Portland Observer Thursday, January 5, 1978 Page 3 F ro m b e h in d th e w a ll New Year’s Resolution for Smokers b» l^arry Baker #35021 O.S.P. Carre*,tondent A» this Correspondent walked through the cell hlorks of O.S.I*. on New Years Eve. he rould not help but notiee the silence instilled on every tier. Although it was only 9:00 p.m. many cells were already dark with prisoners asleep while other prisoners were on their steel bunks, trying to write a letter home to family and loved ones. Those who were not struggling with pen and paper in hand were found reading books, which would hopefully distract their minds from this night. But there were those who merely just sat and stared off into space with a look of sadness upon their faces. On New Years Eve when everyone else was rejoicing many of these men found this night just like any other night. Il was not easy to ask these prisoners to write for this week's "Behind the W alls" column, prisoners who are serving twenty, thirty and fifty years; hi relate w hat they might be looking forward to in 1978. How do you ask a man doing “Life" such a question? Each prisoner knows the importance and value in individual contributions, to keep this communica lion open for the people of Oregon and the outside world. It is to these men, we, the staff of the "Behind the Walls" column say “Thank You." Our New Years Resolutions will be to do everything within our power to expand the "Behind the Walls" column into as many new spapers in the state - so that all people may hear the messages, each week, from these same cells. With the help received last year from many of the inmates, O.S.P. Officials, and the staff of the Portland Observer. WE WILL NOT FAIL. For ike year of 1978 I look forward to: Getting out - getting a job and being able to walk tall and proud. Robert B. lo o te r »39745 Relief! Spending high times with my children, enjoying a woman's companion ship, swimming, snow, and fresh vege­ tables from my own garden. And to the growth of greater interest in the health of our people - cuz the sickness of minds and bodies has gone far beyond far. (Karlen Annabury »39861 Many things, but one in particular. Attending the Junior National Power Lifting Championship of America, which I feel I can at present place in the top three nationally. Permission and custody are the word or words I look to. William Re eder »57715 1 would like to see many great things. But in particular I would like to see a union of mankind to come together in peace and love and all be one with God and infinity. Don J. Penrod Singh. Jr. 1 am really looking forward to marry ing a young lady that has been very near and dear to me for the last five years. We are getting married the 28th of January, here at O.S.P. It'll be nice after so long of waiting and hardships to have this beautiful young lady, Karen J. Schim mele. become Mrs. William F. Mesplay, Jr. (I love you Karen.) William F. Me*,day »39699 For the year of 1978 I don't look forward to doing more time in this pit of hell. Robert Mosqueda »38645 Strengthening my faith in Jesus Christ, that I may be a better witness to His Love and Grace. Jaases McHoae »39399 I look forward to seeing (progressive people) understanding places like, pri­ sons. etc. And then doing something about it, like following up the tacit understanding they freely acknowledge they possess within themselves. Vince Carr »36781 My resolution will be a simple one. of a limited amount, so it will be realistic. 1. I will work a little harder in the vocational training that I'm taking, as often as possible. This will help me to get a job one day. and be prepared for it. 2. Since I've got nothing but time to do I’ll work on my art and guitar talents with a little more concern. 3. Try to deal with my problem* more honestly, keeping an open mind on new ideas. Clark Duggan #39305 SPRING OF. , am a poet of the morrow Yet my words speak of the now I am a poet who's theme changes As night and day, as the four winds blow, the four hours of Time in a seasonal repast - cal th Winter to spring, spring to fall fall to summer, And it was in the summer that the fall really began - or - was it an awakening to the blindness existing through time pouring from a surrealistic knowledge, instilled and submerged within the old folks, beget decomposition of a genetic intelligence God bless the child that got his own - A physical death -- Got his own Steed (white horse of hell) sweet, bitter wine. Got his own Gun (mind blown power death) Got his own Rolls Royce, double duce, he's harlem Chicago (lower east side) Watts Seeking a comprehension of All reality without, but instead found a path leading through tip A big voice was silenced - but ideologies and deeds can not be