Portland Observer BELL PEHMON WUI train, must be neat and personable, able to deal effectively with the puoiic, phyaically capable of handl ing luggage, part time to etart, work references re­ quired. apply to P.0. Box 8137. «7208. An Equal Oppes-t unity Employer Tektronix Opportunities SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Systems Analyst 11,064 starting rate. A senior accountant does high level professional work in the establishment and main­ tenance of city accounting records. Interested appli­ cants should have a total working knowledge of and skill in applying accounting principles, including munici­ pal accounting procedures; skill in interpreting and applying laws, regulations, and codes; skill in designing accounting systems; skill in preparing reports; and skill in supervising others. Apply to: Portland Civil Service Board, 610 S.W. Montgo­ mery by March 12, 1976. Minorities and women are urged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer R cq w ith laad laa analyst . u im working ------ ----------- p?f?SLr " ,,n# m am U n a n c » and moddk-ation o i C D C C Y H E H 73 Kronus operating •y ata m in a lim a ahara arianliA c C A D environm ent B 8 or equivalen t w ith amphaaia on M a th /E n g in e e rin g Soc rotaries—Wilsonville T e m p o ra ry and perm anen t poailiona are available Should have related e ip e r l a n te and good r le rlr a l skills Safety Training Instructor Eanerience in train in g and a knowledge ol aafety and health reg ulalw na la ner eaaary lo r thia poaltKin D uties include developm ent of train in g p r o g r a m a . work ing w ith aafety rom m itteea. em ploym ent of aafety equipm ent and adviaing of legal responsibilities Accounting Manager- Facilities T h e in d iv id u a l we seek w ill have a B S in accounting or a related diacipline w ith a m in im u m of 30 credit hours in account mg In addition the position require« a m in im u m of 4 y e a n relative e ip e rie n re in job coating, financial analyaia, fore caaling and b u d g e e t t-------------- '- p re paration and e v a lu a tio n Credit Manager Background should include 3 or more years cre d it experience as well as some fo rm al train in g T h e pueiüon involves the m aintenance of accounts receivable through Anal collection of delinquent accounts. JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Unique, part time job op­ portunities with the Port­ land Internal Revenue Ser­ vice office. Dutiee include providing tax assistance to the public. Training will be provided. Start at $3.83 per hr. Limited irregular hrs. 2 yrs. college or appropriate public contact work exp. necessary. To apply, tele phone 221-3141, or write or visit the Civil Service Com­ mission. 1220 S.W. Third. 1st FL. Port., Ore. «7204. IRS ia an Equal Opportunity Em Production Assembler P a rt tim e and perm anen t positions available for electronic aaaembly work flo od vwion and the a b ility to do detailed work required T ra in in g w ill ba provided Clerk Typist W ill pe rfo rm diveraified clerical, ata tu t K a i. «killed dutiea Average typing a b ility required Secretary W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties T w o year» secretarial train in g or experience required Above average typin g a b ility and abort- hand or tran scrip tion skills nsressary Methods Analyst A n e I y tee production method« develops labor standards. and makes methoda im provem ents Requires acme trainin g in in dustrial engineering and work e ip e rie n re in an electronic» aaaembly environm ent. Benefits iru h id e liberal insurance and retire m e n t program s, educational support am i profit «baring plan A p p ly •< T e k t r o n ii In d u s tria l Park or w rits Io T e k t r o n ii. In c .. P O . Boa 900 P. B eaverton. O R »7077 A n E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m plo yer DIRECTOR $16.000420.000. Quai: 1.) degree in social service and/or buainess m anage­ ment field; 2.) 