! * Portland Observer Third World Wrap-up Peggy Joseph by Kay Harvey “Triage" that’s polite for 'mass murder." "Triage" is a term used in military • medicine, develop«! during World War H When there is a limited supply of. anything (food, water, medicine), the authority segregates the 'salvagable" humanity from that to be discarded " .the concept of triage' is darkly fashionable ..one making the rounds of the inner policy circles here Washing ton," writes Georgia A. Geyer in her syndicated column (Oregoniaa, October 5th| Triage is currently being planned for thoae I hird World rountriea considered expendable countries which have been forced out of the world's reproductive process, Of course, triage cannot end with the humane withholding of food" from the targeted I hird World populations Triage is the unwinding process of international trade and development Its advocates accept the notion that human progress is no longer arhieveable or even worthy of achievement Triage finds no takers in the Third World Third World countries: it is policy where payment is non industrial linked banks lakes precedence over maintain ing social services (medical, education, sanitation, fire and police, etc). During 1973 74 the triage disciples were allowed out of their "dark corners" to push the 'humane' termination of credit and fond for the "basket cases'*. Garret Hardin, the brothers Paddock It amine 1975), and 'moderate' la-ster Brown et a I were being slipped in as State Department policy. But the Third World countries objected. For a while triagists retreated to their inner sanctum in Washington, though unpad locked. According to the triage bible, famine 1975, Haiti, Egypt and India, for example, should receive no food or credit (the book lists 108 countries on its critical list). But India has just unpegged its rupes from the British pound sterling and has tied its currency to a group of currencies, including the ruble and the yen: a move toward continuing India's increased trade and productive investment Georgia Anne Geyer offers her readers what is known as a 'reesian choice' that is, no choice at all The title of her article puts it nicely: "Forced Poor Country Cooperation Better Than 'Triage' Treatment". Arbeit macht frei Hey, you might ask, ain't there something else'* Forced 'coopers tion or death? The seventy seven non aligned nations asked this question too, and they came up with an answer Bather than triage (starvation, pla gue. nuclear war, etc ), Geyer offers the moderate' (¿eater Brown's plan: "forced cooperation" via a food bank, where food and credit will go to the countries obediently paying their dollar debts, limiting their population, and producing the assigned crops or raw materials at prices dictated by the IMF. the World Bank, the ( hase, etc. Such is the stuff But triage is not being confined to the The Guns of White America of fascist economics, {¿ester Brown. Il Why triage are there too many of maintains that there is a surplus of us'.' people It maintains that only force will Advocates of triage or “forced be effective in limiting the growth of cooperation'* such as Geyer, omit the populations. It maintains humanity to notion of human progress from their be an ever increasing burden and Reesian choice Bather than progress, liability ("useless eaters") rather than slated sections of humanity are to the creative potential and reality undergo "voluntary sterilization" humanity is. Roger Freeman of Stanford University Zero growth advocates such as Lester advocates that welfare mothers be Brown do not in fart analyze how bribed with rash in order to undergo populations increase. Population sterilization Queens University biology growth is commensurate with the professor (Ontario) proposes that "ate nature of the economy: more children rilization should be psychic rather than are essential to an agrcultural economy physical," that is the "Clockwork than to a family in an i> dustrial one; the Orange" method. rate of maturation (amount of time it Robert Malthus (1798) maintained takes for the children to develop the population increased geom etrically, skills appropriate to the technology) is while food production incn^ised only much lower, in general, in the Third arthimetirally. The scientific and World agricultural ecnomies enforcing industrial revolution reduced Malthus' large family size. So even from the scribbling to so much hysteria Like most bitter reductionist zero population wise the contemporary Malthusians do growth standpoint, if z.g. advoctes could not envision human progress, as typified think clearly they would advocate by the development of controlled expanding non inflationary production thermonuclear fusion technology (not to and international development. be confused with the fission) and hence, October 5th United States Treasury for example, the liberating food produc Secretary William Simon told the New lion capacities through energy intensive York Times that some form of debt hydroponics, through