Portland Observer — Pag« 7 City of Salem. $*717 $2177. I*rofessional administrative and supervisory work in municipal planning. Kespon sible for the leadership of the City's Planning Division, its policies and guidelines. Work involves the admini stration and coordination of a large staff whose activities include: citizen organization and involvement; ordinance implementation, preparation and administration; compre hensive and neighborhood planning. Provide advice, support, and counsel to pub lie officials, committees and groups on planning projects. Progressively responsible supervisory experience, tho rough experience in plan ning; graduation from a four year college or university with major course work in urban planning, public ad ministration, or related field. Closing date: August 26, 1977. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Dept., 555 Liberty S.E., Salem, Oregon 97301. JOB FINDER classified ads E Q U IP M E N T INSPECTOR F IN A N C IA L A N A LY S T , A m . ature. w ... . r” Pon»'bl* of Sal* m- S5 TV/hr. frwnd. W ,|h a good sense of |7 09/hr. Heavy equipment The Port of Portland has an T o Ï Z Z V l . * “ reapon’sible .for immediate opening in their Budget and Finance Dept. to ? , ' n? m IT lton!l on city owned equip provide support in invest but am Oextble. Would like nwnl. Reaponaibilitie. also ments, bond sales and credit to go placet with my friend inrlud(. report >nd jfj^ . and collection activities. Re twice a week, (a ll Dennis lion wriUBf. M u il fami quires education and/or exp. l^w ia at work before 4 p.m. har W1(h governmenU, safe equivalent to a degree in M on.Fri. 238 «428 or be Business A dm in istratio n . ly regulations as they apply tween 5 9 p.m. call 282 5085 to vehicles and shop prac Accounting or related field. tices. Able to interpret rea Exp. in finance functions, son for equipment failure preferably accounts receiv and determine the fault such able. budgets and invest C ITY OF PORTLAND as operator, abuse wrong ments needed. Must have application of equipment, knowledge and ability to etc. Ability to diagnose me analyze financial records for An Equal Opportunity Specialist IV chanical problems unnoticed varied purposes including Employer cash flow and bond sale •1 4 1 8 approa, asea by the operator. Instruct requirements. Knowledge of entry rate operators on correct opera lion of equipment. Heavy data processing systems The Management Informs equipment and mechanical helpful. Salary $12,500 an W A TE R tion Specialist IV works in background required Em nually. If qualified, send re S U P E R IN T E N D E N T the Training and Employ phasis of this position is sume to Personnel Office, ment Division of the Bureau inspection, no _________ actual mecha- Port of Portland, P .0. Box of Human Resources and is nick) background required, 3529, Portland. OR. 97208. City of Salem, $16,092- $20,604. Responsible for responsible for maintaining Emphasis of this position is planning, organizing, assign Aa Equal Opportunity and revising the information inspection, no actual mecha- ing, and supervising the ac Employer system for programs under nical repair work will be tivities of a staff of 40 en CETA. The Specialist IV required. Closing date: Sept, gaged in the construction, will assure that forms and 23, 1977. Apply: City of Sa maintenance, and operation procedures for gathering in lem. Personnel Dept.. 555 of the municipal water sy formation from contracting Liberty S.E.. Salem. Oregon M A IN T E N A N C E stem. Operations and activi agencies provide the needed 97301. FO R EM AN I ties supervised include input: and that the system An Equal Opportunity water source and transmis provides output data needed City of Salem. W ater Divi sion, distribution, construc to conform to Department of sion' $1013-11281. Consider tion and maintenance, and labor reporting require able experience in water sy meter shop. Minimum 5 menu. W ill work closely stem maintenance, repair years experience of a pro with data processing per and construction including gressively responsible na sonnel and with contracting supervisory experience. ture in management, train TEA C H E R service agencies. Another Considerable knowledge of