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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1977)
■í ? V- < . Portland Observer The t a l l a d JOB FINDE CLASSIFIED ADS S EC R ETA R Y/ R EC EPTIO NIST Requires good written and verbal skills, 50 wpm accur ate typing, and ability to maintain office files. Pays $575 per month. Apply: U r ban League Field Office, 5329 N.E. Union Avenue, Rm 202. Feed Servie* Attendant O * c«IK lam parsry ra lataria •a rk avaitaMr ta ik 4ay aad *wla< m K*1 s B ^aàaaa a *4 •»nm rrio r * * k porto ne* à w a 1^* mmm PFOpBF0tl00 B h 4 eOFVMBp holpflll. ^O^3 a OREGON S TA TE POLICE 4* BR loR^t L«t ^s^tFReg^b^r^sA Cadet Program - Summer program for youth 18 and over. Learn about State Police work and public rela tions. Apply by November 30th. Key Pwacb Operatere U^a ^larr m^a*,^li^u^* *^,*^^,^i^*aai »panin** lar *w ia* taufl Kay Kanak Oparalar*. Farinai kaypanck •cmoaMHR o r O 4|w ivaivnt w e n v n ^ o r taaw raqairad Faaail irtty *K k 10 IRM tard puark ar laiera* kay la dtar daairaMr Recruits - Applicants are being accepted for full-time recruit officers. td m . . . —---- ‘* la am* a BVRHM99O l , * 1 1 m S w L a i l M r M t * T I i MM pOOIlMMM I^SF 0 t^tOlFOSbSE RBB^9R9^$tlt atataa and lb * ability la da da Uilad wark raquirvd. Tnuaia* will ba prvaidad. Apply: Olander Ausborn, Department of State Police, 107 Public Service Bldg, Sa lem 97310. (378-8192) or local State Police Office. Clerk Typtet a ^ a ^ a l n a il a* Systems Analyst A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A SS IS TA N T H W HI pVFSOTTH SH VOswsHWQ CWTWBL alatwliral. akiHad datiaa. Avar**» lypia« ability n^airad. M inorities and urged to apply. IBZ ||| äll •naiaaai aduaaa^d a^mVl BBVanW U aacratarial, H »aa*rapkir and ctarieal Sataa*. Twa yaara aaeratar ial trauua* «r aa pananaa rapairad. Akava avara*« typm* abilily. and ■kankaat ar iranarriptiaa abilta feasales City of Salem. $1109-11406. Perform administrative pro jects including research acti vity and report preparation. Work supports administra tive activities in City Mana ger’s office. Prior public administration exp. with col lege degree in public admini stration or related field. Em phasis will be placed on previous related exp., re search and report writing ability. Closing date: Sept. 30, 1977. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept., 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR. 97301. MANAGIR We are a major Pacific Northwest utility agency with work in progress on five nuclear power plants. We sre seeking an experienced financial manager for a key posi tion on our headquarters staff at Richland, Wash ington. Responsibilities will include all short and long range financial plan ning and budgeting, as well as analysis of oper ating results. Suplmt your G I bill with average of $75.00 per month. Join Oregon A ir Guard. 12 units in Portland and 1 in K. Falls. Over 200 fields open. Serve one weekend per month plus 15 days annually. Call collect 8 A M to 8 PM Mon-Sat, 288-5611, Ext. 210 or 211. guard P IN K E R T O N ’S INC. M U L TN O M A H COUNTY Apply st T*k Irani» l adata rial Park ar « rite te TBXTW ONIX. INC . P .0 Baa 0 0 . P. Baavarta OR «STT An nonni appam ataly itapUya An Equal Opportunity Employer 4105 N .E . Tillamook Vets bring DD214 Responsible for establishing uniform monitoring system for service contract and for developing contracts stan dards and specification. BA in related field. 2 yrs. exp. in planning and/or evaluation preferred. Must five within Portland city limits and meet CET A V I eligibility criteria. Salary $7.35 per hr. Apply at Portland State, Smith Center, Rm 126, Sept. 19-20. aorstawm Other trades opening in the near future are: inside electrician, linoleum and carpet layers, bricklayers, carpen ters, plumbers, glaziers, machinist, radio and T .V . repair and tilesetters. PLE A SE CONTACT: Urban laagna Labor Edacatiop. Advancoanot Program (LEAP) 26, ELEC TR O N IC E N G IN E E R Bid #B06-200-3594 H U M A N RESOURCE S P E C IA LIS T H I / PROGRAM M O N ITO R IN G S P E C IA LIS T The sheetmetal trade is seeking applicants for their apprenticeship craft. Qualifications are: aptitude test, high school graduate, a 2.0 G.P.A., one year of science, one year geometry and must be physically able to do the work. Women and minorities are urged to apply. An Affirmative Action Employer