energy intensive moratoria must be worked out regard de salienating processes which will ing New York City debt. This reclaim desert lands for agricultural statement gives the green light for recreational use and so on. Third World calls for debt moratoria, I he Third World countries, led by which through the proposals of the Iraq, Algeria, India, Mexico and others International Development Bank (IDB) have opted toward development rather will have the effect of restarting than accept the Reesian choice: triage production: in the first, second and (the polite name for mass murder) or third world 'forced cooperation'. African nations support peace seems nonsensical on its face for anyone to advocate gun control in White America Guns are as fixed a part of the "wild west" and "compulsion of others complex in the American personality as the proverbial taste for apple pie Hence, when apparent assassination attemps are made, such as the recent fiasco in Sacramento, California, it would appear as nothing more than idle talk to speak of stricter control of guns Black Americans have a tremen dous stake in keeping down the incidence of the misuse of deadly firearms Black Americans cannot afford to engage in the effectively idle talk of so much of the American gun control debate I here s an old expression which we all know and which may be helpful to us as Black Amerienns eonrned with a realistic or workable approach to the White American gun craze or pathology. The expression is: "Monkey see; monkey do." All we have to do is to see how the British and the Scandinavians keep down their murder rate. Here's what they do. They discourage the use of deadly bullets, even for the military, except in actual warfare. They encourage the use of rubber bullets, which stop persons and animals "cold in their tracks," rendering them dazed and powerless but not dead Perhaps every Black newspaper in America should help in a steady campaign for the outlawing of hard or steel bullets and encourage the use of rubber bullets instead All of us can write to our own Congressmen or women, telling them of our concern that non death dealing rubber bullets may he the most workable approach to the handgun menace A number of surveys have indicated that the American public emphatically is not going to give up its handguns Indeed, our state police, as well as local ones are adding more deadly steel King Neighborhood Facil ity is seen during con struction. Funded by HUI), the center will house a variety of social agencies. Mayor Gold schmidt and other officials held opening ceremony on October tilh (See page I) bullets to their current hard bullet arsenals. They are adding steel bullets which explode inside their target, making death almost a certainty It is within the province of the police to detain for trial, not to mete out a summary execution Even in their policing of Northern Ireland, the British troops use rubber bullets We should have legislation on our national books outlawing the use of hard bullets by anyone within the territorial limits of the United States, except in wartime Our army target practice can do quite well with rubber bullets. The outlawing of metal bullets and the mandatory use of rubber bullets would allow a "gun happy,” White America to shoot to their heart's content. But few would die, including Presidents in shooting plots. The penalty for the keeping or carrying of hard bullets would have to be severe. But that should lx- no problem. Advocates of the use of guns could still more than adequately protect their homes Sportsmen could still hunt but have the choice of killing their prey after stunning it or of taking it to the forestry service or humane society for patching and release. Rubber bullets emphatically would not kill the joy of the hunt Forty four Black African countries support the world peace movement," said Romesh ( hzndra. Secretary General of the World Peace Coucil and Nobel Peace Prize nominee for 1975, in an exclusive interview Tuesday by an National Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation representative. Africans support it strongly not only because they need to use their resources for economic development rather than arms, but also because the cause of peace is in keeping with their long tradition," he explained. This same tradition among Blacks in America, the fifty six year old con tinued, grows out of the Black Haas asks victim’s omsbudsman Multnomah County District Attorney Harl Haas has requested Governor Bob Straub to appoint an ombudsperson to represent the victims of felons. The District Attorney revealed his request before the Annual Ranquet of the Seaside Chamber of Commerce Thurs day night. Noting the Governor's recent ap < ongressman John Conyers, chairman pointment of a third ombudsperson for of a congressional sub committee on inmates in the Oregon State Correc firearms should lx* contacted by every tional Institutions, Mr Haas urged concerned person in this regard His consideration of the