Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 1975, Page 6, Image 6

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    «T. M76
4 * H volunteers’ jobs
We'll make it as easy as possible for
you to be a 4 H leader in Multnomah
county. Just tell us what you'd like to do
and how much time you have available to
work with young people."
That's the message from Ira Mumford.
Multnomah County Extension agent, who
is "always looking for 4 H leaders."
The volunteer leader is the backbone of
the 4 H program in Multnomah County
and throughout Oregon. Idist year, more
than 8,000 Oregonians gave of their time
and talent to help boys and girls between
the ages of nine and nineteen.
Although many people know about the
4 H club leader who works with a small
group of youngsters on a year round
basis, “the other forms of 4 H leadership
are less well known," adds Duane John
son Oregon State University Extension
411 and youth specialist.
For instance, more than five hundred
petiple in Oregon last year served as 4 H
resource leaders. The resource leader,
Johnson explains, is a person with a
specialized skill or knowledge who is
willing to work with other leaders or 4 H
members on an occasional basis.
The resource leader may conduct
leader training and special classes, lead
tours, or help arrange special events and
activities. Mumford adds.
There has been a steady growth in the
Teen Leader program for young people
who have completed the ninth grade. The
Teen Leader actually leads a 4 H club
composed of younger members. Although
the Teen Leader has primary reaponai
bility for the club's program, an adult
advisor is close by to help when the need
Other young people, in the seventh
grade or above, may wish to try the
junior leader role. As junior leaders, they
work directly with an adult leader in
developing 4 H club programs and
The largest number of volunteers still
serve as 4 H club leaders or assistant
leaders, Mumford adds. These are men or
women who enjoy working with small
groups of boys and girls on a project of
interest to both the adults and the young
For those with more time, the 4 H
community coordinator role may be
appealing. Mumford notes The coordina
tor helps organize 4 II clubs, recruit
leaders and serves as a local represent«
live of the 4 H program
A coordinator may have the responsi
bility for 4 H in a small community or bo
responsible for a school attendance area
in a larger town or city The coordinator
also serves as an important link between
the individual leader and the Oregon
State University Extension staff.
"Additional information about where
you can fit as a 4 H leader is available
from the Multnomah County Extension
office in Portland," Mumford stresses.
"Remember, there's a place for you as a
4 II leader " Just call 229 4840!
Coast Indian arts demonstrated
Miss Haiti seeks women’s lib
Gerthie David, Miss Haiti, and first
runnerup in the 1975 Miss Universe Pa
geant. appears to be about as fierce as a
brown velvet kitten. But the dark eyed
beauty -- who made history as the first
Black ever to reach the finals of the
pageant - can be a real tiger on the
subject of women's liberation.
“Women in Haiti are more or less
bound by tradition," she says. “For
centuries they have followed customs
passed along from generation to genera
tion. I think many women everywhere
are totally unaware of the opportunities
which exist for them." She hopes to
accelerate recognition for Haitian women
through her role as Miss Haiti, a position
which has whisked her from obscure
student to national heroine. Her home­
coming after the Miss Universe victory
became almost a national holiday.
Gerthie aLo wants to repay her
country for sending her to the pageant -
she was sponsored by the Haiti National
Office of Tourism and was the first
contestant from the island since 1968 by
introducing Haiti to potential new
“I have been quite surprised." she said,
hiding a trace of indignation, "at the
number of people who have asked me
where Haiti is, is it in France, or Africa,
or the South Pacific? I want to be an
ambassador for my country The happiest
day of my life was when I was chosen as
Miss Haiti."
Although only twenty, Gerthie is coolly
elegant, a striking 5 foot 8 inch packet of
poise, with 120 lbs. artifully distributed
34-26-36. A part time model in her home
city of Port au Prince, she plans to attend
the Acadmie of Fine Arts there for one
year before going to Chicago to study
interior design. She speaks fluent
French, English and Spanish.
In her long range plans, "maybe when
I m about twenty six is marriage. Cur
rent favorite in that department is
twenty year old Phillippe Dodard. a
Port au Prince artist who tried to dis
courage her from entering the Miss Haiti
Her mother. Mrs. Eline David, a
mathematics, French and history teach
er, teasingly told her lovely daughter it
would be "a good chance to show off."
"When I came home with the Miss Haiti
crown" Gerthie laughed, "my Mother
asked me if the real queen had given it to
me. I joke so much she didn't believe I
had won."
Just as skeptical was Gerthie's
brother, Odnell', Jr., a Port au Prince en­
gineer. "He called after the pageant and I
told him I was the first runnerup to Miss
Universe and he said, 'Come on, girl, be
quick, tell the truth.' A day later, after he
read the news he called and congratu
lated me."
