Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 15, 1976, Page 7, Image 7

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Portland Observer
The Portland Observer
The basic qualification ia
an interest in people
some nursing skill is helpful.
We can use you part time for
the hours you're available.
Call Mrs. David. 224 7833 for
an interview. Homemakers
An Equal Opportunity
Employer M/E
Electronic Technician
T h e poNitinii requ ires the a b ility to tro u b le
shoot co m p lex ele c tro n ic e q u ip m e n t in a
m a n u fa c tu rin g e n v iro n m e n t B ack g ro u n d
should in clu d e 2-3 years e le c tro n ic schisiling
o r s im ila r p ra c tic a l experien ce.
Graduate with EIT or PE
plus min. of 2 yrs. exp.
Familiar with water, electric
and steam utility industries.
Salary $1,411 $1,720 per mo.
Also needed - Civil Engi
neer, graduate, work in ­
volves engineering for wa­
ter, electric and steam uti­
lity. Salary $1,205 $1,471 per
mo. Contact Eugene Water
and Electric Board, Person
nel Department, 500 E. 4th,
Eugene. Oregon 97401.
Assist in m o n th en d closing W r it e jo u rn a l
vouchers an d o th e r c o rrectin g e n trie s A n
a ly z e and e x p la in expenses fo r m anagers in
o |ieru tin g areas Assist w ith special studies
an d pro jects R e q u ire s U S in A cco un tin g
o r a n o th e r d iscip lin e w ith em phasis on
accounting courses
Research Technician
P a rtic ip a te in ongoing research re la te d to
th e d e velo p m en t o f e le c tro n u */o p tic a l
m a te ria ls M u s t have tra in in g an d e x p e ri*
ence in th e design of d ig ita l an d an alo g
c ircu its e q u iv a le n t to a n A A degree in
Technical Writer
Radio (microwave) Engi
neer and Technicians to de
sign, develop, install, main
tain and service electronic
interface equipment and cir­
cuitry in a statewide micro-
wave system. Engineer re­
quires bachelor's degree in
electrical en gin eerin g or
equivalent and two years of
technical m icrow ave exp.
Salary range - $1,072 to
$1,371. Technicians require
three years of technical mi­
crowave exp. Salary range -
$1.072 to $1,183. Both re
quire FCC first or second
radio-telephone license. Ap­
ply Executive Department,
Personnel Div., 100 Public
Service Building. Salem, OK
An Equal Opportunity
Production Assembler
P art tim e and |x*rman«*nt (Mrnition* available
for electronic aaaem bly work Good vi»ion
and the a b ility to do d e tailed work required
T r a in in g w ill be provided
Clerk Typist
W ill perform diversified c le ric al, statistical,
skilled duties Average ty p in g a b ility
Im mediate opening* for
clerk typiat, keypunch oper
atora and experienced tell
era. Apply in person or call
225 3271 between 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m. lat National Bank
of Oregon, 1300 S.W. 5th
An Equal Opportunity
Employer v
$ 1 ,3 1 9 a p p r o x im a t e
monthly rate. Thia ia high
level professional accounting
and supervisory work in the
bureau of financial affairs.
Applicants should have; a
thorough knowledge of and
skill in applying accounting
and auditing principals; skill
in devising and installing
complex accounting systems
and internal control proce­
dures; skill in analyzing
complex financial data and
preparing accounting and
auditing reports; skill in in
terpreting legal documents;
skill in supervision; skill in
establishing effective work
ing relationships; and skill in
working with a municipal,
computerized accounting sy
Apply to: Portland Civil
Service Board, 510 S.W .
Montgomery by April 27.
Women and minorities are
urged to apply.
An Equal Opportunity
High cost of living got you
down? Work the hours that
suit your schedule or work
full time when you ran and
take a vacation when you
need. Varied assignments,
fully bonded and insured,
paid weekly.
Must have
current Oregon license. Call
Muriel D avid, 224 783S
Homemakers Upjohn.
An Equal Opportunity
Employer M/E
Unique, part time job op
portunities with the Port
land Internal Revenue Ser­
vice Office. Duties include
providing tax assistance to
the public Training will be
provided. Start at $3.83 per
hr. Limited irregular hours.