3 yea. exp. in social service administration emphasizing exp. in com munity involvem ent d eci­ sion-making. Call 222-8406 Mr-complete job description. Send resumes including ref­ erence addresses to: 4-C Council. 1630 S.W. Taylor. Portland. Ore. 97206. Re­ sum es accepted through March 16. 1976. T E K T R O N IX « "OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING" MAJOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The Agency pays premiums for a group life insurance policy. Partial payment of health insurance for employee Ten holidays per year. Fifteen days sick leave per year. Fifteen days vacation pay for the first year, maximum. Twenty days vacation pay after two years, maximum. HOURS OF WORK The normal work week consists of forty hours. Because of the nature of the Community Action Program, emergencies may occasionally arise which require overtime work. Professional employees do not receive pay for work performed in excess of forty hours. It it considered a part of the professional staffs responsibility to work over the normal forty hours per week when needed. Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee-EOA, (Inc) salaries are studied each year by the Career Development and Personnel Specialist in order to insure that they are comparable to salaries in the Portland Metropolitan area. QUALIFICATIONS Applicant should have good typing skilla and some experience in clerical work. Applicant should have ability to read, interpret and follow written instructions. Applicant should have some experience in the use of basic office equipment Applicant must be able to work with people from varying backgrounds and ethnic compositions. Target area residents are given peferred consideration. Interested applicants should apply at: Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee-EOA, (Inc.) 220 N.E. Russell Street Portland. Oregon 97212 Phone 288-8391 Salary: Negotiable - Limited to 20% increase over previous salary. Applications must be postmarked by- Thursday, March 11. 1978. Applications are n ew being taken For TILE SETTERS (Pre-Apprenticeship Training) Minimum Requirements 18 years ol age High School Diploma or G.E.D. Physically capable of doing the work Length of pre-apprenticeahip training - 6 week*. Rate of pay for the 6 week* - $50.00 a week, then y o u w il l be indentured into the Apprentice Training Program upon employment. Apprentice'» »torting rate o f pay - approximately $4.80 per hour. JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COOK MAJOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The Agency pays group life insurance. The Agency paya retirement plan. Ten holidays per year. Partial paid health insurance for employee. Fifteen days sick leave per year. Fifteen days vacation pay for the first year, maximum •cerual. Twenty days vacation pay after two years, maximum accrual. HOURS OF WORK The normal work week consists of forty houra. Because of the nature of the Community Services Administration Program, emergencies may occasionally arise which necessitates overtime work. It is considered a part of the professional staffs responsibility to work over the normal forty hours per week when needed. QUALIFICATIONS Applicant must be able to prepare daily nutritional meals and snacks for total number of children in Center. Prepare lunch for shipment to sub-locations. Maintain all kitchen appliances and facilities consistent with Health Department standards. Provide training for Assistant Cook in meal planning and food preparation. Must be able to receive, check and supervise storages of food supplies. Must be able to work with people from varying backgrounds and ethnic compositions. 1 Interested applicants should apply at- 220 N.E. Russell Street Portland. Oregon 97212 Phone; 2888391 Attention; Eivis Luter SALARY: Commensurate with ability - limited to 20%. increase over previous salary. Applications must be received or postmarked by: Thursday, March 11, 1976. PURCHASING MANAGER X. Salary $1,915 mo. Thia ia managerial work directing the cities purchasing and stores division. Applicants should have knowledge and skills in the principles and practices at effective man­ agement and central pur­ Quettions m i Ansmtri •st a tm este« m i esi as nsmsr chasing; skills in expressing ideas effectively, orally and in writing; and skilled in establishing effective workin ing relationships. Apply to; P o rtla n d C iv il S e r v ic e Board. 