shut out - A truth is a truth! «to Our Dad CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON REMODELING . Residential-Commercial HOW? . . . W HY . . . His business has grown, as we have, with the finest staff of CARPENTERS. DESIGNERS and ESTIMATORS in the trade. • Additions • Offices • Stores • Kitchens • Baths • Spec. Cabinet work NEIL KELLY COMPANY 735 N. Alberta, Portland, Dragon 97117 Call Now 287-4176 against women and the three minority groups in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the LEAA financing act of 1968, and the revenue sharing act of 1972. The department has 1,638 police offi cers, of whom 94 (5.8 percent) are Blacks, 67 (4.1 percent) are Latino, 20 (1.2 percent) are Asian, and 68 (4.3 percent) are women, the suit said. white males, although the standards and tests have not been shown to be needed or predictive of successful job perfor mance. The suit asked the court to issue preliminary and permanent injunctions prohibiting the defendants from con tinuing to engage in the alleged discrimi­ natory employment practices. The suit said the defendants have refused to recruit, hire, assign, and promote Blacks, Latinos, and Asians on an equal basis with whites and have refused to recruit, hire, assign, and promote women on an equal basis with men. It also asked the court to order affirmative, corrective steps, including a program to recruit women and members of the three minority groups, the adop tion of hiring and promotion goals, and providing back pay to alleged victims of discrimination. In addition, the suit said the defen dants have used selection standards and tests in their hiring and promotion practices that have had a dispropor tionately adverse impact on women and the three minority groups, compared to The suit further asked the court to order the repayment of revenue sharing and LEAA funds for any period in which the defendants are found to have been in violation of the anti-discrimination provi sions of those laws. Dependents of deceased victims are entitled to the same medical and loss of income benefits, plus $1,000 for burial expenses. The program does not provide compen­ sation for “pain and suffering" or for property damage. The 1977 Legislature authorized the Oregon program and appropriated $600.000 for compensation payments for the biennium. Oregon is the 23rd state to adopt a compensation program for crime victims. Fred Meyer S h o p p in q C e n le t s < Help Lower your Cost of Living . . . Oppression Is... Tax aid available nk KBJ. r n u n ... u n i m t RESOLVED that I realize I can reach out for all the help and encouragement I need. I don't have to go it alone, although I can if I want. I can also join a group with others who want to stop smoking. I can ask for all the help I want from my family, my friends, my co-workers, and from the Oregon Lung Association. Super Shopping Centers lis by Julius Snowden #38013 ■* The Department of Justice filed a civil suit December 22nd, charging that the San Francisco police department discri­ minate« against Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and women in employment opportunities. Attorney General Griffin B. Bell said the suit was filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, California, against the city and county and ten officials, including Police Chief Charles R. Gain. Filing of the suit automatically sus­ pends Law Enforcement Assistance Ad ministration (LEAA) funds to the police department within 45 days unless the court orders LEAA to continue the financial assistance. San Francisco receives about $20 mil lion a year in revenue sharing funds and another $1 million a year in LEAA funds, part of which go to the police department, the suit noted. The suit said the defendants pursue policies and practices that discriminate Victims of violent crime in Oregon can now receive help under a new program Catering to the whims and which became effective January 2nd. wishes of an infant systems nutured. Under the Crime Victims' Compensa matured on the sweat and blood of others. tion Program, administered by the State And it was in the spring of 45 a Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF), a per lake grandpa father's father father hope was born son can be compensated if the crime-re­ strong in youth, brave, free and proud and lated injury results in financial loss of a psychological in the motherland, and still after the more than $250. Dependents of deceased death whips victims are also covered by the program. chains began Victims must nofity law enforcement slave makers to develop into officials of the crime within 72 hours after a physical & its occurrence, according to Jack Parks, breaker new program director for SAIF. John Hopkin - birth Parks said there are not income limits A dream running through io determining who is eligible for com fields of yesterday - now pensation, but other fmancial resources graveyards of today such as insurances for medical or disabi­ the and lity benefits will be deducted from good ship hope the dead amounts paid out of crime victims’ com­ was and is still crying pensation. Victims can be compensated a reality up to $23,000. to of be Parks said police officers will play a time........ set key role in relaying information about the free program to victims. Time, like the hands “Law enforcement officials will issue on a clock continue Running through fields of wallet cards to victims which explain if to move, yesterday, chasing tomorrow they qualify and whom to contact," Parks yet realities - said. District Attorneys and hospitals one day it stopped! Only have also been alerted to the program. for a moment steel bars and cement walls Benefits under the Crime Victims' but - are still Compensation program include up to it stopped - a $10,000 for medical expenses: wage loss­ it stopped for Coltrain man made es up to $200 a week with a maximum of it stopped for Jimi Hendricks hell! $10,000 and up to $3,000 for rehabilita­ it stopped for Lady Day tion. Satchmo Malcolm King Johnathan George it stopped for Garvey Nat Turner Otis Sam Cooke it even stopped for Miss Birdsong, man! choose how to become a non smoker in my own way. RESOLVED that 1 know deep down I can change my behavior and smoking patterns if I want to enough. I am convinced quitting smoking is one of the best things I can do for myself and those I love. State program aids crime victims fields of unknown words, people, places, faces of no names. ath is for real the air they must breathe. RESOLVED that I will take seriously the future effects of my continued smok ing, that 1 will ponder the impact on my life of the possibility of developing severe lung disease or heart distress. I will allow myself to imagine the effects of such a disability or my early death on all those who love me. RESOLVED that 1 will find out lor myself just how easy or how hard it is for me to quit smoking. Many people quit smoking several times, and each time they are actually practicing becoming nonsmokers. Others can quit once and make it stick. I can select bits and parts of a whole variety of techniques and Justice Department charges SF police department passed along the line and rhine of life A truth man -- an undeniable truth!!! surpassing the understanding surrounding a journey where self crawled within self, The American Lung Association offers these suggestions for smokers to start any day or every day of the new year. RESOLVED that I deride here and now to make a commitment to my own body and health and to give myself the respect I deserve. RESOLVED that I know I can take steps to adopt more positive lifestyles to celebrate life and promote my wellbeing. I recognize that becoming a non smoker is one of those lifestyles. RESOLVED that I will consider the adverse effects of my smoking on all those around me at home, at work, in public places, with friends and I will make a greater effort to avoid polluting PORTLAND - Joint Federal-State taxpayer assistance is being offered in Portland, Eugene, and Salem this year. Originated in these three cities in 1975, this program provided joint assistance to over 40,000 Oregonians last year. The service will be available from January 3rd through April 15th, accord ing to Ralph B. Short, Internal Revenue Service District Director for Oregon, and John J. Lobdell, Director of the Oregon Department of Revenue. The offices for this joint assistance are located at 1220 S.W. Third Avenue. Portland; 596 Cottage Street, N.E., Sa lem; and 211 E. Seventh, Eugene. Tax payer assistance will be provided in Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Your nearby Fred M eye r Super S hopping C enter is fille d w ith "P e o p le -P le a sin g ” services to m ake yo u r s h op ping m ore p le asa nt. W id e, spacious aisles, frie n d ly h e lp fu l clerks and u ndercover p arcel lo a d in g are just som e o f th e "P eo ple -P le a s­ in g " services to you. P lus...everyday lo w prices on thousands o f item s you use and need e v e ry d a y h e lp lo w e r yo u r cost o f liv in g . Because w e 're open 9 a m. to 10 p.m . d a ily , in c lu d in g Sunday, you can shop w h e n you WANT to, not w h e n you HAVE to. C om e in a n y tim e and "fu n s h o p " in a pleasant, re la x e d atm osphere. . y ^ C lln U t P a r k . In te r s ta te P e n in s u la N.E. Killingsworth at Union n . Lombard at Interstate 6 8 5 0 N. Lombard Plenty o f Free a n d Easy P arking Open 9 am to 10 pm daily, including Sunday. I