2 years' college or appro­
priate public contact work
exp. necessary. To apply,
submit a Job Interest Card
to the Civil Service Com­
mission, 1220 S.W. Third, 1st
Floor, Portland, by April 23,
1976; or for further informs
tion call IRS at 221 3301. IRS
is an Equal Opportunity
Assists engineers w ith technical pa|>er* and
the presentation of technical m aterials,
visual aids, film strips and video ta|>e Re
quires technical w ritin g and ed itin g experi
ence M u s t la- able to select best m edium fo r
presentation of m aterials
W ill |>erform advanced secretarial. «teño
graphic and clerical duties T w o years secre­
ta ria l train in g o re a p e rim tc e required Above
a v e r a g e t y p i n g a b i l i t y , a m t ahnVthand or
tran scription skills necessary
Benefits include lib eral insurance and
retirem en t program s, educational support
and profit snaring plan
A p p ly at T e k tro n ix In d u s tria l P a rk or
w rite to T e k tro n ix , In c . P O Box 500 P,
B eaverton. O R 97077
A n E q u al O p |M irtu m ty E m p lo y e r
Opportunity for men and
women, over 60, to serve as
Foster Grandparents at the
Providence Child Center and
W averly Childrens Home.
QUAL: 1. Be 60 years of age
or older. 2. Have a total
annual income from all
sources at or below $2,865
for an individual; $3,720 for a
family of two; $4,540 for a
family of three. 3. Have
reasonably sound mental and
physical health. BENEFITS:
Paid vacation, sick leave and
trans.; one full meal, daily; a
$1.60 per hour stipend. AP
PLY: Portland Metropolitan
Steering Committee Foster
Grandparent Program be­
fore April 23, 1976, at the
Providence Child Center,
830 N.E. 47th Avenue, Port
land, Oregon 97213. Phone;
232 0463.
Ao Equal Opportunity
4 to 5 hours a day, Monday
through Friday. Experienc­
ed person with accurate typ­
ing skills; busy phone, filing.
Must be sharp, personable
and with verifiable work
Send resume to: Portland
Observer (Classified), Box
3137, Portland 97208.
For City ot Portland
Must be thoroughly skilled
operator of c?ble rigged,
track mounted power shovel
using all standard attach
menta including dragline and
dipper. Must also be able to
do own rigging, servicing,
and maintenance. AU work
is in Portland area. Salary
starts at $1.170 per month,
increases to $.225 after 6
months, and $1,312 in 1 year.
Vacations, retirement plan,
paid health, dental, and life
insurance plus many other
benefits. Qualified operators
apply for examination at;
Portland Civil Service, 510
S.W. Montgomery, Portland,
Oregon 97201, by Wednes
day, April 21, 1976. Minori­
ties and women art urged to
An Equal Opportunity
$896 $1.199. Poss. license
to practice in the State of
Oregon at the time of ap
Plumbing Inspector I,
$940 $1,199, H.S. or trade
school grad, and 2 yrs. exp.
as jrnymn. plumber or any
satisfactory equiv. comb, of
exp. and trng. Certif. by
Ore. State Bd. of Health.
Apply Civil Service, 150 N.
First. Hillsboro, Ore. 97123.
An Affirmative Action and
Equal Opportunity Employ­
er. Women and members of
minorities urged to apply.
D IA L - A J O B
Developer for social ser­
vice agency, exp. required in
grant writing and knowledge
of local Human Service
Agency. Salary: $1,000 mo.
Send resumes by April 21 to
District 2 Child Care Coun
cil. 1530 S.W. Taylor. Port
land, Oregon 97204. •/
Ms. Naomi W Tighten, chairmain of
coffees for Commissioner Charles Jor
dan's campaign, would like to hear from
those who would like to give coffees for
the campaign. Call 287 7527 or 287 2242.
Light housekeeping, live-
in optional. Call Mr. Gordan
774-8788 or 244-0111.
Kaiser - Perm anente
Page 7
Fair*Cood*'Excalieat” «
by Allen Jones
The Ebony Fashion Fair has become an institution, as far as fashion shows are
concerned. Fur the past eighteen years Ebony Publisher John H. Johnson has
produced this national fashion fair. With local, civic and social organizations as the
sponsors. Each year, the show travels to 155 cities throughout the country; promoting
Black beauty, style, class and the very latest in fashions. The $4.5 million dollars that
has been raised through the years has gone to such notable endeavors as: the United
Negro College Fund, Urban League Guild, Flint Goodrich Hospital in New Orleans,
various scholarship funds and children's homes in different parts of the country.
