Portland Observer PLANT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I Tektronix Opportunities 1904 11,098. Washington Co. U n ifie d S e w e r a g e Agency. 1 yr. exp. ax a jrnymn maint. mech. involv­ ing skilled mechanical and maint. tasks. H.S. grad, or any a a tia fa c to r y e q u iv . comb, of exp. and trng. 2 yra. exp. ax xewage plant opera tor may be used in lieu of 1 yr. as a jrnymn maint. me­ chanic. Iaist filing date 3/28/76. Apply Civil Ser vice, 150 N. First Hillsboro, Ore. 97213. An Affirmative Action and Equal Opportu nity Employer. Women and members of minorities urged to apply. Systems Analyst Kcquin*« working with h-utl analyst |M>rhiriiiuiK maintenance and modification of <’I X ' C Y B E R 73 Kronoa operating system in a time wharf scientific < 'A I ) environment II S or equivalent with emphawi» on Math/Engineering Technical Writer Assists engineer« with technical pa|>ers and the presentation of technical ma teriala, visual aids, film atrip« and video pipe iteipnre« technical writing and editing experience. Muni lie able to select heiit medium for presentation of material«. Safety Training Instructor Experience in training and a knowledge of «airly and health regulation« 1« neces­ sary for thi« iMwition Duties include development of training program«, working with safety committee«, employment of «afety equipment and advising of legal re«|M>nsinilitie« FISCAL SUPERVISOR PURCHASING MANAGER R esponsible for general ledger control, revenue con­ trol and forecasting, inveat- ment program, special pro jects reporting, bank recon­ ciliation and accounts r e ­ ceivable. Experience should include a working knowledge of municipal accounting and budgeting, data processing applieationa to accounting systems, analitical and writ­ ing ability. Accounting ma jor plus four years applicable experience. Experience may be substituted for education. Salary $15,788 to $18,828 depending on experience and demonstrated ability. Send resum e to Salem Public Schools, Personnel Services, 1309 Ferry St. SE. Salem. 97308, by March 31, 1976. An Equal Opportunity Employer $1.915 monthly. This ia managerial work directing the city's Purchasing and Stores Division. Applicants should have knowledge and skills in the principles and practices of effective man agem qpt and central pur­ chasing; skill in expressing ideas effectively, orally and in writing; and skill in estab­ lishing effective working re­ lationships. Apply to: Portland Civil S ervice Board, 510 S.W . Montgomery, Portland, by March 25. 1976. An Equal Opportunity Employer Flight Attendants W ESTERN AIRLINES ia now accepting applications for FUTURE night atten dant classes. Production Assembler I ’nrt time and permanent positions avail­ able for electronic assembly work Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required. Training will he provided. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS Clerk Typist required. Secretary W ill perform advanced secretarial, steno­ graphic and clerical duties. Two years secretarial training or exjienence required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand ' or transcription skills Ils necessary. Methods Analyst PROGRAMMERS-ANALYSTS with experience in financial control. Manufacturing or marketing applications. COBOI and O/S JCL experience are required. TP experience is desirable. Hardware is 2 3MEG 370/165'S. Software is 0 /S MVT, HASP, and CICS. Salaries are competitive. • Must be free to relocate at completion of I xm An­ geles training. Benefits are excellent. Self starting, professional data processor. Submit resume including salary history in confidence to Compton T. McKenzie, Freightliner Corporation. P.O. Box 3849, Port land, OR 97208. l'or immediate consideration please call; An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F WESTERN AIRLINES (5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -4 5 4 3 T R O IM IX Call between the hours of 8:30 A M. and 4:00 P.M. •««•*•«•< <»««•••••• An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F