Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 30, 1977, Image 1

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    Ura Franses Schoen-Newspaper Hoc
U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon U b i ary
jg cn a , Oregon 97433
Police action alarms neighbors
i committed and an arrest should be
The eaae has been
referred to the District Attorney's office
to proper for a grand jury hearing.
I n this case," Potter added, “both
oerties bad been aaeu'tsd (Turner’s wife
was treated for facial in ju ry '. . «ad in s
cess where both wits of people have
received injuries, w its do we arrest? Moot
timse it's d ear cut and we can make an
m a d e w a s im p o s s ib le .
9 0 ,itn
M a .tr
The strained relationship between the
Portland Pobre and ridd an te oí the
i Villa Housing Project has bean
a week-old in d ­
ia Black man was shot
by Us white neighbors.
Ì at the handbag oí the
incident by polies haa instigated I d i seti
gâtions by the District Attorney's office
and the Mstronobtaa Humai
King group
•lueta off icori
Ctork, the
voted to
m et w ith Ctty
K IA had previously set a park as ite
second priority, with street repair, being
done thia summer, ee its first priority. A
committoe wee sedgnod to work with the
school people end others aw tbe design e i
the park.
K IA endorsed the poefttoa e i tbe
Committee fa r Equal Education far AS
Children in opposition to the p r op d m d
school att enda nc e changes seen to be
• ________ww» _ y
------------ » - *
M uon fiign ocdooi u doc ro g w o rM Dy
October 1.1977 and assign them to high
schools with loss than 18 par cant
! Cr ogs r y Ou f g i r l
NAACP support* Young’s ’racism’ ramarle*
K -
. 7 °” ?
On June 22, fifty-two year aid Lee
Miller. Sr. wee shot in tbe neck with a .22
eattbro revolver fired by Charles Turner,
of 9009 aad 9011 North Adriatic Street
respectively. Turner, along with hie wife
end toe, proceeded to beet m u — after
the shooting.
Miller was
to Emanuel Hos­
pital for treatment; a few days later
Turner and Us family left Portland for
to the shooting feh that,
da spit a pobee action to the contrary,
T u n e r should have been arrested end
That a double standard of juetire-ooe for
Btoeks and another for whites - was
being exerctoed. Pobee were said to have
token only Tumor's version of the story
and were eaid to have broken into M iller’s
home to take hie gun.
In —Mitine, ooe witness, U v Johnotts
Burketts, said that the pobee detective
who interviewed her approached her
improperly and threateningly.
According to Detective Sargeant Tom
Potter, supervisor in charge of investiga­
ting the incident, the teotinuwiy of wit­
nesses and participants varied and •
decision on whether a crime had actually
na mane s* unfted —yy — to
Prank W ard, Chairman oi Associated
0 sural Contractors equal employment
opportuoitiBB conunitts®» H bb m in wiH TT i f
that AGC w ill take a "Big Brother”
approach in assisting minority contract­
ors locate and qualify for bidding oppor­
tunities. AGC to a i
thto country to
W o o f the N A A C P triad to alert
plan to hid.
to Young. N A A C P
toins said that the
w m speaking the -brutal,
truth about the ro b ractom
to 1970.
"M r. Nixon by Me m
1 1st an nM f strict
S S T t o T X « « ? * tbcSgn8 m ( S
u m e f codew ords separate
fa ia n -
la i d v il righto tows by sdudnis-
i in the Jutiee Department, H E W
m u d back the
Thu fruits c i
,e f the fact that a i
m s to the wes
nor history deetoiveiy; it
to affect our Arturo. W hite
i to ism ntiaby roapaoafcto for the
atora which has bean as­
te a r o ttm atom tbe cad c f
• high
the truth - the
I troth about the roto
ping Amorim's
So infected to
w - r f - i th m lt
Gerald Ford aa ha injected
rhetoric into his Presidential
campaign to 1978.
“Your aggressive efforts to
of racial program wfll
not away the P r e d im i from Ms rapport
in the eyes of world
o rn e a n to ha a usta
Supremo Court say* no death for rape
m a i
Court dealt a
of capital
eth penalty
and. to afbet.
la a 7 • 2 vote, the Court
of eonvtotod
Cubar of Georgia. The
on future
eould hove extended the
a bat c i minority
AGC members oi
to the
the National Advisory
beck to Oregon," be said.
