Program offers housing aid The Portland M etropolitan Steering Committee'» Housing program provides service» for families’ th at need aaae in finding and keeping satisfactory PM SC has been contracted by the U S Departm ent of Housing and Urban Dev «dopment and approved by the Oregon State Housing Division as designated Mousing Counseling Agency w ith n the Portland A rea to provide housing coun aeiing services. The counseling includes: Home Insurance. Home Financing. Home Maintenance. P ro p erty T as. Consumer F l e c t i o n . Responsibility of Home Own o n h ip . Legal Aspects of the Home. Landlord and Tenant Relation», Local I WALTER Resources, and other housing relate» matters A housing program is one of the man ro riv e . P M SV offers PM SC . . located « sao N .E . Ruaseli S treet. Portland. Or« T heir phone number is 2 8 8 « 9 1 . The Housing Program has provided t h bousing referral and placement service ii order to help find suitable housing w ithu " * " * to meet needs PM SC hai conducted Sem.nars and workshops on H om * Maintenance and financing. After attending the seminars and workshops. P*r l l r , P *n t’ do some emergency and » » to r home repairs in a self-help way. p » y may also know how and where to ‘ he process of financing the pur Hiase of a home. AND WALTER Community Calendar SAfUft&JMS Oft » 30w n KRAZY KAT K » o r, korrtix » 3 5 UNa.E HOMERS JAZZHOLE COVER FrT * * * * ckfldr* B • « t o « « Sunday. March 13. at 1:30 Community Center. 6 ® 1 S.W . Capitol Highway, featuring Jewfab Community t e n te r orchestra under direction of D r. A lbert Freedman M id-year graduation ceremonies beckon 150 students of the P u t It s d «-fa r — C h S *1 * ’ e rt? e* " * sd* d«**<1 « 1 pan « the First f^ X c a lvS ^ L n i L ? VenU* Pbu1 e* n,« r E recto r for the federally funded alternative school operated by the Portland School District said the one-hour ceremony w ill be fallowed by a reception in the church Fellowship Hall * — ei <— — < < . M o o d .,. ex»- longest ruravng ja z z p ro g ra m W O em JAZZ RAF «/GEORGE coofam ja z z A b lu e s a ll a fte r n o o n TOO KDNEY STEW b lues w/John Head TOO YOUR KWO OF SOUL SHOW b o ld . M a c k & to g e th e r m u s ic w iM -c h a e la co lla g e s o f ro c k ja z z and s o m e tim e s a v a n t- q a r d e ’ m u s ic w /R ick M itchell a n d 0®n Chnn » 0 0 RADIO LAB 1. ng on T uesday. March 15 at 7:30 at <815 N E 7th Avenue 1M «A — k s— . — I f you’ll when I w rote about the benefit far Andre G arendl artists and the totally positive effect they had on the 5.000 _ * the tw elve sohd hours of musical pleasure A rtists like „ A M el Brown Trio. Ann Young. Marianne M ayfield. G Dutch Trio, and countless others indudm g the Bur Band sound of W alter Bridges id the Swinging Cavaliers participated. The show opened with the big band aomw set the stage far the remainder of the »— »ng Bridges am set fire to the stage again this week . But this tune it W hat’s always fascinated «■c about the big band sound was the t used m order to make the music abve! Practically every " had over 15 years of la tb » l Andy Howard Gatley. Bobby Bradford and Richard Dutcher. The _______________ were. Skip Brown, d e v e Sheappard. On saxaphone are Bob en. Ray Rum. A rth u r Cha C. Cage. Ia the cooking ry tkm se i there are W arren Brack Mai BFown and O M A R aa the h -2 ? ! * * * * * * " ' • “The Good L ife -. “Foggy D a y - mid Elhngton rompomuoc In o fa u tly . Bridges played w ith Ellington far a number of years and also played with Count Basie. * ai“ n u collaborated ou a beautiful rendition of “I Left M y Heart m San Francisco . G en tlem an" G— «^» Lo^ Johnson____. seperatc selections to add to the evening s enyovment M any people are inclined to think the big band'has taken a rear seat to the moro ®°®t* “ Dor* rT * " .“ *, «* 1 doB t think so. It was the big band sound th at set the stage far « d * will be tug bands like W rite r Bulges and the Cavaliers who will wet the stage in the future! W HAT’S HAPPENING IN ENTERTAINMENT U P THE DOWN ST AIRC ASE Monday. D en n is ! ’ with members of 1 PARCHM.AN F A R M S - Steve Wolfe. D an Friesen. Ron Stem and John SAM'S H ID E W A Y Shades of Blue M A R K E T P L A C E . Lake Oswego Shire w ith Jeff Lorber TWf / wm * 7 Ulysera HOOKED tranquility God These are the things Tm addicted to. P E O P LE use People »rroug People hurt Poopic he on People manipulate People Kill People People are Unpeople w— M vcb I I «■ Monday. March 28th at Sabin School. <013 N X . 18th. at 7:30 p.m. r-» ~ T - T ~* ’ * * * * * F a r « * . a slide presentation and lecture by S 2 X d & nae ** * [>hou* r>Ph* r husband. Rod. have far and studied the elusive orangutan in a remote eamp in Central Indonesian Borneo since 1971 T hey -iU s h a re th eir fawhnaung experiences and finding, with the audience. Presented on Tuesday. A p ril 12th at 7 JO pan. at Benson High School Auditorium Coat: 33.00 general admirable. 32.00 far students. Portland Zoological isoewty tDFtnDFrs *od boo voitmtooro. a^ 8^ J ’e ,T ^ r* U 7 S t o r d a y ' « tb* Firehouse Theatre. 1 4 » »W Montgom ery. Call 248-4737. ^ T b e Study Center of the Society far Italic Handw riting »rill sponsor a lecture on TT"***11 " ^ h fc R u e lta e Svareu at Smith Memorial Canter. Room 338. Portland Slate University on Friday. March 18th at 8.