Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1975, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Obaerver
Thursday. October 40 1975
Classes teach
legal defense
Legal Self Defense will be the theme
for five workshops for women beginning
November 4th at 7:3<) p.m at the
Downtown YWCA. 1111 Southwest 10th
Sponsored bv the Women's Resource
Center, the workshops are ojien to all
adults and young people at no charge
Workshops will include lectures, role
playing exercises and group discussion
An “Introduction to the Court System"
will bo given on November 4th by Sheila
Lea and Judy Klayman
They will
discuss how to find a lawyer, legal
strategy in court and small claims court
Ms. Lea is an attorney in private practice
and Ms Klayman is a paralegal worker in
the Northeast Portland office of Multno
mah County Legal Aid
"Self Defense Strategies with Govern
ment Agencies" will be covered on
November 11th
Judy Klayman and
Lenore Glaser, also a paralegal worker in
the Northeast Portland office of Multno
mah County Legal Aid. will discuss food
stam ps, unemployment and welfare
On November lMth, "Women and
Discrimination" will be the topic to he
discussed by Pal Watson Employment
and credit discrimination will be covered
Ms. Watson is the director of the
Northwestern Legal Clinic of the North
western School of laiw and is an attorney
in private practice She has experience in
Title VII (discrimination) lawsuits
"Women's Control Over Their Own
Bodies: Biological Rights" will be the
topic on November 25th Ann Bolden and
Sue ( rawford will discuss laws on
abortion, rape and medical treatment.
Ms Bolden organized the Abortion
Information and Referral Service in
Portland and Ms. Crawford works with
the Rape Relief Hotline. Susan Bon
durant, paralegal welfare worker from
Seattle will discuss medical rights of poor
On December 2nd the topic will be
“Marriage Divorce Custody." Kris lai
Mar will discuss self defense for women
in family law Ms. LaMar is an attorney
with a private practice in family law
Cosponsor for the five workshops in
Multnomah County Legal Aid Further
information is available at the Downtown
Legal Aid Office
Men have choice
Local store introduces 'Fashion Fair’ cosmetics
I.-- Egeiwon Fair Cosmetics is the latest
addition to I. Magnins tradition of
Spokespersons for the
company emphasize that "the store that
epitomizes the ultimate in taste and
quality for the discerning customer"
should be the one to introduce Fashion
Fair Cosmetics to the Portland market,
with the introduction of Fashion Fair
Fashion Fair Cosmetics are parti
cularly designed for dark complexior.ed
women and the line is unique because it
was initially formulated as a result of a
study of the fashion coordinators of the
Ebony (Magazine! Fashion Fair Show.
The models and fashion coordinators
had to mix and blend their own make
up because there were no high quality
cosmetics being manufactured for Black
Fashion Fair is today a high quality,
high fashioned line. With one of the
most creative packaging, advertising
and promotional campaigns ever de
vised, they are able to compete with the
best cosmetic companies in the industry,
th e products are geared towards total
appearance in fashion and make up to
coincide with current fashions and
beauty awareness of the Black woman
of today.
Ms. Verdie Stewart, has been selected
by I. Magnin as a full time representa
tive of this fine cosmetic line.
Stewart, who has been with the Port
land store for approximately a year and
a half, is highly qualified to serve in this
Not only is she a know
ledgable authority in the cosmetic field.
but she has attended the comprehensive
training program held in San Francisco
by Fashion Fair for the purpose of fully
preparing its personnel to provide the
products with the representation they
so justly deserve.
In addition, Ms.
Stewart contributes an inherent under
standing of the cosmetic needs of the
Black woman.
Ms. Stewart is available not only
at I. Magnin, but will respond to
requests to demonstrate before various
Facts on Freezers
Did you plant a larger garden this
year to cut grocery costs and now find
you can’t locate canning lids to preserve
your produce at its peak?
This season's shortage of canning lids
has led many homemakers to home
As a financial investment, a freezer is
profitable only if half or more of the
family's food is home produced or
purchased at real bargain prices, and
when the family uses the freezer
continually and to it's capacity. Freezer
storage adds ten to twenty five cents per
pound to the initial food costs
something to consider before buying a
freezer to store foods bought in quantity.
Size of the freezer will, of course,
depend on the family’s use of this
appliance. If the freezer is meant only
to be a supplement for weekly shopping
storage, three cubic fee per family
member should be adequate. Six cubic
feet per person might be more
preferable if large quanities of meat,
fruits and vegetables are to be
Should you buy a "frost free" freezer?
