Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 12, 1976, Page 8, Image 8

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l ’»««' H
Porlland O ltsirxer
Thursday. February 12. 197«
Black History: The struggle of a people to be free
Ä 4 n tn dt unite, in th e com m on pn/upode
th a t eoedy A m edican
c itize n -- ß la c h od. uthite -- Idoutn ad. ï i l -- a d v a n ta y e d od. didadvan ta y e d ~~
odtdaeiyed - - id . yn a d a n teed ^ood ta cat, a d e cen t hom e ta live, in,
adequ ate h ea lth deduiced., and th e Q od-yiuen d iy h t ta utalh u p ,riyh t
tù llt d iy n ity ad. a. h u m a n le in y . W h ile tltede ade lo^ty croati, th e y ode
tone th e - leid, achievable in
liletim e.
G teuetand Qilcdeade
"...th o u g h I am m ore closely connected an d id e n tifie d w ith one class o f
enslaved pe ople , I cannot a llo w m yself to be insensitive to the w rongs of any
part of the great fa m ily of man. I am not o n ly an A m erica n slave, but a man, and
as such, am bound to use my pow ers for the w e lfa re o f the w h o le hum an
Frederick Douglass
Oppressed p e o p le cannot re m ain oppressed forever.
The ye a rnin g for
fre edo m e v e n tu a lly m anifests itself, and that is w h a t has ha ppened to the
A m erican N egro. Som ething w ith in has re m in d e d him o f his b irth rig h t, and
som ething w ith o u t has rem inde d him that it can be gained.
Dr. M a rtin Luther King, Jr.
Faith, courage, brotherhood, d ig n ity , a m b itio n , re spon sibility - these are the
tools for our taste o f com pletin g the establishm ent of e q u a lity fo r the N egro. We
must sharpen these tools in the struggle that faces us and fin d ways o f using
them . The Freedom Gates are h a lf ajar. W e must pry them fu lly open.
Dr. M ary McLoud Bethune
The history of the A m erican N egro is the history o f this strife - this lo n g in g to'
attain self-conscious m anhood, to m erge his d o u b le self into a better and truer
self. In this m erging he wishes ne ith e r o f the o ld e r selves to be lost. He w o u ld
not A frican ize A m erica, for A m erica has too much to teach the w o rld and A frica.
He w o u ld not bleach his N egro soul in a flo o d o f w h ite A m ericanism , for he
knows that N egro blo od has a message fo r the w o rld . He sim ply wishes to m ake
it possible for a man to be both a N egro ancf an A m erica n, w ith o u t be ing cursed
and spit upon by his fe llo w s, w ith o u t having the doors of O p p ortunity closed
ro ugh ly in his face.
W. E. B. DuBois
The Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee-EOA (|nc•>
Community Action: People Together For A
Cleveland Gilcrease
Executive Director
John Rice
Chairman of the Board