ing, maintenance, and opera s j r j z s S i L L i : , ™0 ” o" ,h - methods, materials, tools tion of a comprehensive wa serve as executive assistant . p kwttt* l * i r n and practices used in mainte ter service; minimum of 5 » Ih . ol Tr»nmj ¡ g nance, repair, and construc years supervisory exper tion of water facilities, sy ience. Closing date:Septem- stems including general pipe ber 23, 1977. Apply: City of S.E. Ash. Port. 232-0643. ing reports as assigned. Ap laying and pump station re Salem, Personnel Dept., 555 plicants must have the know pair; proper and safe use of Liberty S.E. Salem, Oregon ledges and skills as identified construction and mainte 97301. on the Supplemental Appli nance equipment including W ANTED cation Form. Women and heavy and light cranes; occu A a Equal Opportunity minorities urged to apply. pational hasards and safety Employer precautions. Ability to plan, ■■M M M APPLI delegate and supervise field I Cfvfl Servies Beard record to drive shuttle bus to crews, estimate time, ma Oregon State Penitentiary 51# 8.W . St. terials and equipment, read CAREER ASSESSMENT for afternoon visiting hours. OR. »7291 SPEC IA LIST and interpret plans and spe No later then Friday, Au- Thu service " »P<»*>red by cifications, maintain records gust 19, 1977. ‘ be prisoners - would pro and prepare concise reports. $860/mo. New position in vide an opportunity for rela Closing date: August 26, C ETA Youth employment/ tives and friends to visit 1977. Apply: City of Salem, training program. W ill set moTe frequently. Call 283- Personnel Dept., 556 Liberty up and conduct program pro 2486. 8.E., Salem, Oregon 97301. viding self assessment and career exploration activities. Requires degree w ith An Eqswl Opportunity coursework in career/voca- tional counseling or equiva lent work exp., knowledge of testing, exp. working with small groups, previous exp. working with youth. Bilin PROGRAM MER gual/bicultural helpful. Own transportation. Willing to Participate in Program De travel between two program sign, Coding, and other du locations. Women and mi ties required to produce new norities encouraged to apply. programs, improve program Resumes to: Program Direc performance, or correct de tor, Multnomah Washington ficiencies of existing pro C ETA Youth Program, 655 grams. Minimum 1 year pro E. Baseline, Hillsboro, Ore gramming exp. on IBM 360 gon 97128. Closes August 24, under OS M V T /H A 8 P en 1977. vironm ent using A N S I, COBOL. BAL language help Au Equal Opportuaity ful. Call 225-5272 for appoint Employer ment. City of Salem. $5.80 per hr. to $7.09 per hr. Recruit, trains, and provides support to volunteers in developing community based programs. z Works with SESNA Neigh borhood Association and other agencys to assist neighborhood needs. Assists volunteers in developing self help programs such as recycling, cooperative day care, job bank, interested visitor programs, etc. Deve lops neighborh md support groups for community pro jects. Provides information to area residents on avail ability on existing social ser vice programs. Two yrs. exp. in community develop ment, community education, or social services. Gradua tion from 4 yr. college or university with major course An Equal Opportunity work in community service, Portland Development Commission held the Open House far its Kififagswerth Employer public administration, or the Community Service office in the backyard last Friday. Among those present were: Ben helping professions. Exton Tau«y, manager. Albina Human Resource Center-, Mary Rouse, staff person; Marion sive volunteer work will be Scott, director; M yrtle Carr, Urban League of Portland; Pat Locross, Director of considered as a substitute Neighborhood Conservation, PDE; and Donna Murray, Co-President, Sabin Neigh for academic and work exp. SECRETARY Closing date: Aug. 26. 