Page 2 Portland Observer » 1 I Thu.sday, June 3, 1976 The need for full employment W e see the world by Yvonne Brsth waite Burke through Black eyes Racism in the white press A heathy Walton? W e a re o fte n asked, "W h y a Black Press? The cu rre n t new s b la cko u t o f a p ro m in e n t Black c itiz e n answ ers th a t q ue stion . C le v e la n d G ilcrease is c u rre n tly in C anada, o n e o f fo rty A m e rica n s selected to rep re sen t the U nite d States a t an m a jo r U nite d N a tio n 's co nfe re n ce a tte n d e d by 142 nations. This k in d o f honor seldom comes to an O re g o n ia n , a nd e ven m ore seldom to a Black O re g o n ia n . A nd w h a t does th e w h ite press have to say? N o th in g . A lth o u g h the J o u rn a l has taken e very o p p o rtu n ity to attack G ilcre ase -- to ch arge h im w ith c rim in a l acts - it does not see this a p p o in tm e n t as w o rth y o f p rin t. A lth o u g h th e J o u rn a l w as interested e n o u g h in the HABITAT co n fe re n ce to send a re p o rte r to cover it in person, it is not intereste d e n o u g h to m e n tio n th a t G ilcre ase is there. A nd th e O re g o n ia n ? A m ere one p a ra g ra p h c a re fu lly p la ced b e lo w the o b itu a rie s. A n y s ig n ifi­ cance in the p la ce m e n t? A n item o f new s su rrou nd ed by o bitu aries? N ot m uch has chan ge d since the o ld days w h e n P ortland's w h ite d a ilie s , as a m atter o f p o lic y , o n ly p rin te d n ew s o f Blacks in c rim e or sports. O reg on 's Black citizen s are still la rg e ly absent fro m th e ir pages -- a little fe a tu re story n o w a nd th en to p lacate. It sh o u ld be clear w h y Blacks d o not trust the w h ite press; a nd it should be cle a r w h y th e re is still a need fo r the Black press. " I f B ill W a lto n stays h e a lth y , I'll have a w in n in g te a m ," Lenny W ilk e n s th o u g h t to h im s e lf tw o years a go w h e n he ca m e to P ortland to coach the T railblazers. But W a lto n d id n 't stay h e a lth y , a n d W ilke n s is o ut in the cold. " I f B ill W a lto n stays h e a lth y . I'll have a w in n in g te a m ," Jack Ramsay, Blazer's n ew coach, said to the press. W ilk e n s sh o w e d that he c o u ld pro du ce a w in n in g team . D uring the p e rio d th a t W a lto n w as fla y in g , the Blazers b e a t a ll com ers. But it w as h a rd ly W ilk e n s ' fa u lt th a t W a lto n c o u ld not p la y th e w h o le season. W e d o n 't b e lie v e W ilke ns g o t a g o o d break. He b lam es his d o w n fa ll on the lack o f re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n h im s e lf a nd Blazer President, Larry W ilkens. W e w o n d e r if this re la tio n s h ip w o u ld have been b etter if W ilk e n s had been w h ite . W e w ish Ramsay luck. W e d o n 't p re d ic t his success if he is d e p e n d e n t on a h e a lth y B ill W a lto n — th a t w o n 't h ap pe n. It's not th a t W a lto n d o e sn 't try — he just c a n 't seem to a v o id d is a b lin g injuries. M a y b e n ext years coach w ill hear a n o th e r coach say, " I f B ill W a lto n stays h e a lth y , I'll have a w in n in g Some 255 students received degrees te a m ." The Blazers w ill n eve r b u ild a team w ith a from Pacific University at annual com constant m e rry -g o -ro u n d o f coaches. W e hope mencement on May 16th. President Ramsay gets a little m o re u n d e rsta n d in g and James V. Miller presided. o p p o rtu n ity than w as g iv e n Lenny W ilkens. Black students graduating included: they a re le a vin g . M illio n s o f w ords are b e in g said at th e ir C om ­ m en cem en t Exercises by w e ll-m e a n in g speakers w ho are c h a lle n g in g them to go fo rth a n d be p ro d u ctive fo r the g oo d o f th em selves, th e ir fa m ilie s and th e ir nation. Jessie Jackson re ce n tly said, " It's not e n o u g h to be young, g ifte d and Black if you d o n 't fa ce up to the re sp o n sib ilitie s that e nta ils. If you d o n 't fa ce up to it, you re n e g e on a ll the h a rd -w o n strug gle o f th e 60s, the prom ise o f e v e ry th in g th a t M a rtin and M a lc o lm As chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, I recently testified before the House Education and l,abor Com mittee. Equal Opportunities subcommit­ tee, in support of The Full Employment an4 Balanced Growth A rt of 1876, which is a strengthened version of the original Full Employment bill (HR 50) introduced by Representative Augustus F. Hawkins. D Calif., who is also a caucus member. In my testimony I stressed the urgency with which Congress must respond in passing this important legislation, for it is not just the unemployment rate and lark of work that I fear, it is the growing destruction of the moral and social fiber and those families who are experiencing a nd thousands o f others m arche d, sat in a n d fo u g h t fo r fro m Bogalusa to Boston. He w a s n 't sp ea kin g to students a lo n e . He w as te llin g us to w o rk to g e th e r, th a t Black is D u tifu l as w e ll as B e a u tifu l. "W h a t does it m atter if th e doors o f o p p o rtu n ity s w in g open a nd w e a re too d ru n k to stagger th ro ug h ? W hat does