I I Demos seek Senate, House seats Four Democrates announced their candidacy for public office Tueaday. The four men. Max Runyon, Bruce Plumb, Marv Owena and Lonnie Roberta will run on a platform seeking Jobe; an end to the tax raising powers of appointed governmental bodies including Tri-M et, ( RISS, CRAG and LCDC; and relaxation of environmental quality measure* to allow for economic development. Runyon, a candidate for the Demoera tie nomination to State Senate for District *8, the position now held by Bill McCoy, also is concerned about equitable benefits to senior citiaena and the de­ velopment of nuclear power to provide the power needed for development, “I in­ tend to bring about changes in our judiciary system, to correct the leniency of punishment to hard core criminals. A t the same time, i intend to find ways to bring bark the inmates to society to live in a productive way,” he said. Runyon is president of the Bridgeton Faloma Citizens Association, a member of the Multnomah County Labor Council; past Diatrict *15 Democratic Party lea­ der: and has held a number of positions in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local *48. He is a Journeyman electrician, employed by Sirianni Electric. Runyon was defeated by McCoy in the 1974 elections when he sought a position in the Oregon House of Representatives. Bruce Plumb ia seeking the Democratic nomination for Houae of Representatives, District *18, now held by Stephen Kafoury. Plumb is currently employed as a sales representative for Budget Rent-A-Car. He ia active in the “W e're Committed to People's Rights Committee,” purpose of which is to remove taxation powers from non-elective boards. Plumb's prior political experience includes working for the State Senate in 1972; serving as campaign coordinator for Gene Anderson's city council race; serving as legislative assistant to State Representative Robert Dugdale in 1989. He ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 1972. He was recently nominated to be one of the “Outstanding Young Men of America." Plumb lives at 1311 N .E . Davis Street. Marv Owens has announced for the Houae of Representatives, District 11. Owens ia a clerk-inspector for Pacific F ru it Express. Owens is a member of the Board of Directors of Multnomah Fire District *12, the Foster Boosters, The American leg io n , the Southeast Opti- The People's Republic of Angola (PRA) has now been recognized by a majority of the world's nations -- with China and the U.S. still holding out. C IA stooge Mobutu of Zaire will recognize the PRA if only they will concede that Mobutu was the victor. He wants the PRA to turn over to him 6,000 Katangan soldiers who fought him in 1981 and who will now be a leading force to oust him; Mobutu also wants financial support for the F N L A remnants his brother in-law land in-crime) Holden Roberto has abandoned in Zaire. The focus now turns to Rhodesia, where the British are manuevering for time. They recognize that the tiny racist regime of Ian Smith ran hold out no lunger, so are in process of choosing the Black leadership acceptable. The prob­ lem they fare is that the Black Rhodesian (Z im b a b w e ) population has alre a d y ejected most of the Maoist agents and counter gang operatives (Sithole, Muzo- rewa and Chickerema). The British have settled on Zimbabwe African People's Union (Z A P U ) head Joshua Nkomo as their man. Nkomo also heads the African National Council (A N C ). Z A P U has a working class base, as opposed to the near defunct Z A N U (National Union). Last week the U.S. High Commissioner for Namibia. Sean McBride, predicted a bloodbath in Rhodesia .if Smith did not surrender his minority regime over to the British. The attack is to come in a month from Angola (Cubans, et •!).... Thia nonsense coming from the former Irish Republican Arm y functionary McBride is designed to justify the deployment of British troops bark to Rhodesia to enforce their choice of a 'Black face' rule. None of this scheming will work for long, but from the reductionist point of view it is pragmatic. Debt Moratoria On The Third World (And Italy, Britian, Ete.| Agenda This past week a gentleman who should know better told this w riter: ‘T've enjoyed some of your stuff on Angola and so on but I don't agree with your notion of a debt moratoria: I'm for letting the whole imperialist system collapse. Capi- talism is dying, why not let it die?” The m ajority of the 107 non-aligned nations of the Third W orld (still called the 77 non aligned nations) hsve publicly called for debt moratoria (none haa made the first move). The Third World holds a sizable share of the $800 billion debt overhang that stifles international pro­ duction. Now what is the nature of this debt? W hy shouldn't it be paid back? W hat will happen when it is not? Where did the debt come from in the first place? W e will address these questions in detail in a later article on fictitious capital, but to touch on them briefly here: The Third World debt is largely of three in terested kinds: the first is the capital loaned prim arilly to U.S. and British satrapies (nations whose foreign and domestic policies are largely con trolled by the U.S. and Great Britian (with an amalgam of other Western European nations) for