610 S.W. Montgtx mery, Portland, by March 8th. 1976. Minorities and women are urged to apply. th e « ( 7 m . » Ua «alana ikeayw U M a mm I i m *b*e$èe$ to betf-Naw ttbeeBef b a b a i «f IsSM m a* à « H '«| sal «i 7 u*»r a m I psp R rtsap «ss i»4si p a . wswpg ( XW UV An Equal Opportunity Em pieyer Apply at the: \ S . . \ \ , Vim. .,s:. i« i t \ \. \ U URBAN LEAGUE - L.E.A.P. 5 3 2 9 N.E. Union Rm. 20 4 Portland, Oregon 97211 DIAL - A JOB Phone: 288-6361 227 - 5828 Kaiser - Permanente Medical Care Program Hour*. 9-5 Mon.-Frl./6:30-8:30 p.m. Tue*. & Thur*. evening*. An Equal Opportunity Employer ^KhocUge ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner ol 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second nd Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 336 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor »as aseo 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4910 N.E. 9th Ave. Nerita K äly. Principal Phone: 284-1620 Gradea I through 8 Pag* 7 BY OWNER The Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee is now soeking applicants for the position of Clerk Typist in the Child Development Division. HE! J» WANTED Thursday. March 4, 197g Prayer Day scheduled World Day of Prayer ia celebrated each year on the first Friday of March. Since the first small gathering in the United State? 89 years ago, «his prayer move­ ment has captured the imagination of A. Lee Henderson, Minister Christian women in local communities everywhere, across continents and is­ lands, to include 109 countries around the 5828 N.E. 8th 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 world. In every state in this nation. World Day of Prayer is sponsored by Church Women United - a movement of Church School Protestant, Orthodox and Roman Catho­ Morning Worship £l;45 a.m. lic Women. Plan to share in your World W m I. Noon -The Hour of Power 11:00a.m. Day of Prayer Neighborhood Service on Wed. Prayer A Class Meeting 12:00 Naan Friday, March Sth at 1:00 at Kenton Nursery Care Provided 7:30 p-m. Presbyterian Church, 2116 N. Lombard. Refreshments and fellowship following “WE ARE MAKING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD A BROTHERHOOD" the service. Beautiful Southwest Port land home. $39.500. 248 5216 - days. 646 5307 - evenings and weekends. FOR SALE BY OWNER Home and income prop­ erty. Call 288 4696. BELOVED PET NEEDS HOME Smail black female dog, 8 moa.. affectionate A happy, shots, free. 287 8755. CALICO LADY CAT Mature, fixed, good with kids and other pets. 287 8755. Miracles still h ap p en ... and you make them. Give Io Easter Seals for crippled children and adults ¿Easter jS-afr Who said beautiful girls don't grow on trees? Call Monica or Jodi at 235-1970. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH First AME Zion Church 109 Skidmore Portland 97217 Rev. George W. Maize Overstreet Powerhouse CATHOLIC CHURCHES Temple COGIC St. Andrews 4525 Williams 806 N.E. Alberta St. Phone 282 6880 Phone 281 4429 Portland 97212 Portland 97211 Rev. Overstreet Father Griffin Burt St. Paul COGIC Immaculate Heart 2859 N.E. Rodney 2926 N. Williams Ave. Phone 287 7998 AFRICAN METHODIST Phone 287 3724 Portland 97212 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Portland 97227 Bethel AME Church Bishop J.C. Foster Father Bill Curtin Hm 282 8474 5828 N.E. 8th - 288-5429 Father Bernard Rinehart Portland 97211 Good Samaritan COGIC Rev. A. Lee Henderson CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 4801 N.E. 9th Hm. 2820067. Christian Churches in Ore. Phone 282 8875 0245 S.W. Bancroft CHRISTIAN METHODIST Portland 97211 Portland 97201 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. F.J. Crear