Gerthie's father, a brilliant lawyer,
died when she was three. In addition to
her mother and brother, the family
includes two sisters - Maude, twenty-
two, who just finished secretarial school,
and Michelle, eighteen, who is studying
medicine in Chicago. With half of her
thousand dollar prize money Gerthie
wants to visit Michelle. With the other
half, "I will buy dresses."
Mushrooms, cooked with rice Haitian
style, and chocolate cake are her favorite
dishes. She doesn't drive, and won't ride
a bicycle because she's afraid of falling
off. She also is deathly afraid of "those
awful red worms that crawl in wet
places." The brown velvet kitten shivers
at the very thought.
Dekum Doers plan buffet
Dekum Doers Holiday Buffet is sche
duled on December 2nd beginning at
noon at the Northeast YWCA, 126 N.E.
Alberta. The Dekum Doers, a Northeast
YWCA women's group, will prepare the
luncheon. The Buffet is open to the
Ideas on how to make many holiday
decorations will be shared. Those attend
ing may bring a craft idea to share with
others Mrs. Lelia Griggs will sing
Christmas songs and the students from
the Performing Arts Department of
Jefferson High School will present
readings and music. Handcrafts made by
Dekum Doers will be sold.
The Dekum Doers meet regularly on
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to noon to learn
crafts, go on field trips, discuss issues and
enjoy other activities. New members are
welcome. Current members are: Linda
Lee Doty. Sherry Klein, Mary Lillis,
Ruth Miles, Lois Mauer, Joyce White,
Marilee Wilson, Randi Rodvik, Arlis
Matthews, Dorothy Markell, Brenda
Russell and Vonda Johnson.
Tickets for the Buffet may be pur
chased for $1.35 at the Northeast YWCA
and the Downtown YWCA.
Rule requires handicapped ed
In an effort to provide full educational
opportunities to all handicapped children,
HEW's Office of Education has announc
ed a proposed amendment to regulations
under the Education of the Handicapped
The amendment would require States
to identify and serve all resident
handicapped children and take steps to
Way of
Meeting Single
Call Alisa
232 4695
insure the confidentiality of the records
of these children.
Under the "Assistance to States for
Education of Handicapped Children"
section of the Act, States are required to
detail the policies and precedures they
will use to identify, locate, and evaluate
all resident handicapped children who are
in need of special education. In its annual
program plan, a State would set up a
goal, timetable, and description of
resources for providing educational op­
portunities to all of its handicapped
At the same time, according to today's
Federal Register, the States would also
protect the privacy rights of children
involved. The regulation would require
that in gathering, storing and reporting
the required data and information,
safeguards be taken “to protect the
confidentiality of such data and informs
tion and the rights of the children and
their parents.”
Interested persons may submit written
comments on the proposed rules within
thirty days to the Bureau of Education
for the Handicapped, United States
Office of Education, Room 2016, Regional
Office Building »3, Seventh and D
Streets. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202.
A three day exhibit and demonstration
of Northwest Coast Indian arts by the
renowned Lelooska family will be fea
tured at the Oregon Museum of Science
and Industry November 29th, 30th and
December 1st.
The show, titled "The Art and
Technology of the Cedar and Salmon
Peoples." will offer the public a rare
opportunity to watch the ladooska family
as they create both utilitarian articles
and beautiful art objects in the North
west Coast style. The family is well-
known in the Northwest for their
fascinating programs on Northwest Coast
Indian culture performed at their Pot
latch House in Ariel, Washington.
Chief Don Lelooska. whose creations
are on display in museums throughout
this country and Canada, will work on a
major woodworking in the traditional
style. His totem poles and masks have
brought him an international reputation.
Patty Fawn. Lelooska's sister, has won
worldwide recognition for her sophisti
cated primitive native jewelry pieces,
executed in silver, ivory, and horn
Lelooska's talented mother Shona hah,
and a niece and nephew, will demonstrate
the making of Indian apple dolls and small
carved animal figures Although most of
the family s work is commissioned in
advance, there will be some pieces
available for purchase during the show
Items may also be ordered for future
I •¡rector of Independent Learning Center, Paul Anderson, Counselor and Instructor
Minority enrollment increases
The 1975 76 school year has the largest
enrollment of minority students at
Concordia College Portland to date.