1977.. Have immediate opening for Apply: City of Salem. Per exp. secretary, providing se sonnel Dept., 555 Liberty cretarial support for a large S.E., Salem. OR. 97301. engineering dept. Should An Equal Opportuaity combine a knowledge of en Portland Job Corps Center plays host Seattle office of the U.S. Department of Employer gineer and medical termino August 24th to residents of east Multno Labor. logy, with excellent typing mah County during an open house, free Operated by Portland Public Schools and organizational skills to dinner and public meeting at its Spring since March 1970, the center is funded D R A FT IN G T E C H N IC IA N B-D Drake Willoek, 13520 fully by the federal government under dale campus. S.E. Pheasant Ct., Portland, Title IV of the Comprehensive Employ Located just east of Troutdale, the Applications will be accepted OR 97222. 659 3355. ment and Training Act (CETA). A through August 23, 1977 for 52 acre campus is a satellite to the year-round program, the center serves center's main downtown Portland cam a drafting technician in the An Equal Opportunity disadvantaged, unemployed and drop-out pus at 1022 S.W. Salmon Street. Civil/Sanitary field. Techni students in the Pacific Northwest - Employer Paul Erickson, center director, said cal training or equivalent predominately from the immediate tri- interested residents of Corbett, Spring- exp. (4 yrs.) required. Prefer county area. dale and Troutdale should make reserva at least one year exp. in tions by calling Springdale campus secre Some 150 male and 125 female students V ETER A N S IN COLLEGE water and sewerage related tary Eva Van Vleet at 665-2141 by between the ages of sixteen and twenty work. Send resume to: August 22nd. two presently are enrolled, either as Thompson & Suplmt your GI bill with Stevens, The open house is scheduled from 5:30 residents or non residents in both acade Runyon, Inc. average of $75.00 per month. to 6:30 p.m., dinner from t>:30 to 7:30 p.m. mic and vocational classes in business, Join Oregon A ir Guard. 12 5505 S.E. Milwaukie nve. and public meeting from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. welding, auto body repair, agro-business, units in Portland and 1 in K. Portland, OR 97202. Equn Erickson said the public meeting is food services, health occupations, motor - Falls. Over 200 fields open. designed to share concerns and answer cyde/small engine repair and dental An Equal Opportunity/ Serve one weekend per questions from the community, to pro assistance. Affirmative Action month plus 15 days annually. mote mutual understanding and to orga Employer Call collect 8 AM to 8 PM For further information, please contact: nize and elect members of the public to a Mon Sat, 288-5611, E xt. 210 Paul Erickson, center director, Portland community relations council. or 211. Job Corps, 224-0190 or James M. Voigt, Also on hand for the August 24th event public information specialist, Portland will be representatives from the center's An Equal Opportunity Public Schools, 234-3392/x 336. T E S T D R IV E R staff and students, plus officials of the Employer B it Drake Willoek. a world leader in the manufacture of artificial kidney machines, is seeking a night shift rompu ter operator. This job offers an opportunity for long term professional growth for your contribution to our informa tion systems operations, in the areas of control, schedul ing, and operations effi ciency. We are a rapidly growing subsidiary of a For tune 500 company, offering excellent benefit programs, including a libe-al educa tional support program. To apply, send your resume to Industrial Relations Mana ger, B-D Drake, Willoek, 13520 S.E. Pheasant Ct., Portland, OR. 97222. 659 3355. Job Corps holds opeo bouse Hyster Company's technical center in Troutdale is seek ing a night shift lift truck TY P IS T test driver. This is an excellent opportunity for a Permanent, full-time open person with a strong mech- ing for typist to train on the anical/technical background CRTs to do telephone credit to begin a career as a prov approvals. Should be able to ing grounds mechanic. type 45 wpm and be good on Applications will be taken the telephones. Working at the Hyster Company Cor hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. porate Personnel Office, Monday thru Friday. Apply 2902 N .E. Clackamas St., at the Beaverton Retail Portland, 97208. Store, Personnel Depart ment. MONTGOMERY W A R D C R E D IT C EN TER - BEAVERTON M E D IC A L S E C R E T A R Y / R E C E P T IO N IS T CONTRACTORS • SUBCONTRACTORS 10 N. E. G raham 281-0015 FU R N A C E