PM* « Portland Observer Thursday. December U . 1876 m j» « jw» i « m ir ä « « « win w» ■ Beach VICKIE STOVER Women enter air mechanics Vicky McGinnis Stover, a student in Aviation Maintenance Technology at Portland Community College from north east Portland, received her Airframe Mechanic’s license from the Federal Aviation Administration recently. She is the first woman student from the PCC program to do so. This puts Stover halfway to her goal as a licensed “Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic." Powerplant refers to the engine, and airframe covers the rest of the plane. She plans to take ‘.he powerplant exam in March. The FAA exam which Stover took in Hillsboro, Oregon, included a general aptitude portion and two sections on airframe. She passed all three and will not have to repeat the general test when she takes the powerplant exam. After the written exam. Stover's next hurdle was to take fifteen hours of “Oral and Practical" testing under FAA supervision. This was administered at PCC by an instructor. At the end of this session, she received her Airframe Mechanic’s license. The fifteen months of instruction and the three pre tests that she was given at the PCC center were solid preparation for the FAA exams. according to Stover. Aviation m echanics su bjects are studied one at a time for three weeks. This modular approach allows students easy exit and entry to the program, and encourages concentration. Airframe su bjects which Stover studied include sheet metals, welding, systems and instruments, hydraulics, woodworking, assembly and rigging, and dope and fabric. Airplanes still have wood in them, and it takes seven layers of dope to make a piece of cotton cloth usable as part of an airplane. When Stover becomes a licensed A&P mechanic, she will join a category in which the male female ratio is 630 to one. In December 1974. there were 198.863 licensed A&P mechanics in the country. Three hundred and fifteen of them were women. Her goal as a mechanic is to be a self employed light plane specialist. The FAA office in Washington. D.C. says that of the 161 thousand flying vehicles in this country right now, more than 150 thousand of them are in the light plane category. The possibility that Vicky McGinnis Stover will reach her goal is definitely in the air. Community Calendar Demoforum will hold its Old Fashion New Year's Eve Party on December 31st, 9:00 p.m. at 3033 N.W. Quimby. Proceeds will go to 1976 Demoforum scholarships. Call Lee Kell, 222-3531 or 228-4077, for information. A (bristmas Festival in Hope for the Hungry will be held at St. Francis Assissi Church. 330 S.E. 11th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., December 20th, with a Candlelight witness at 7:00 p.m. at Lloyd Center. Requim for a Christmas Bombing a vigil will be held at the Multnomah County Library. 10th and S.W. Taylor, with a Candlelight march to the Pioneer Post Office. TheatrElan will present “Popcorn", a Christmas show for children, in its new theatre at 614 S.W. 11th, on Saturday. December 20th at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and Sunday. December 21st at 1:00 p.m. "Popcorn’’ will also be shown at the Mountain Moving Cafe. 39th and Division. December 18th at 6:00 p.m. A rally and picketline for Jobs organized by the I nemployed Workers Organizing Committee ¡I'W'OCI will be held Monday. December 15th. 1:00 p.m. at the Portland Unemployment Office. N.E. 44th and Hancock. Working people, employed and unemployed, are invited to join the rally. It will also demand extensions on unemployment benefits. About two and a half million people nationwide are running out of extensions this coming year. Another demand of this rally is “Food Stamps! -- No Cutbacks!” On Friday. December 12th, the Portland Civic Theatre will open its annual Blue Room winter mystery. Catch Me If You Can by Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert, based on a play by Robert Thomas, which recently closed off Broadway. “Catch Me If \ ou Can contains both murder and comedy, and a surprise ending that rivals Agatha Christie. The Annual Student Art Scholarship Sale will be held at Portland State University Thursday. December 18th. 10:00 a m. to 8:00 p.m., and Friday, December 19th. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in 294 Neuberger Hall. Some of the finest Bluegrass and (Md Time Fiddle Music in these parts will be presented in a benefit concert for KBOO iFM) on Friday. December 12th at 8:00 p.m. at the Smith Center Ballroom, Portland State University. The Willow Creek Ramblers la Seattle based group), Washington State Old Time k iddle Champion Hank Bradley, and Portland’s own Dr. Corn’s Bluegrass Remedy will perform. Tickets will be sold for $2.50 at the door only. All ages are welcome m All proceeds of this concert will support KBOO's broadcast operations, including "Music From the True Vine." the longest running bluegrass program on Portland radio. KBOO is Portland s only listener-supported, non commercial community radio station. The PSU Educational Center located at 2611 N.E. Union Avenue will have a Job Search Class Winter Term of 76'. Those interested in learning how to prepare for a Job. getting that Job. and keeping that Job, come down and register. For information about this class phone 229 3864. The Educational Center plans to provide a food basket for an underprivileged family for the holiday. Christmas, for most, will be a joyous occasion. But others will be hungry, just as they have been all year long. The Center urges anyone who wishes to help to do so by contributing two cans of food )eg. corn, peas, greenbeans, etc.) or one dollar. Of course, more will greatly be appreciated. Please bring donations to the Educational Center office prior to December 19th. CONSIDER 1HE ÆTERNN1VE! dp y o u fê ip . At J.B.C. Your "Happiest Christmas Ever!" Round and round the Merry go round go the youngsters Jantzen Beach Center's Merry go round is a wonderful place for the fun loving "Junior shoppers" in the Mall See and enjoy the Merry Christmas World at Jantzen Beach Center From the happy "Ho, ho, ho.” of Santa Claus, to a thrilling Merry go round rule, to memorable y»tt finds for the ones you love Jantzen Beach Center is your headquarters for the happiest Christmas ever!" B each Jant zen D ir e c to r y • C r e a tiv e P rin tin g • C o m m u n ic a tiv e P rin tin g • C o m m e rc ia l P rin tin g Coil today and well arrange tor a time to vmt you 1466 JANTZEN BEACH CENTER PORTLAND. ORE 97217(503) 285 2079 {7/c t 'empiete Stylists Style cu ttin g to fit you Rick W ells, bteve Po»ts, Jim Jasperson 2 8 9 -3 3 2 2 . call or Hours; 283-2111 Mon. - Ex. 188 Sat. 8am Appian Way - 6pm Barbering A- Styling lo w e r le v e l, T hu nd e rb ird M oto r Inn yssissssiassss^iv9wasnivvwijv v v v < ^ ,'^ 'j^ i EVERY WEEK A Super Saver ¿REOlMtf M e n ’s or Ladies Slacks 9 9 ( Reg $1.20 JANTZEN BEACH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEAN IN G '-OP & PROFESSIONAL nd th e S a fe w a y s to r e I. JANTZEN DRIVE 285-2852 M o n —S a t . 9 a .m .-9 p .m . S u n .” 1 0 a .m .- 6 p .m march of Dimes