Most of the students come from the
Black community of Portland with a
lesser number coming from other states
and foreign countries
A unique feature of this year's
enrollment is the number of students
over twenty one Most of this older group
are enrolled in the pre nursing program
now being offered at Concordia "I am
more optimistic this year as to the
success of this group as compared to
those of the past year My reason for this
optimism is the motivation, academic
achievement and positive attitude these
students demonstrate," noted Koz.ell
Gilmore. Director of Minority Affairs
"The Minority Affairs Office is busy at
work to make certain that this school
year does prove to lie the best year. yet.
for minority students. Mr Paul Ander
son, a graduate of Concordia Teachers
College. River Forest. Illinois, is in
Mr Gilmore's title has been changed
from that of Minority Coordinator to that
of Director of Minority Affairs. This title
change tietter defines his responsibilities
in relation to Concordia College and to
the minority communities
Joe Joseph
“The land of the War Canoes,” a
classic one hour documentary produced
in 1914 by the famous photographer
Edward Curtis, will be shown as part of
the lelooska family demonstrations. The
film portrays Kwakiutl village life as it
was lived on Vancouver Island sixty
years ago.
"The Art and Technology of the Cedar
and Salmon People" will be on view at
OMSI November 29th, 30th and Decern
her 1st. There is no additional charge,
after the regular OMSI admission
Your Com m unity
Insurance M a n
N E. Union
2 8 2 -3 6 8 0
IN s u l a t in
Is Yours
Year Round
Grades explain turkey physic
It is that time of the year when turkey
so often becomes king of the dinner table
at holiday gatherings.
And, as plans are made for dinner
menus, consumers are beginning to check
with the Oregon Department of Agricul
ture's consumer office on grade labeling
meanings and have questions about
self basting turkeys.
Some assume that the grading relates
to product wholesomeness, but Jane
Wyatt, the department's consumer of­
ficer, says it has nothing to do with
Grade A, the top grade, means that the
turkey is of highest quality with normal
physical conformation: has a well deve
loped and fleshed breast: has very few
pinfeathers; has no skin tears on the
breast and legs; and is free from bruises
and discoloration on the breast and legs.
A grade B bird is permitted to have a
slightly crooked breast if it does not
interfere with the normal distribution of
flesh and may have slightly scattered
strurting in Black History and Culture as
well as counseling and assisting these
students Mrs Yuvienco, Director of the
Independent Learning Center will con
tinue her efforts to facilitate the liasir
study skills of these students and with
the support of the faculty and admini
stration there is no reason why this year
cannot he a high point for all concerned."
Mr. Gilmore states.
Some of the highlights of the Minority
Affairs Office for this year will be
impersonal rap sessions. "Teach In
Workshop" commemorating Dr Martin
Luther King's birthday. Black Awareness
Week, and in depth week of Education
Activities which recognizes the contriini
lions and influences of Black Americans,
and educational retreats
Abnormal physical conformation, such
as a crooked breast, is permitted in a C
grade turkey and it may be poorly
fleshed. A grade C turkey also does not
have to have a fat covering over all or
part of the carcass; may have numerous
pinfeathers over the entire carcass, have
torn skin with skin missing in some areas;
have numerous large discolored areas;
and the wings removed.
Self basting turkeys, Mrs. Wyatt says,
is the industry's answer to the complaint
that turkey meat is dry. It does increase
the weight by approximately three
percent when water, oils or fats, salts and
seasoning are added to the bird, but this
information is all included in the labeling
on the turkey, Mrs. Wyatt said.
|nsulation helps cut heating cost
by keeping out the W inter cold
. . . adds to Summer comfort by
keeping in the cool. Plus it's w a te r­
proof, fire retarding.
Froo E s tim a te s
3 9 3 3 N .E . U n io n
DO Not Put Off Needed Dental (ore "
E njoy D e n ta l H e a lth N o w a n d
Im p ro v e Your A p p e a r r ice
by Cal R. W illiam s
Many consumers are wondering if all
the little pigs are staying home instead of
going to market. Pork, they find, is not
as plentiful as usual and prices are high
The fact is that pork production this
year will be the lowest in nearly a decade
Government reports indicate that the
number of hogs born during the first half
of this year was the lowest in forty years
This is significant because these hogs will
provide the supplies of pork between now
and the end of the year.
The main reason for decreased pork
production is that high feed costs, caused
by a shortage of corn, have forced a lot of
hog producers to rut bark on the number
of hogs they raise or to retire from the
hog business entirely.
The lack of hogs has created problems
for meat packers, too. Fewer hogs mean
less production of baron, ham, pork chops
and sausage
The record corn crop expected this fall
should encourage hog farmers to expand
their production. However, there is a
time lag Corn can't be converted to meat
overnight. From start to finish, it takes
about one year to raise hogs for market.
It may be well into 1976 before
consumers again will find ample supplies
of pork in their supermarkets.
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