Although the fashion fair was winding up its season when it arrived in Portland, the
Civic Auditorium offered the class and atmosphere for just such a show There were a
total of twelve models in the show, two men and ten attractive Black women. All from
various parts of the country, which collectively made for an excellent show and
presentation of international fashions, that left the audience in complete awe. Thanks
to the standout of: Von Gretchen Shephard from Tyler, Texas; Alexandra Stewart
from Oxon Hill, Maryland; Gayle King from Gary, Indiana; Cynthia Smith from
Chicago, Illinois; and Audre I^a Corbiere also from Chicago. Designers included the
"cream". From Italy, there were Capucci, Antonell and Andre’ Lauq. The British
designers were: Jean Muir and Zandra Rhodes. The French, noted for their
innovation of design featured: Pierre Cardin, Ko-Ko, Madame Gre s, Kenzo Tarada
and Christian Dior. Some of the largest and most famous designer houses in the
world. Bringing it back to this side of the Atlantic you have: Calvin Klein. Mady
Gerrand; Black designers: Stan Herman, James Darron, Woody White from Chicago
and the unmistakable, Stephen Burrows from New York, in my opinion one of the very
best designers on this side of the Atlantic - or the other.
The entire evening was sponsored by 25 lovely ladies who call themselves “The
Links, Incorporated." Their accomplishments on both a local and national level are
countless. There are 144 chapters in 33 states. Their organization is committed to
educational, cultural and civic activities. For an example, they have contributed
$37,000 to the NAACP Life Membership Fund, another $100,000 to the Urban League
and roughly $250,000 to the United Negro College Fund for higher education. Local
contributions have been made to NAACP, Urban League, Whitney M. Young, Jr.
Scholarship Fund, Multnomah Association for Retarded Children, Volunteers of
America, Albina Ministerial Alliance and many others. It is gratifying to see an
organization so dedicated in caring. Not many of the educational, cultural and civic
groups of our community will give as much throughout the years as “The Links,
Incorporated." Our hats are off to all of you, for your past, present and future
by John Robert Paris “WILD BILL" - BILLY COBHAM • ••
Last Thursday night, April 8th, "Wild" Billy Cobham, also known as William E.
Cobham, Jr., made one of his rare appearances at the Paramount.
With the rise of rock jazz, you have drummers, "had" drummers and what I call
super drummers. Billy Cobham is a super drummer and what would one of his
concerts be like without a few spectacular drum solos. And solo he did, Bill lets loose
with a flurry of speed and energy, traveling across hia elaborate Fibes drums with
incredible swiftness, power and rhythm.
As serious as “Wild” Bill seems on the drum set, he is actually a very friendly and
mellow person - as could be seen during his antics with the other members of the
group: Alfonse Johnson on bass, John Abecrombie on guitar, and special effects
provided by George Duke on the synthesizer.
All the members of the group are outstanding artists in their own right, each
having produced a recent album. If you're at the record shop, you might keep these
names in mind, the next time you're looking for some jamming sounds. Cobham was
everything I expected him to be and - mooooore!!
Les McCann has been a jazz pianist as long as I am old - practically. His keyboard
artistry has been heard all around the world - many times. One does not learn to
appreciate jazz music overnight, as any jazz buff will readily admit. It usually starts
with one or two musicians, then you gradually learn to appreciate others and
eventually you buy their records and go to their concerts. As was the case with Les
I started with the old Ramsey l>ewis, he did a selection entitled “Deliah" fifteen
years ago. From Ramsey Lewis I went to Oscar Peterson, Ahmad Tamal, Les McCann
and other heavyweights, whom I considered played a "mean" piano. I’ve seen them at
supper clubs and I've bought their records, including Les. No jazz collection is
complete without him.
Sunday night I saw a slimmer, orthodox Les McCann who was literally engulfed in
"synthesizers”. Synthesizers are electronic pieces of equipment used to exagerate
sounds and create different sound effects, made famous by Jimi Hendrix in the mid
60’s. Gradually jazz musicians picked them up and now most of them live by them. I
refer to this era as "Synthesizer Madness". Aside from loosing the quality of music,
they can be deafening to the listener. Les spent the time in between selections
checking wires and playing with his instrument panels. I found the concert to be short
and irritating, for the most part. There was Thompson on guitar, Jimmy Brouse on
bass, Harold Davis on drums, who was very good - all things considered. “Everytime I
See A Butterfuly" was the standout selection for the evening, along with "Someday
We'll Meet Again" and others. Something told me, I should have stayed home and
watched the T.V.
