< 4 Portland Obaerver Eqpk Fun, variety, J a n tz e n ( VM >%l< .1 »A/M 14V area and The customer saves money and time because of a punching needle, called the Speed Tufting Tool. With this unique tool dozens of stitches ran be made each minute. So accurate is the tool that the craftsmen can concentrate on the overall beauty and balance of his design. The result is a money saving, do it yourself work of art that can serve as a durable rug or a beautiful rug tapestry. Jim and Jeanne Jenks, owners and manager of Rug Crafters, invite customers to inspect the beautiful displays of tapestries in their shop. Resides rugs or tapestries, there are woven miniatures small framed pieces that can be hung on a wall. These items feature pictures of the Zodiac. There are other miniatures with a mushroom design Also available are attractive pillow tops, with weaving that closely resembles needle work. The pillow kits are priced at »12.95. Customers will also find kits for weaving shoulder bags. These kits sell for »22.50. Time saved in using the Speed Tufting Tool is considerable. For example a three by five foot rug. often requiring six months to complete by traditional methods, can be done in eighteen hours with this new instrument. The speed Tufting tool at work a Thirty four colors in polyester yarns and a variety of eye catching patterns are available. Rugs ran be woven in loop or shag textures. To produce the shag, a craftsman need only set his tufting tool to weave a high loop that is later rut to form a shag Patterns on display are in straight loop or shag or in interesting combination of the two. Patterns can be of other fabrics, such as ribbon or twine. fully carpeted, air condi tioned store. The manager invites eus tomers to inquire about services and facilities avail able Personnel in the shop will gladly show interested c u s to m e rs a ro u n d the establishment •Jantzen ervice W atch for this page again soon Need a new roof? 20% to 30% off* -------------- Your Shoes 1 I____ Æ ___ Monday thru Saturday 1466 JANTZEN BEACH CENTER 9 a.m . 5 p.m. PORTLAND ORE 97217 ¡503, 285-2079 Style cutting to fit you Rick W ells, P o c k m a r k » o r h o ir » , although lin y and not coni p l r l r l y th ro u g h ro o fin g , indicate troub le ahead C u rle d , h u m p e d o r hub* b i r d » h in g lr» can grow prngrr»»ively w«ir*r arid let the had weather in Shoe Shine Shop Lower Level. Thunderbird Inn K itty corner from A ged and dam ag ed w o o d «hake» deteriorate quickly once the weather penetrate» th e ir cove ring B u r n t o u t u n d e r la p » generally indicate vroaton cauaed bv wear and tear of the element» Appian Way Barbers Cleaned & w ater proofed —’1 r & Suede garm ents Cod today and w» H arrange tor a time to «sit you die Complete Stylists 1 J Leather • Creative Printing • Communicative Printing • Commercial Printing Maurice Hannah r1 Directory Now Check these visible signs of roof trouble. ï — B ea ch Groom ing HOME IMPROVEMENT SALE lu w M 11 C e n te r The patterns themselves can be standard designs purchased in a kit. They can also be copies of other designs or originals, depending on a customer's desires Starter kits sell for »39.95. Today customers at Rug Crafters can find an array of colorful designes for rugs in complete kits including materials, tools and instructions. With these kits anyone can weave a beautiful rug or tapestry in a frartion of the time and at far lower cost than by traditional methods Coin op machines are available in a variety of sizes and rapacities. There are several machines avail able for light loads and fragile items. There are also machines with 20 and 30 pound rapacities for big loads and for rugs Fifteen marhtnes handle 16 pound loads and customers will find twelve dryers and six dry cleaners available Customers will enjoy the parking P aje 9 convenience B each Traditionally, weaving a rug meant months of tedious work, while the cost of purchasing a hand woven rug was usually great. Jantzen Hearh Laundry and Dry Cleaning announce» a new aervice cleaning and waterproofing of all leather and ■uede garment». With the new aervice cualomer» can also get all leather and suede garments waterproofed, according to Ralph Bevins. manager. large Thursday, October 23, 1975 W eaving becomes low cost m odern craft Around H a yd en lila n d - a world of w o n d erfu l things. The laundry and dry cleaning establishment, Io rated behind Safeway on Interstate 5. features "a full package" of cleaning ser vices. Customers ran lake advantage of coin op self service washing and dry cleaning The establish ment also offers profes aional laundering and dry cleaning and wash dry and fold Jantzen Reach laundry and Dry Cleaning is o|>en seven days a week Mon day thru Saturday, 9:00 a m. to 9:00 p m ; Sundays, 10:00 a m to 6:00 p m A nother im p ortan t fea ture is one day drapery service in by 11:00 a m , out by 5:00 p m The laundry features soft water for all washing, coin op and professional. 1 bteve Potts, Jim Jasperson call or 2 8 9 -3 3 2 2 283-2111 Ex. 188 Hours; Mon. - Sat. 8am - 6pm Bartoering Appian Way f S ty lin g Fast, new service JANTZEN BEACH LA U N D R Y & D R Y CLEANING COIN-OP & PROFESSIONAL 1190 N. JANTZEN DRIVE Lower level, Thunderbird Motor Inn 285-2852 240-LB. SEAL-DOWN SHINGLES Act now to avoid the damage that a leaking root causes to ceilings, walk, draperies and rugs For expert nailing advice. call the experts at Wards O ur advice is reliable, tree Call now 99 REGULAR 9.99 PER BUNDLE U-HAUL PRICE, 6.99 • shingi . es only , installation extra . 7 Or need new siding? •* " wards aluminum siding FOR LASTING BEAUTY „ ♦ > ' s < * e ., 15% OFF* 5 » » «» KBSW •SIDING ONLY. INSTALLATION EXTRA. For home beauty and easy maintenance, it's Wards aluminum siding Enamel finish resists weather damage Available in colors Phone Wards today! yariu^- Z A » « ¿»¿»g FREE ESTIMATE MAIL THE COUPON OR PHONE THE WARD STORE NEAREST YOU EOR A TREE ESTIMATE. l ull or mail this coupon. O ur home improvement experts will call you and arrange a free home estimate. You are under no obligation to buy. Name___________________________________ WHY WAIT . . . ENJOY WHAT YOU NEED NOWI »> Just say, “Charge it ! ” M O N K .< WM KY PiVtl N I I JANTZEN BEACH STORE • 1400 Jantzen Beach Center • 283-44'd M ALL 205 STORE • 9800 S.E. Washington • 255-8200 V A L G H N ST. STORE • 274l N W. Vaughn • 227-7631 SALEM STORE a Lancaster Mall • 363-3191 W e’re shaking up the fu rn itu re business See and feel it for yourself the richness of the wood, the . xcitement of plush velvet. It's all in your furniture selections at the Bag Shop. Also handmade lamps, Russell original paintings, waterbeds. dining room sets, stereo stands. Ask a b o u t our "M oon C h a ir’’ -The to tal com fort exp erien ce “ B a i SlMWMSe «£