Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 13, 1976, Page 8, Image 8

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Pu» 8
Portland Obaerver
Thursday. May 13, 1973
PNB loses opener
by Ron Sykes
PNB one of the powers of last year
absorbed a 6 5 shellacking at the hands
of Union Avenue Boosters, one of the
weakest teams of last year.
But, this is a new year and some
exciting things are in the making for
baseball in the park. PNB and Mr
Donalds were the two best teams of a
year ago, only losing to each other. But
this year, like N orthw est Bell, Me
Donalds fell 10-7 to New Navy.
uary Washington receives All-Star Trophv for last year's play.
Winger Jimmy Kelly and a Dallas player vie for the hall
by Brad Small
The Dallas Tornado scored two quick
goals late in the second half to beat the
Portland Timbers 2-0, Saturday night.
The loss for Portland ended a thirteen
game home winning streak that extend­
ed to May 2nd of last year. A crowd of
25,905 watched the game.
The return of winger Jimmy Kelly
caused a revamping of the Portland
lineup. The players were unorganized
in their new positions and were not able
to control the ball very well. They did
get some good shots on goal, the best
by Kelly. It hit the crossbar and landed
on top of the net.
Dallas came on strong late in the
game. The Timbers' defense quickly
deteriorated, and the Tornado scored
two goals minutes apart.
The first
came on a free kick by George Ley. The
ball rolled by several players, including
Portland goalie Jim Cumbes, who ap
peared to have no idea where the ball
was. Dallas' insurance goal came short­
ly afterward on a header from Kevin
YWCA plans recreation
Portland YWCA Health, Physical
Education and Recreation Department
¡s offering many kinds of activities in
May to help people of all ages become
more physically fit.
A six-lesson course on exercise for
preparation for childbirth will begin
May 12th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for
both prospective mother and father.
Candidate for
Dale S Walhcod Treasurer
2625 N E Hancock. Portland 97212
Advance registration is necessary.
Men and women can enjoy morning
swims before going to work or starting
the day's activities. The YWCA olym-
pic-size pool at the Downtown YWCA is
open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
6:30 to 8:00 a.m. Phone the Downtown
YWCA for information on fees.
Family swims are featured on Friday
evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Only
one adult membership is required per
family with minimal fees for family
members. Children from three years
and up may participate with their pa
Retired senior citizens, age sixty and
over, can swim free at the Golden-Age
Dips at the Downtown YWCA swim­
ming pool on Wednesday and Friday
from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
A hike on Dog Mountain for both men
and women is scheduled for May 16th.
The group will leave the Downtown
YWCA at 8:30 a m. and return at 5:00
p.m. from the approximately five mile
hike. Further information on registra­
tion for the hike is available at the
Downtown YWCA.
• Oregon A FL-C IO .
° United Steelworkers of America.
° Communications Workers of America
Local 1901.
° Bill Stevenson - Oregon State lab o r
Ora Nunley, President of the Senior League, lends a hand.
M ayor opens ball season
by Ron Sykes
Saturday, May 8th was opening day
for the Irving Park Senior League
baseball program
Mayor Neil Gold­
schmidt was on hand to award trophies
to members of last years All-Star team.
Team members were as follows: Kevin
Pete, Donald Polk, Tracy Lomax, Mi­
chael Mitchell, Danny Brooks, Howard
Jenkins, Daryl M otley. Ronnie and
Donnie Ranson, Tim Concannon, Gary
Washington. Ivory Joe White and Richy
This brilliant team won the Oregon
Championship for the third straigh t
year and the District Championship for
the second. The District tourney was
comprised of teams from Hawaii, Mon­
tana, Washington and Oregon. Many
followers of baseball at Irving Park will
readily admit that this was perhaps one
of the finest, if not the finest, to ever
play in the park.
The Championship game in last years
District tourney, against the always
tough Hawaii team went down to the
wire before Daryl Motley's towering
The Oregon State Marine Board ad
vises all boat ow ners planning to
operate on the coastal bars or in the
Pacific Ocean to obtain and study their
revised 1976 edition of Boating in
Coastal Waters.
Copies may be obtained by writing to
the State Marine Board, 3C00 N.E.
Market Street, Salem, Oregon 97310.
Business Success Clinic
Sports Talk
home run decided the outcome. It was
then on to California, and many team
members had Gary, Indiana, the site of
the World Series in mind, but this was
not to be. Oregon's bid was denied by a
fundam entally sound California team
that had practiced, by their own admis
sion, since February.
