrived in the mail. Great. I thought, another comic book rocker; but the cover
painting, the song titles and a strange poem on the album jacket convinced me to open
the package and listen
Good stuff. Spacey and Zappa-esque. but with a generous dose of funk and energy.
Still. 1 found it hard to believe this Mandre character was really from outer spare.
He probably lived in Hollywood.
It was an opportunity I couldn't resist.
The following day. I arrived with my tape recorder at a small rehearsal studio. I
knocked and was greeted by a huge gentleman probably employed for security
purposes. He led me to a tiny room in the back and left. I took a deep breath and
pushed open the door.
Mandre sat inside. Though he was working on a piece of electronic equipment with
his back turned to the door, a thin reedy voice quavered. "Hello and Welcome” in
perfect English. Then he called me by name. I sat down, set up the tape machine and
waited Then Mandre turned around. I could see something peering out at me from
within his helmet of Getdownium. but 1 couldn't be sure if they were eyes. 1 had many
Questions, but only fifteen minutes.
The following is a transcript of our conversation:
Mandre. why are you on Earth?
T o spread joy and the message of love from my planet to the people of Earth
through the medium of music.
Where is your planet? What's it called?
It's beyond the black hole in space - a gateway to other universes I can't really tell
you the name because it translates into about 46 Arabian characters. You wouldn't
How'd you get here?
In my spaceship, of course. Ah, 1 can anticipate your next question. I left my vehicle
in the outer atmosphere because it doesn't function at lower levels. And yes, it is
disguised to make it undetectable.
But why Earth?
I was tracking the comet you call Kahoutek about four years ago. It was causing
hator in other parts of the galaxy. Earth is lucky to have escaped. Anyway, that's
how I discovered your planet. From my home, this region of space is obscurred by
strange rays. It's like a fog or mist. There are legends, though of inhabited planets
within the cloud. Obviously they were true. I reported this to my superiors and they
sent me back to spread the word and see what Earth needed.
W hat did you find out?
That government and the music business were essentially the same thing, so I
decided my purpose would be best served by making good music and going into
You’ll run for office?
1 guess I haven't made myself clear. I am indirectly seeking power of a sort that
affects mens minds and makes them see they have power within themselves. Other
musicians have had this power but didn't use it properly.
Of course. Now, why do you wear that helmet?
To counteract the effect of the ravs I spoke of earlier. My helmet radiates waves of,
ah funk and repels non funk The scientists of my home planet are working on a way
to release me from having to wear it all the time.
Getdow nium. The name is rather co-incidental with music slang.
Il's actually a pun The real name is too confusing.
Are you a musician on your planet?
Yes But I don’t have a band.
Is music different there?
It is and it isn't.
How do you expect to affect people's minds?
W ell. 1 have to raise the energy level of the band and the audience to a certain level
before the wave-effect from my Groove Gun can begin to work. That usually happens
rather quickly, if the reactions of my roadies are any indication. The result is like bliss
or euphoria. You can't resist. It's akin to the Pied Piper of your legends.
W h ere will you lead us?
To love.
How did you come by a record deal’.’ Surely you didn't know...
Through Andre, my producer. When I arrived on Earth I searched for someone
with sympathetic vibrations with whom I could communicate. I found Andre and
started coming to him in his dreams in the twilight hours. I can also inhabit human
bodies, and have occasionally used Andre's to get things that I need done
collecting the money, for instance. No one pays royalties to someone from outer space.
Anyway. Andre felt the best way to spread the word and get attention was to make a
record and tour Strange custom, but obviously effective.
Is that why he's listed as songwriter?
Yes. I don't really need money.
Ife you miss your home?
Are you married'1
Married? What's that?
Having a mate or companion.
I have several.
How do you find the custom of interviews?
Im not that familiar with the language. Besides, the helmet makes
speaking difficult
Singings easier
I hope you don’t have too much trouble
deciphering the tape I could inhabit an interviewer's body, but that's not really,
Ilo you like Kiss?
Yes. They're a nice combo. That's what you call these groups, right? A combo.
Sure. Pardon me, but I have to ask. Are you for real?
Whal do you think?
I wasn't sure, so I stayed to listen to rehearsal About ten minutes into the first
song. 1 began to feel something strange Then I noticed everyone just moving and
smiling They looked very happy. I guess I was too. And you know what? Life has
been really different these- past few weeks. In fact. I can hardly wait until Mandre
plays in town. I want to go and listen. I want to go and listen. I have to. Something is
guiding me
bul I don't mind.
So I g u e s s he is for real. I'm convinced. And it does feel good
American State Bank
2737 N.E. Union
After having spent three months on
the mission field in Gonaives. Haiti. Diane
Elmore ia preparing to return because
“the harvest is ripe and the laborers are
Her entrance into this much needed
work began seemingly by accident this
past June. Evangelist missionary Vera
Roudreaux was visiting Portland and Ms.