the purpose of financing the infrastructure (roads, rail­ roads, ports, some mining industry, etc.) for looting the raw materials and labor power of the host country. In order to ensure that such infrastructure for wealth extraction is safe, the armies of the satrapies must be paid for - with loans (via the World Bank and the International M onetary Fund. etc.). All thia carries interest. The interest rates (debt service) alone are extracting more wealth than the countries can produce. The notion of 'letting imperialism collapse' abstracts itself from the pre­ dicament humanity finds itself in. One might as well say 'let humanity die o ff. In fact, that is what the statement actually means. W hat is imperative is to have in motion the essential machinery to restart international non-inflationary (or wealth producing) production. To forgo socialist cialbt intervention into the process of collapse is to ensure ecological break­ down, mass starvation, plague. Absense of socialist intervention is to ensure that the coupon-dipping bankers who rule (the Atlanticist Harriman-Ball group) will repeat Hitler's domestic and foreign policies on a global scale. The Bankers Comedy A key story planted in the press last Portland Observer ATTENTION MINORITY CONTRACTORS interested in w o rk on the Rock Creek construction job in Hillsboro, Oregon please plan to be present at : W ebco Bldg. Conference Room 3933 N.E. Union Portland, O regon M A X RUNYON mists, and the “W e're Committed to People's Rights Committee." Lonnie Roberts is seeking the position of State Representative for District 21. He is a member of the M t. Hood Freeway Committee and Citizens' for Usable Freeways. He opposes -the D EQ auto emission tests and favors the eight-lane option for I 205. 7:30 p.m. - W ednesday Evening March 3, 1976 2 8 8 -8 4 6 9 Please be In town a week ago. Senator Frank Church lamented the 'leaks' dribbling from his (now defunct) Intelligence Committee, saying that the leaks tended to discredit his committee. Church recently introduced a British style Offi cial Secrets Act into his oversight committee recommendations, making it illegal for any government employee to reveal 'national security information'. Under such laws, this article would be illegal. Morton Halperin, former member of the National Security Council and cur­ rently a member of the Washington based think tank Institute for Policy Studies stated that the President's O v e rs ig h t C o m m itte e (proposed by Church et al) makes legal all of the abuses which were investigated by Church, Pike and Rockefeller regarding the illegal activities of the F B I and the C IA . President Ford last week requested Congress ‘clean up its own house’ by passing legislation which would penalize its own members for leaks, while requesting Congress hand him an Official Secrets Act law. C IA head Donald Rumsfield put fears to rest by declaring that if the President asked him to do anything illegal (the powers of the C IA director were enormously expanded in the Executive decision on intelligence), he'd quit. Several incidents are simultaneously being played up in the press which are creating the climate for police state laws: 1.) CBS's Daniel Schorr's 'leaks'; 2.) an increased spate of terrorism; and 3.) the Patty Hearst trail. On February 17th the President recommended a three man oversight board to be headed by old cold w arrior Robert Murphy (long associated with Nelson Rockefeller and the ‘old boy' intelligence school), and the drafting ol a new F B I charter by Attorney General Edward L e v i Murphy was head of the Rockefeller created Commission for the Reorganization of Foreign Policy - which reported that the ruthless kinds of decisions that were required in a period of economic decline lor collapse) were of necessity too ruthless for popularly elected officials to make (and get reelected), so recommended the political framework of non-elected men who could make the ruthless decisions the imposi­ tion of austerity dictated. Simply put: dictatorship. News analysis On February 19th the House of Representatives voted 289-115 to in­ vestigate the Pike Committee leaks to CBS's maverick reporter Daniel Schorr. Schorr is being set up as a patsy by the Washington Post as well as the Report ers' Committee for Freedom of the Press while CBS haa pulled Schoor from his intelligence beat. W hile massive attention has been focused on the repressive Senate Bill 1, Congress with the Supreme Court - and the Executive -- is slipping all the essential features of S-l in through the back door, the basement, the windows and other chinks. The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Burger has recently established the right of police to conduct arrests without w arrants even where one can be obtained, and has ruled against the right of citizens to hold higher up police officials responsible for the actions of their subordinates. F B I Director Kelly gives the show away in endorsing (he proposed Justice Department guidelines which make legal most of which the FB I has over the past year, been investigated for. Attorney General Levi haa advocated “preventive action” against political groups and terrorists prior to commission of a crime. or time Contract M anagem ent