In my conversation with the roach of
the winning California team he had this
to say, "When we drew Oregon we
were happy because we know all about
your rainy weather and figured your
guys just wouldn't have that much
practice time. But after the first game
we knew that Oregon would be the
team to beat.”
Junior Olympics
draws champs
The 3rd annual 4 H Junior Olympics
will be held at John Adams High School
on May 14, 1976. From 12:00 noon to
4:00 p.m., youth from eleven Portland
grade schools will compete in Running
and Field events. The grade schools
which are from north and northeast
Portland, include: Boise, Vernon, Sabin,
Whitaker. Beaumont, Woodlawn, Imma
culate Heart, Saint Charles, Humboldt,
Saint Andrews and Irvington.
than 400 youth are expected at the
This year all youth participants will
receive ribbons, and the winners will
receive gold medals. The medals will be
formally presented at the 4 H Annual
Banquet in June. The United States
Marines will furnish transportation for
the youth after the Olympics.
The 4-H Junior Olympics is sponsored
by the Urban 4-H program. 4815 North­
east 7th Avenue. Extension Agent, Ira
Mumford is Coordinator of that pro­
f f i f D ’s
by Ron Sykes
Tuesday 2:00 pm
Who, in your opinion, will the Blazers
release before next season?
Conducted by Tom Booth
Lou Harris
In my estimation Barry Clemens for
sure, maybe Dan Anderson and LaRue
3 9 3 3 N.E. Union Portland, Oregon
Contract Managem ent Association Inc.
Portland coach Vic Crowe blamed his
team's lack of ball control for the loss.
He also said the loss may be good for
the team, since it proves they aren't
invincible at home.
The Timbers' next home game is on
May 19th against San Antonio. They're
in San Diego Friday, that game being
shown on KPTV at 7:30 p.m.
Portland Timbers suffer defeat
Pacific hist after giving up only two
hits to the Boosters. Errors and stolen
bases led to the demise of Pacific.
Pacific Northwest Bell was led by
Terrall Cage, one of the members of
Coach Tom Harris' "Kiddie Corp." Paci
fir's team starts three thirteen year
olds and thus deriving the name Kiddie
Corp. Terrall Cage was chosen player of
the game for his consistent play against
the Boosters.
Terrall had one hit in two appear
ances and made several brilliant plays
in the'outfield.
W yatt
A re c o g n iz e d le a d e r in
f o r a f f i r m i t l v e a c tio n
Em ploym ent.
the f i g h t
1n S ta te
re c o rd .
A s tro n g p ro p o n e n t o f good p u b lic
h o u s in g .
S upp orts c o n s tr u c t io n
H o s p lta i a t Em anuel.
Paid for by Elect McCoy Commission.
McCormack. Treasurer.
7433 N. Lombard - Dennis
. Read her qualifications
for office
. Read the voter's pamphlet
. You'll find Gretchen Kafoury
will best represent Dlst 13
G re tc h e n
dem ocrat tot state
Paid for by Gretchen Kafoury for State Representative *13, Bill Tuor.
Treasurer. 1508 N.E. Stanton, Portland. Oregon 97212, 282 8288.
"Kitchen Under
N ew
M anagem ent"
o f V e te ran s
Help Bill Wyatt help you.
Elect Bill Wyatt
State Representative.
M any Varieties
Good Southern
W eekdays
Lunch 9a.m. til 2 p.m.
H elp h im cure
T ran sp o rtais
Dinner 5 p.m. til 8 p.m
Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
2511 N.E. Union
Endorsed b y: The P ortland O b server, The O re g o n ia n , The
O reg on J o u rn a l. The W illa m e tte W e e k, The P ortland A sso cia ­
tio n o f Teachers, The U n ite d T ra n spo rta tio n U n io n , Laundry
W orkers U n io n , O re g o n W o m e n 's P o litic a l Caucus a nd m a n y
Waitress Back
A 100% AFL-CIO v o tin g
° Columbia River District Council.
° Oregon Education Association Politi
cal Action Committee.
° T .V .P . - Political Arm of the Portland
Association of Teachers.
„ l*',r<land Observer
Oregon Journal.
• WiUamette Week.
The Ivancie for Mayor Committee
4225 N E Sandy Blvd Portland.
Michael While Treas paid fot this message