VA payments tax exempt Recipients of benefits from the Vet erans Administration are reminded that these payments generally are exempt from taxation and need not be reported on federal income tax returns. Major tax exempt VA benefits include compensation, pension and educational assistance, including subsistence pay ments to vocational rehabilitation train ecs, Mrs. Donna M. Arndt, director of the Portland VA regional office, explained. Also exempt are grants to military service disabled veterans for specially adapted homes and automobiles and clothing allowances paid to service- disabled veterans whose prosthetic de vices result in undue wear and tear on clothing. Interest accrued on government life insurance dividents left on deposit or credit with the VA is not exempt and must be reported on federal income tax returns, Mrs. Arndt added. Dividends and proceeds from govern ment life insurance policies are exempt from federal income tax, but the proceeds are subject to federal estate tax, the VA director also noted. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second nd Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 281 4429 Masses: 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday DIAL - A JOB 227 - 5828 Kaiser - Permanents Medical Care Program An Equal Opportunity Employer Methodists host conference Between six and ten thousand people will converge on the Memorial Coliseum for the world wide General Conference of the United Methodist Church. This will TA class set "Learning To Live." an eight week course designed for personal growth through transactional analysis, will be offered at the Sanctuary of Our Sorrow ful Mother, N.E. Sandy and 85th. starting March 28th, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Classes are based on an award winning film series to help improve relationships with spouses, children, parents, friends, employees and God. The Course is based on the idea that man and woman cannot only create things; they create them selves through increased awareness, un­ derstanding, self-direction and prayer. Life is after all a Do-It-Yourself-Project. Classes are conducted by Reverend Gordon Dickey MSW, a clinical member of the Oregon and American Associations of Marriage and Family Counselors. Topics include; personality states, games people play, strokes, time structures, feelings, acquiring life scripts and chang ing life scripts. Reservations can be made by calling 774 6548. be the first time that the United Metho­ dists have held their General Conference in Portland. Only on two other occasions has the Conference ever been held on the West Coast, those Conferences being held in San Francisco and Los Angeles The General Conference is the highest legislative body of the United Methodist Church. Delegates from the United States will be augmented from overseas countries representing European, Africa, and Asian nations. Although the voting delegates number under just 1,000 persons, already there are registered in the official hotels and motels some nearly 3.000 delegates, spouses and staff persons. Nearly 100 Rishops, active and retired will be in attendance at this quadrennial meeting. The official host of the General Con­ ference is Bishop Jack M. Tuell, resident Bishop of the Portland Area Which encompasses the Oregon-Idaho Afnnual Conference. Legislative ano plenary sessions of the General Conference will be held at the Coliseum beginning at 3:00 p.m. April 27th with a massive Communion Service for delegates and all visitors and con tinuing through May 8th. . A reception honoring the Bishops and the Judicial Council of the church will be open to the public on Monday evening, April 26th beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the ballroom at the Hilton Hotel. ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. Norita Kelly. Principal Phone: 284 1620 Grades I through 8 yothodlsf^ Me Mill tfwl Miik • • • Our reputation for integrity and competence will assure A. Lee Hendeison, Minister consideration for every wish 5828 N.E. 8th of the family C. Don Vann MORTUARY 5211 N. Wiliams Ave. 281-2836 Church School Morning Worship Wed. Noon -■ The Hour of Power Wed. Prayer A Class Meeting Nursery Care Provided 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 9:45 a.m. 11:0ft a.m 12:00 Noon 7:30 p.m. WE ARE MAKING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD A BROTHERHOOD' DRAFT8PER8ON COMPITER PROGRAMMER We are looking for a per­ son with 1 'h to 3 yra. exp. in design drafting. Length of exp. will be dependant upon added education in the engi­ neering field. A good background in m athem atics with know ­ ledge of mechanical drafting and machine shop practices desirable. Apply in person or send resume to: OMARK Industries, Inc. Oregon Saw Chain Division. 4909 International Way, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 An Equal Opportunity Employer Com puter Program m er tor work with a large project in forest ecology. B.S. de­ gree required. Appointment at research a ssista n t un­ classified. Salary $706 per month. Position full time until January, 1977, subject to renewal thereafter based on continued grant support. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts and 3 letters of recommen­ dation to J.R . D ilw orth, Head, Dept. of Forest Man­ agement, School of Forestry, 08U , Corvallis, Ore. 97331 by April 23. 1976. page 7 Iasi player d a ta processing • Preference will be given to applicants with one to two years of public con tact work experience. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and a profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park, or write to Tektronix, Inc , P.O. Box 500-P, Beaverton. OR »7077. An equal opportunity employer Experienced D om estic R e fr ig e r a tio n M ech a n ic Needed. Have most of his own tools. Send resume to: P.O. Box 93, Coburg, Oregon 97401. Freightliner ( orporation has openings for PROGRAMMERS • Corrected vision 20/20. U ncor r e e le d v isio n which exceeds 20/200 is not acceptable. Analyzes production methods; develo|w labor standards; and makes methods im ­ provements Requires some training in industrial engineering unii work experience in an electronics assembly environment To maintain and repair mechanical equip, such as pumps, valves, boilers, at P o r t la n d ’s w a s t e w a te r pla.->ta. Salary starts at $979 with increases to $1,189 af ter 1 yr. Many employee benefits include paid health, dental and life insurance. Good promotional opportu nities. Applicants must have the knowledges and skills needed to properly maintain and repair wastewater plant machinery. Apply for exam ­ ination before March 22, 1976, at Portland Civil S er­ vice, 5 i0 S.W. Montgomery, Portland, Oregon. Women and minorities are urged to apply. An Equal Opportunity ( fr EIGHTLIN er S > • At least 20 years of age. 5'2" to 6' in height. Weight proportionate to height. W ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability REFRIGERATION Mfct tlANIC WASTEWATER MECHANIC I For City of P ortland Thursday. March 18. 197« Overstreet Powerhouse CATHOLIC CHURCHES Temple COGIC St. Andrews 4525 Williams 806 N.E. Alberta St. Phone 282 6880 Phone 281 4429 Portland 97212 Portland 97211 Rev. Ov ■ street Father Griffin Burt St. Paul C V u’S Immaculate Heart 2859 N.E. Rodney 2926 N. Williams Ave. Phone 287 7998 AFRICAN METHODIST Phone 287 3724 Portland 97212 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Portland 97227 Bishop J.C. Foster Bethel AME Church Father Bill Curtin Hm 282 8474 5828 N.E. 8th 288 5429 Father Bernard Rinehart Portland 97211 Good Samaritan COGIC Rev. A. Ia-e Henderson CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 4801 N.E. 9th Hm. 282 0067 Christian Churches in Ore. Phone 282 8875 0245 S.W. Bancroft Portland 97211 CHRISTIAN METHODIST Portland 97201 Rev. F.J. Crear EPISCOPAL CHURCH Regional Minister, Hm 287 0165 Russell Hensley Sellwood COGIC Allen Temple Irving Park Christian 8051 S.E. 16th 4236 N.E. 8th 831 N.E. Fremont St. Phone 236 1073 Portland 97211 Phone 