Responding to eritiefem that tbe pobee
investigation was one-sided. Detective
Bladow' noted that an attempt was made
to interview M iller at tbe hospital on
June 28th but the officer assinged to tape
the statement mid that M iller was
uncooperative and “crazy". Blsdow took
M iller’s statement at Miller's boom an
June 28th and noted, "He seemed sane to
Both Potter and Blsdlow agreed that
M iller s bourn had been forcibly entered
to remove bis gun to prevent any further
i said that although minority
exist, they do
■ot have the time to go through all of tbe
available plans and pull out jobs on which
they should bid. “Our people will be able
to go through the plans and specifications
end break oat jobo that minority oom-
pantos would he able and qualified* to
nerfarm and notify them."
I with the
in sotting up hie
program - meeting with Tom Booth,
ritr e t a «» of Contract Management As­
sociation, himself end Bob Rogers work­
ing with Eugene Jackson, dfroetor of
Northwest Minority Contractors Associ­
“I amt with Ron Anderson end Frank
W ard a coopto of times last December or
January end talked to Ron Anderson on
the totophooe about six weeks ago,"
Booth said.
Booth envisions Ms organisation and its
subsidiary "Business Success Institute”
m providing the educational portion of
the AGC program. "Moot o i the minority
it o the Court,
the majority opiatos.
the Buainem Succem Institute iuauroe
that, they are able to perform.”
Certification by the Buainem Succem
Institute involves attending a series of
M iein em Homes taught by Booth, pro­
ducing an acceptable track record, and
possessing financial stability. Five or six
Oregon contractors have boon certified
by Booth.
Some contractors, thorn who have bad
successful b usine s se s for some time - for
example Amsriran Stato Bank or Coast
Janitorial - could be certified without
■ ft* rating the classes.
" I would assumo th at (under the AGC
_ "This to not
. of course," Booth added.
"The contractor would have to have good
credit for the banka to do thto." The
financing would bo in the form of H— of
credit or loans, directly from the banks to
the contractors.
Anderson added th at
certified by Booth would i
A ll minoritiy contractors wiU receive the
weekly totter from AGC
of potential jobs. M inority
wUl then notify Anderson that they wish
to bid a job and ho w fll notify the
prime^eontraetar. "Thto wfll m ra o v
certified would bo the moot likely to bo
called for bids by AGC members." Booth
felt that if a minority buainem seemed
•wobbly' in a particular area, oven though
it wore a successful buainem, it would be
referred to him for educational services.
Anderson confirmed thto aspect of the
program. “One of the things tbe program
propoem to do, and one of tbe moot
important, to to refer people for assist­
ance they might need. The problem to
that some contractors are not good
of the
W hite. Stewart,
Stevens hi the majority e
Doha Sigma Thota organizo* at Oregon Stato
eorority etorted m e servire orgentostioo
for Black weama ut Howard University in
1918. boa buon chartored at Oregon Stato
Delta Sigma Thota, whiefa km 90,000
U a k ^ S t r t ^ y f r S T L m d T m S Ì and
Uberto, to aa orgaatoatioo eoueerned
eorority Me. m o rib a g to O 8U advtoer
The tore! group, chartered m No PI
haptor. w m bugna by a group of twelve
e f seven D elta Sigma Theta
nvtog to the nnmmuaity,
ha charter to April.
Other chapters throughout the country
have native American, Chicano and white
members, she said, and over tbe years
tbe sorority’s emphasis bra expanded
from dealing with Black social problems
to working on a broad spectrum of social
programs for all disadvantaged peoples.