Bids Due: September 1977, 2:00 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer Apprentice Openings Ms. J.M . Harding Dept. SBG Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 966 Richland, W A 99352 P IC K U P TRUCKS Inspector to inspect pro perty and established fire insurance rates. College education in technical sub jects desirable. $8,600 an nual, while training excellent fringe benefits, opportunity for advancement. Mr. Brown 226-2651. Interested parties may submit comments regarding this application during a 30 day period commencing with the publication of this notice. Comments should be addressed to the Administrator of the Manpower Planning Division, 240 Cottage Street, S.E., Salem, Oregon 97310. Telephone (608) 378-4726. (Reference DCU 7709-HI-01) Send resume, salary his tory, and salary require ment, in confidence to: An Affirmative Action Employer Have immediate opening Portland and Vancouver. Uniform and training will be furnished. Car and tele phone required. Apply in person between 9 a.m. and p.m. Mon.-Thurs. The preliminary planning process will cover the target population and will develop information needs, approach, benefits expected, and management of the program We offer a starting sa lary commensurate with exp., plus a comprehen sive fringe benefit pack age, including relocation assistance. D .W . Rice Dept. GK Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968 Richland, W A 99352 An Equal Opportunity Employer These funds represent only the preliminary planning and will be used to develop a comprehensive plan to be filed with the Department of Labor, Wnahington, D.C. on or about December 1, lV l'l - plan to be designed under guidelines furnished by the Department of Labor. The successful candidate will possess a business degree (accounting ma jor desirable), plus at least ten years of profes sional level accounting experience with a large business firm; a min. of three years of this experience must have been in financial plan ning and analysis. We are a major Pacific Northwest utility agency with work in progress on five nuclear power plants. We are located in an inland Pacific North west community of ap p r o x im a te ly 9 0 ,0 0 0 . Com prehensive frin g e benefit package, includ ing relocation assistance. 4 Send resume, salary his tory and salary require ment, in confidence to: V E TE R A N S IN COLLEGE The Executive Department, Manpower Planning H irm State of Oregon, having been designated by the Governor to apply for and use funds for manpower planning program« under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, will file an application for $86,516, to be used in preliminary planning youth employment demonstration projects under Title I I I , Part C, Subpart 3 for youth aged 14-21, between September 1,1977 and December 31,1977. This program will be operated in the Oregon Administrative Districts known an Balance of State. Legislative Authority has been granted to apply for and use these funds. BUDGETS The successful candi dates will possess a de gree, plus a minimum of three years of directly related professional exp. An Equal Opportunity Employer N O TIC E O F IN T E N T TO A PP LY FOR F E D E R A L FU N D IN G M A N N IN G AND W e have im m ediate openings for Systems Analysts with business or scientific applications exp. Responsibilities in clude preparation of re quirem ents, specifica tions, and detailed de signs (programmable) as sociated with the imple mentation of application systems. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of the Director of Purchases, 2505 S.E. U th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202 for: Two (2) Pickup Trucks (’A Ton Short Box) for Vector Control as per specifications on file with the Purchasing Director. No Bid will be received or con sidered unless the bid con tains a statement by the bidder as part of his bid that the requirements of Subsec tion (4) ORS 279.350 shall be included. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. B-D Drake Willock, a world leading supplier of artificial kidney machine systems has immediate opening for a pro ject engineer to apply analog and digital circuit design skills and control systems knowledge to the develop ment of artificial kidney ma chine. This is a shirt sleeve engineer activity. Requires a B /S M SEE with at least 3 yrs productive exp. includ ing transfer of project to manufacturer. For prompt confidential considering for this position please send your resume to: Specifications may be ob tained at Purchasing Section 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Port land. Director Industrial Relations 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct. Portland, OR. 97222 5 3 2 9 N.E. Union Rm. 2 0 4 Things Ton Should Know /MOSSELI,,. . . .B An Equal Opportunity Employer C IT Y OF PO R TLA N D C E TA V I PROGRAM orn IN HAMILTQKONTARiq, CANADA, ON JULY 2 ^ » 6 6 / « Pregnant? And you need a friend? c a ll ßlrfhRMHT 221-0598 Emergency pregnancy counseling Free W ill accept job applications Sept. 19-20 at Portland State University at the Smith Cen ter, Rm 126 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Applicants must live within the city limits of Portland and meet C E TA V I eligibility criteria. SINGLE? Maybe you haven’t tried the right place. Free surprise gift for stopping by. 16, 1977 /a c e ti Thursday. ALL YO U W A N T TO KNO W A BO UT M E N T A L A SYLUM S, confinement of dissidents. Send self-ad- dressed stamped envelope to: Robert Robertson 84, 2600 Center St. N .E ., Salem, OR. 97310. WAS THE FIRST NEGRO GRADUATE OFTHI IM VtaSITV QF PENNSYIVANU. ANO FOUNDER OF THE MERCY-DOUGLASS HOSPITAL IN PHILAOCLPHA / For singles only. Action- packed introductions. Call June 235-1970. Call Lynn 235-1970. MRS. C s W IGS ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH L A M A R ’S smoke house Visit your local Head Shop for all your smoking needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3519 N .E. Union We can help you look your best on all occasions. Your hair does make a differ ence. Visit us at N E 7th and Fremont. Cantor of 8th *ßd SkidiBor« Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N .E . AJbcrta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Paster 281-4429 fcÔ Tpjn- Vigil - Saturday 10:00 Choir - Sunday 12:00 p .0 . Folk - Sunday UL Guild holds wine sip The Urban League Guild is beginning a new year with new officers and a bright new agenda. The new officers are: Mrs. Ozella Canada, President; Mrs. Guessippina Bonner Williams, 1st Vice President; Mrs. Betty Stephens, 2nd Vice President; Mrs. Jeanne Hartzog, Secretary; Ms. Gail Washington, Treasurer. The first item on agenda will be a Wine Sip and Membership Drive on September 18, 1977 at the Esquire Club 1708 N.E. Alberta 1-5 p.m. Mrs. Margaret Green is the Chairper son of this event and she and her committee are hard at work to insure a successful start for this years programs. Invitations have been sent to some groups and individuals. There will be a choice of wines plus fruit and cheese. Please mark your calendar and plan to bring a friend. Anyone who belongs to the Urban League is eligible for Guild membership. The Urban League Guild is a support group for the Portland Urban League and its programs. Donations accepted. ST. ANDREW C O M M U N ITY SCHOOL Phone: 284-1620 Gradea I through 8 4919 N .E . 9th Ave. N oriU Kelly, Principal Northwest M inority Contractors Association BM H fla CONTRACTORS * SUBCONTRACTORS New H ope Missionary Baptist Church You are Welcome to Worship at T H E ARK OF S A FE TY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. arm spirit of fellowship always” i U .V. Peterson, DJ>. • Sunday Scheel Morning Worship • 915 am 1115 am imiiswa Rramdld^mmf ** K GAR 1550 ll:30am -12:30pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic Worship 890 pm Neon Day Prayer Tuesday-Friday Tuesday: Bible Baad/Jr. Church Wsunesaay. Chair Rehear—1 Friday: “The Paster Speaks” 84 N E I 281-0499 10 N. E. G raham 281-0015 T H E CHURCH D E S IG N E D TO M E E T YOUR N E E D Pastor 730 pm 790 pm Church Phone: 281-0163 Sunday School Radio Broadcast K.G.A.R. 1150 A M Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd - 5th Sundays Cemmunioe 1st Sunday Wed. - Family Prayer M eeth» and Bible Study Friday - Brotherhood Berean Child Care C a te r 9:30 sun. M p i. 11:90 a.m. 7.30p.m. 5:00 p.m. 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue A Practical Child Development Program 7:30 p.m. Ages 2Í4 - 7 years Openings -- CSD - 4C - Private 790 pm Prayor and Pastor Phene: 281-647« * w O w en 37 2 5 N. G antenbein A venue, Fortland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7 , -■ • — - ’— Cal* 281- 0 5 3 0 •• -