CITY OF PORTLAND BUREAU OF HUMAN RESOURCES PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Portland Observer FIRE INSPECTOR Do you have a High School Diploma or MASS MEDIA ($1299 $1579 per month) Opening for Director of Education, training & ex Information Services re perience in fire prevention. sponsible for planning and File by 12/30/77. Apply: operation of internal/exler Milwaukie Civil Service Of ! nal public information pro fice, 10722 S.E. Main, Mil grams. Requirements: bar FOUR POSITIONS waukie, OR. 97222. \ calaureate degree; at least ■ five years experience as INTAKE AND MONITOR reporter, editor or public ING SUPERVISOR: (Hu CONSTRUCTION I relations practitioner, not man Resource Specialist INSPECTOR POLICY PROCESSOR less than two years of IV) Approx, mo. salary which must have been as $1,518. Trains, assigns and Requires previous exper supervises Field Reps, and Opening with North Pacific reporter, editor or news ience in engineering, in Staff Ass’ts.; monitors re Insurance Co. Processing director of general circula spection, or construction of cruitment, intake and hir and assembling policies. tion newspaper, commer sewerage projects includ ing of applicants eligible for Good typing skills, $500 per cial television or AM radio ing sewers, pump stations, CETA Titles II and VI; month to start, excellent station, preferably in I’aci- and treatm ent plants. reviews status of positions benefits. Call Personnel for [ fic Northwest; demonstr Food Service A tten d an t Capability as engineers and participants; investi details 643-7661. ’ able competency in man On call, temporary cafeteria work available construction représenta agem ent/production of gates complaints; serves as Iwith day and swing shift Prior experience in food tive on-site. Relocation in agency liason. An Equal O;i;iortunity newsletters, leaflets, televi preparation and serving helpful These jobs can Oregon required. Send lead to permanent positions Employer M/F sion/radio spots and relat resume to: ed materials. Salary com A S S IS T A N T IN TA K E Keypunch Operators petitive. AND MONITORING SU Stevens, Thompson & W e have immediate permanent openings for PERVISOR: (Human Re Runyan, Inc. swing shift Keypunch Operators Formal Portland State University source Specialist II) Ap | keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience 5505 S.E. Milwaukie Ave. is an Equal Opportunity/ prox. mo. salary $1,193. required Fam iliarity with 129 IB M card punch or Portland, 97202 Affirmative Action Em Coordinates intake and re Inforex key to disc desirable EMPLOYMENT, ployer. All interested per cruitment for CETA Titles WASHINGTON COUNTY An Equal O,i,>ortunity/ sons are encouraged to ap II and VI; prepares status P a r t Time Assembler COMMUNITY Affirmative Action ply to: Mark Howard, Pre reports on vacancies and Part time positions available for electronic CORRECTIONS Employer sident's Office. PSU, P.O. ttNNembly work Good vision and the ability to do hires; coordinates verifica detailed work required Training will be provided Box 751, Portland, Oregon, tion of participant eligibi PROBATION 97207. Applications must lity; disseminates informa COUNSELOR 1 Clerk Typist be accompanied by current tion to City agencies and $996-51271 NAACP NATIONAL biographical data sheet and W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, bureaus. CONVENTION skilled duties Average typing ability required. the names and present Requires Bach. Degree in July 3-7,1978 PROGRAM DEVELOP related field or equiv. mailing addresses of at least three persons who can MENT SU P E R V ISO R : |1| Director of Convention (Human Resources Coordi comb, of exp. and trng. comment on the applicant's W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years Activities - $833.00 ;»er nator II) Approx, mo. sa Positions available: Proba personal and professional tion Counselor 1, Volunteer secretarial training or experience required. Above month lary $1,465. Prepares and Coordinator, Intake Coun qualifications for this posi average typing ability, and shorthand or tion. A detailed position distributes requests for transcription skills necessary |2| Community Field Re;>- proposals to agencies and selor, Victim Assistance description will be mailed Benefits include litieral insurance and resentatives - $750.00 City bureaus and non-profit Specialist. to each applicant and to retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan ;>er month those asked to write ref agencies; evaluates and re PROBATION Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write