appointment of at address is: Congressional Office Build least one ombudsperson to represent ing, Washington, D.C. the victims of those inmates." Truly humane legislation and reforms The ombudsperson would present the must come most often from oppressed victim's perspective to those corrections or alienated minorities, "power cor officials involved with decisions on rupts,' so Lord Artion has reminded us. inmates' eligibility for work release Hence we as Black Americans have a programs and parole. The District trust to fulfill in many ways, including Attorney blamed a preoccupation with the continuous bombarding of the the rights of offenders for the tragic ( ongress anil the education of the neglect of the victim's plight. public concerning the need for rubber In the last twenty years a growing bullets. zeal for those accused of crime and an increasing tendency to lay the blame of crime not so much upon the criminal as on the society have combined to create a severe imbalance in favor of the rights of those accused of crime over the rights of those of the public." As the extent and seriousness of America's crime problem continued unabated the chances for arrest, conviction and punishment diminish Statistics indicate that there is only a one in seven chance for an offender to get caught, and an even lower probability of being punished. "Not only does the growth of violent death taint the whole society but the increase and spread of crime engenders a fear that constantly overshadows nearly all of us, denying our right to venture forth at night for recreation, prohibiting us from many areas in our cities, and raising the cost of goods and services." The impart of this fear has been compounded by a cruel system which concentrates its attention upon the offender "All too often the victims of crime have become a vast class of forgotten Americans overlooked in official proceedings, generally ignored by the public, the bureaucrats and the politicians." In the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office. Mr Haas has ini tiated the state's first and only program providing assistance to victims of serious crime. In a little over a month sine»« the program began it has provided over $10,000 worth of referral services, personally aided over sixty victims of crime, and kept over 700 vicitms and witnesses informed of the progress and results of their cases. For all area* of Life Insurance Family Financial Planning Health Insurance and Group Insurance 282.36*0 f Page 3 t • - -’ i '. s 39.33 N.E. I mon L Washington, D.C.: $9.66 an hour by Dr Nathan Wright. Jr Il Thursday, October 9. 1975 experience here. Throughout, Blacks have struggled in a very real sense for peace, he added. Secretary Chandra, a native of Punjab, is heading a Peace Council delegation which will confer with peace committees in more than a dozen communities across America, including Chicago. San Francisco, and New York. "We are receiving a tremendous amount of leadership from American groups," he said. The tour will end in New York at the United Nations where the delegation will press for a UN Disarmament Conference. "We are working for detente, disarmament, and develop ment." Secretary Chandra pointed out. "Above all, we want an end of the arms race and a ban of all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.” he said. Chandra, a Cambridge graduate and a former newspaper editor in India, has been secretary general of the World Peace Council since 1966 It is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. In addition to Chandra, the members of the delegation are: James Lamond. member of the British House of Commons; Harald Edelstam. Swedish ambassador to Algeria; Dr. Carlton R. Goodlett, president of the National N ew spaper Publishers A ssociation INNPA). Mrs Puravhi Mukherji. secretary- general of the Congress Party of India; Ralph Abernathy, president. Southern Christian Leadership Confeience; Jacov laimko. editor in chief of Moscow New s; Ms Karen Talbot. American secretary. World Peace Council; and Howard Parsons, a professor at the University of Bridge port. You can call cro ss-country, talk for a full sixty m inutes and pay only $9.66, plus tax That's tfyou call before 8 a m. and dial direct w ithout operator assistance. O th e r-h o u r calls across the country are also inexpensive. Go a h e a d R each o u t a n d to u ch so m eo n e you love. By phone. J u s t h e a rin g th o se sp ec ia l voices is worth it, any day of the year. Pacific Northwest Bell The best in fast food WE RE NOT BRAGGING WHEN WE SAY OUR BAR B Q IS REAL GOOD Our Specialities Burgers • Fries • Fish Fillet • Corn Dogs • Onion Rings • call in your ordei A in s w o rth 2 8 3 -5 5 5 9 < Fred Meyer » Super Shopping Centers Help Lower your Cost of Living . . . D? e a rb y Fred M eyer SuPer S h o p p in g C enter is fille d w ith P e o p le -P le a s in g " services to m a ke yo u r s h o p p in g m ore p le asa nt. 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