-00 p m . Market plaas community fair The Northeast M arke t, located on 12th Avenue and Prescott ia » a co-op which provides nutritious food to Ma members and the community Membership fa open to anyone who pays 34.00 (once only) and who helps maintain the store by working tw o hours a m orth. This allo w , the store to give discounts of 10% to these p ro pie. O fc s u n e . M is ateo open to the general public. The cooperative movement a i r e s ponae to a need far more consumer control over purchases. I t involves quality of product received. The N E . M arket fa virtually alone in the entire Northeast and it needs the support of the whole commun My. There has been some C E T A funding and the proepeels for the future are and service has been expanded to Sundays. Energy has been running high «mid weekly meetings on Thursday evenings, the pend ing election of a Board of Directors and the upcoming Community Fair. D. N . JEFFREY BRADY Soys: "Do Not Pot O ff Needed Dewtol Core Enjoy Dontol Health N ow and Im prove Your Appearance The F a ir »rill be held on Saturday. March 19th from noon to dusk and will feature games, dancing, raffles and a variety of cultural booths. Anyone with a desire to have a display should contact 281 5093. A ctivity w ill be on 12th Avenue between Prescott and Skidmore. Co-sponsoring M fa 8t Andrews Catbohe Church Proceeds will be used to improve the «fa»— «1 snantioa of the store. Ideas sad par»teip» Your Convenience Open Saturday Morning • No Appoint me nt Seeded Tw o Portland State University ia struetors w ill tench a on Saturdays this spnng dealing with the historical and pohueal backgrounds of Alex H aley’s novel Useta. The class. “Review of Route »riD be held from 1-4 p.m. Saturdays beginning A p ril 2. in room m Cw . * — W . n ¡ jvwj S. W . Broadway I. The course carries three undergraduate credMa. The instructors w ill be D arrell M iliner. coordinator of PSU” » Black Stwhes Cert ificate Program , and W ilham fettle , as­ sistant professor of Black studies and urban itudies. The class. LM tle says, -w ill compare the development of H aley’s Raete with that of the broader social and politxaJ event» of the tim e period.' He also »ays raised by B eet» , particularly after the recent television senes, was partially responsible for the decision to offer the Members of the general public, with special interest ia Roots and the histori­ cal perspectives of Blacks in American society, are encouraged to enroll in class. No formal admission to P S U fa required for vtudents taking up to six credit hours a term. L ittle also said that "Review of Roots' is not listed in the P SU spring term schedule of clasees. I t fa hated in the tim e schedule supplement 1. He advised students to consult that publication for . A T O R at: 233-5725 Complete Dental Services Cmoa or Company Dental Insurance Coverage Accepted On Your Needed Dentistry L ittle fa teaching another new > 4.-. spring term , entitled "Comparative U r­ ban Polities ia the Third W orld." The course, offered Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, examines urban problems ermfronting underdeveloped cnyytries rr p a rf i lly thoae e f A tn ca and Latin America. O ther courses offered spring term by tho PSU Black Studies Center include Afro-American History. Psychology of the Black Experience. Racism. Black i> « m m ic Community Development. A f ncaa Perspective», Urban Technology Justice and the Black Experience, and (im m u n ity Development in the Black Ghattoes. Spring term tim e schedules and course request forms are available now on campus at the Registration and Records » ad o » m the lobby of Neuberger Hall 1124 SW Harrison 1. GwereJ regfatratm n far spring term classes is Monday. March 28 Registre tkm a open from 8 a.m. to 7 p m in the mam gymnasium of the P 8 U Health and Plyaieal Education Building (8W Ninth and Hall). <’p n n < to m i evening classes begin M»mday. March 28. Day classes begin the following Tuesday. March 29. For more information on Black S t .« fr y , Haases, cal’ 2293472 For information on registration, call the PSU Admissions Office. 229 3511 from 8 a.m. to 6:80 p m weekdays. Notice The Multnomah Region Volunteer P ro gram is looking far persons interested in expanding th e ir musical experience I f you sing or are a member of a singing group, roatact the A D U L T PRO G RAM V O L U N T E E R C O O R D IN A T O R a t: 283-5725 about the opportunities avail able to you. Complete Cooperation On AU Dental Insurance pfaiu ( PSU doss explores 'Roots' public demand to examine the issue» ky U y s People People People People People People 'Tod p a . - «M in g ou Tuesday. March 22nd at Boise School 620 N . Frem ont at 7 JO p m . WALTER BRIDGES AND THE SWINGING CAVALIERS ••• « « * » Park Free • Any Park 'n hop Lot HOURS: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat.. 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. M. JEFFKY BRADY, DBITIST SCMLER BUILDING S.W 3rd A Morrison St. Portland. Oregon Take Elevator to 2nd Floor 3rd Entrance .4 Phono: 22 8 -7 3 4 3 ,h T t Ve GHT K SURPR,SeD who’ volue updoto. property could tell for on of°cou<Í Í Or ° Still serving the connuaity A ® T H E H O M E folks for Free G ift Stretch Try a De C a i Vichi 235-197® G. Stassens, Inc. fiealtors Hollywood Office 299-M71