A labor saver, eliminating the chore of
defrosting, this type of freezer also has
“Frost free" is not
energy saving. The operating cost is
greater than for manual or automatic
defrost freezers, and the appliance is
generally likely to cost more initially.
The continuously moving cold air within
the freezer that removes frost also tends
to dry out or “freezer burn” foods unless
they are carefully packaged in moisture
vapor proof materials or containers.
Packaging of foods for the freezer is
one of the factors adding to the cost of
home frozen foods.
While reusable
containers are a one time investment,
wraps that help insure high quality
during storage are a recurring expense.
There are two basic models of freezers
available: chest and upright.
Chest freezers have lower operating
costs as little cold air is lost when the
freezer is opened. They generally cost
less initially and distribute the weight of
the appliance and food over a larger
area. Stored items may be more difficult
to remove if they are near the freezer
bottom. Care must be taken in filling
the freezer so that more frequently used
items or those that need to be used first
will be within easy reach near the top.
Upright freezers take less floor space,
but concentrate total weight in a smaller
Food is easier to locate and
remove, but more cold air spills out
when the door is opened, contributing to
slightly higher operating costs.
In summary, make your decision about
a freezer on the basis of family needs
and uses, keeping in mind the cost of the
appliance and packaging materials, and
energy saving features.
m th.aln r d e n '7 n*rfbn|i* V' “d
* h° u*“ " " " 1 back* « d».
Hallow een, to the leek.
‘" - J u n i h l u"
* k" ,fe a m o n i them * ould * * » »«¡on o f her fu tu re husband
pica up the knife and throw it into the garden.
clubs, sororities, civic groups, etc. and
will conduct special beauty clinics.
Fashion Fair launched its promotion
program at I Magnin on October 27th,
continuing for nearly a week. Assisting
Ms. Stewart are highly skilled make
up artists offering a clinic format of free
make ups, facials and expert advice.
The multitude of dark complexioned
women who have been frustrated in
attempts to find the solution to their
specific make up problems, are urged to
attend these clinics. Through Fashion
Fair, it is hoped that their search will
be ended.
In conformance with a Supreme Court
ruling, HEW issued a final regulation
that says unemployed fathers of depen
dent children have the option of receiving
either unemployment compensation or
cash welfare assistance, whichever is the
John A. Svahn, Acting Administrator
of HEW's Social and Rehabilitation
Service, noted that the regulation imple
menls the ruling of the United States
Supreme Court in Philbrook v Glodgett
and Weinberger v. Glodgett.
The Supreme Court affirmed in those
cases a United States District Court
derision affecting unemployed fathers of
dependent children who are not only
eligible for unemployment compensation
but also rash welfare assistance under
the unemployed fathers section of the aid
to families with dependent children
(UF AFDCl program.
The Supreme
Court held that such fathers could lake
either unemployment compensation or
cash welfare assistance, whichever is
Book gives plant advise
How on earth can I grow house
plants in the Northwest when we have
no sunlight six months out of the
Read Green Plants for Gray Days, a
recently published book by Portland
Community College landscape instructor
Ethel Hoffman Biskar and Portland
Community College student Martha
Stuckey. Oriented specifically to indoor
growing conditions of the Northwest
climate, the book explains the elements
of basic plant care and maintenance
with twenty in depth descriptions of
plants which grow in spite of gloomy
days. Biskar and Stuckey believe a
regional plant book is needed because
the lack of light makes all purpose plant
books incorrect for this climate. A rare
at a glance chart for fifty six different
plants which originated as a class
project for Marty is also included.
Ethel Biskar, in addition to teaching
classes in indoor plants for Portland
Community College, runs a successful
interior landscape business, providing
specialized design and maintenance ser
vices to offices and homes.
Stuckey, who enrolled in Biskar's class
last year, is a free lance writer and
graphic designer whose career goal has
now changed to landscape design. One
particularly satisfying aspect of their
collaboration was "doing the whole job
ourselves, says Biskar.
and printing.
The trend to indoor gardens often
breeds frustration for the beginner
"Plants are supposed to be fun,"
explains Biskar. "Unfortunately most
people are so afraid of killing their
plants that they become compulsive
about watering and fertilizing
over protectiveness does just what they
wanted to avoid.