erence letters. views project applications COUNSELOR 2 to: T E K T R O N IX , IN C ., P.O Box 500-P. |1 | Secretary, NAACP and requests for CETA po Beaverton, OH 97077. Convention - $700.00 ,ier Deadline for receiving ap sitions; develops training An equal opportunity employer m /f. | Mental Health Resources month plications is January 16, programs for participants. Coordinator!, 1978. $1153-51471 The above (4) positions are GRANTS AND CON available through the TRACTS MANAGER: (Hu cuMMT r«t > ro t m i («e* NAACP Convention Com man Resources Specialist Requires 2 yrs. exp. and mittee. Work involves IV) Approx, mo. salary Bach. Degree in related LINE DISPATCHER planning and implements $1,518. Prepares grant ap field or equiv. comb, of exp. tion of the NAACP Na plications and modifications and trng. Apply Civil Ser Major carrier accepting ap tional Convention. All posi for CETA Titles II and VI) vice, Washington County, plications for Line Dis tions are at the professional prepares CETA Titles II 150 N. First, Hillsboro, Ore patcher. Must meet the level and requires persons and VI contracts and ordi gon 97123. An Affirmative following minimum stan CHIEF - POWER SEWING who can exercise indepen nances; prepares fiscal re Action and Equal O;»;»or- dards: High School Grad AIRFIELD EMERGENCY MACHINE OPERATOR dent judgement in inter ports on CETA Titles II tunity Employer, women uate or equivalent, good SERVICE preting and applying con and VI obligations and ex and members of minorities work record; Minimum 3 urged to apply. Last filing years supervisory exper The Port of Portland has a Factory experience on sin vention policy and proce penditures; interprets and date: December 30, 1977. gle-double needle, lock dures during interaction ience; no felone convic seeks clarification of fed current vacancy for a Chief tions; bondable. Apply at of Airfield Emergency Ser stitch and safety-stitch with personnel, volunteers, eral regulations. Free parking, and the public-at large. East Texas Motor Freight, vice. Must have progres required. 2825 N.W. Yeon Ave., Port QUALIFICATIONS: (For sively responsible exper excellent company benefits PHYSICAL THERAPIST, land. lence in administration of that include above indus Candidates must qualify all positions) Must have $1211-51401 airport crash rescue de trial average company. under the provisions of the specific and verifiable ex An Equal O;i;x»rtunity partment. Also requires Paid retirement program, City of Portland CETA pro perience, training and edu Degree or cert, in physical Employer M/F knowledge of aircraft con wages would be a guaran grams. Candidates will cation related to know therapy from approved struction and rescue, fire tee base rate plus a piece please send their resumes ledges and skill identified school plus registration to the National Association on the Supplemental Appli equipment and mainte rate incentive program. for the Advancement of cation Form. Supplemental with State of Oregon as nance, as well as fire ad Apply in person between Colored People, Post Office Application Forms are Physical Therapist within 6 ministration, protection the hours of » a.m. to 4 Box 3676, Portland, Oregon available, and applications mos. of appointment. Apply and prevention. Salary Civil Service, Washington p.m., Mon.-Fri. 97208 (Deadline: December are accepted at: range $16,800 to $25,100, County, 150 N. First, Hills SURVEY TECHNICIAN 1 20, 1977) plus attractive fringe bene boro, Oregon 97123. An White Stag Manufacture Portland Civil Service fits. If interested and quali Affirmative Action and The Port of Portland has an Company For more information on Board fied, send resume to Per Equal O;i;iortunity Em 5100 S.E. Harney Dr. specific job qualifications 510 S.W. Montgomery St. ployer, women and mem immediate opening for a sonnel Office, Port of Port Survey Technician 1 to pro Portland. 97206 call: 249-0607. Portland, OR. 97201 land. P.O. Box 352», Port bers of minorities urged to vide a variety of basic tech land, OR. »7208, by Jan apply. nical tasks required in pro- An Equal O;>;mrtunity No later than Friday, De uary 6, 1978. ' viding field information for Em.iloyer cember 23, 1977. preliminary plans, property HOUSEKEEPERS An Equal O;i;tortunity surveys and construction Minorities and W omen Em;>loyer surveys. Must have work Persons to do housework urged to a;vtly ing knowledge of surveying for elderly. Must be CETA practices, procedures and VI eligible. Full-time work, An Equal O;>.