Television station channel 6 had an afternoon special entitled: “All Star Jazz Show",
which was viewed on April 13th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The subject was jazz the
beginning to present with Dianne Worwick as the hostess for the show. Check out the
line of stars: Joe Williams, Max Roach, Dizzy Gilispie, Stan Getz, Count Basie, Herbie
Hancock, Gerry Mulligan and a host of dancers. I took the liberty of calling the station
to see when it will be aired again - they don't know. It's unfortunate that most adults
weren't able to see it during that time period. Give the station a call if you’re
M e d ic a l C are Program
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Congratulations to Lawrence C. Allen for winning the free trip to San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Links. Incorporated. Have fvr.”
Girls broke up with guys
want to start dating right
away. Call Diana or Andrea
In Lo G ra n d e
Eastern O reg on State C o lle g e is an e x c e lle n t
4-year, m u lti-p u rp o s e c o lle g e w ith pro gram s in
Teacher Education, C o m m u n ity Service, B io lo g y ,
Business, S ecreta ria l Science (2 -ye a r p ro g ra m ),
a nd the Liberal Arts.
If a sm all cam pus (1,500 students), strong
in te r-c o lle g ia te sport p ro g ra m , frie n d ly p e o p le ,
a n d the g re a t o utd oo rs interest you th en w rite fo r
a fre e b ro ch u re to:
D irector o f Student D e ve lo p m e n t
Eastern O re g o n State C o lle g e
La G ro n d e , O reg on 97850
227 - 5828
Thursday, April 15. 1976
Notice is hereby given
that a modification to the
City of Portland Compre­
hensive Manpower Plan is
The modification does not
change or affect the amount
of funds available to either
program activities or cost
The modification increases
the number of participants
to be served by the CETA,
Title II, program from 355
participants to 406. Termi­
nations are increased from
342 terminations to 406. To­
tal persons en tering em ­
ployment is decreased from
226 to 138 participants.
The following significant
segmenta are to be served --
Black, 93; Indian, 8; Spanish
Americans, 12; Other Mi
norities, 28.
The modification may be
viewed from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday at the City of Port
land, Human Resources Bu
reau, 620 S.W. Fifth Ave.,
Portland, Oregon
Phone 248 4710.
Any party w ishing to
comment on the proposed
modification m ust submit
comments in writing to the
above address within 30
days of the publication of
this notice.
Notice is hereby given
that a modification to the
C o m p r e h e n s iv e M a n ­
power Plan for CETA, Title
VI, is proposed.
The modification does not
change or affect the amount
of funds available to either
program activities or cost
The m o d ific a tio n d e ­
creases the number of parti­
cip a n ts to be served by the
CETA, Title VI, program
from 890 participants to 771.
Terminations are increased
from 516 to 771.
persons en tering em ploy­
ment is decreased from 299
to 165 participants.
The following significant
sements are to be served:
Special Era Veterans, 115;
Women, 308; Other Minori­
ties, 277.
The modification may be
viewed from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday at the City of Port­
land, Human Resources Ru-
re«u, 620 S.W. Fifth Ave.
Portland, Oregon
Phone 248 4710.
Any party w ishing to
comment on the proposed
m odification must subm it
comments in writing to the
above address within 30
days of the publication of
this notice, '«■
W \
Smart New Frames A Lens Styles
All Optical
lO W
ETE Exaaiaatiea
★ —
Ask Us A k a a t
• Ptasoaari sad WalUra
Paliaaü Wslcoaad
L o to le d in « V i l i OPTICAL O H IC fS
statar u v » • ssmus a u »
Dr. Larry
O p to m ttr itt
(XI ices Also m
1 lu n i.
S.W. 3rd A M O R R ISO N
Atsatialt »«tors al Oatametrv-RORTIAB»
Dr. L. Srmlrr Dr. R. Hull - Dr. M. Kelly Dr. J. B erry'
O pto m atniri /n O tfiir SEMLER Offices Include