Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1975, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Ohaervrr
Thuiaday. October 16. 1976
Portland State University Committee
of Students Rights and Freedom are
having a benefit for the Chicano
Student Union. Friday. October 17th at
7:90 pm at 53 Cramer Hall, and October
16th at 7:90 at Contact Center in
General addmission $1 00.
ployed S.75. The films "My University”
and “Life of Gorkey ■ Why We Boycott"
will be shown.
Boise Elementary School Open House door prises were won by Mrs. Shirley
Garrett, aid and parent; Ed McCord, teacher. Delores Leggroan. Community
Agent; and Mrs. Lance Eucher. parent.
Boise O pen House success
The night of October 2nd was a real
family affair for the Boise staff and the
community. The Open House attracted
about 150 people to attend, meet staff
members, and visit classrooms.
central hallway was thronged with
parents and friends, drinking coffee,
joining P.T.A.. or just enjoying a chance
to talk.
Mr. James Crolley, P.T.A.
president for a second year, welcomed
the assembled crowd in the auditorium.
Principal David McCrea reminded pa
rentó that their voices need to be heard
if they want either to influence or
prevent changes at Boise School. He
noted that Boise’s enrollment had gone
up over previous expectations, requiring
the addition of two more teachers in the
primary grades. The new teachers who
have joined the staff since the
beginning of the school year are Mrs.
Sharon Mowry, and Mrs. Christie Stil
Mr. McCrea also stated that
Boise's racial balance had improved by a
few percentage points.
Excitement was intense when the
drawings were made for the three door
prizes. Mrs. Shirley Garrett won the
first door prize of a huge turkey. Mr.
Ed McCord won the second, a precook
ed ham. Mrs. Laura Tucker won the
mystery prize, which turned out to be a
box full of assorted groceries.
Tower of Power visits Portland
band better represents the total de­
Double Tee will present the country's
velopment and integration of both the
#1 high energy “Funk Rock” band
TOWER OF POWER and the heavy
vocal and instrumental, or bumping and
duty Rock and Roll band R.E.O.
mellow sides of rhythm and blues, than
Tower of Power.
SPEEDWAGON in concert at the
Paramount Theater, Friday evening,
R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON has been
October 17tb at 8:00 pm.
playing for eight years.
extensive touring and five albums worth
Tower riding on their sixth and latest
of hard recording, they have built up a
Warner Brothers release - la the Slot -
tremendous following. R.E.O.'s music
will bring a ten piece band featuring
remains loud, clear and footstomping
Hubert Tubbs, lead vocals. Tower of
but with more thought and structure
Power rose to national popularity on
being applied with each successive
their first two albums. East Bay Crease
Although their latest Epic
and Bump City, both of which made the
release This Time We Mean It is riding
national best selling charts.
high in the charts, they consider
recordings include the hit songs "Down
themselves “still essentially a live
To the Nightclub", “You're Still a Young
Man", “So Very Hard To Go”, “What is
Tickets for this concert are $5.50 in
Hip”, and “Only So Much Oil In the
advance and $6.50 day of show. They
The Tower horn section is
are available at Paramount Theater Box
confitfered a phenomenon and is in
c o n f i t « demand W a recording-unit ft ' - OTffce SAeir and Vrank. Long Hair
Music. Everybody's Records. America in
was used on Elton John's Charibou and
Vancouver. Banana and Today Records.
also by Jose Feliciano and Santana. No
Sheriff l<ee P. Brown announced that
he will conduct a Sheriff/People Day on
October 18th from 10:00 a m. to 2:00
The Sheriff will be available to talk to
anyone about any subject that concerns
the Sheriffs Office The Sheriff wel
comes all citizen inquiries or sugges
tions concerning the department These
informal conferences are designed to
promote a mutual understanding of
common problems and solutions. No
appointment is necessary to see the
Sheriff on this day. at Room 103. 209
West Oak Street.
The Student Committee Against Ra
cism will sponser a panel discussion on
Portland: The
Fight Against Racism”. Panalist are
Ellis Casson. Jfresident of the Portland
branch NAACP; Nathan Proby. director
of the United Minority workers: Jackie
Wintefs. President of the Salem Branch
NAACP; Ruth Spencer, chairman of the
Oregon Minority Relations Orgamza
tion; and Jim Callaborn of Student
committee Against Racism.
The discussion will be held at the
PSU Educational Center. 2611 N.E.
Union Avenue on Saturday, October
18th at 12:00 noon
Why and how people change their
careers will be the theme of “It's Your
Career”, a four week workshop offered
in the Division of Continuing Education
Building beginning Wednesday evenine
October 29th at 5:30.
A computerised battery of interest
testa will be included in the workshop
which is designed for men and women
currently employed. Bernice Feibleman,
instructor, is the vocational counselor
for DCE and will offer personal individ
ualized counseling in addition to the
group testing and discussions. Registra
tion information is available at the DCE
office. 1633 S.W. Park Avenue. 229
B R A N D S y o u know
V A R IE T IE S y o u lik .
SIZE S YOU w o o *
The Irvington Community Association
will hold its annual meeting at Irvington
School on Thursday. October 23rd at
7:00 p.m.
On the agenda are the
election of officers, the comprehensive
plan and the neighborhood association
ordinance. Ed Ariniello. President. ICA
urges the public to attend.
The Oregon Socialist Workers “75
Campaign Committee will sponsor a
special dinner and rally featuring the
Socialist Workers presidential candi
date. Peter Camejo. Camejo has been
active in the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee, the 1969 October 15 Mara
torium. and campaigned against Senator
Edward Kennedy in 1970. Camejo calls
for a Bill of Rights for Working People,
including the right to free education and
medical care, and the right to a secure
The dinner is scheduled for Saturday.
November 1st at 7:30 p.m . preceded by
refreshment« at 6:00 p.m. The campaign
rally will be at 8:30 p.m. Both events
will be held at the North Portland
YMCA. 5430 North Moore Street. Call
226 2715 for information.
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Jeff band visits Corvallis
by Pat Laaley
Saturday morning was joyful to a
number of high school students in the
Oregon Washington area.
Approximately 33 bands were there
which added up to a little over 3,000
The weather was chilly with sprinkles
of rain every so often. But the students
on campus came out of their dorms and
cheered as they recognized their pre
vious High School Band marching by.
When each school reached the end of
the parade, tickets were handed out for
a free soft drink, courtesy of Me
All of the participating students were
invited to attend the big game between
O.S.U. and Colorado State.
Just before kick off time, all of the
fans stood up and cheered during the
flag raising ceremony as the Oregon
State Band played the National An­
As the time passed on, the rain began
to fall a little heavier but the crowd
went right on enjoying the game.
During the first quarter, Colorado
succeeded in getting the first score. The
step to the extra point was very well
taken to put Colorado out front with the
final half time score 7-0.
At the half, all 33 bands approached
the field. Together they talently played
six numbers, some old. some new.
Awards were generously given to the
bands who the judges considered out
standing. First, second and third place
trophies were given to classes A and B
A class for schools with enrollment
greater than a thousand and B class for
schools whose enrollment is less than
Seven high schools recieved
honorable mention.
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