>ortunity CITY OF PORTLAND survey equipment. Must $2.65 per hour plus mile Employer HIGH CLIMBER be able to use geometry age, sick leave, vacation, $7.33 ,»er hour to start and trigonom etry for training. An Equal O;r»or $7.88 ;ter hour after 6 mos. mathematical computations Interested in current tunity Em;iloyer. Apply at required in surveying. Sa books about African Lib Metropolitan Family Ser Work involves cutting, lary range $10,200-$14,800. 1971 FURY II eration? vice, 2281 N.W. Everett. pruning and dopping of If qualified, contact Esther WORKERS trees with a variety of hand Wilson, 223-8331, ext. 344. Excellent condition, power Visit: COMPENSATION and power tools from boom steering, power brakes, MANAGER trucks or by climbing the $700 or best offer - 285 John Reed Book Store An Equal O;>;»ortunity trees using ropes and har 7115. In the llekum Building Employer North Pacific Insurance ness or using hooks and 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Co. is looking for a per buckstraps. To qualify, Sixth Floor son with managerial ex applicants must have the perience and 5 years knowledges and skills ne Or Call: AMBULATORY PERSON minimum experience in cessary to perform the this field. Salary com work outlined, be free of SURVEY TECHNICIAN 2 227 2902 Board and room, good food, mensurate with work ex any limiting defects and be clean beds, private room, perience. Excellent bene willing and able to work in An immediate opening for a good atmosphere, private - fit package. Call Hal high places. Those appoint Survey Technician II to Political Prisoner, 30, 286 7115. Adrian at 643 7661 for seeks correspondence ed must possess or be able provide leadership for field further details. with Moral Comrades. to obtain a valid Oregon or survey crew in all types of Washington drivers li survey work required by Caution - my mail is An Equal O;»;>ortunity Pregnant? A nd often seized and destroy cense. The examination the Port of Portland. One Employer M/F you need a friend? will consist of a perfor must also provide field in I lodge pickup with camper, ed by the Pigs. as is, best offer; 69 VW mance test weighted 100%. formation for preliminary To be invited to the perfor and final plans, property bug, $750; 6» Capri Sport, Robert Robertson call BirfhRUtMT 2600 Center St. NE 84 mance test, you must rank survey and construction like new, AM-FM, tape 221-0598 in the top group of appli surveys. Registered Sur Salem, OR. 97310 '»■»ck. CAII 289 9094. Free Enter xency cants as indicated by the veyor, or Surveyor in qualifications listed on the Training, or qualified to p ten nancy counseliny. Supplemental Application take I^and Surveyor in MRS. C’8 WIGS form. All experience, train training exam within one LAMAR'S SMOKE We can help you look ing and education must be year. HOUSE Must be able to your best on all occa verifiable. Woman and mi endure outside work in all Visit your local Head ! 1782-1817 sions. Your hair does norities urged to apply. Shop for all your smok w eather, carry heavy ‘-make a difference. Visit ing needs. Open daily B onn in curacao , dutch west equipment, cut brush, etc. us at N.E. 7th and Fre 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. APPLY Must have or be able to IN D IE S , OF MIXED RARENTASEjHE BE mont. 3519 N.E. Union Portland Civil Service obtain a valid Oregon dri CAME A W O RLD -FA M O U S G ENERAL, Board vers license. Salary range NOTED AS SIMON BOLIVAR'S GREAT 510 S.W. Montgomery St. $12,500 $18,200. Send re POSSIBLE $1,000 EST RIVAL / MOVING TO VEN EZU ELA Portland, OR. 97201 sume to Esther Wilson, WEEKLY Personnel Office, Port of IN IS IO , HE BECAME A OENERAL ANO No later than December 16, Portland, P.O. Box 3529, rt immediately. Write DEFIED AUTHORITY B» FISHTINO FOR 1977. (48ON ENTERPRISES, Portland, Oregon 97208. NEORO RIGHTS A < STIRRED NEORO it. 2M Division, 4525 An Equal Opportunity !. Clinton, Portland, OFFICERS AND MEN TO REBELLIO N — FOR TH IS BOLIVAR HAD-HIM An Equal Op,iortumty Employer K IL L E D / but NOTHIN^ COULD K ILL THE MOVEMENT / Employer JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities Tbktronix Miscellaneous PIAR I _ GED Certificate intere$ted in becoming an apprentice? These trades are now open for application STEAMFITTERS CARPENTERS TILESETTERS DRYWALL FINISHERS LINOLEUM & CARPET LAYERS To find out more about these trades contact: The Portland Urban League Labor Education Advancement Program 5329 N.E. Union - Room 204 Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone: 288-6361 Why w ait---------Do it today!! A dvertisem ent fo r Bid SCHOOL DISTRICT#! FERNWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION PHASE II Bids due at 12:00 Noon January 12,1978 CALL FOR BIDS SEALED Bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, Administration Building, 620 N.E. Halsey Street, Portland, Oregon 97232, until 12:00 Noon January 12, 1978 for Fernwood Middle School Addition Phase II, from bidders who have filed pre-qualification statements and who have been approved by the Board of Directors of School District No. 1 to bid on this work. $5.00 deposit required on plans. Bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. the same day at the Board of Directors Room at the above address. All interested persons are entitled to attend the bid opening. Specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Department at the above address. Bidder's bond, certified check or cashiers check for the ten percent (10%) of the amount of the proposal payable to School District No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon, must accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS This project is funded by a grant of the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration. Pursuant to the Local Public Works Capital Development & Investment Act of 1976, as amended by the Public Works Employment Act of 1977. This project must comply with the grant's ten percent Minority Business Enterprise Utilization Requirements. Federal provisions relating to Equal Employment Opportunity & the Davis-Bacon Act apply. The successful bidder shall be required to certify that he is in compliance with the prevailing wage rates established by the U.S. Department of Labor. All bids must contain a statement that the provisions of ORS 279.050 relating to the prevailing rates of wage will be complied with. A pre-bid conference and site visit will be held December 21,1977,3:00 p.m., at the Fernwood School Library. Attendance is recommended. J.R. ENZLER Director of Purchasing 234 3392 - ext. 203 Public Notice NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO SUPPLY SERVICES The Oregon State Highway Division is inviting proposals for the supplying of services to support the on-the job training program for highway construction workers by highway contractors ot: federal aid highway projects. Services related to developing capabilities of prospective trainees and increasing overall effectiveness of on the-job training programs will be considered. Special emphasis will be placed upon increasing training opportunities for members of minority groups and women. Parties interested in submitting proposals for the performance of the services for this project should submit ten copies of the proposal to C.T. Keasey, Construction Engineer, Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310, on or before December 27, 1977. Persons having questions concerning the project should contact Gareld Inloes, EEO & Labor Compliance Coordinator, Oregon State Highway Division, Room 504 Executive House, 325 13th Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310, phone (503) 3786318. C.T. Keasey Construction Engineer NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO SUPPLY SERVICES The Oregon State Highway Division is inviting proposals for a project to develop a program to assist minority business enterprises become more proficient in the highway construction industry. The project calls for a survey of existing minority business enterprise to determine the type and extent of assistance required to increase their participation in highway construction; a survey of on going minority business enterprise assistance and service programs to determine the type of related assistance currently being provided to minority business enterprises by other governmental agencies; and recommendations for the development of effective assistance and/or training programs. Parties interested in submitting proposals for the performance of the services for this project should submit ten copies of the proposal to C.T. Keasey, Construction Engineer, Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310, on or before December 27, 1977. Persons having questions concerning the project should contact Gareld Inloes, EEO & Labor Compliance Coordinator, Oregon State Highway Division, Room 504 Executive House, 325 13th Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310, phone (503) 378 6318. C.T. Keasey Construction Engineer The okapi, a relative of the g ira ffe , looks almost the same today as it did 30 m illio n years ago. The slide rule was invented by English mathematician William Outred in the 1600s. 'R'-rrxeW I ! I