Elmore met her at a luncheon. After
hearing of this work in the hills of Haiti
where no other missionaries had gone.
Ms. Elmore's desire to help was so
explicit that she began preparing for the
initial trip without knowing where finan
cial help would come.
It came through the involvement of the
pastor and members of the New Hope
Missionary Baptist Church, where she
attends, and concerned
throughout Portland.
The mission work in the hills of
Gonaives include a school where children
attend from the surrounding hill commu
nities and learn basic reading, writing
and math in English. They are also fed
through donations from other churches
and groups of individuals in the United
S tates of America. There is also a clinic,
a nutritional program for families, and
The Zeta Reticuli Incident stands as
one of the more bizarre and lancinating
reports ever made of a socalled “close
encounter of the third kind." As such, it
will be among many intriguing subjects
studied in "The CFO Factor." showing in
the Kendall Planetarium at OMS1 Jan
uary 4th through February 28th.
According to Garry T. Stasiuk, Direc
tor of OMSI's Kendall Planetarium, at
least ten percent of all reported untdenri
fied flying object sightings cannot be
explained by present scientific criteria. In
addition, all such sightings show definite
similarities known as "the UFO factor."
The Planetarium presentation by the
same name will look at these similarities,
with special emphasis on sightings involv
ing contact with extra terrestrial beings
close encounters of the third kind.
The famous close encounter experienc
ed by Betty and Barney Hill of New
Hampshire known as the Zela fteliruli
Incident will highlight the show. Taped
interviews of people involved in the case
will be broadcast.
“The UFO Factor" will be on view in
OMSI's Planetarium January 4th through
February 28th. Showtimes Monday
through Friday. L30 and 3:30 p.m.. with
a special 7:30 p.m. showing on Friday.
Shows Saturday and Sunday. 11:00 a.m..
1:00.2:00, 3:00, and 4:00 p.m There is no
additional charge, after the regular OMSI
The Kendall Planetarium at OMSI will
be closed January 9th and 10th for
technical maintenance.
Community Calendar
Wednesday, January 11th - Planning Bureau public hearing on proposed Housing
Policy. Water Services Building. 510 S.W. Montgomery. 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday. January 18th - City Council hearing on proposed Parks L ew Council
Chambers. City Hall. 9:30 a.m.
Saturday. January 21st - Marvlhurst Education Center workshop, Ordering n -----
and L im itin g Criaia (developing agenda and time fines». Marvlhurst Education
Center. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
January 28th and 29th - KGW TV 8 East Side West Side program on busing and
Jeflereea High School - in historical ,<era,iective. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00
Tuesday. January 31st
Planning Bureau public hearing on proposed Housing
Policy St. Francis Auditorium. 330 S.E. 11th, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday. February 1st Planning Bureau public hearing on proposed Housing
Policy Water Services Building. 510 S.W. Montgomery. 7:30 p.m
Grey Panther meeting will be held on Saturday. January 6th. at 1:30 p.m. at 505 G.
Avenue in Lake Oswego. Speaker will be Thor Mork of Waldport. Mr. Mork has been
involved in attempting to save property owned by senior citizens from being acquired
for development by resort interests.
Natalie Cole co-hosts award show
Natalie Cole will co-host the fifth
annual “American Music Awards" spe
cial. “live" from the Santa Monica (Cali
forma) Civic Auditorium, and airing on
the ABC Television Network as a two
hour prime time show on Monday. Jan
uary 16. 1978. 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. IEST).
Natalie will preside over the soul
category of the "American Music
Awards" program, for producer Dick
Clark. Awards will be presented for the
Favorite Female Vocalist. Favorite Male
Vocalist, Favorite Group. Favorite Single
and Album Of The Year in the soul
ca teg o ry
A strong contender for Favorite F e­
male Vocalist of the Year herself. Natalie
is making her first appearance as a host
of the only major music awards deter
mined by the votes of the public.
The Grammy Award winning young
singer is the proud owner of two gold
albums, and has had a succession of hit
recordings, including "This Will Be." "Mr.
Melody" and "Inseparable.”
Last year she was voted “The Rising
Star Of The Year” by the American Guild
of Variety A rtists
America s largest
show business union.
Natalie will also perform on the special,
as will her coh osts. Glen Campbell and
David Soul. Other stars featured on the
show include Count Basie. The Comrno
dores, Aretha Franklin, Charley Pride
Barry White and Stevie Wonder.
Musical honors M.L. King
On January 15, 1978, members of the
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church,
will celebrate the birth of the Reverend
Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.. Civil
Rights Leader of the 60s in a Memorial
Musical at 3:00 p.m.
There is no charge for this musical, and
various Choirs from the City of Portland
will participate in the program, in giving
respect to the late Dr. King, who was
murdered in 1968 by an assasin.
Pastor. A.
Bernard I fevers, and
members of the Church extend an invita
lion for you and your family to attend.
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