I I Tk* t a t t a r i O k s a n « FINDER CLASSIFIED AOS B U S IN E S S A S S IS T A N C E S P E C IA L IS T (21,000 per year. Assist* city *g e a rie . in ¿ » p U Iyin g and expediting their work- tag relationahipe w ith local busieeeeee. Require* knowl- ledge e l governmental regu­ latory and lirenaing proced area a lie n in g buaineaa, ef­ fecting huaineea manage men! principle* and grant ADoliotion DrocrdtirM An- ply hy Sptember 17, 1976, C ky ef Portland Civil Ser vice Board. 510 S .W . M eat gaaaery S treet, Portland, Oregon 97201. Women and Minorities are urged to ap- An Equal Opportunity Employer CO M PUTER OPERATOR PROGRAMMER (1142. Washington County Unified Sewerage Agency. HS grad, aad 1 y r. eomputer pre- t with 1 y r. college aay satialactory oqniv. comb e l exp. aad training. Oper. ef Arable. P o m . valid O re. driv. Be. Last fifing date 9/2 4/70. Apply Washington County Civil Service, 150 N . Fleet A ve., HiUahoro, Oreg. 97123 A a A ffirm ative Action »»» a Equal Opportunity Employ ar. Women aad m em ber* of 1 urged to apply. L IK E V A R IE T Y ? ■tai R E S E A R C H A S S IS T A N T Permanent full tim e poaition available immediately for Research Assistant. BS or M aster* degree in Bio-chem- iatry and laboratory experi- ence with chromatographic and electopboetic training useful in isolation of protein* m biological fluid*. Interne lion with Biologi* essential, added fam iliarity with hor­ mone radioimmunoaaaaye, electrical recording ef cell* aad in viteo cell culture pro­ cedure* preferred. Appointment or reaume* now being accepted. Oregon Prem ate Research ('en ter 505 N .W . 185th Beaverton, OR 97005 An Equal Opportunity Employer IN T E R G O V E R N M E N T A L R E L A T IO N S C O O R D IN A T O R (23,394 - 28,630 starting ■alary. Develop* and adminiator* a cohesive company policy for it* relationships with other governmental unit* at the federal, state aad local level* aad serves aa official county representative to other jor- iadic. tinea. Develop* aad adm iniator* county pro­ g ram * for receiving revenue Ity liaison aad citizen PHYTO PLANKTO N R E S E A R C H T E C H N IC IA N B.S. in Biology or Chemistry plus laboratory w erk exper- ence. (7500-(8800. Apply to John DeMaache. School of Oceanography, Oregon State U n iv e r s ity , C e r v a lli* . Oregon 97331. An Equal Opportunity Employer C A R E E R D E V E ID P M E N T AN D PERSONNEL S P E C IA L IS T Agency paid group life ii surance. Agency paid re­ tirem ent plan. Partially paid health insurance. Tea day* paid holiday* per year. F if­ teen day* paid sick leave per year. Fifteen day* paid vac­ ation for the first year m ax­ imum accrual. Tw enty day* paid vacation a fte r tw o year* maximum accrual. Applicant must be skilled in the management and devel­ opment of personnel, must posses* the ability to train and assist staff person* in acquiring »kill* needed for upward and outw ard mobil­ ity , must be able to exert objectivity in the implemen­ tation of personnel policies and procedure* for the agen­ cy, must be fam iliar w ith all prevailing laws relative to E m p lo y m e n t. A p p lic a n t must be able to w ork with individual* of various ethnic compositions. Interested applicants should apply at: 220 N .E . Russell S treet, Portland, O R 97212, Phone 288-8391 E x t. 263, A t­ tention: Personnel * Application* must be receiv­ ed or postmarked by Mon­ day, September 13th, 1976. An Equal Opportunity Employer Tektronix Opportunities Approximate salary: (21,736 to (25,896. Thia is • finance management position ia the Bureau e l Human Resource*. Extensive experience, tra in ­ ing, and education in accounting aad federal grant reporting ia required. Apply w ith the Portland Civil Service Board. 