1 Pigv 8 Portland Observer Section II Thursday, December 25, 1975 really hope Vicson can make the team because h e’s my favorite Dear Santa I would like a 3 speed bike, some candy, a train set, new close I'm shore counting on you comeing. How are your raindeer nnd your elves, How are they. I Hope Christams is good as it. was last year, it was a wonderful Christmas last year our Christmas tree was so hutiful with the pretty lights, and the most best thing of all was shereing with the poor. Santa, How is your wife. I hope your fealing good for your Lcng junee around the world I r< lly hope vicson ran make the teem because he's my favorite. Roh -rt Miller Age 8 The night before Christmas my mor. • ' d I open my magic present. ! waited until Santa Claus came. He gives me a prerent and we sat on his b p and wen to sleep and he put a presents around the tree and the next morning we got up and opened my presents, and my sisters too and you too. by Lisa duncan age 7 SCHOOL COMMUNITY SCHOOL Dear Santa. Please bring me a Sunshine family and bike. Tonya Rechelle Stephens Grade 2 King School Dear Santa Claus. I hope you have a happy Christ mas. Is it cold at the North pole? How are the reindeer And Mrs Claus and the elves. May I have a walkie talkie. And a basket ball to. good Bye. love Cindy Piltz age 7 Pope John XXIII Dear Santa, Please bring me a bike and have a happy Christmas and have a happy Newyear. Love Dorothy Lillian Mah Grade 2 King School Dear Santa Claus, I bet it's cold in the North Pole. Will you bring me a play Blitzen. Please make toys that have Jesus on them because that's the real meaning of Christmas. Please Santa give the poor people lots of gifts this year. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Kristy A. Kennedy Age 7 Pope John XXIII the Night Before Christmts When All Though The House Net a Creature Not Even A Mouse. I Go up The Next Morning. I Opened My Presents. by Marjorie E. Turner Age 7'/i The Community School. Dear Santa, Santa, you must be Busy everyyear. I hope you don't get too busy this year. Your friend, William Haworth Grade 2 St. Andrews Dear Santa Claus How did you get that red nose? Where did you get those pretty reindeers? do you like to go down Peoples chimney? whre did you get that long beard? < Where did ruldolph get hise shiny nose? Margaret Helen Barton age 7 Community School Dear Santa Claus Why do you go chimney? down the W Dear Santa Claus How are you doing you do you havea big White Beard? and you do you have a big red beg filled with toys? and you do you havea bright nase? Community Shiny Andy Powell 8 Dear Santa I want a tap and a organ a cakemixer and some books and some shoe and some paper and some pencil and some skates and thats all. love Sharon dear Santa claus how is Mrs. rlaus and your reindeer and ruldolph and the elves, j wold like a BarBie doll and a BarBie town house. Age Six Rachel Irene Eastve the community School Dear Santa Claus, Can I please have a perfume pussycat with flowers all over it? It has blue colors. I want to see you at Ioyd Center to day. I want a new Christie doll that curls. And I'll give you a gift certificate. I want a Tiffany Taylor. Your friend, Tina Wesley Grade 2 St. Andrews Dear Santa Claus, Please get me a Tiffany Taylor Do the Reindeer Bite you? Ifow are you in the NorthPole? I watched Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer and even I Twas the night Befor Christmas? Will you get my sister a family tree house? I am eight and my sister is seventeen months. Your friend. Cathy Bryant Grade 3 St. Andrews Dear Santa Claus, Do you climb do wn Chimney? How do the elves mate toys? I want some rabbits. Yi ur friend, Tim Tyler Grade ,J St. Andrews Dear Santa rlaus I hope you have a very happy Christmas I here you a re a very nice person tell your elvi s to make me a toy Rudolph and Smash up Derby am^ that is all. Raymon I Magnett agi Pope John XXIII LEST we F0R6H1 FORKING FOR YOU 66 YEARS. FOUGHT LYNCHING FOR 3 0 YEARS. ADOLISHEP THE WHITE PRIMARIES. FOUGHT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS IN HOUSING. REMOVED THE HUMILI­ ATING PINING CAR CURTAIN. 1954- SUPREME COURT DECISION. ETC- ETCETC But the joL is not fin s h e d Portland Branch NAACP Ellis H. Casson President