Among the projects sponsored by
Delta chapters era tutorial
talent searches to
youth in their education, right-to-read
motivation projects, a
rto aad a
beak to
tradr. of 1M b ts lM ts mm I b A l UI b
available to the sorority's membership
The sorority has also established the
Delta Reecarth aad
tiaa aad DOT Telecommunications. Inc.
social projeeta,
a rt and Mtwr-
to O8U
Jaekmn, soob-
w ta . 4 8 M BE Cleveland,
w-preeident, Cathy Lea
r. Pittsburgh, C aüt; reeord-
Huey, junior,
4418 8E
Street. Winfield. Kansas}
gur, PhilUppa
S I West Iaiay
S tre e t, S anta B a rb a ra . C alifornia:
rh s pl a ia os rg raa t a t ar ms, Kathy Laver-
ett. Junior, liberal arts, 11900 8. Orchard.
Lea Angelas, CaMf.; historian. Phyllis
Tato, junior, eetooee, S77O Genoa Street,
9980 N W Witham
during Ms interview with her concerning
tbe altercation.
"He came at am wrong”, she said. "He
came in the boom, cut off my T V , sat
down on my love seat and got comfort-
abb, sad asked mo if I bvod by myself. I
had to straighten M s ---------out.”
Mrs. Burkstte also accused Detective
Weber of calling her a liar and, assuming
that she was an unmarried welfare
mother, threatened to take her kids and
M illar’s two sons, Ruffiee and Lee Jr.,
" I was advised th at she made com­
plaints," said Detective Weber. "They’re
completely new to me.”
Pobee end area residents said that
M iller end Turner have had numerous
conflicts during the last year and have
previously exchanged gunfire.
According to K O IN -T V newsman Mike
Donahue, who was port of the first media
contingent to arrive at the altercation
site. Detective Potter described the
incident as a "neighborhood argument”.
According to area residents, disparity
in treatment for Blacks aud whites has
boon a eause for concern in and around
the Villa, moot notabley over-reaction by
pobee to minor incidents in tbs volatile
area. " It n ame that what to happening in
South Africa to affecting us bare," one
who isn't looking
They don't know the hatire o i buginem
operation. Some oi thorn seem to have
personality problems with the prime
contractors and so don't got work. The
to Nancy Me A meter, coord-
inator of the Multnomah County Rapa
Victim Advocate Program, the Court’s
D uTaovW ,
not good contractor. Thto j
contractors m web as for i
■ore not going to gut involved in i
and if I know, of someone like Tor
who can do the job then H11
him. That to Ms field.'
thorn contractors whs go to
Booth's« lasem would be more Mealy to he
d for work. T h e fact that they have
i through the seminars with Tom or
h r activities would show that they
or kid
to the
Miller gave her his keys sad eharge of his
two sons in front of the pobee. In fact.
Miller was ordered by uniformed pobee
not to go into Ms pocket far the keys
whoa ho attempted to do so while lying
on aa ambulance stretcher.
Mrs. Burketts, aa eye-ultaeee to the
incident, also accused Pobee Detective
AGC plans 'Big Brother’ progran for niaoritias
, AGC dfroetor. said the
, which w ill begin in a few days.
w f l bo directed a t minority
but w ill bo available to any
n a ra .A G C w ffli
»to tw o i
On the other hand, several witnesses to
the incident, including Mrs. Burketts,
said that had M iller do^s the shooting, he
would have boon "under the jail”.
Potter sold that ho was not aware of
the Turners having left Portland for the
weekend following the shooting but Dee
tivc Investigator E .F . Bladow confirmed
it, saying tbs Turners cleared their
intended trip to visit relatives in Montana
with the pobee. Turner was not available
for comment.
According to Potter, a material witness
bond, a procedure to prevent suspects
and w itn ess«« from leaving the area, was
not considered and is seldom used.
Turner’s leaving “would not prevent us
from going to get him and bringing him
g U f l |y U l ^ e I M l W
w u V u r , S b itl
Driva, CorvaDto,
raid the eerarity
win held nieh
the uaiveraity-wide ruab
ralee rquire require that
atodffed te Delta Sigma ‘
h»vu ramptotod tw o to
mogm* i
r ef the
they won’t have to
who have not
bidding the job." He said
given Hets of minority contractors by the
federal funding agmtetoe along with the
plane and that they spend a lot of time
sending totters to minority contractors
who are not interested. For example, the
Washington State Highway Department
recently sent a Kat of contractors, one of
which w m designated m performing in
(Please turn to page 2 col. 4)