510 S.W . Montgomery S treet, Portland, O R 97201, by Sep­ tember 24th, 1976. Women and minorities are urged to •p p ’y An Equal Opportunity Employer BRANCH M A N A G E M E N T T a be eligible, must have 4 year* of manager responsi­ bility or 4 years in staff or technical personal function* related to management. Pre­ ference w ill be given to ap­ plicants who have personal knowledge aad understandi ing of the people aad pro­ blems ef the Albina area in addition to a bachelor's degree or 3 year* ef pertin­ ent experience to apply. Ob­ tain application from State Office Bldg. Executive Per sonnet Division. Application must be received by Sep­ tem ber 10th. Salary range: (1,447 to (1 3 4 8 . Public W el­ fare. Albina M u lti Service Center, 5022 N. Vancouver. HELP W A N TE D Career opportunity ia nu­ clear power available to men aad women who can qualify rs reactor technicians w ith Westinghouse-Haaford Ce., which operates the Hanford Engineering Development lab o rato ry for the U.S. E n e rg y R esearch and Development Adm inistra­ tion. Applicants for these well paid positions must have a 2 year college level back­ ground in mathematics and physical science. A fte r completing aa exten­ sive training program lead­ ing to qualification, reactor technicians w ill help operate the (540 million nuclear test reactor being constructed near Richland. Shift work w ill be required. Westinghouse-Hanford of­ fers attractive salarie*, out- standing benefit*, including non-contributory pension*, liberal insurance, paid vaca­ tion* and holiday*. U.S. citi­ zenship is re q u ire d . For more information in Portland, see M r * . Wilson at the Sheraton Hotel in Lloyd Center, from 8:00 a m . to 6:00 p m ., Thursday, Sep­ tem ber 16th and Friday, September 17th, or w rite to Personnel Relations, West inghouse-Hanford Co., P.O. Box 1970, Richland, W A 99352. An Equal Opportunity pm ployer C o n n ra ity Methodist Church Meeting at Harney (e n te r Helen F. McCall. Pastor 1. N O T IC TO C O N T R A C TO R S The H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D w ill receive sealed bids u n til 2 00 p.m. P acific D a y lig h t T im e, Tuesday, O ctober 5th , 1976 a t 1606 N .E. 46th, P ortla nd . O regon, fo r the con stru ction o f a T ena nt A c tiv itie s B u ild in g to be located a t N .E . 27th and N .E . Saratoga, P o rtla n d , O regon. T Y P E O F B ID One proposal fo r the e n tire p ro je c t in c lu d in g general, m echanical, and e le ctro n i­ cal is re q u ire d . W e have immediate permanent open­ ings for swing shift Key Punch Operators r ormal key punch schooling or equivalent work experience required Fam iliarity w ith 129 IB M card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable 3. B ID O P E N IN G Bids w ill be opened p u b lic ly a t the above sta te d tim e and place and read aloud. 4. C O N S T R U C T IO N D O C U M E N T S D ra w in g s and S pecifications in clu d in g B id d in g D ocum ents and conditions o f the Part Time Assembler P art time positions available forelec- assen>',1y work. Good vision and the ab ility to do detailed work required. T rain in g will be provided. OCEANOGRAPHY R E S E A R C H A S S IS T A N T I Phytoplankton Ecology). M .S. in Biological Oceano­ graphy, supervising sea-g- ing and laboratory data col lection and analysis. Scienti­ fic w riting and electronic skill* required. Apply by September 24th to D r. L. F. Small, School of Oceano­ graphy, Oregon State Uni­ versity, Corvallis, OR 97331. An Equal Opportunity Affirm ative Action Employer ag reem ent m ay be exam ined a t th e fo llo w in g offices: a. H ousing A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d 1605 N .E . 45th — P o rtla n d , O regon Clerk Typist W ill perform diversified clerical, statis­ tical. skilled duties. Average typing ability required B. B u ild e rs Exchange Co-op 1125 S.E. M adison — P o rtla n d , O regon C. N o rth w e s t Plan C e nter 1922 N . V an cou ver — P o rtla n d , O regon D. D odge/Scan 315 N o rth T o w e r 100 W e st H a rris o n Plaza — S eattle, W ashington E. U n ite d M in o rity W o rke rs 106 N .E . M o rris — P o rtla n d , O regon Secretary Perform advanced secretarial, steno­ graphic and clerical duties. Tw o years secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and short­ hand or transcription skills preferred but not required. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan. Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or w rite to Tektronix. Inc., P. O Box 500-P. Beaverton, OR 97077. An Equal Opportunity Employer. P R E S ID E N T U N IV E R S IT Y O F ID A H O The Regents of the U n iver­ sity of Idaho invite nomina­ tion* and applications for the poaition of President of the University of Idaho. A state­ ment of requirem ent* is available from the address below. Nominations or appli­ cations w ith current curricu­ lum vitae should be sent prior to Novem ber 1st, 1976, to: M r. A . L . AMord, J r., C h a irm a n , P re s id e n tia l Search Comm ittee, U niver­ sity of Idaho, P.O. Box 9008, Moscow, ID 83843. The Uni veraity of Idaho is an A ffir­ m ative Action/Equal Oppor­ tu nity Employer. P re q u a lifie d p rim e bidd ers m ay o b ta in one set o f d ra w in g s, specifications, and o th e r b id d in g docum ents fro m the O w n e r’s office upon deposit o f (25.00. S ub-bidders and su p p lie rs m ay ob ta in sets o r p a rts o f sets, and p rim e bidders may ob tain a d d itio n a l seta by pa yin g th e cost o f re p rod uction . 5. R E F U N D O F D E P O S IT S F u ll re fu n d o f d e p o sit fo r one set o f docum ents w ill be made to p rim e bidders upon r e tu rn o f th e docum ents unm arked and in good con dition to th e O w ne r’s office not la te r tha n fiv e days a fte r bids are received. T E K T R O N IX - 6. F O R F E IT U R E O F D E P O S IT S Plan holders w ho do n o t s u b m it a bona fid e p rim e bid and w ho do not re tu rn th e docum ents unm arked and in good co n d itio n a t least fiv e days p rio r to the bid opening, w ill fo r fe it th e fu ll am ount o f th e ir deposits. T h e re w ill be no re fu n d s fo r a d d itio n a l seta o r p a rts o f sets. Isn’t it tim e you M e t a Lady Ladies:we have the man for you. Cali Melinda 232-4635. 227 - 5828 Kai(«r - Permanent« Medical Care Program An Equal Opportunity Employer Bethel Child Development Center ha* vacanio* for children ages 3 thu 5 Fee based on ability to pay 5828 N. E. 8th Avenue 288-5429 7. A ll bidd ers m u st com p ly w ith the p ro visio ns o f C h a p te r 279, O regon Revised S ta tu te s re la tin g to th e q u a lifica tio n s o f bidders. The bidd ers p re q u a lifica tio n s ta te m e n t shall be p re pa red and presented on the “ C o n tra c to r’s P re q u a lifica tio n A p p lic a tio n ” to th e H o usin g A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d as re q u ire d b y ORS 279. 8. B ID G U A R A N T E E A c e rtifie d check, cashier’s check, o r bid bond equal to te n pe r cent o f the Base Bid plus a d d itiv e a lte rn a te s is re q u ire d w ith each bid. M ake payable to th e H ousing A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d . B id Bond shall be issued b y a bonding com pany licensed to do business in O regon and shall be w r itte n on th e enclosed form . Bid gu ara ntee shall be fo rfe ite d as fix e d and liq u id a te d damages should th e b idd er neglect o r refuse to e n te r in to a c o n tra c t and p ro v id e a su ita b le bond fo r th e fa ith fu l pe rfo rm an ce o f th e w o rk in th e e ve n t th e c o n tra c t is aw ard ed to him . 9. M IN IM U M W A G E S A tte n tio n is called to th e fa ct th a t n o t less tha n th e m in im u m salaries and wages as set fo rth in th e C o n tra c t D ocum ents m u st be paid on th e P ro je c t, and th a t th e C o n tra cto r m u st ensure th a t em ployees and ap plican ts fo r e m p lo ym e n t are not d iscrim in a te d against because o f th e ir race, color, sex, re lig io n o r na tion al o rig in and th a t th e C o n tra c to r m u st com ply w ith F e d e ra l re g u la tio n p e rta in in g to the em p lo ym e nt o f a p pre ntices and tra in e e s as set fo rth in th e C o n tra c t Docum ents. 10. ß iih o fi V. V. P " Child ^euel&pntent Genie* 84 N. £• KiU¿nyUuo*th 281-0499 Áfe¿¿ 12. m onlhi - 12 yea*i Often: 7:00 am - 6:00 fini M onday - ¿faiday ^'U iinin y the child in the tuay R IG H T T O R E J E C T B ID S The rig h ts are h e reb y reserved to re je c t any o r a ll bids; to w a ive any irre g u la ritie s in th e bids su b m itte d ; to accept th e bid w h ich is in th e best in te re s t o f the H ousing A u th o r ity o f P ortla nd . 