281 0608 Portland 97202 Phone 287 0261 Portland 97212 Rev. B.T. Wells Rev. Thomas Strayhand Pastor Webster B. Turner Mt. Sinai COGIC 4222 N.E. 8th Avenue Hm. 281 1342 801 N.E. Failing Hm 282 8264 Mallory Avenue Christian Phone 284 0854 126 N.E. Alberta St. Portland 97211 BAPTIST CHURCHES Portland 97211 Rev. W.G. Hardy Antioch Missionary Baptist Rev. Dale Stitt Solid Rock COGIC 5935 N. Minnesota Hm. 281 9554 4237 N. Mississippi Phone 289 2364 Phone 289 4595 Portland 97211 CHURCHES OF CHRIST Portland 97227 Rev. Felton Howard Albina Church of Christ Rev. A.R. Hopkins Berean Baptist Church 3908 Mallory W illiams Temple 4822 N. Vancouver Phone 288 1092 241 N.E. Hancock Portland 97212 Portland &7212 ~ “ Phone 282 1396 Rev. Willie Peterson Rev. Richmond Rev. Earnest W. Rand Phone 28! 5672 Hm. 288 2691 Ebenezer Baptist UNITED CHURCHES 3707 N. Williams OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES Portland 97227 Highland United St. Phillips Episcopal Church Rev. Percy Manuel 4635 N.E. 9th 120 N.E. Knott Phone 284 2864 Portland 97212 Phone 281 5802 Highland Baptist Rev. Samuel Johnson Portland 97212 607 N.E. Alberta St. Ph 287 9567 Father Bill Wetzel Phone 288 1115 Hm. 287 5341 Portland 97211 LUTHERAN CHURCHES Rev. George Dick Augustana Lutheran CHURCHOFGOD St. Mark Baptist 2710 N.E. 14th PENTECOSTAL 119 N.E. Morris Phone 288 6174 Ark of Safety Phone 287 7457 Pastor Kindschuh 84 N.E. Pentecostal Portland 97212 Peace Lutheran Phone 288 9418 Rev. E.C. Wilder 2201 N. Portland Blvd. Portland 97211 Morning Star Baptist Phone 289 1070 Bishop U.V. Peterson 106 N.E. Ivy Portland 97217 Hm. 285 9418 Phone 281 4925 Pastor Dewayne Bey Community Church of God Portland 97212 Redeemer Lutheran 202 N.E. Skidmore Rev. Sylvester McCulumn 5431 N.E. 20th Phone 281 5678 Hm. 287 5036 Phone 287 7553 Portland 97211 New Hope Baptist Portland 97217 Pastor V. Brown 3725 N. Gantenbein Rev. Dennis D. Marttala Phone 281 6746 11m. 287 3015 CHURCHES OF GOD Portland 97227 IN CHRIST Rev. A. Bernard Devers UNITED METHODIST Evangelistic Center Hm. 288 1946 CHIRCHES 522 N. Albina New Light Baptist Patton Central Phone 285-1156 75 N.E. Wygant St. 5023 N. Michigan Rev. Samuel M. Irving Phone 282 7880 Phone 281 7328 Gethsemane COG 1C Portland 97211 Portland 97217 801 N.E. Failing Rev. John Malone Rev. Bob Dowrey Phone 287 3463 Hm. 284 6302 Woodlawn Portland 97211 Mt. Olivet Baptist 1425 N.E. Dekum St. Rev. R.L. Menefeehlm 116 N.E. Schuyler Phone 289 0284 Hm. 284 8480 Phone 281 4925 Portland 97211 Greater Mt. Calvary COGIC Portland 97212 Rev. Waichi Oyanagi 1234 N.E. Killingsworth Rev. John Jackson Hughes Memorial Phone 284 3721 St. Paul Baptist 111 N.E. Failing Portland 97211 8101 N. Fiske St. Portland 97217 Bishop H.B. Daniels Phone 289 0147 Rev. Waichi Oyanagi Hm. 774 1294 Portland 97227 Rev. James C.E. Faulkner St. Luke COGIC NON DF.NOMIN ATION AL 2700 N.E. Sumner Hm. 288 7825 CHURCHES Phone 287 8345 Providence Baptist Albina Ministerial Alliance Portland 97212 313 N.E. Failing St. 126 N.E. Alberta St Rev. Roosevelt Thomas Portland 97212 Portland 97211 New Hope COGIC Rev. Eugene Boyd, Jr. Res . John Jackson 5125 N.E. 24th Hm. 281 4110 Hm 288 3603 Phone 281 4587 Mt. Sinai Baptist Director NNEA Portland 97221 602 N F Prescott 3905 N. Vancouver Ave. Rev. B.E. Johnson Phone 282 6773 Portland 97227 McKinney Temple COGIC Portland 97211 Rev. Williams 1737 N.E. Alberta Rev. L.L. Ransom Emanuel Hospital Chaplain Phone 282 8522 \anrouver Ave. 1st Baptist 2801 N. C.antenbien Bishop W.L. McKinney 3132 N. Vancouver Portland 97227 Hm. 285 7606 Phone 282 9496 Rev William F. Adix Mt. Nebo COGIC Portland 97227 Hm. 284 0773 4077 N.E. 9th Dr. O.B. Williams Faith Tabernacle Phone 282 363i) Hm. 289 7417 5926 N.E. 26th Rev. Jonah Taylor Phon«- 282 8071 Portland 97211 Ilishop L.W. Oslxtrne Maranatha 1222 N.E. Skidmore ATI END THE CHURCH OF 1OI K CHOICE Phone 288 72 U Portland 97211 Pastor John Parker AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH First AME Zion Church 109 Skidmore Portland 97217 Rev. Gkrorjr W. Maize