it m atte r if w e 're g iv e n an a irp la n e a nd try to fly it on 's o u l' ra th e r than on science? W h a t does it m atter if w e can get into the u n ive rsity a nd it does not g et in to us? Shall w e raise up id io m s to the le ve l o f the u n iv e rs ity a nd conquer others? W here is o u r vision? W h a t is o u r a ge nd a? A re v o lu tio n in values is in o rd e r. A push fo r e x c e lle n c e ." Bachelor of Science, Vannessa Ann Blocker. Bachelor of Arts, Robert Elijah Cochran. Carmon Cunningham, Daria Lynn Gary and Gregory Allen Taylor. The degrees were divided among Ba chelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education. Master of Science in Teach ing. Master of Arts in Teaching. Master of Arts in Education. Master of Science. Master of Arts, and Doctor <>T Optometry. Speaker for the commencement was Charles C. H irt, chairman of the choral and church music departments in the School of Performing Arts. University of Southern California. Pacific awarded him the honorary degree of doctor of humane letters in recognition of his long service to education and music. A Baccalaureate Service was held earl ier in the day. Also honored during the day were Ralph H. Shumm. Vice President and Trust Officer of the U.S. National Bank of Oregon, a Pacific Trustee, University Service Award, and Albert C. Hingston, Pacific professor since 1942, Distinguish ed Professor Award. The Kindergarten class from Grace Collins Memorial Community Center, will graduate on Sunday, June 6th, 3:00 p.m. Mr. Stan Johnson assistant Director of the Ceta I I program and member of the Albina Lions Club will present the Di­ plomas and Challenge to the “Graduates.” The children have learned hundreds of works, they add, subtract, tell time, count money, and much more. You will enjoy them as well as be an inspiration to them. Mothers and fathers wifi be honored: oldest, youngest, and those with moet children. All mothers will receive a plant. NAACP honored ★ ALL DELIBERATE SPEED' conclude that in the : field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal ' FOR DESEGREGATION IS NO LONGER CONSTITUTIONALLY PERMISSIBLE ...THE OBLI­ GATION OF EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT IS TO TERMINATE DUAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS A T ONCE.- OCT 24,1969. HAS NO PLACE. SEPARATE FACILITIES are inherently UNEQUAL'.'MTH THOSE WORDS ON MAY 7, 1954'.' Attention M r. President Portland Observer Publisned every Thursday by Exie Publishing Company, 2201 North Killingsworth, Portland, Oregon 97217. Mailing address: P.O. Box 3137, Portland. Oregon 97208. Telephone: 283 2486. Subscriptions: $7.50 per year in the Tri-County area, $8.00 per yesr outside Portland. Snkond Class Postage Paid at Portland. Oregon The Portland Observer’s official position is expressed only in its Publisher's column I We See The World Through Black Eyes). Any other material throughout the paper is the opinion of the individual w riter or submitter and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Portland Observer. ALFRED L. HENDER Editor/Publisher MEMBER MEMBER = H 1 ■ Oregon H I Newspaper Publishers Association II GREYHOUND RACING EXCITEMENT POSTUME 7:30 PM Laura Jerri Williams, a counselor at Waldo Junior High School in Salem for the past two years, has recently been awarded a doctorate degree in counseling and guidance from Western Colorado University. The degree was conferred over spring vacation, alter Ms. Williams dissertation on "The Compassion of the Grade Point Average with the Score Obtained on Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory at Waldo Junior High School," was accept ed. Ms. Williams did most of the research for her dissertation at North Salem School. Ms. Williams is the mother of Mr. Vertis A. Williams. Jr. and Mrs. Crucith White of Portland. Mr. El Vaughn W il­ liams. Minneapolis, Minnesota and four grand children. She is the sister of Mrs. Tressie Dixon, Portland, brother Henri John of Portland. N a e WA \p£R l , AMOCigbon - Founded IMS Ellis H. Casson. President of the Portland Branch NA A C P received word this week from the National Office that the Branch will receive a “Thalheimer Award” at the Annual Convention in Memphis, Tennessee, at the end of June. The “Thalheimer Award” is the highest Award given to Branches for an out­ standing job during the year (1975) for the NAACP in the local community. This will be the fifth year in a row that the Portland Branch has received this presti­ gious award under the leadership of President Casson. The Portland Branch will host the 1978 National Convention. 1 st Place Community Service O NPA 1973 Honorable Mention Herrick Editorial Award N N A 1973 2nd P!a e Best Editor.«! 3rd Place Community Leadership O NPA 1975 Bullet dmmg on 3rd Hi mu Fairviow Terrace Post lime 7 30 p m Monday thru Saturday For information and reservations ___________call 655 2191 Sorry no Sunday racing and no children _______________under T2 At Fairview Park NE 223rd and Halsey St east out Freeway Banlield ________________ (I BON) MULTNOMAH KENNELCLUB SPECIAL < l ( Super Softy * Very flexible pies padded lesele * of the way. la astersi, white Wemeas sfasa to 10 £ *& REG. 4 M . *