11. CONTRACT A W A R D A c o n tra c t w ill be aw ard ed o r bids re je c te d w ith in s ix ty days a fte r th e bids are opened. D a te d th is 3 rd day o f Septem ber. 1976. L y n d o n R .M uso lf E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r H o usin g A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d Section 8 ¡s o fe d e ra lly fu n d e d program fo r renters a nd is now a v a ila b le in the Portland area. The program aids la ndlords by g u a ra n te e in g a p o rtio n o f the m o n th ly rent. It reduces vacancy loss, and it pays 80% o f the to ta l rent fo r up to 60 days in the event o f a skip. M a xim u m rents in clu d in g u tilité s m ay be: he áhonld ya" 0 bdrm 1 bdrm 2 bdrm Administrator: Bishop U. V. Peterson, D.D. Director: MSN E. L. Hollins $135 $155 $185 3 bdrm 4 bdrm 5 bdrm $234 $254 $254 No fe e fo r listing. For in fo rm a tio n call 249-5534 or 249-5532. AME Z io * 3605 E 13th Street Vancouver, Washington Page 5 H O U S IN G A U TO O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D D E K U M C O U R T T E N A N T A C T IV IT IE S B U IL D IN G Key Punch Operators DIAL - A JOB M inim um qualification*: five years experience working in the professional capacity w ith elected aad appointed officials at the state and local aad federal levels, tw o years r f which should have been in the State of Oregon T h u rsd a y, Septem ber 9th , 1976 2. in- receptionist. Salary (50 0 ma. liv e ly , orally aad ia w riting W ill w ork under direction ef Apply by: Thursday, Sep­ office manager. M ast be tem ber 23rd, 1976. m ature, personable, have Multnomah Conaty cheerful phone personality Personnel aad be able to w ork well 426 S .W . Stark with a wide variety ef 7th Floor people. Should have at least Portland. Oregon 97204 2 year* previous experience, 248-5055 able to type 55 w .p m . and A a Equal Opportunity use dictaphone . Send resume Employer Application to* 6329 N .E . Union Portland, O R 97211 M inorities aad worn encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer P o rtla n d O bse rve r A D M IN IS T R A T IV E S E R V IC E S O F F IC E R 2 G rant Comptroller We a re p le d g e d to the letter and the spirit o f U.S. Policy fo r the a ch ie ve m e n t o f e q u a l housing o p p o rtu n ity th ro u g h o u t the nation. W e encourage and support an a ffirm a tiv e ad ve rtisin g and m a rke tin g program in w h ich there are no barriers to o b ta in in g housing because o f race, color, re lig io n or n a tio n a l o rig in . 9:45 • Sunday Scheel 10:45 Morning Service 7:00 - Vesper Service 7:00 Wed, Prayer M tg. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of Rth and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth FelIBwship 6:00 p.m. (Second nd Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister N ew Hope Missionary Baptist Church T H E C H U R C H D E S IG N E D TO M E E T Y O U R N E E D You are Welcome to Worship at C hurch Phone: 281 0163 T H E A R K O F S A F E T Y C H U R C H O F G O D P E N T E C O S T A L , IN C . ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N .E . Alberta Street Reverend Bertram G riffin. Pastor 281-4429 Masse* : 5:00 p.m. Vigil Saturday 10:00 a m . Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N .E . 9th Ave. Nerita Kelly. Principal “A warm spirit of fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U .V . Peterson, D .D . “The Holiness Preacher", Pastor Phene: 284 1620 Grades I through 8 Sunday: Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 10:45 am “Shower* of * Hroacast“ ; K G A R 1550 11:00 am-12:30 pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic Worship 8 :0 0 1 Tuesday: Bible B and /Jr. Church Thursday: Choir Rehearsal Friday: “T h e Pastor Speak«" Tuesday - Friday Noon Day P rayer 84 N E Kiilingsworth 281-0499 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Sunday School Radio Broadcast K G .A .R . 1150 A M Consecration Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd - 5th Sunday* Communion 1st Sunday Wed. - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study F ri. - Brotherhood Prayer and Pastor Phono: 281-6470 9:15 a 10:00 a 10:40 a 11:00*. 7:30 p. 5:00 p. 12 7:30 p.i 7:30 p.i Z I Rev. D e ve r* 3725 N. Oanfenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227