Regional Minister, Hm 287 0165 Russell Hensley Allen Temple Sellwood COGIC 4236 N.E. 8th Irving Park Christian 8051 S.E. 16th Portland 97211 831 N.E. Fremont St. Phone 2361073 Phone 281 0608 Phone 287 0261 Portland 97202 Portland 97212 Rev. Thomas Strayhand Rev. B.T. Wells Pastor Webster B. Turner Mt. Sinai COGIC 4222 N.E. 8th Avenue Hm. 281 1342 Hm. 282 8264 801 N.E. Failing Mallory Avenue Christian Phone 284-0854 126 N.E. Alberta St. Portland 97211 BAPTIST CHURCHES Portland 97211 Rev. W.G. Hardy Antioch Missionary Baptist Rev. Dale Stitt Solid Rock COGIC 5935 N. Minnesota Hm. 281 9554 4237 N. Mississippi Phone 289 2364 Phone 289 4595 Portland 97211 CHURCHES OF CHRIST Portland 97227 Rev. Felton Howard Albina Church of Christ Rev. A.R. Hopkins Berean Baptist Church 3908 Mallory Williams Temple 4822 N. Vancouver Phone 288 1092 241 N.E. Hancock ,7 Portland 97212 Portland 97212 Phone 282 1396 Rev. Willie Peterson Rev. Richmond Rev. Earnest W. Rand Phone 281 5672 Hm 288 2691 Ebenezer Baptist UNITED CHURCHES 3707 N. Williams OF CHRIST Portland 97227 EPISCOPAL CHURCHES Highland United Rev. Percy Manuel St. Phillips Episcopal Church 4635 N.E. 9th 120 N.E. Knott Phone 284 2864 Portland 97212 Phone 281 5802 Highland Baptist Rev. Samuel Johnson Portland 97212 607 N.E. Alberta St. Ph. 287 9567 Father Bill Wetzel Phone 288 1115 Hm. 287 5341 Portland 97211 LI THEBAN CHURCHES Rev. George Dick Augustan a Lutheran • CHURCH OFGOD St. Mark Baptist 2710 N.E. 14th PENTECOSTAL 119 N.E. Morris Phone 288-6174 Ark of Safety Phone 287 7457 Pastor Kindschuh 84 N.E. Pentecostal Portland 97212 Peace Lutheran Phone 288 9418 Rev. E.C. Wilder 2201 N. Portland Blvd. Portland 97211 Morning Star Baptist Phone 289 1070 Bishop U.V. Peterson 106 N.E. Ivy Portland 97217 Hm. 2859418 Phone 281 4925 Pastor Dewayne Bey Community Church of God Portland 97212 Redeemer Lutheran 202 N.E. Skidmore Rev. Sylvester McCulumn 5431 N.E. 20th Phone 281 5678 Hm. 287 5036 Phone 287 7553 Portland 97211 New Hope Baptist Portland 97217 Pastor V. Brown 3725 N. Gantenbein Rev. Dennis D. Marttala Phone 281-6746 Hm. 287 3015 CHURCHES OF GOD Portland 97227 IN CHRIST Rev. A. Bernard Devers UNITED METHODIST Evangelistic Center Hm. 288 1946 CHURCHES 522 N. Albina New Light Baptist Patton Central Phone i. 851156 75 N.E. Wygant St. 5023 N. Michigan Rev. Samuel M. Irving Phone 282 7880 Phone 281 7328 Gethsemane COGIC Portland 97211 Portland 97217 801 N.E. Failing Rev. John Malone Rev. Bob Dowrey Phone 287 3463 Hm. 284 6302 Woodlawn Portland 97211 Mt. Olivet Baptist 1425 N.E. Dekum St. Rev. R.L. Menefeehlm 116 N.E. Schuyler Phone 289 0284 Hm 284 8480 Phone 281 4925 Portland 97211 Greater Mt. Calvary COGIC Portland 97212 Rev. Wairhi Oyanagi 1234 N.E. Killingsworth Rev. John Jackson Hughes Memorial Phone 284 3721 St. Paul Baptist 111 N.E. Failing Portland 97211 8101 N. Fiske St. Portland 97217 Bishop H.B. Daniels Phone 289-0147 Rev. Waichi Oyanagi Hm. 774 1294 Portland 9722X Rev. James C.E. Faulkner St. Lake COGIC NONDENOMINATION AL 2700 N.E. Sumner Hm. 288 7825 CHURCHES Phone 287 8345 Albino Ministerial Alliance Portland 97212 I 126 N.E. Alberta St. Rev. Roosevelt Thomas Portland 97211 New Hope COGIC Rev. John Jackson 5125 N.E. 24th Hm. 288 3603 Phone 281 4587 Mt. Sinai Baptist Director NNEA Portland 97221 602 N.E. Prescott 3905 N. Vancouver Ave. Rev. B.E. Johnson Phone 282-6773 Portland 97227 McKinney Temple COGIC Portland 97211 Rev. Williams 1737 N.E. Alberta Rev. L.L. Ransom Emanuel Hospital Chaplain Phone 282 8522 Vancouver Ave 1st Baptist 2801 N. Gantenbien Bishoo W.L. McKinney 3132 N. Vancouver Portland 97227 Hm. 285 7606 Phone 282 9496 Rev. William F. Adix Mt. Nebe COGIC Portland 97227 Hm. 284 0773 4077 N.E. 9th Dr. O.B. Williams Faith Tabernnde Phone 282 3833 Hm. 289 7417 5926 N.E. 26th Rev. Jonah Taylor Phone 282 8071 Portland 97211 Ris’nop L.W. Osborne Mar ana the 1222 N.E. Skidmore ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Phone 288 7241 Portland 97211 Pastor John Parker