1 Pag* 8 Portland Obaervar Thuraday. February 2«. 1876 New 'Enriched Flavor’discovery for 9 mg. tar MERIT achieves taste of cigarettes having 60% more tar. I “Low tar, good taste’’ Others have made the claim. Philip Morris just made the cigarette. MERIT Only 9 mg. tar. One of the lowest tar smoking today. Yet MERIT delivers astonishing flavor. Flavor verified by smokers all across the country. If you re looking to become a low tar smoker, or don’t particularly enjoy the taste of the low tar brand you smoke now —you’ll be interested. New ’Enriched Flavor’ Discovery By isolating certain “key’’ flavor ingredients of tobacco in cigarette smoke, ingredients that deliver taste way out of proportion to tar, researchers at Philip Morris have developed a way to pack extra flavor into tobacco without the usual increase in tar. The discovery is called ‘Enriched Flavor.’ It’s extra flavor. Natural flavor. Flavor that can’t burn out, can’t fade out, can’t do anything but come through. We packed ‘Enriched Flavor’ into MERIT. And began a series of extensive taste tests. The q z y -r mg results were amazing. W - Q / n r nicotine O rhUtp Morris lac. 1*7* Tastelested By People Like\bu 9 mg. tar MERIT was taste-tested against five current leading low tar cigarette brands ranging from _ 11 mg. to 15 mg. tar. Thousands of filter smokers were involved, smokers like yourself, all tested at home? The results were conclusive: Even if the cigarette tested had 60% more tar than MERIT, a significant majority of all smokers tested reported new ‘Enriched Flavor MERIT delivered more taste. Repeat: delivered more taste. In similar tests against 11 mg. to 15 mg. menthol brands, 9 mg. tar MERIT . MENTHOL performed strongly too, delivering as much —or more —taste than the higher tar brands tested. You’ve been smoking “low tar, good taste” claims long enough. Now smoke the cigarette. MERIT. Unprecedented flavor at 9 mg. tar. From Philip Morris. ‘ American Institute of Consumer Opinion. Study available tree on request. Philip Morris Inc., Richmond. Va. 23261. 9 mg.’ ’tar.” 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC Method MERITand MERIT MENTHOL Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health