R E P A IR M A N MRS. C s WIGS Easy way of dating Pregnant? And you need a friend? call preynancy counteliny Borom Child Caro Contor 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue A Practical Child Development Program Call 281- 0 5 3 0 We can help you look your best on all occasions. Your hair does make a differ ence. Visit us at NE 7th and Fremont. . Gas and oil check-up, 20 yrs. exp. with major oil co. Low rates, 24 hr. service. Call 656-0458. Renters A tte: Low Héoste, Available C OM M ERCIAL L IN E N A IN D U S T R IA L LA U ND RY SERVICE ■ r T r r ■»* Beginning Aug. 22 the Hous ing Authority of Portland Bids due: August 29, 1977, will accept applications for 2:00 p.m. the Section 8 HOUSING AS S IS T A N C E P A Y M E N T Bid #B62-100-3541. PROGRAM from low-income renter families. Under the Sealed proposals will be re program we pay a portion of ceived at the office of the your rent based on your Director of Purchases, 2505 income. If you are currently S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, on H .A .P.’s conventional Oregon 97202 for-.The supply waiting list you must make of Commercial Linen & Gar another application specifi ment and Industrial Laundry cally for this program. How Service for various County ever you won't lose your Departments for the period place on the conventional list September 1,1977 thru Aug. by applying for this program 31,1978 as per specifications to find out how to apply call on file with the Purchasing No Bid will be 249 5534/5537. W e are Director. pledged to the letter and the received or considered un spirit of U.S. policy for this less the bid contains a state achievement of equal hous ment by the bidder as part of ing opportunity throughout his bid that the require the nation. We encourage ments of Subsection (4) ORS and support in Affirmative 279.350 shall be included. Advertising and Marketing Multnomah County reserves Program in which there are the right to reject any or all no barriers to obtaining bids. housing because of race, co lor, religion or national ori Specifications may be ob tained at Purchasing Section gin. 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Port land. EQ U AL HOUSING O PPO RTUNITY Lawn and odd jobs - 656 0458. A LL YO U W ANT TO KNOW ABOUT M E N T A L A S Y L U M S * confinement of dissidents. Send self-ad dressed stamped envelope to: Robert Robertson 84, 2600 Center St. N .E ., Salem, OR. 97310. OlrflhRUtlT 221-0598 Free Emergency Ages 2'/z - 7 years Openings -- CSD — 4C -- Private A family to help build a new life for two Black broth ers, ages eight and nine. If you are interested in becom ing foster parents for these two boys, please contact Joe Colistro, Catholic Services for Children, 22845531. The Agency will pay for the children's care and will also assume financial responsibi lity for their clothing, school, medical and dental needs. Being a foster family is a very rewarding experience. Northwest M inority Contractors Association Visit your local Head Shop for all your smoking needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3519 N .E. Union An Equal Opportunity W ANTED Experience typing and ter- , minology. Send resume to: P.O. Box 4606, Portland 97208. LA M A R ’S SMOKE HOUSE B LU E CROSS OF OREGON Call Vickie 2448681 C O M M UN ITY SERVICES COUNSELOR D A T A PROCESSING COM PUTER OPERATOR P LA N N IN G A D M IN IS TR A TO R Tb« Porrimd Observer W A NT»» Thursday. August 18. 1977 — PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS Single? Divorced? O r Just Alone? “Love Makes the World Go Around” but what about your world? You may not be lonely, but are you meeting the right people? People who like to have compatible friends, learn about T H E COMMON D EN O M IN A TO R . We're a no-nonsense company that is out to eliminate unhappiness. COMMON D EN O M IN A TO R , the sensible way to find the right people. 9221 Barbar Blvd., Apt. 207, Pertfaad, OR 97219 NORTH A NJL PORTLAND Mail this coupon today O N I DAY SERVICE Miner Repair a -N e ('barge Pick -ep A Delivery 2S2-S361 KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY 3 9 6 6 N. W«ams Ave. N. Alexander, Proprietor Height. .W e ig h t. THE C O M M O N D ENO M IN A TO »