When in doubt
"Choosing the right plant is essential
for success in the Northwest," continues
Stuckey. "There are many plants in
shops and greenhouses which look just
great because they live in a strictly
controlled environment You take them
home and in a week they're dead. Our
book tells which plants to buy and
which ones to avoid,"
Several tips offered by the book
include: 1 wash plants in a m ild
detergent water solution three or four
times each year to keep the pores of the
leaves open and to kill bacteria, 2 don't
over water the soil, 3. spray mist plants
to add humidity especially in winter
(watering and adding humidity art not
the same), 1 use fertilizer sparingly.
What's the best plant for a beginner
“A wandering jew," exclaims Biskar It
needs little attention and you can prun»
it bark and start new plants with the
rut off sterna." The book also recom
mends monstera deliriosa which one
can only kill by "beating it to death
with a hammer."
Ethel Biskar, in addition to teaching
classes in indoor plants for Portland
Community College, runs a successful
interior landscape business, providing
And what plant to avoid?
specialized design and maintenance ser
schefflera, one of the most common
vices to offices and homes.
Marty plants seen in businesses and plant
Stuckey, who enrolled in Biskar's class shops, needs excellent light, good air
last year, is a free lance writer and circulation, and is particularly suscep
graphic designer whose career goal has tible to mites, the most difficult plant
now changed to landscape design. One disease to cure.
particularly •satisfying aspect of their
For more practical, down to earth,
collaboration was “doing the whole job and often humorous instruction for
ourselves," says Biskar. Pooling exper
growing an indoor garden, Green Plants
tise, the two women did the research, for Gray Days may be purchased at
writing, design, layout, paste up, and most bookstores including the Portland
handled all negotiations for typesetting Community College Bookstore.
Nurse selected 'Outstanding’
Psychiatric Nurse Donna Hrownsber
ger Zajonr has been named Oregon's
Outstanding Young Woman of the Year
for 1975
Mrs Zajonr. daughter of Joe 11 anil
Ixiis Brownsberger of Appleton City,
Missouri, was chosen from the many
Oregon women nominated for this year's
Outstanding Young Women of American
Awards program Along with the winner
in each of the forty nine other states and
the District of Columbia. Mrs Zajonr is
now being considered for one of 1975's
Ten Outstanding Young Women of
America Awards
The ten national
winners will be announced November
1 Nth at an awards ceremony in Washing
ton, D.C.
Nominated for this honor bv Sandv
Wyatt of Klamath Falls. Oregon, Mrs
Zajone'a biography and a rerord of her
accomplishments will ap,H-ar in the 1975
awards volume. Outstanding loung
Women of Am erica
The Outstanding Young Women ol
• ------ - - - - — i-
..a - . . . „ i i ,
by leaders of w om en's organizations and
honors young women betw een the ages ot
tw enty one and th irty five for civic and
professional achievement
Mrs D exter
O tis A rnold, honorary president of the
G eneral Federation of W omen's Clubs,
heads a distinguished Board of A dvisors
which guides the program Serving on
the Board with Mrs A rnold are the
national p resid en ts of m ajor w om en's
Donna Z ajonr is involved w ith jieople
She w orks with m inority groups, the
business comm unity and sta te and local
governm ent
Responsible for the first
Indian alcoholism project funded by the
slate of O regon, Mrs Zajonc has initiated
and dev eloped plans for a dental clinic
w ith special em phasis on dental education
and serving school age children Health
coordinator for the K lam ath Child C are
C enter, she is secretary for the K lam ath
Alrohol Planning G roup anil s e r v e s on
the state board of d irecto rs for the
Alliance C oncerned with School Age
M A D fc
1$ Yours
Year Round
In s u la tio n helps cut h e a tin g cost
by ke e p in g out the W in te r cold
. , . adds to Sum m er co m fo rt by
ke e p in g in the cool. Plus it's w a te r­
p ro o f, fire re ta rd in g .
Free Estim ates
3 9 3 3 N.E. U nion
2 8 8 -6 3 4 7
"Fashion Fair”
a cosmetic line
that is designed with
dork complexioned women
in mind . . .
Yours w ith any I ashton I air purr have o t St, (Ml
or m ore I his otter is for a lim ite d tim e vo
please visit our fa s h io n la ir counter today
I yr- Shadow (Sea Arjna Arjira Pc,tri)
I ipxtic k (B/azing Berry)
Spec nil Beauty ( reme
NO IR ( ologrie
7 2 6 Z R II