Association Inc. week was the 'cutting off of aid’ to India. As the story goes, India continued to disrupt 'legitimate' C IA operations in that country, so the State Departm ent cut off some $85 million. The fact is that India has gotten no aid from the U.S. since 1971 - and had requested none this year. This fabulous fiction was meant to scare the Third World countries away from the new world economic order - but the pragmatic joke itself has backfired, as Pakistan's press scored the U.S. for ‘cancelling the aid' and has cautiously moved closer to the notion of debt moratoria and the International D e­ velopment Bank (IDB). New Solidarity reports that a plethora of memorandums are circulating in Washington regarding the 'unfeasability' debt moratoria: the Treasury D epart­ ment's brief insists that Congress (1) op posses moratoria. while the State Department's memorandum says that only Kissinger's case-by-case reschedul­ ing of debt payments will be considered. W all Street is panicked that if any one of the shaking Third World dominoes falls, the whole world will be set off in an irreversible wave of debt moratoria. The Paris Conference on International Economic Cooperation (C IE C - the North-South meetings) have concluded their first round of meetings in Paris. The non-aligned nations have pulled the CO M ECO N group into participation. This move has been paralleled by the Italian Cefis industrial pro-development group which has had leading representatives meet with Soviet and now Cuban planners. Likewise Britian is banking some form of debt cancellation for the Third W orld by way of covertly pushing debt moratoria for Britian. London Times Economics editor Peter Jay says of the Healy social service cuts: "The (British) government has forfeited any real chance of creating new national wealth except temporarily by a reckless reflation that would lead straight to hyperinflation...This is indeed the classic profile of national bankruptcy. I t is the slippery slope which leads ineluctably to repudiation of debt and political col­ lapse." Savings on men’s matched work sets, shoes, jeans and underwear Savings on men’s work sets Sale 5.40 Reg. 8.98. Men's long sleeve work skirt of no-iron polyester/cotton K lo n d ik e ® cloth w ith soil release. Men's sizes. Sale 6.40 Reg. 7.98. Men’s matching cuffed work pants of no-iron D acron ® polyester/combed cotton K lo n d ik e ® cloth with soil release. Men'4 sizes. Sale prices effective through Sunday. 20% off these m en’s jeans Lurching toward a police state by Roy Harvey Thursday, February 28, 1978 ^■1 If you aro Third World Wrapup by Roy Harvey I A spate of domestic terrorist activity, which critical observers of the workings of the C IA et al view to be F B I created, provide the needed psychological climate for the passage of the Levi police state measures. The T rail of Patty Hearst I f properly conducted, the trial of Patricia Hearst, critical observers report, would be sn indictment of the Invisible Government: the F B I, C IA and L E A A involvement in the creation and destruc­ tion of the terrorist SLA. Typical of the composition of the SLA were Em ily and W illiam Harris, now besieged by the press to testify to the character of the kidnap S L A brainwashed victim, Patricia Hearst. A brief look at the background of the Harris couple indicates the nature of the cover up surrounding the trial. W illiam Harris, with his wife Emily, worked for the narcotics division of the Indiana State Police Intelligence Division ('mod squad') while going to the C IA linked College of Foreign Affairs (Bloomington). W illiam obtained an M A in urban studies following his tour of duty as a M arine in Danang. I t was in Vietnam that W illiam Harris probably met fellow BSA orga­ nizer C IA operative Colston Westbrook (Westbrook was head of the experimental behavior modification unit at Vacaville prison called the Black Cultural Associa­ tion BCA) - out of which the SLA was created. Following their schooling at the College of Foreign Affairs, the Harrises made their way toward the BCA and the political climate ou, of which the dupes who were to become the SLA were spawned. The circus like atmosphere of the Hearst trial, close observers say. is being used to create psychological conditions for repressive legislation: the sanctioning of massive surveillance, harassment and interference in legitimate political ac­ tivity. Such is the stuff of a police state? Sale 6.4 0 Reg. *8. Men's straight leg western style jeans. All cotton denim in blue. Don't miss the 20% savings. Men’s sizes. Sale prices effective through Sunday. 20% o ff these w o rk shoes and boots Sale $20 Reg. $25. Men's work oxfords with grained leather uppers. Moc toe styling, G oo d year® welt construc­ tion. Sale prices effective through Sunday. Sale 3 for 2.95 Reg. 3 for 3.69.' Fortrel (" ) polyester/cotton briefs. T shirts and athletic shirts. White. Men’s sizes. Sale 3 for 3.75 Sale 19.20 Reg. $24. 8" w ork boot with leather uppers, oil resistant crepe rubber sole. G oo d year® welt construction and steel shank. 20% off m en’s underw ear Reg. 3 for 4.69 Men's F o r tr e l® - p o lye ste r/co m b ed cotton boxer shorts in assorted prints. Sale prices effective through Sunday. JCPenney Page 3